Example #1
        public override void VisitDocument(int docID, StoredFieldVisitor visitor)

            int docBase   = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32();
            int chunkDocs = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32();

            if (docID < docBase || docID >= docBase + chunkDocs || docBase + chunkDocs > numDocs)
                throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted: docID=" + docID + ", docBase=" + docBase + ", chunkDocs=" + chunkDocs + ", numDocs=" + numDocs + " (resource=" + fieldsStream + ")");

            int numStoredFields, offset, length, totalLength;

            if (chunkDocs == 1)
                numStoredFields = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32();
                offset          = 0;
                length          = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32();
                totalLength     = length;
                int bitsPerStoredFields = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32();
                if (bitsPerStoredFields == 0)
                    numStoredFields = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32();
                else if (bitsPerStoredFields > 31)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("bitsPerStoredFields=" + bitsPerStoredFields + " (resource=" + fieldsStream + ")");
                    long filePointer           = fieldsStream.GetFilePointer();
                    PackedInt32s.Reader reader = PackedInt32s.GetDirectReaderNoHeader(fieldsStream, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerStoredFields);
                    numStoredFields = (int)(reader.Get(docID - docBase));
                    fieldsStream.Seek(filePointer + PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED.ByteCount(packedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerStoredFields));

                int bitsPerLength = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32();
                if (bitsPerLength == 0)
                    length      = fieldsStream.ReadVInt32();
                    offset      = (docID - docBase) * length;
                    totalLength = chunkDocs * length;
                else if (bitsPerStoredFields > 31)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("bitsPerLength=" + bitsPerLength + " (resource=" + fieldsStream + ")");
                    PackedInt32s.IReaderIterator it = PackedInt32s.GetReaderIteratorNoHeader(fieldsStream, PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED, packedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerLength, 1);
                    int off = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < docID - docBase; ++i)
                        off += (int)it.Next();
                    offset = off;
                    length = (int)it.Next();
                    off   += length;
                    for (int i = docID - docBase + 1; i < chunkDocs; ++i)
                        off += (int)it.Next();
                    totalLength = off;

            if ((length == 0) != (numStoredFields == 0))
                throw new CorruptIndexException("length=" + length + ", numStoredFields=" + numStoredFields + " (resource=" + fieldsStream + ")");
            if (numStoredFields == 0)
                // nothing to do

            DataInput documentInput;

            if (version >= CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.VERSION_BIG_CHUNKS && totalLength >= 2 * chunkSize)
                Debug.Assert(chunkSize > 0);
                Debug.Assert(offset < chunkSize);

                decompressor.Decompress(fieldsStream, chunkSize, offset, Math.Min(length, chunkSize - offset), bytes);
                documentInput = new DataInputAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, offset, length);
                BytesRef bytes = totalLength <= BUFFER_REUSE_THRESHOLD ? this.bytes : new BytesRef();
                decompressor.Decompress(fieldsStream, totalLength, offset, length, bytes);
                Debug.Assert(bytes.Length == length);
                documentInput = new ByteArrayDataInput(bytes.Bytes, bytes.Offset, bytes.Length);

            for (int fieldIDX = 0; fieldIDX < numStoredFields; fieldIDX++)
                long      infoAndBits = documentInput.ReadVInt64();
                int       fieldNumber = (int)((long)((ulong)infoAndBits >> CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.TYPE_BITS));
                FieldInfo fieldInfo   = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldNumber);

                int bits = (int)(infoAndBits & CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.TYPE_MASK);
                Debug.Assert(bits <= CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.NUMERIC_DOUBLE, "bits=" + bits.ToString("x"));

                switch (visitor.NeedsField(fieldInfo))
                case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.YES:
                    ReadField(documentInput, visitor, fieldInfo, bits);

                case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.NO:
                    SkipField(documentInput, bits);

                case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.STOP:
        public override void VisitDocument(int docID, StoredFieldVisitor visitor)

            int docBase = FieldsStream.ReadVInt();
            int chunkDocs = FieldsStream.ReadVInt();
            if (docID < docBase || docID >= docBase + chunkDocs || docBase + chunkDocs > NumDocs)
                throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted: docID=" + docID + ", docBase=" + docBase + ", chunkDocs=" + chunkDocs + ", numDocs=" + NumDocs + " (resource=" + FieldsStream + ")");

            int numStoredFields, offset, length, totalLength;
            if (chunkDocs == 1)
                numStoredFields = FieldsStream.ReadVInt();
                offset = 0;
                length = FieldsStream.ReadVInt();
                totalLength = length;
                int bitsPerStoredFields = FieldsStream.ReadVInt();
                if (bitsPerStoredFields == 0)
                    numStoredFields = FieldsStream.ReadVInt();
                else if (bitsPerStoredFields > 31)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("bitsPerStoredFields=" + bitsPerStoredFields + " (resource=" + FieldsStream + ")");
                    long filePointer = FieldsStream.FilePointer;
                    PackedInts.Reader reader = PackedInts.GetDirectReaderNoHeader(FieldsStream, PackedInts.Format.PACKED, PackedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerStoredFields);
                    numStoredFields = (int)(reader.Get(docID - docBase));
                    FieldsStream.Seek(filePointer + PackedInts.Format.PACKED.ByteCount(PackedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerStoredFields));

                int bitsPerLength = FieldsStream.ReadVInt();
                if (bitsPerLength == 0)
                    length = FieldsStream.ReadVInt();
                    offset = (docID - docBase) * length;
                    totalLength = chunkDocs * length;
                else if (bitsPerStoredFields > 31)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("bitsPerLength=" + bitsPerLength + " (resource=" + FieldsStream + ")");
                    PackedInts.ReaderIterator it = PackedInts.GetReaderIteratorNoHeader(FieldsStream, PackedInts.Format.PACKED, PackedIntsVersion, chunkDocs, bitsPerLength, 1);
                    int off = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < docID - docBase; ++i)
                        off += (int)it.Next();
                    offset = off;
                    length = (int)it.Next();
                    off += length;
                    for (int i = docID - docBase + 1; i < chunkDocs; ++i)
                        off += (int)it.Next();
                    totalLength = off;

            if ((length == 0) != (numStoredFields == 0))
                throw new CorruptIndexException("length=" + length + ", numStoredFields=" + numStoredFields + " (resource=" + FieldsStream + ")");
            if (numStoredFields == 0)
                // nothing to do

            DataInput documentInput;
            if (Version_Renamed >= CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.VERSION_BIG_CHUNKS && totalLength >= 2 * ChunkSize_Renamed)
                Debug.Assert(ChunkSize_Renamed > 0);
                Debug.Assert(offset < ChunkSize_Renamed);

                Decompressor.Decompress(FieldsStream, ChunkSize_Renamed, offset, Math.Min(length, ChunkSize_Renamed - offset), Bytes);
                documentInput = new DataInputAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, offset, length);
                BytesRef bytes = totalLength <= BUFFER_REUSE_THRESHOLD ? this.Bytes : new BytesRef();
                Decompressor.Decompress(FieldsStream, totalLength, offset, length, bytes);
                Debug.Assert(bytes.Length == length);
                documentInput = new ByteArrayDataInput((byte[])(Array)bytes.Bytes, bytes.Offset, bytes.Length);

            for (int fieldIDX = 0; fieldIDX < numStoredFields; fieldIDX++)
                long infoAndBits = documentInput.ReadVLong();
                int fieldNumber = (int)((long)((ulong)infoAndBits >> CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.TYPE_BITS));
                FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldNumber);

                int bits = (int)(infoAndBits & CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.TYPE_MASK);
                Debug.Assert(bits <= CompressingStoredFieldsWriter.NUMERIC_DOUBLE, "bits=" + bits.ToString("x"));

                switch (visitor.NeedsField(fieldInfo))
                    case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.YES:
                        ReadField(documentInput, visitor, fieldInfo, bits);

                    case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.NO:
                        SkipField(documentInput, bits);

                    case StoredFieldVisitor.Status.STOP: