// logic for confirm booking button. Creates a booking object and saves all its details in the database
        private void btnConfirmBooking_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (guests.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter guests.");
            if (comBoxChaletId.SelectedItem == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please choose a chalet.");
            if (checkBoxCarHire.IsChecked == true)
                if (datePickerCarFrom.SelectedDate == null || datePickerCarTo.SelectedDate == null ||
                    comBoxDriver.SelectionBoxItem.ToString() == String.Empty)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please provide all car hire details.");
            if (client == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please provide client's details.");

            var      facade      = BusinessFacadeSingleton.Instance();
            DateTime startDate   = datePickerStartDate.SelectedDate.Value.Date;
            DateTime endDate     = datePickerEndDate.SelectedDate.Value.Date;
            bool     eveningMeal = checkBoxEvMeals.IsChecked.Value;
            bool     breakfast   = checkBoxBreakfast.IsChecked.Value;
            bool     carHire     = checkBoxCarHire.IsChecked.Value;
            DateTime hireStart   = DateTime.Today;
            DateTime hireEnd     = DateTime.Today;
            string   driver      = comBoxDriver.SelectionBoxItem.ToString();

            int chaletId   = Convert.ToInt32(comBoxChaletId.SelectionBoxItem.ToString());
            int bookingRef = DataLayerFacade.GetNextBookingRef();

            if (existingClient != null) // sets the client as an existing client to avoid duplicaiton
                client = existingClient;
            AbstractBooking booking = facade.CreateBooking(bookingRef, startDate, endDate, client, guests, chaletId, eveningMeal,
                                                           breakfast, carHire, hireStart, hireEnd, driver);

            DataLayerFacade.SaveBooking(booking, breakfast, eveningMeal);
            // add the booking to the database
            MessageBox.Show("The booking has been created. The booking reference number is: " + booking.BookingRefNo);