public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { // Check to see if the default database exists, if not, create it using (DataFlowDbContext ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { bool exists = ctx.Database .SqlQuery <int?>(@" SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables AS T INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS S ON T.schema_id = S.schema_id WHERE S.Name = 'dbo' AND T.Name = 'Agents'") .SingleOrDefault() != null; Configuration config = new Configuration(); if (!exists) { // Auto-migrate the DataFlow.Common entity model to the database DbMigrator migrator = new DbMigrator(config); migrator.Update(); } if (ctx.Entities.Count() == 0 || ctx.EdfiDictionary.Count() == 0 || ctx.FileStatuses.Count() == 0) { config.ForceSeed(ctx); } } ConfigureAuth(app); }
private static bool DoesFileExistInLog(int agentId, string file) { bool fileFound = false; using (DataFlowDbContext ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { int fileCount = ctx.Files .Where(f => f.AgentId == agentId) .Where(f => f.FileName == file) .Count(); if (fileCount == 0) { fileFound = false; } else { fileFound = true; } } _log.Info("DoesFileExistInLog: {0} is: {1}", file, fileFound.ToString()); return(fileFound); }
public async Task InsertBootstrapData() { Assert.Inconclusive(); await Task.Yield(); using (DataFlowDbContext ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { await DataFlow.Server.TransformLoad.Program.InsertBootrapData(ctx); } }
public AgentService(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, ILogService logService) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; this.LogService = logService; if (LogService != null) { LogService.Name = GetType().FullName; } }
public ActionResult Retry(int id) { using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { var file = ctx.Files.Find(id); file.Status = FileStatusEnum.RETRY; file.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; ctx.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private static void LogFile(int agentId, string fileName, string URL, string status, int rows) { using (DataFlowDbContext ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { Models.File fileLog = new Models.File(); fileLog.AgentId = agentId; fileLog.FileName = fileName; fileLog.Url = URL; fileLog.Rows = rows; fileLog.Status = status; fileLog.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; ctx.Files.Add(fileLog); ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Force TLS 1.2 as per Ed-Fi ODS-2403 -- System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; _log.Info("File Transport Janitor starting"); if (HaveConfigurationValues()) { using (DataFlowDbContext ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { var agents = ctx.Agents.Where(agent => agent.Enabled == true && (agent.AgentTypeCode == AgentTypeCodeEnum.SFTP || agent.AgentTypeCode == AgentTypeCodeEnum.FTPS)); foreach (var agent in agents) { _log.Info("Processing agent name: {0}", agent.Name); List <string> fileList = GetFileList(agent); _log.Info("Items to process: {0}", fileList.Count); foreach (string file in fileList) { _log.Info("Processing file: {0}", file); // Check the file log to see if the file already exists, if not, upload to file storage if (!DoesFileExistInLog(agent.Id, file)) { TransferFileToStorage(agent, file); } } agent.LastExecuted = DateTime.Now; } ctx.SaveChanges(); } } _log.Info("File Transport Janitor exiting"); if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public static void ClassCleanup() { using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { AgentAgentChrome aac = ctx.AgentAgentChromes.Find(_agentAgentChromeId); ctx.AgentAgentChromes.Remove(aac); AgentChrome chrome = ctx.AgentChromes.Find(_agentChromeId); ctx.AgentChromes.Remove(chrome); Agent agent = ctx.Agents.Find(_agentId); // Remove the directory with the agent temp file sample.csv System.IO.Directory.Delete(PathUtility.EnsureTrailingSlash(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShareName"]) + agent.Queue.ToString(), true); ctx.Agents.Remove(agent); ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
public void FillSwaggerMetadata(string apiServerUrl) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (senderLocal, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; using (DataFlowDbContext ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { WebClient client = new WebClient(); string baseUrl = Common.Helpers.UrlUtility.GetUntilOrEmpty(apiServerUrl.Trim(), "/api/"); foreach (Entity entity in ctx.Entities) { string url = baseUrl + entity.Url; string metadata = client.DownloadString(url); entity.Metadata = metadata; } ctx.SaveChanges(); } }
// This method validates the uuid and token is related to the agent, if so, return the agent object public Agent GetAgent(Guid uuid, Guid token, int agent_id) { Agent returnAgent = null; using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { AgentChrome chrome = ctx.AgentChromes.Where(ac => ac.AgentUuid == uuid && ac.AccessToken == token).FirstOrDefault(); if (chrome != null) { var aac = ctx.AgentAgentChromes.Where(aacc => aacc.AgentChromeId == chrome.Id && aacc.AgentId == agent_id).Include(aacc => aacc.Agent.AgentSchedules).FirstOrDefault(); if (aac != null && aac.Agent != null) { returnAgent = aac.Agent; } } } return(returnAgent); }
public List <AgentResponse> Agents([FromBody] AgentMessage message) { List <AgentResponse> response = new List <AgentResponse>(); try { using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { AgentChrome agentChrome = ctx.AgentChromes.Where(ac => ac.AgentUuid == message.uuid && ac.AccessToken == message.token).FirstOrDefault(); if (agentChrome != null) { List <AgentAgentChrome> agentAgentChromes = ctx.AgentAgentChromes.Where(aacc => aacc.AgentChromeId == agentChrome.Id && aacc.Agent.Enabled == true).Include(aacc => aacc.Agent.AgentSchedules).ToList(); foreach (var agentAgentChrome in agentAgentChromes) { AgentResponse responseAgent = new AgentResponse(); responseAgent.agent_id = agentAgentChrome.Agent.Id; = agentAgentChrome.Agent.Name; responseAgent.action = agentAgentChrome.Agent.AgentAction; responseAgent.parameters = agentAgentChrome.Agent.Custom; responseAgent.url = agentAgentChrome.Agent.Url; responseAgent.loginUrl = agentAgentChrome.Agent.LoginUrl; responseAgent.schedule = new List <AgentScheduleResponse>(); foreach (var sch in agentAgentChrome.Agent.AgentSchedules) { AgentScheduleResponse schedule = new AgentScheduleResponse(sch.Day, sch.Hour, sch.Minute); responseAgent.schedule.Add(schedule); } response.Add(responseAgent); } } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Unexpected error in Agents"); throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } return(response); }
public static void ClassInit(TestContext context) { using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { Agent agent = new Agent(); agent.AgentTypeCode = Common.Enums.AgentTypeCodeEnum.Chrome; agent.Name = "Unit Test Chrome Agent"; agent.Url = "http://localhost"; agent.LoginUrl = "http://localhost/login.php"; agent.Enabled = true; agent.Queue = Guid.NewGuid(); agent.Created = DateTime.Now; ctx.Agents.Add(agent); ctx.SaveChanges(); _agentId = agent.Id; } }
public async Task EdFiApiAuthentication() { using (DataFlowDbContext ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { string authorizeUrl = DataFlow.Server.TransformLoad.Program.GetAuthorizeUrl(ctx); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authorizeUrl), string.Format("{0} is Empty", nameof(authorizeUrl))); string accessTokenUrl = DataFlow.Server.TransformLoad.Program.GetAccessTokenUrl(ctx); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessTokenUrl), string.Format("{0} is Empty", nameof(accessTokenUrl))); string clientId = DataFlow.Server.TransformLoad.Program.GetApiClientId(ctx); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientId), string.Format("{0} is Empty", nameof(clientId))); string clientSecret = DataFlow.Server.TransformLoad.Program.GetApiClientSecret(ctx); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientSecret), string.Format("{0} is Empty", nameof(clientSecret))); string authCode = await DataFlow.Server.TransformLoad.Program.RetrieveAuthorizationCode(authorizeUrl, clientId : clientId); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authCode), string.Format("{0} is Empty", nameof(authCode))); string accessToken = await DataFlow.Server.TransformLoad.Program.RetrieveAccessToken(accessTokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret, authCode); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessToken), string.Format("{0} is Empty", nameof(accessToken))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage Register([FromBody] AgentMessage message) { try { using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { AgentChrome chrome = ctx.AgentChromes.FirstOrDefault(ac => ac.AgentUuid == message.uuid); if (chrome != null) { _logger.Error(String.Format("Duplicate Chrome Agent registration requested for uuid = {0}", message.uuid)); return(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest }); } else { chrome = new AgentChrome(); chrome.AgentUuid = message.uuid; chrome.AccessToken = Guid.NewGuid(); chrome.Created = DateTime.Now; ctx.AgentChromes.Add(chrome); ctx.SaveChanges(); message.token = chrome.AccessToken; _logger.Info(String.Format("Registered new Chrome Agent with uuid = {0}", message.uuid)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Unexpected error in Register"); return(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError }); } return(Request.CreateResponse((HttpStatusCode)200, message)); }
public HttpResponseMessage Data([FromBody] AgentMessage message) { HttpStatusCode statusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; try { using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { Agent agent = GetAgent(message.uuid, message.token, message.agent_id); if (agent != null && != null && message.filename != null) { byte[] dataArray = Convert.FromBase64String(; if (dataArray != null) { System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(dataArray); AgentService svc = new AgentService(ctx, _loggerService); Tuple <bool, string> result = svc.UploadFile(message.filename, stream, agent); if (result.Item1) { statusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Unexpected error in Data"); } return(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = statusCode }); }
public void RegisterAgent() { ChromeExtensionController cec = new ChromeExtensionController(); cec.Request = new HttpRequestMessage(); cec.Request.SetConfiguration(new HttpConfiguration()); AgentMessage message = new AgentMessage(); message.uuid = Guid.NewGuid(); HttpResponseMessage response = cec.Register(message); var content = response.Content; Assert.IsNotNull(content); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(content, typeof(ObjectContent <AgentMessage>)); AgentMessage responseMessage = (AgentMessage)((ObjectContent <AgentMessage>)content).Value; Assert.IsNotNull(responseMessage.token); Assert.AreNotEqual(Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), responseMessage.token); _agentGuid = responseMessage.uuid; _agentToken = responseMessage.token; // If we've gotten this far, we've registered a new AgentChrome, let's associate it with the agent using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { AgentChrome ac = ctx.AgentChromes.Where(chr => chr.AgentUuid == _agentGuid && chr.AccessToken == _agentToken).FirstOrDefault(); AgentAgentChrome aac = new AgentAgentChrome(); aac.AgentChromeId = ac.Id; aac.AgentId = _agentId; ctx.AgentAgentChromes.Add(aac); ctx.SaveChanges(); _agentChromeId = ac.Id; _agentAgentChromeId = aac.Id; } }
public AccountController(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, ApplicationUserManager userManager, ApplicationSignInManager signInManager, IBaseServices baseService) : base(baseService) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; UserManager = userManager; SignInManager = signInManager; }
public LogController(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, IBaseServices baseService) : base(baseService) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; }
public SchoolController(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, EdFiService edFiService, IBaseServices baseService) : base(baseService) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; this.edFiService = edFiService; }
public ConfigurationService(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, ICacheService cacheService) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; this.cacheService = cacheService; }
public EdFiService(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, IConfigurationService configurationService) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; this.configurationService = configurationService; }
static void Main(string[] args) { _log.Info("Reporting and Cleanup Janitor starting"); EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage() { EmailDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() }; var smtpSection = (SmtpSection)SysConfig.ConfigurationManager.GetSection(""); string fromEmail = smtpSection.From; using (var ctx = new DataFlowDbContext()) { try { // Get processed deleted files string daysToKeepFiles = SysConfig.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DaysToKeepFiles"]; int days; if (daysToKeepFiles != null && daysToKeepFiles != "0" && int.TryParse(daysToKeepFiles, out days)) { DateTime deleteFileDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-days); List <File> deletedFiles = ctx.Files.Where(f => f.CreateDate <= deleteFileDate && f.Status != FileStatusEnum.DELETED).ToList(); emailMessage.DeleteDays = days; emailMessage.DeletedFiles = deletedFiles; foreach (var file in deletedFiles) { try { string fullFilePath = new System.Uri(file.Url).LocalPath; System.IO.File.Delete(fullFilePath); file.Status = FileStatusEnum.DELETED; } catch (Exception deleteEx) { _log.Error(deleteEx, "Error deleting file: {0}", file.FileName); } } ctx.SaveChanges(); } // Send email message DateTime filterDate = DateTime.MinValue; Configuration lastRan = ctx.Configurations.Where(c => c.Key == JANITOR_REPORT_LAST).FirstOrDefault(); if (lastRan == null) { lastRan = new Configuration() { Key = JANITOR_REPORT_LAST }; ctx.Configurations.Add(lastRan); } else { filterDate = DateTime.Parse(lastRan.Value); } lastRan.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); List <File> files = ctx.Files.Where(f => (f.CreateDate >= filterDate || f.UpdateDate >= filterDate) && f.Status != FileStatusEnum.DELETED).Include(f => f.Agent).ToList(); List <AspNetUser> users = ctx.AspNetUsers.ToList(); MailAddressCollection emails = new MailAddressCollection(); foreach (AspNetUser user in users) { emails.Add(new MailAddress(user.Email)); } emailMessage.Files = files; if (emailMessage.Files != null || emailMessage.DeletedFiles != null) { var email = Email .From(fromEmail) .To(emails) .Subject(String.Format("Data Flow Status Update for {0}", emailMessage.EmailDate)) .UsingTemplateFromFile("./template.cshtml", emailMessage); _log.Info("Sending email report to {0} for {1} of files", emails.ToString(), files.Count); email.Send(); } else { _log.Info("No email report to send today (no processed or deleted files)."); } ctx.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "Unexpected error in ReportingCleanup service"); } } _log.Info("Reporting and Cleanup Janitor ending"); if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public AgentController(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, AgentService agentService, IBaseServices baseService) : base(baseService) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; this.agentService = agentService; this.EncryptionKey = WebConfigAppSettingsService.GetSetting <string>(Constants.AppSettingEncryptionKey); }
public BootstrapDataController(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, IBaseServices baseServices) : base(baseServices) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; }
public DataMapperController(DataFlowDbContext dataFlowDbContext, EdFiMetadataProcessor edFiMetadataProcessor, IBaseServices baseService) : base(baseService) { this.dataFlowDbContext = dataFlowDbContext; this.edFiMetadataProcessor = edFiMetadataProcessor; }