public PartialViewResult Dashboard(string frmDate, string toDate)
            string startDate = "2016-09-15";
            string endDate   = "2018-09-04";

            if (frmDate != null)
                startDate = frmDate;
                endDate   = toDate;

            //values for the date picker
            //ViewBag.startDate = new DateTime(2017, 05, 31);
            //ViewBag.endDate = new DateTime(2017, 11, 30);
            ViewBag.startDate = DateTime.Parse(startDate);
            ViewBag.endDate   = DateTime.Parse(endDate);

            // values for boxes
            DataForBoxes boxes = GetBoxesData(startDate, endDate, connectionString);

            ViewBag.revenue = boxes.revenue;
            //TempData["revenue"] = boxes.revenue;
            ViewBag.shipping = boxes.shipping;
            ViewBag.netRev   = boxes.net_rev;
            ViewBag.avgPrice = boxes.avg_price;

            //values for the pie chart

            //List<DataForPie> piechart = GetPieState(startDate, endDate, connectionString);
            //ViewBag.pieDataSource = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pieChart);
            ViewBag.pieDataSource = GetPieState(startDate, endDate, connectionString);
            ViewBag.lineDS        = GetAreaChartData(startDate, endDate, connectionString);
            ViewBag.barDS         = GetBarChartData(startDate, endDate, connectionString);
            ViewBag.dsTable       = GetTableData(startDate, endDate, connectionString);

            ViewBag.animation = new { enable = false };
            ViewBag.palettes  = new string[] { "#61EFCD", "#CDDE1F", "#FEC200", "#CA765A", "#2485FA", "#F57D7D", "#C152D2",
                                               "#8854D9", "#3D4EB8", "#00BCD7" };
            ViewBag.legentSettings = new { visible = true };
            ViewBag.chartarea      = new ChartBorder {
                Width = 0
            ViewBag.content = "<p style='font-family:Roboto;font-size: 16px;font-weight: 400;font-weight: 400;letter-spacing: 0.02em;line-height: 16px;color: #797979 !important;'>Account - Balance</p>";
            ViewBag.border  = new ChartBorder {
                Width = 0.5, Color = "#0470D8"
            ViewBag.margin = new ChartMargin {
                Top = 90
            ViewBag.accBalancecontent = "<p style='font-family:Roboto;font-size: 16px;font-weight: 400;font-weight: 400;letter-spacing: 0.02em;line-height: 16px;color: #797979 !important;'>Income - Expense</p>";
            ViewBag.accBalanceborder  = new ChartBorder {
                Width = 0.5, Color = "#A16EE5"
            ViewBag.gridToolbar = new object[] { new { text = "Recent Transactions" } };
        public ActionResult updateRange(string frmDate, string toDate)
            // values for boxes
            DataForBoxes boxes    = GetBoxesData(frmDate, toDate, connectionString);
            string       revenue  = String.Format("{0:0,0}", boxes.revenue);
            string       shipping = String.Format("{0:0,0}", boxes.shipping);
            string       netRev   = String.Format("{0:0,0}", boxes.net_rev);
            string       avgPrice = String.Format("{0:0,0}", boxes.avg_price);

            return(Json(new { rev = revenue
                              , ship = shipping
                              , net = netRev
                              , avg = avgPrice
                              , pieDataSource = GetPieState(frmDate, toDate, connectionString)
                              , lineDS = GetAreaChartData(frmDate, toDate, connectionString)
                              , barDS = GetBarChartData(frmDate, toDate, connectionString)
                              , dsTable = GetTableData(frmDate, toDate, connectionString) }));