public void Save() { var serviceWse = ServiceManager.GetService<CommentService>(); var commentDto = new DataConverter<Comment>().Convert<CommentDTO>(this); try { bool isNew = !commentDto.ID.HasValue || commentDto.ID.Value <= 0; if (isNew) { serviceWse.Create(commentDto); } else { serviceWse.Update(commentDto); } var actionProcessor = new ActionProcessor(); actionProcessor.ProcessAction(isNew ? ActionTypeEnum.Add : ActionTypeEnum.Update, this); } catch (Exception e) { log.Debug("Error catched", e); if (e.Message.Contains("should not be empty")) { ActionProcessor.LastAction = ("The description of comment should not be empty"); ActionProcessor.IsError = true; } else { throw; } } }
public TaskOrchestrationClient(string connectionString, string orchestrationTopicName) { this.orchestrationTopicName = orchestrationTopicName; this.connectionString = connectionString; this.messagingFactory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString(this.connectionString); this.oxQueueClient = this.messagingFactory.CreateQueueClient(this.orchestrationTopicName); this.defaultConverter = new JsonDataConverter(); }
protected ByteBuffer(byte[] buf, int start, int len) { this.buffer = buf; this.offset = 0; this.limit = start + len; this.index = start; this.mark = start; this.capacity = buf.Length; this.c = DataConverter.BigEndian; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["menu"] != null) { string menu = Request.QueryString["menu"]; if (menu == "delete") { int id = DataConverter.CLng(Request.QueryString["id"]); int fid = DataConverter.CLng(Request.QueryString["fid"]); int ModelID = DataConverter.CLng(Request.QueryString["ModelID"]); M_ModelField finfos = fll.GetModelByID(ModelID.ToString(), id); string[] s0 = finfos.Content.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0].Split(new char[] { '=' }); string s1 = finfos.Content.Split(new char[] { ',' })[1]; string s2 = finfos.Content.Split(new char[] { ',' })[2]; string d1 = s0[0].ToString(); string d2 = s0[1].ToString(); string sld = ""; if (d2.IndexOf("||") > -1) { string[] sarr = d2.Split(new string[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int ii = 0; ii < sarr.Length; ii++) { if (ii + 1 != fid) { sld = sld + sarr[ii]; if (ii < sarr.Length - 1) { sld = sld + "||"; } } } if (BaseClass.Right(sld, 2) == "||") { sld = BaseClass.Left(sld, 0, sld.Length - 2); } sld = d1 + "=" + sld + "," + s1 + "," + s2; } else { if (fid == 1) { sld = d1 + "=" + "," + s1 + "," + s2; } } finfos.Content = sld; fll.Update(finfos); Response.Redirect("OptionManage.aspx?id=" + id + "&ModelID=" + ModelID.ToString() + ""); } } int i = 0; IList <M_Classon> listuser = new List <M_Classon>(); int idd = DataConverter.CLng(Request.QueryString["ID"]); int ModelIDs = DataConverter.CLng(Request.QueryString["ModelID"]); M_ModelField modelinfo = fll.GetModelByID(ModelIDs.ToString(), idd); string contents = modelinfo.Content; string[] strArray2 = contents.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0].Split(new char[] { '=' }); if (strArray2 != null && strArray2.Length > 1) { string optioncontent = ""; if (strArray2[1] != null) { optioncontent = strArray2[1].ToString(); } if (optioncontent.IndexOf("||") > -1) { string[] contentarr = optioncontent.Split(new string[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (contentarr != null) { foreach (string contentitem in contentarr) { i = i + 1; if (contentitem.IndexOf('$') > -1) { string[] items = contentitem.Split(new string[] { "$" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int userid = DataConverter.CLng(items[1].ToString()); M_UserInfo infos = ull.GetLogin(); if (infos.UserID == userid) { string itemcontent = items[0].ToString(); if (itemcontent.IndexOf('|') > -1) { string[] arr = itemcontent.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.None); M_Classon classlist = new M_Classon(); = i; classlist.classname = arr[0].ToString(); classlist.classvalue = arr[1].ToString(); listuser.Add(classlist); } } } else { if (contentitem.IndexOf('|') > -1) { string[] arr = contentitem.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.None); M_Classon conarrlist = new M_Classon(); = i; conarrlist.classname = arr[0].ToString(); conarrlist.classvalue = arr[1].ToString(); listuser.Add(conarrlist); } else { M_Classon conarrlistd = new M_Classon(); = i; conarrlistd.classname = contentitem; conarrlistd.classvalue = contentitem; listuser.Add(conarrlistd); } } } } } else { M_Classon conarrlistd = new M_Classon(); conarrlistd.classname = optioncontent; conarrlistd.classvalue = optioncontent; listuser.Add(conarrlistd); } } Repeater1.DataSource = listuser; Repeater1.DataBind(); }
public void Order(ByteOrder order) { this.order = order; if (order == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) { c = DataConverter.BigEndian; } else { c = DataConverter.LittleEndian; } }
/// <summary> /// 得到所有行数 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public virtual int GetCount() { return(DataConverter.CLng(GetScalar("count(*)"), 0)); }
/// <summary> /// 得到所有行数 /// </summary> /// <param name="strWhere">参数化查询条件(例如: and Name = @Name )</param> /// <param name="dict">参数的名/值集合</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual int GetCount(string strWhere, Dictionary <string, object> dict = null) { return(DataConverter.CLng(GetScalar("count(*)", strWhere, dict), 0)); }
//提交 protected void Submit_B_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { M_Pub pubMod = new M_Pub(); bool addtrue = true; #region 验证模块 if (Mid < 1) { DataTable tempinfo = pubBll.SelByName(PubName.Text); if (tempinfo.Rows.Count > 0) { addtrue = false; function.WriteErrMsg("已存在此互动模块!请更换模块名称再试!!"); } DataTable PubInputLoadStrtable = pubBll.SelBy("", "PubInputLoadStr.Text", Mid.ToString()); if (PubInputLoadStrtable.Rows.Count > 0) { addtrue = false; function.WriteErrMsg("已经存在此提交标签!"); } DataTable PubLoadstrtable = pubBll.SelBy(PubLoadstr.Text, "", Mid.ToString()); if (PubLoadstrtable.Rows.Count > 0) { addtrue = false; function.WriteErrMsg("已经存在此互动标签!"); } } #endregion if (addtrue) { if (Mid > 0) { pubMod = pubBll.SelReturnModel(Mid); if (Menu.Equals("copy")) { pubMod.Pubid = 0; } } pubMod.PubAddnum = 0; pubMod.PubCreateTime = DateTime.Now; pubMod.PubBindPub = 0; pubMod.PubClass = DataConverter.CLng(this.PubClass.SelectedValue); pubMod.PubCode = PubCode.Checked ? 1 : 0; //界面处理显示结束时间,如果是最大则不显示 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PubEndTime.Text)) { pubMod.PubEndTime = DataConverter.CDate(this.PubEndTime.Text.Replace("/", "-")); } else { pubMod.PubEndTime = DateTime.MaxValue; } pubMod.PubInputLoadStr = PubInputLoadStr.Text; pubMod.PubType = DataConverter.CLng(this.PubType.SelectedValue); pubMod.PubNodeID = ""; pubMod.PubTemplateID = ""; pubMod.PubIsDel = 0; pubMod.PubIsTrue = PubIsTrue.Checked ? 1 : 0; pubMod.PubLoadstr = PubLoadstr.Text; pubMod.PubLogin = PubLogin.Checked ? 1 : 0; pubMod.PubLoginUrl = PubLoginUrl.Text; pubMod.PubTableName = "ZL_Pub_" + PubTableName.Text; pubMod.PubName = PubName.Text; pubMod.PubOpenComment = PubOpenComment.Checked ? 1 : 0; pubMod.PubShowType = DataConverter.CLng(this.PubShowType.SelectedValue); //pubMod.PubTimeSlot = CookieNum_Rad.SelectedValue.Equals("0") ? 0 : DataConverter.CLng(CookieNum_T.Text); pubMod.Pubkeep = DataConverter.CLng(this.Pubkeep.Text); pubMod.PubInputTM = ""; pubMod.PubTemplate = ""; pubMod.Puberrmsg = Puberrmsg.Text; pubMod.PubFlag = pubflag.Checked ? 1 : 0; string perm = ""; if (CheckBox1.Checked) { perm += "Look"; } if (CheckBox2.Checked) { perm += ",Edit"; } if (CheckBox3.Checked) { perm += ",Del"; } if (CheckBox4.Checked) { perm += ",Sen"; } pubMod.PubPermissions = perm; pubMod.PubGourl = PubGourl.Text; pubMod.Public = RaPublic.Checked ? 1 : 0; //设置限制用户提交数量 if (this.PubOneOrMore.SelectedValue == "2") { pubMod.PubOneOrMore = DataConverter.CLng(this.PubOneOrMorenum.Text); } else { pubMod.PubOneOrMore = DataConverter.CLng(this.PubOneOrMore.SelectedValue); } //设置限制IP提交数量 if (this.PubIPOneOrMore.SelectedValue == "2") { pubMod.PubIPOneOrMore = DataConverter.CLng(this.PubIPOneOrMorenum.Text); } else { pubMod.PubIPOneOrMore = DataConverter.CLng(this.PubIPOneOrMore.SelectedValue); } pubMod.Interval = DataConverter.CLng(Interval_T.Text); string strPath = ""; string strPathname = ""; string PubInputTMurl = ""; string Tempinputstr = @""; //模型ID if (pubMod.Pubid == 0) { pubMod.PubModelID = pubBll.CreateModelInfo(pubMod);//建立数据表与模型Field,Model int Pubinsertid = pubBll.GetInsert(pubMod); #region 创建互动模板 string PubTemplateurl = ""; string Tmpstr = ""; M_Label lab = new M_Label(); B_Label blab = new B_Label(); lab.LabelAddUser = badmin.GetAdminLogin().AdminId; string getstr = ""; switch (pubMod.PubClass) { //0-内容 1-商城 2-黄页 3-店铺 4-会员 case 0: getstr = "ID"; break; case 1: getstr = "ID"; break; case 2: getstr = "Pageid"; break; case 3: getstr = "id"; break; case 4: getstr = "Userid"; break; case 5: getstr = "Nodeid"; break; case 6: getstr = ""; break; default: getstr = "ID"; break; } string pubcontdid = "-1"; if (pubMod.PubClass != 6) { pubcontdid = "{$GetRequest(" + getstr + ")$}"; } //创建标签 switch (pubMod.PubType) { case 0: //评论 //创建源标签 lab.LableName = pubMod.PubName + "调用标签"; lab.LabelCate = "互动标签"; lab.LableType = 4; lab.LabelTable = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + " left join ZL_Pub on " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=ZL_Pub.Pubid"; lab.LabelField = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".*,ZL_Pub.*"; lab.LabelWhere = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=" + Pubinsertid.ToString() + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".PubContentid=" + pubcontdid + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubstart=1"; lab.Param = ""; lab.LabelOrder = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".ID DESC"; lab.LabelCount = "10"; lab.Content = "{Repeate}\n用户名:{Field=\"PubUserName\"/}<br />\n评论说明:{Field=\"PubContent\"/}<br />\n用户IP:{Field=\"PubIP\"/}<br />\n评论时间:{Field=\"PubAddTime\"/}<br />{/Repeate}<br />\n{ZL.Page/}"; lab.Desc = pubMod.PubTableName + "分页标签"; lab.LabelNodeID = 0; blab.AddLabelXML(lab); Tmpstr = "{ZL.Label id=\"" + pubMod.PubName + "调用标签\"/}\n{Pub." + PubInputLoadStr.Text + "/}"; strPath = "默认评论" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPathname = "默认评论" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; strPath = strPath.Replace("/", @"\"); FileSystemObject.WriteFile(strPath, Tmpstr); break; case 1: //投票 //创建标签 lab.LableName = pubMod.PubName + "调用标签"; lab.LabelCate = "互动标签"; lab.LableType = 4; lab.LabelTable = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + " left join ZL_Pub on " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=ZL_Pub.Pubid"; lab.LabelField = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".*,ZL_Pub.*"; lab.LabelWhere = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=" + Pubinsertid.ToString() + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".PubContentid=" + pubcontdid + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubstart=1"; lab.Param = ""; lab.LabelOrder = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".ID DESC"; lab.LabelCount = "10"; lab.Content = "{Repeate}\n用户名:{Field=\"PubUserName\"/}<br />\n投票说明:{Field=\"PubContent\"/}<br />\n用户IP:{Field=\"PubIP\"/}<br />\n投票时间:{Field=\"PubAddTime\"/}<br />{/Repeate}<br />\n{ZL.Page/}"; lab.Desc = pubMod.PubTableName + "分页标签"; lab.LabelNodeID = 0; blab.AddLabelXML(lab); Tmpstr = "{ZL.Label id=\"" + pubMod.PubName + "调用标签\"/}\n{Pub." + PubInputLoadStr.Text + "/}"; strPath = "默认投票" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPathname = "默认投票" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 2: //活动 lab.LableName = pubMod.PubName + "调用标签"; lab.LabelCate = "互动标签"; lab.LableType = 4; lab.LabelTable = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + " left join ZL_Pub on " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=ZL_Pub.Pubid"; lab.LabelField = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".*,ZL_Pub.*"; lab.LabelWhere = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=" + Pubinsertid.ToString() + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".PubContentid=" + pubcontdid + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubstart=1"; lab.Param = ""; lab.LabelOrder = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".ID DESC"; lab.LabelCount = "10"; lab.Content = "<a href=PubAction.aspx?menu=hd&act=add&Pubid=" + Pubinsertid.ToString() + ">发起活动</a>\n{Repeate}\n用户名:{Field=\"PubUserName\"/}<br />\n活动内容:{Field=\"PubContent\"/}<br />\n用户IP:{Field=\"PubIP\"/}<br />\n提交时间:{Field=\"PubAddTime\"/}\n{/Repeate}<br />\n{ZL.Page/}"; lab.Desc = pubMod.PubTableName + "分页标签"; lab.LabelNodeID = 0; blab.AddLabelXML(lab); Tmpstr = "{ZL.Label id=\"" + pubMod.PubName + "调用标签\"/}\n{Pub." + PubInputLoadStr.Text + "/}"; strPath = "默认活动" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPathname = "默认活动" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 3: //留言 lab.LableName = pubMod.PubName + "调用标签"; lab.LabelCate = "互动标签"; lab.LableType = 4; lab.LabelTable = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + " left join ZL_Pub on " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=ZL_Pub.Pubid"; lab.LabelField = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".*,ZL_Pub.*"; lab.LabelWhere = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=" + Pubinsertid.ToString() + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".PubContentid=" + pubcontdid + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubstart=1"; lab.Param = ""; lab.LabelOrder = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".ID DESC"; lab.LabelCount = "10"; lab.Content = "{Repeate}\n用户名:{Field=\"PubUserName\"/}<br />\n留言内容:{Field=\"PubContent\"/}<br />\n用户IP:{Field=\"PubIP\"/}<br />\n提交时间:{Field=\"PubAddTime\"/}\n{/Repeate}<br />\n{ZL.Page/}"; lab.Desc = pubMod.PubTableName + "分页标签"; lab.LabelNodeID = 0; blab.AddLabelXML(lab); Tmpstr = "{ZL.Label id=\"" + pubMod.PubName + "调用标签\"/}\n{Pub." + PubInputLoadStr.Text + "/}"; strPath = "默认留言" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPathname = "默认留言" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 4: //问券 lab.LableName = pubMod.PubName + "调用标签"; lab.LabelCate = "互动标签"; lab.LableType = 4; lab.LabelTable = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + " left join ZL_Pub on " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=ZL_Pub.Pubid"; lab.LabelField = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".*,ZL_Pub.*"; lab.LabelWhere = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=" + Pubinsertid.ToString() + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".PubContentid=" + pubcontdid + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubstart=1"; lab.Param = ""; lab.LabelOrder = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".ID DESC"; lab.LabelCount = "10"; lab.Content = "{Repeate}\n用户名:{Field=\"PubUserName\"/}<br />\n问券内容:{Field=\"PubContent\"/}<br />\n用户IP:{Field=\"PubIP\"/}<br />\n提交时间:{Field=\"PubAddTime\"/}\n{/Repeate}<br />\n{ZL.Page/}<br />"; lab.Desc = pubMod.PubTableName + "分页标签"; lab.LabelNodeID = 0; blab.AddLabelXML(lab); Tmpstr = "{ZL.Label id=\"" + pubMod.PubName + "调用标签\"/}\n{Pub." + PubInputLoadStr.Text + "/}"; strPath = "默认问券" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPathname = "默认问券" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 5: //统计 lab.LableName = pubMod.PubName + "调用标签"; lab.LabelCate = "互动标签"; lab.LableType = 2; lab.LabelTable = pubMod.PubTableName + " left join ZL_Pub on " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=ZL_Pub.Pubid"; lab.LabelField = pubMod.PubTableName + ".*,ZL_Pub.*"; lab.LabelWhere = pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=" + Pubinsertid.ToString() + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".PubContentid=" + pubcontdid + " and Parentid=0 And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubstart=1"; lab.Param = ""; lab.LabelOrder = pubMod.PubTableName + ".ID DESC"; lab.LabelCount = "10"; lab.Content = "点击数:{Field=\"Pubnum\"/}"; lab.Desc = pubMod.PubTableName + "动态标签"; lab.LabelNodeID = 0; blab.AddLabelXML(lab); Tmpstr = "{ZL.Label id=\"" + pubMod.PubName + "调用标签\"/}\n{Pub." + PubInputLoadStr.Text + "/}"; strPath = "默认统计" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPathname = "默认统计" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 6: //竞标 //创建标签 lab.LableName = pubMod.PubName + "调用标签"; lab.LabelCate = "互动标签"; lab.LableType = 4; lab.LabelTable = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + " left join ZL_Pub on " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=ZL_Pub.Pubid"; lab.LabelField = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".*,ZL_Pub.*"; lab.LabelWhere = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubupid=" + Pubinsertid.ToString() + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".PubContentid=" + pubcontdid + " And " + pubMod.PubTableName + ".Pubstart=1"; lab.Param = ""; lab.LabelOrder = "" + pubMod.PubTableName + ".ID DESC"; lab.LabelCount = "10"; lab.Content = "{Repeate}\n用户名:{Field=\"PubUserName\"/}<br />\n竞标说明:{Field=\"PubContent\"/}<br />\n用户IP:{Field=\"PubIP\"/}<br />\n竞标时间:{Field=\"PubAddTime\"/}<br />{/Repeate}<br />\n{ZL.Page/}"; lab.Desc = pubMod.PubTableName + "分页标签"; lab.LabelNodeID = 0; blab.AddLabelXML(lab); Tmpstr = "{ZL.Label id=\"" + pubMod.PubName + "调用标签\"/}\n{Pub." + PubInputLoadStr.Text + "/}"; strPath = "默认竞标" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPathname = "默认竞标" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 7: lab.LableName = pubMod.PubName + "调用标签"; lab.LabelCate = "互动标签"; lab.LableType = 1; lab.LabelTable = ""; lab.LabelField = ""; lab.LabelWhere = ""; lab.Param = ""; lab.LabelOrder = ""; lab.LabelCount = "10"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(starOPT.Text.Trim())) { function.WriteErrMsg("选项不能为空!!"); } string[] starOP = starOPT.Text.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); lab.Content = GetContent(starOP, Pubinsertid); lab.Desc = pubMod.PubTableName + "分页标签"; lab.LabelNodeID = 0; blab.AddLabelXML(lab); Tmpstr = "{ZL.Label id=\"" + pubMod.PubName + "调用标签\"/}\n{Pub." + PubInputLoadStr.Text + "/}"; strPath = "评星" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPathname = "评星" + pubMod.PubName + "模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 8: break; default: function.WriteErrMsg("类型错误,该类型不存在!!!"); break; } strPath = strPath.Replace("/", @"\"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strPath)) { FileSystemObject.WriteFile(strPath, Tmpstr); } PubTemplateurl = "/互动模板/" + strPathname; #endregion #region 创建互动提交模板 switch (pubMod.PubType) { case 0: //评论 Tempinputstr = @"<form name=""form{PubID/}"" method=""post"" action=""/PubAction.aspx""> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubID"" id=""PubID"" value=""{PubID/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubContentid"" id=""PubContentid"" value=""{PubContentid/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubInputer"" id=""PubInputer"" value=""{PubInputer/}"" /> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubTitle"">评论标题:</label> <input type=""text"" class=""form-control"" id=""PubTitle"" name=""PubTitle"" />{PubCode/} </div> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubContent"">评论内容:</label> <textarea class=""form-control"" name=""PubContent"" cols=""50"" rows=""10"" id=""PubContent""></textarea> </div> <div class=""form-group text-center""> <button type=""submit"" class=""btn btn-default"">提交</button> <button type=""reset"" class=""btn btn-default"">重置</button> </div> </form>"; Tempinputstr = Tempinputstr.Replace(@"{PubID/}", Pubinsertid.ToString()); strPath = "默认评论" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPathname = "默认评论" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 1: //投票 Tempinputstr = @"<form name=""form{PubID/}"" method=""post"" action=""/PubAction.aspx""> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubID"" id=""PubID"" value=""{PubID/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubContentid"" id=""PubContentid"" value=""{PubContentid/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubInputer"" id=""PubInputer"" value=""{PubInputer/}"" /> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubTitle"">投票标题:</label> <input type=""text"" class=""form-control"" id=""PubTitle"" name=""PubTitle"" /> {PubCode/} </div> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubContent"">投票内容:</label> <textarea class=""form-control"" name=""PubContent"" cols=""50"" rows=""10"" id=""PubContent""></textarea> </div> <div class=""form-group text-center""> <button type=""submit"" class=""btn btn-default"">提交</button> <button type=""reset"" class=""btn btn-default"">重置</button> </div> </form>"; Tempinputstr = Tempinputstr.Replace(@"{PubID/}", Pubinsertid.ToString()); strPath = "默认投票" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPathname = "默认投票" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 2: //活动 Tempinputstr = @"<form name=""form{PubID/}"" method=""post"" action=""/PubAction.aspx""> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubID"" id=""PubID"" value=""{PubID/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubContentid"" id=""PubContentid"" value=""{PubContentid/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubInputer"" id=""PubInputer"" value=""{PubInputer/}"" /> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubTitle"">活动标题:</label> <input type=""text"" class=""form-control"" id=""PubTitle"" name=""PubTitle"" /> {PubCode/} </div> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubContent"">活动内容:</label> <textarea class=""form-control"" name=""PubContent"" cols=""50"" rows=""10"" id=""PubContent""></textarea> </div> <div class=""form-group text-center""> <button type=""submit"" class=""btn btn-default"">提交</button> <button type=""reset"" class=""btn btn-default"">重置</button> </div> </form>"; Tempinputstr = Tempinputstr.Replace(@"{PubID/}", Pubinsertid.ToString()); strPath = "默认活动" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPathname = "默认活动" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 3: //留言 Tempinputstr = @"<form name=""form{PubID/}"" method=""post"" action=""/PubAction.aspx""> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubID"" id=""PubID"" value=""{PubID/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubContentid"" id=""PubContentid"" value=""{PubContentid/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubInputer"" id=""PubInputer"" value=""{PubInputer/}"" /> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubTitle"">留言标题:</label> <input type=""text"" class=""form-control"" id=""PubTitle"" name=""PubTitle"" /> {PubCode/} </div> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubContent"">留言内容:</label> <textarea class=""form-control"" name=""PubContent"" cols=""50"" rows=""10"" id=""PubContent""></textarea> </div> <div class=""form-group text-center""> <button type=""submit"" class=""btn btn-default"">提交</button> <button type=""reset"" class=""btn btn-default"">重置</button> </div> </form>"; Tempinputstr = Tempinputstr.Replace(@"{PubID/}", Pubinsertid.ToString()); strPath = "默认留言" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPathname = "默认留言" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 4: //问券 Tempinputstr = @"<form name=""form{PubID/}"" method=""post"" action=""/PubAction.aspx""> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubID"" id=""PubID"" value=""{PubID/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubContentid"" id=""PubContentid"" value=""{PubContentid/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubInputer"" id=""PubInputer"" value=""{PubInputer/}"" /> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubTitle"">问券标题:</label> <input type=""text"" class=""form-control"" id=""PubTitle"" name=""PubTitle"" /> {PubCode/} </div> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubContent"">问券内容:</label> <textarea class=""form-control"" name=""PubContent"" cols=""50"" rows=""10"" id=""PubContent""></textarea> </div> <div class=""form-group text-center""> <button type=""submit"" class=""btn btn-default"">提交</button> <button type=""reset"" class=""btn btn-default"">重置</button> </div> </form>"; Tempinputstr = Tempinputstr.Replace(@"{PubID/}", Pubinsertid.ToString()); strPath = "默认问券" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPathname = "默认问券" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 5: //统计 Tempinputstr = @"<a href=/PubAction.aspx?pubid=" + Pubinsertid + "&PubContentid={PubContentid/}>通过链接提交</a>"; strPath = "默认统计" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPathname = "默认统计" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 6: //竞标 Tempinputstr = @"<form name=""form{PubID/}"" method=""post"" action=""/PubAction.aspx""> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubID"" id=""PubID"" value=""{PubID/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubContentid"" id=""PubContentid"" value=""{PubContentid/}"" /> <input type=""hidden"" name=""PubInputer"" id=""PubInputer"" value=""{PubInputer/}"" /> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubTitle"">竞标标题:</label> <input type=""text"" class=""form-control"" id=""PubTitle"" name=""PubTitle"" /> {PubCode/} </div> <div class=""form-group""> <label for=""PubContent"">竞标内容:</label> <textarea class=""form-control"" name=""PubContent"" cols=""50"" rows=""10"" id=""PubContent""></textarea> </div> <div class=""form-group text-center""> <button type=""submit"" class=""btn btn-default"">提交</button> <button type=""reset"" class=""btn btn-default"">重置</button> </div> </form>"; Tempinputstr = Tempinputstr.Replace(@"{PubID/}", Pubinsertid.ToString()); strPath = "默认竞标" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPathname = "默认竞标" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; case 7: //评星 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(starOPT.Text.Trim())) { function.WriteErrMsg("选项不能为空!!"); } string[] starOP = starOPT.Text.Trim().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Tempinputstr = GetContent(starOP, Pubinsertid); //存值方式Content中 //name:value,name:value然后用先获取contentID下的记录,然后再统计用lamda统计得分 strPath = "评星" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPathname = "评星" + pubMod.PubName + "提交模板.html"; strPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + SiteConfig.SiteOption.TemplateDir + "/互动模板/" + strPath; break; default: break; } if (pubflag.Checked)//开启cookie验证 { Tempinputstr += @" if (!localStorage[""cookflag""]) { localStorage[""cookflag""] = GetRanPass(12); } if (!getCookie(""cookflag"")) { setCookie(""cookflag"", localStorage[""cookflag""]); }"; } strPath = strPath.Replace("/", @"\"); FileSystemObject.WriteFile(strPath, Tempinputstr); PubInputTMurl = "/互动模板/" + strPathname; #endregion pubMod = pubBll.GetSelect(Pubinsertid); pubMod.PubInputTM = PubInputTMurl;//提交窗口模板 pubMod.PubTemplate = PubTemplateurl; pubMod.Public = RaPublic.Checked ? 1 : 0; pubBll.GetUpdate(pubMod); function.WriteSuccessMsg("添加成功", pubMod.PubType == 8 ? "FormMangae.aspx" : "pubmanage.aspx"); } else { pubMod.PubTableName = ModelList_DP.SelectedValue; pubMod.PubInputTM = PubInputTM_hid.Value; pubMod.PubTemplate = PubTemplate_hid.Value; pubMod.Pubinfo = Pubinfo.Text; pubBll.GetUpdate(pubMod); function.WriteSuccessMsg("更新成功", pubMod.PubType == 8 ? "FormMangae.aspx" : "pubmanage.aspx"); } } }
public int GetCurrentOnlineCount() { return(DataConverter.CLng(DBHelper.ExecuteScalarSql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PE_StatOnline WHERE LastTime > DATEADD(ss,-(SELECT TOP 1 ISNULL(onlineTime, 0) FROM PE_StatInfoList), GETDATE())"))); }
protected void EBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Page.IsValid) { int ModelID = DataConverter.CLng(this.HdnModel.Value); M_ModelInfo model = bmodel.GetModelById(ModelID); int ID = DataConverter.CLng(this.HdnID.Value); DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FieldName", typeof(string))); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FieldType", typeof(string))); table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FieldValue", typeof(string))); DataRow rowa = table.NewRow(); rowa[0] = "PubTitle"; rowa[1] = "TextType"; rowa[2] = TextBox1.Text; table.Rows.Add(rowa); DataRow rowa1 = table.NewRow(); rowa1[0] = "PubContent"; rowa1[1] = "MultipleTextType"; rowa1[2] = tx_PubContent.Text; table.Rows.Add(rowa1); DataTable dt = this.bfield.GetModelFieldListall(ModelID); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (DataConverter.CBool(dr["IsNotNull"].ToString())) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Page.Request.Form["txt_" + dr["FieldName"].ToString()])) { function.WriteErrMsg(dr["FieldAlias"].ToString() + "不能为空!"); } } if (dr["FieldType"].ToString() == "FileType") { string[] Sett = dr["Content"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); bool chksize = DataConverter.CBool(Sett[0].Split(new char[] { '=' })[1]); string sizefield = Sett[1].Split(new char[] { '=' })[1]; if (chksize && sizefield != "") { DataRow row2 = table.NewRow(); row2[0] = sizefield; row2[1] = "FileSize"; row2[2] = this.Page.Request.Form["txt_" + sizefield]; table.Rows.Add(row2); } } if (dr["FieldType"].ToString() == "MultiPicType") { string[] Sett = dr["Content"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); bool chksize = DataConverter.CBool(Sett[0].Split(new char[] { '=' })[1]); string sizefield = Sett[1].Split(new char[] { '=' })[1]; if (chksize && sizefield != "") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Page.Request.Form["txt_" + sizefield])) { function.WriteErrMsg(dr["FieldAlias"].ToString() + "的缩略图不能为空!"); } DataRow row1 = table.NewRow(); row1[0] = sizefield; row1[1] = "ThumbField"; row1[2] = this.Page.Request.Form["txt_" + sizefield]; table.Rows.Add(row1); } } DataRow row = table.NewRow(); row[0] = dr["FieldName"].ToString(); string ftype = dr["FieldType"].ToString(); if (ftype == "NumType") { string[] fd = dr["Content"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' }); string[] fdty = fd[1].Split(new char[] { '=' }); int numstyle = DataConverter.CLng(fdty[1]); if (numstyle == 1) { ftype = "int"; } if (numstyle == 2) { ftype = "float"; } if (numstyle == 3) { ftype = "money"; } } row[1] = ftype; string fvalue = this.Page.Request.Form["txt_" + dr["FieldName"].ToString()]; row[2] = fvalue; table.Rows.Add(row); } if (ID > 0) { try { if (buser.UpdateModelInfo(table, model.TableName, ID)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HdnType.Value)) { if (this.HdnType.Value == "pubs") { Response.Redirect("Pubsinfo.aspx?ModeID=" + this.HdnModel.Value + "&type=0"); } else { Response.Redirect("ViewSmallPub.aspx?ModelID=" + this.HdnModel.Value + "&ID=" + this.HdnType.Value + "&type=0"); } } else { Response.Redirect("ViewPub.aspx?id=" + this.HdnModel.Value + "&type=0"); } } } catch { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.HdnType.Value)) { if (this.HdnType.Value == "pubs") { Response.Redirect("Pubsinfo.aspx?Pubid=" + this.HdnPubid.Value + "&type=0"); } else { Response.Redirect("ViewSmallPub.aspx?Pubid=" + this.HdnPubid.Value + "&ID=" + this.HdnType.Value + "&type=0"); } } else { Response.Redirect("ViewPub.aspx?Pubid=" + this.HdnPubid.Value + "&type=0"); } } } } }
public ODataQuerier(Database <T> database, XElement schema, DataConverter <T> conv) : this(database.UnderlyingDatabase, schema, conv) { }
private void GetShow(M_ModelField field) { this.Name.Text = field.FieldName; this.Name.Enabled = false; this.Alias.Text = field.FieldAlias; this.Description.Text = field.Description; this.Tips.Text = field.FieldTips; this.IsNotNull.SelectedValue = field.IsNotNull.ToString(); this.IsSearchForm.SelectedValue = field.IsSearchForm.ToString(); string type = field.FieldType; string content = field.Content; this.Type.SelectedValue = type; this.Type.Enabled = false; this.hdfOrder.Value = field.OrderID.ToString(); switch (type) { //单行文本 case "TextType": this.TitleSize.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1); this.IsPassword.SelectedValue = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1); this.TextType_DefaultValue.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 2, 1); break; //多行文本(不支持Html) case "MultipleTextType": this.MultipleTextType_Width.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1); this.MultipleTextType_Height.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1); this.DivMultipleTextType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //多行文本(支持Html) case "MultipleHtmlType": this.MultipleHtmlType_Width.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1); this.MultipleHtmlType_Height.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1); this.IsEditor.SelectedValue = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 2, 1); this.DivMultipleHtmlType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //单选项 case "OptionType": this.RadioType_Content.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1).Replace("|", "\r\n"); this.RadioType_Type.SelectedValue = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 0); this.RadioType_Property.SelectedValue = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1).ToString(); this.RadioType_Default.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 2, 1).ToString(); this.DivOptionType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //多选项 case "ListBoxType": this.ListBoxType_Content.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1).Replace("|", "\r\n"); this.ListBoxType_Type.SelectedValue = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 0); this.DivListBoxType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //数字 case "NumType": this.NumberType_TitleSize.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1); this.NumberType_Style.SelectedValue = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1); this.NumberType_Style.Enabled = false; this.NumberType_DefaultValue.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 2, 1); this.DivNumType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //日期时间 case "DateType": this.DivDateType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //图片 case "PicType": this.RBLPicWaterMark.SelectedValue = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1); this.TxtSPicSize.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1); this.TxtPicExt.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 2, 1); this.DivPicType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //多图片 case "MultiPicType": if (DataConverter.CBool(this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1))) { this.ChkThumb.Checked = true; this.TxtThumb.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1); } else { this.ChkThumb.Checked = false; this.TxtThumb.Text = ""; } this.ChkThumb.Enabled = false; this.TxtThumb.Enabled = false; this.RBLWaterMark.SelectedValue = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 2, 1); this.TxtPicSize.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 3, 1); this.TextImageType.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 4, 1); this.DivMultiPicType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //文件 case "FileType": if (DataConverter.CBool(this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1))) { this.ChkFileSize.Checked = true; this.TxtFileSizeField.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1); } else { this.ChkFileSize.Checked = false; this.TxtFileSizeField.Text = ""; } this.ChkFileSize.Enabled = false; this.TxtFileSizeField.Enabled = false; this.TxtMaxFileSize.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 2, 1); this.TxtUploadFileType.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 3, 1); this.DivFileType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //运行平台 case "OperatingType": this.TxtOperatingOption.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1).Replace("|", "\r\n"); this.OperatingType_TitleSize.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1); this.OperatingType_DefaultValue.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 2, 1); this.DivOperatingType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; //超链接 case "SuperLinkType": this.SuperLinkType_TitleSize.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 0, 1); this.SuperLinkType_DefaultValue.Text = this.bll.GetFieldContent(content, 1, 1); this.DivSuperLinkType.Style["display"] = ""; this.DivTextType.Style["display"] = "none"; break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { B_Admin badmin = new B_Admin(); if (!this.Page.IsPostBack) { string Pubid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["Pubid"].ToString()) ? "0" : Request.QueryString["Pubid"].ToString(); pubMod = bpub.SelReturnModel(DataConverter.CLng(Pubid)); string prowinfo = B_Role.GetPowerInfoByIDs(badmin.GetAdminLogin().RoleList); if (!badmin.GetAdminLogin().RoleList.Contains(",1,") && !prowinfo.Contains("," + pubMod.PubTableName + ",")) { function.WriteErrMsg("无权限管理该互动信息!!"); } int ModelID = DataConverter.CLng(bpub.GetSelect(DataConverter.CLng(Pubid)).PubModelID.ToString()); this.HdnPubid.Value = Pubid.ToString(); this.HdnType.Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["small"]) ? null : Request.QueryString["small"].ToString(); if (DataConverter.CLng(Pubid) <= 0) { function.WriteErrMsg("缺少用户模型ID参数!"); } M_ModelInfo model = bmodel.GetModelById(ModelID); this.HdnModel.Value = ModelID.ToString(); int ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ID"]) ? 0 : DataConverter.CLng(Request.QueryString["ID"]); this.HdnID.Value = ID.ToString(); DataTable UserData = new DataTable(); UserData = buser.GetUserModeInfo(model.TableName, ID, 12); DataRow dr; if (UserData == null) { dr = null; } else { if (UserData.Rows.Count == 0) { dr = null; } else { dr = UserData.Rows[0]; } } if (dr == null) { this.LblModelName.Text = "添加" + model.ModelName; } else { this.LblModelName.Text = "修改" + model.ModelName; this.TextBox1.Text = dr["PubTitle"].ToString(); this.tx_PubContent.Text = dr["PubContent"].ToString(); this.HdnID.Value = dr["ID"].ToString(); } string Html = bfield.InputallHtml(ModelID, 0, new ModelConfig() { ValueDR = dr }); ModelHtml.Text = Html; Call.SetBreadCrumb(Master, "<li><a href='" + CustomerPageAction.customPath2 + "I/Main.aspx'>工作台</a></li><li><a href='pubmanage.aspx'>互动管理</a></li><li>修改信息</li>"); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.GetIsOk(); int ModelID = DataConverter.CLng(this.HdfModelID.Value); int FieldID = DataConverter.CLng(this.HdfFieldID.Value); string text = this.Name.Text; string str2 = this.Alias.Text; string str3 = this.Description.Text; bool flag = DataConverter.CBool(this.IsNotNull.SelectedValue); bool flag2 = DataConverter.CBool(this.IsSearchForm.SelectedValue); string selectedValue = this.Type.SelectedValue; string str7 = ""; switch (selectedValue) { //单行文本 case "TextType": str7 = "TitleSize=" + this.TitleSize.Text + ",IsPassword="******",DefaultValue=" + this.TextType_DefaultValue.Text + ""; break; //多行文本(不支持Html) case "MultipleTextType": str7 = "Width=" + this.MultipleTextType_Width.Text + ",Height=" + this.MultipleTextType_Height.Text + ""; break; //多行文本(支持Html) case "MultipleHtmlType": str7 = "Width=" + this.MultipleHtmlType_Width.Text + ",Height=" + this.MultipleHtmlType_Height.Text + ",IsEditor=" + this.IsEditor.SelectedValue + ""; break; //单选项 case "OptionType": str7 = "" + this.RadioType_Type.SelectedValue + "=" + this.RadioType_Content.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", "").Replace("\r\n", "|") + ",Property=" + this.RadioType_Property.Text + ",Default=" + this.RadioType_Default.Text + ""; break; //多选项 case "ListBoxType": str7 = "" + this.ListBoxType_Type.SelectedValue + "=" + this.ListBoxType_Content.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", "").Replace("\r\n", "|") + ""; break; //数字 case "NumType": str7 = "TitleSize=" + this.NumberType_TitleSize.Text + ",NumberType=" + this.NumberType_Style.SelectedValue + ",DefaultValue=" + this.NumberType_DefaultValue.Text + ""; break; //日期时间 case "DateType": str7 = ""; break; //图片 case "PicType": str7 = "Warter=" + this.RBLPicWaterMark.SelectedValue + ",MaxPicSize=" + this.TxtSPicSize.Text + ",PicFileExt=" + this.TxtPicExt.Text; break; //多图片 case "MultiPicType": str7 = "ChkThumb=" + (this.ChkThumb.Checked ? "1" : "0") + ",ThumbField=" + this.TxtThumb.Text + ",Warter=" + this.RBLPicWaterMark.SelectedValue + ",MaxPicSize=" + this.TxtSPicSize.Text + ",PicFileExt=" + this.TextImageType.Text; break; //文件 case "FileType": str7 = "ChkFileSize=" + (this.ChkFileSize.Checked ? "1" : "0") + ",FileSizeField=" + this.TxtFileSizeField.Text + ",MaxFileSize=" + this.TxtMaxFileSize.Text + ",UploadFileExt=" + this.TxtUploadFileType.Text; break; //运行平台 case "OperatingType": str7 = "TitleSize=" + this.OperatingType_TitleSize.Text + ",OperatingList=" + this.TxtOperatingOption.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", "").Replace("\r\n", "|") + ",DefaultValue=" + this.OperatingType_DefaultValue.Text; break; //超链接 case "SuperLinkType": str7 = "TitleSize=" + this.SuperLinkType_TitleSize.Text + ",DefaultValue=" + this.SuperLinkType_DefaultValue.Text; break; default: str7 = ""; break; } M_ModelField modelfield = new M_ModelField(); modelfield.ModelID = ModelID; modelfield.FieldID = FieldID; modelfield.FieldName = text; modelfield.FieldAlias = str2; modelfield.Description = str3; modelfield.FieldTips = this.Tips.Text.Trim(); modelfield.FieldType = selectedValue; modelfield.Content = str7; modelfield.IsNotNull = flag; modelfield.IsSearchForm = flag2; //modelfield.OrderID = DataConverter.CLng(this.hdfOrder.Value); this.bll.Update(modelfield); //this.bll.ModelFieldHtml(ModelID); Response.Redirect("UserModelField.aspx?ModelID=" + ModelID.ToString()); }
public void Init() { converter = new DataConverter(Base64Converter.Instance); }
/// <summary> /// 添加对象 /// </summary> public void AddObject1() { int count = 0; string parentid = ""; if (treeList1.FocusedNode == null) { return; } if (treeList1.FocusedNode != null) { parentid = treeList1.FocusedNode["UID"].ToString(); } object objs = Services.BaseService.GetObject("SelectPowerEachTotalBySortID", parentid); if (objs != null) { count = (int)objs; } FormTypeTitle frm = new FormTypeTitle(); frm.Text = "增加项目"; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { PowerEachTotal obj = new PowerEachTotal(); obj.SortID = count + 1; obj.ParentID = parentid; obj.PowerLineUID = lineuid; obj.StuffName = frm.TypeTitle; try { Services.BaseService.Create <PowerEachTotal>(obj); dataTable.Rows.Add(DataConverter.ObjectToRow(obj, dataTable.NewRow())); //psp_Type.ID = (int)Common.Services.BaseService.Create("InsertPowerTypes", psp_Type); //dataTable.Rows.Add(Itop.Common.DataConverter.ObjectToRow(psp_Type, dataTable.NewRow())); } catch (Exception ex) { MsgBox.Show("增加项目出错:" + ex.Message); } } //////PowerEachTotal obj = new PowerEachTotal(); //////obj.SortID = count + 1; //////obj.ParentID = parentid; //////obj.PowerLineUID = lineuid; //////using (FrmPowerEachTotalDialog dlg = new FrmPowerEachTotalDialog()) //////{ ////// dlg.IsCreate = true; //设置新建标志 ////// dlg.Object = obj; ////// if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) ////// { ////// return; ////// } //////} //////dataTable.Rows.Add(DataConverter.ObjectToRow(obj, dataTable.NewRow())); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { B_Admin badmin = new B_Admin(); if (!IsPostBack) { B_ARoleAuth.CheckEx(ZLEnum.Auth.model, "NodeEdit"); this.DropDownList1.DataSource = pll.SelectNode(5); this.DropDownList1.DataTextField = "PubName"; this.DropDownList1.DataValueField = "Pubid"; this.DropDownList1.DataBind(); this.DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("选择绑定", "0")); if (NodeID < 1) { if (ParentID == 0) { this.LblNodeName.Text = "根节点"; } else { M_Node parentMod = this.bll.GetNodeXML(ParentID); this.LblNodeName.Text = parentMod.NodeName; } function.Script(this, "BindPY();"); } else { M_Node nodeMod = this.bll.GetNodeXML(NodeID); if (nodeMod.IsNull) { function.WriteErrMsg("指定要编辑的节点不存在"); } if (nodeMod.ParentID == 0) { this.LblNodeName.Text = "根节点"; } else { M_Node parentMod = this.bll.GetNodeXML(nodeMod.ParentID); this.LblNodeName.Text = parentMod.NodeName; } //this.HdnNodeID.Value = mNodeID; //this.HdnDepth.Value = node.Depth.ToString(); //this.HdnParentId.Value = node.ParentID.ToString(); //this.HdnOrderID.Value = node.OrderID.ToString(); this.TxtNodeName.Text = nodeMod.NodeName; this.TxtNodeDir.Text = nodeMod.NodeDir; this.TxtNodePicUrl.Text = nodeMod.NodePic; this.TxtTips.Text = nodeMod.Tips; this.RBLPosition.SelectedValue = nodeMod.HtmlPosition.ToString(); this.TxtMetaKeywords.Text = nodeMod.Meta_Keywords; this.TxtMetaDescription.Text = nodeMod.Meta_Description; this.RBLOpenType.SelectedValue = DataConverter.CLng(nodeMod.OpenNew).ToString(); //this.TxtSinglepageTemplate_hid.Value = nodeMod.IndexTemplate; //-----模板 TxtTemplate_hid.Value = nodeMod.ListTemplateFile; IndexTemplate_hid.Value = nodeMod.IndexTemplate; LastinfoTemplate_hid.Value = nodeMod.LastinfoTemplate; ProposeTemplate_hid.Value = nodeMod.ProposeTemplate; HotinfoTemplate_hid.Value = nodeMod.HotinfoTemplate; this.RBLListEx.SelectedValue = nodeMod.ListPageHtmlEx.ToString(); LastinfoPageEx_Rad.SelectedValue = nodeMod.LastinfoPageEx.ToString(); HotinfoPageEx.SelectedValue = nodeMod.HotinfoPageEx.ToString(); ProposePageEx.SelectedValue = nodeMod.ProposePageEx.ToString(); LastinfoPageEx_Rad.SelectedValue = nodeMod.LastinfoPageEx.ToString(); this.SafeGuard.SelectedValue = nodeMod.SafeGuard.ToString(); this.RBLItemOpenType.SelectedValue = nodeMod.ItemOpenType.ToString();; this.RBLOpenType.SelectedValue = nodeMod.OpenTypeTrue.ToString(); this.RBLItemOpenType.SelectedValue = nodeMod.ItemOpenTypeTrue.ToString(); M_Pub pubMod = pll.GetSelectNode(NodeID.ToString()); if (pubMod.Pubid > 0) { this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue = pubMod.Pubid.ToString(); } } Call.SetBreadCrumb(Master, "<li>工作台</li><li><a href='" + customPath2 + "Config/SiteInfo.aspx'>系统设置</a></li><li>" + (ViewMode.Equals("design") ? "<a href='DesignNodeManage.aspx'>动力节点</a>" : "<a href='NodeManage.aspx'>节点管理</a>") + "</li><li class=\"active\">修改单页节点</li>"); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取广告的最大ID /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static int MaxID() { string sql = "select max(ADID) from ZL_Advertisement"; return(DataConverter.CLng(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sql, null)) + 1); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes this instance of EndianAwareBinaryReader with the given input stream, /// the given text encoding, and the Endianness of the given DataConverter /// </summary> /// <param name="output">The stream to read input From</param> /// <param name="encoding">The encoding to read text with</param> /// <param name="DataConverter">The DataConverter with the Endianness to use</param> public EndianAwareBinaryReader(System.IO.Stream output, System.Text.Encoding encoding, DataConverter DataConverter) : base(output, encoding) { this._DataConverter = DataConverter; this._ExplicitEncoding = this._AssumedEffectiveEncoding = encoding; }
/// <summary> Gets the data as it appears in file </summary> public string GetRawText() => DataConverter.SuccFromDataStructure(TopLevelLines);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsAdminManage) { this.LitSaveRemotePic.Visible = false; this.ChkSaveRemotePic.Visible = false; } if (base.EnableNull) { this.ValrContent.Visible = true; } this.EditorContent.Width = new Unit(DataConverter.CLng(base.Settings[0])); this.EditorContent.Height = new Unit(DataConverter.CLng(base.Settings[1])); if (base.Settings.Count > 9) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Settings[6])) { this.EditorContent.ImageUploadAllowedExtensions = base.Settings[6]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Settings[7])) { this.EditorContent.FlashUploadAllowedExtensions = base.Settings[7]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Settings[8])) { this.EditorContent.LinkUploadAllowedExtensions = base.Settings[8]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Settings[9])) { this.EditorContent.IsWatermark = base.Settings[9]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.Settings[10])) { this.EditorContent.IsThumb = base.Settings[10]; } } else if (base.Settings.Count != 6) { this.EditorContent.ImageUploadAllowedExtensions = base.Settings[2]; this.EditorContent.FlashUploadAllowedExtensions = base.Settings[3]; this.EditorContent.LinkUploadAllowedExtensions = base.Settings[4]; this.EditorContent.IsWatermark = base.Settings[5]; this.EditorContent.IsThumb = base.Settings[6]; } if (base.Settings.Count != 6) { this.EditorContent.ModelId = BaseUserControl.RequestInt32("ModelID").ToString(); this.EditorContent.FieldName = base.FieldName; } this.EditorContent.ImgPreview = "true"; if (this.IsUpload) { this.EditorContent.IsUpload = "true"; } if ((!base.IsPostBack && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_DefaultPicUrl)) && !this.Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(base.GetType(), "initDefaultPicUrl")) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n"); builder.Append("<!--\n"); builder.Append("setTimeout(\"try{setpic('" + this.DefaultPicurl + "')}catch(e){}\",1000);\n"); builder.Append("//-->\n"); builder.Append("</script>\n"); this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), "initDefaultPicUrl", builder.ToString()); } }
public ClickupCommentFormat() { dataConverterHelper = new DataConverter(); }
public int Add(M_PageReg m_PageReg) { string strSQL = "INSERT INTO [" + strTableName + "](" + BLLCommon.GetFields(m_PageReg) + ")VALUES(" + BLLCommon.GetParas(m_PageReg) + ")"; return(DataConverter.CLng(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, strSQL, m_PageReg.GetParameters()))); }
public ImageDealLib.WaterType GetWaterType(string pos) { return((ImageDealLib.WaterType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(ImageDealLib.WaterType), DataConverter.CLng(pos))); }
/// <summary> /// 得到所有行数(异步方式) /// </summary> /// <param name="strWhere">参数化查询条件(例如: and Name = @Name )</param> /// <param name="dict">参数的名/值集合</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual async Task <int> GetCountAsync(string strWhere, Dictionary <string, object> dict = null) { return(DataConverter.CLng(await GetScalarAsync("count(*)", strWhere, dict), 0)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { B_User.CheckIsLogged(); if (function.isAjax()) { string action = Request.Form["action"], vpath = Request.Form["vpath"], result = "", warning = "";//动作,需要加水印的图片路径 if (vpath.Contains("?")) { vpath = vpath.Substring(0, vpath.IndexOf("?")); } switch (action) { case "crop": //根据提交的图片路径与宽度等参数,完成剪切 { int x1 = int.Parse(Request["x1"]); int y1 = int.Parse(Request["y1"]); int width = int.Parse(Request["width"]); int height = int.Parse(Request["height"]); savePath += (function.GetRandomString(4) + Path.GetFileName(vpath)); result = ImageDealLib.imgcrop(vpath, savePath, x1, y1, width, height, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); } break; case "rotate": { int angle = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["angle"]); Bitmap bmp = imgHelper.Rotate(vpath, angle); savePath += function.GetRandomString(6) + Path.GetExtension(vpath); result = imgHelper.SaveImg(savePath, bmp); bmp.Dispose(); } break; case "zoom": //缩放 { int width = int.Parse(Request.Form["width"]); int height = int.Parse(Request.Form["height"]); savePath += (function.GetRandomString(4) + Path.GetFileName(vpath)); Bitmap bmp = imgHelper.ZoomImg(vpath, height, width); result = imgHelper.SaveImg(savePath, bmp); } break; case "fontwater": //文字水印 { System.Drawing.Image fontimg = AddFontWater(savePath + function.GetRandomString(6) + ".jpg"); savePath += "fontw_" + Path.GetFileName(vpath); result = ImageDealLib.makewatermark(vpath, fontimg, GetWaterType(Request.Form["pos"]), savePath, ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning); result += "?" + function.GetRandomString(6); } break; case "imgwater": //水印图片路径 { string watervpath = Request.Form["watervpath"]; int trans = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["trans"]); savePath += "imgw_" + Path.GetFileName(vpath); result = ImageDealLib.makewatermark(vpath, watervpath, GetWaterType(Request.Form["pos"]), savePath, ImageDealLib.ImageType.JPEG, ImageDealLib.FileCache.Save, out warning, trans); result += "?" + function.GetRandomString(6); } break; } Response.Write(result); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } if (!IsPostBack) { M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(); string ipath = Request.QueryString["ipath"].ToLower().Replace("/uploadfiles/user/", ""); string UserPath = "/UploadFiles/User/" + mu.UserName + mu.UserID + "/" + ipath.TrimStart('/');//不做过多的限制,如需要文件安全,则使用单独的文件服务器 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserPath) || !SafeC.IsImage(UserPath)) { function.WriteErrMsg("只允许编辑图片文件!"); } if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(savePath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath(savePath)); } if (!File.Exists(Server.MapPath(UserPath))) { function.WriteErrMsg("需要修改的图片" + UserPath + "不存在"); } NowImg_Hid.Value = SourceImg_Hid.Value = UserPath; System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(UserPath)); ImgWidth_Hid.Value = img.Width.ToString(); ImgHeight_Hid.Value = img.Height.ToString(); RPT.DataSource = GetWaterImgDT(); RPT.DataBind(); img.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 得到所有行数(异步方式) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public virtual async Task <int> GetCountAsync() { return(DataConverter.CLng(await GetScalarAsync("count(*)"), 0)); }
protected void EBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num3; IEncourageStrategy <int> strategy; string toUser = this.HdnUsersId.Value; int num = DataConverter.CLng(this.TxtValidNum.Text.Trim()); int num2 = DataConverter.CLng(this.DropValidUnit.SelectedValue); string reason = this.TxtReason.Text.Trim(); string text = this.TxtMemo.Text; if (this.RadValidType.Checked && ((num <= 0) || (num > 0x270f))) { AdminPage.WriteErrMsg("<li>指定期限必须为数字并且必须大于0小于9999!</li>"); } if (this.RadValidType.Checked) { switch (num2) { case 1: num3 = num; goto Label_00BF; case 2: num3 = num * 30; goto Label_00BF; case 3: num3 = num * 0x16d; goto Label_00BF; } num3 = num; } else { num3 = 0x270f; } Label_00BF: strategy = new UserDate(); if (strategy.IncreaseForUsers(toUser, -num3, reason, true, text)) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("<li>用户扣除有效期成功!</li>"); if (this.ChkIsSendMessage.Checked) { UserInfo userById = Users.GetUserById(DataConverter.CLng(toUser)); string payoutPeriodMessage = SiteConfig.SmsConfig.PayoutPeriodMessage; if (this.RadValidType2.Checked) { payoutPeriodMessage = payoutPeriodMessage.Replace("{$Valid}", "归零"); } else { payoutPeriodMessage = payoutPeriodMessage.Replace("{$Valid}", num3.ToString()); } payoutPeriodMessage = payoutPeriodMessage.Replace("{$Reason}", reason); builder.Append(Users.SendMessageToUser(userById, payoutPeriodMessage)); } AdminPage.WriteSuccessMsg(builder.ToString(), "UserShow.aspx?UserID=" + toUser); } else { AdminPage.WriteErrMsg("<li>用户扣除有效期失败!</li>"); } }
//提交订单 protected void AddOrder_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Address_Div.Visible && DataConvert.CLng(Request.Form["address_rad"]) < 1) { function.WriteErrMsg("尚未选定收货地址"); } //1,生成订单,2,关联购物车中商品为已绑定订单 M_UserInfo mu = buser.GetLogin(false); M_UserRecei receMod = receBll.GetSelect(Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["address_rad"]), mu.UserID); DataTable cartDT = cartBll.SelByCartID(B_Cart.GetCartID(), mu.UserID, ProClass, ids);//需要购买的商品 if (cartDT.Rows.Count < 1) { function.WriteErrMsg("你尚未选择商品,<a href='/User/Order/OrderList'>查看我的订单</a>"); } //------生成订单前检测区 foreach (DataRow dr in cartDT.Rows) { if (!HasStock(dr["Allowed"], DataConvert.CLng(dr["stock"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["Pronum"]))) { function.WriteErrMsg("购买失败," + dr["proname"] + "的库存数量不足"); } } //------检测End //按店铺生成订单,统一存ZL_Orderinfo DataTable storeDT = cartDT.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "StoreID"); List <M_OrderList> orderList = new List <M_OrderList>();//用于生成临时订单,统计计算(Disuse) foreach (DataRow dr in storeDT.Rows) { #region 暂不使用字段 //Odata.province = this.DropDownList1.SelectedValue; // = this.DropDownList2.SelectedValue;//将地址省份与市ID存入,XML数据源 //Odata.Guojia = "";//国家 //Odata.Chengshi = DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Text;//城市 //Odata.Diqu = DropDownList3.SelectedItem.Text;//地区 //Odata.Delivery = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["Delivery"]); //Odata.Deliverytime = DataConverter.CLng(this.Deliverytime.Text); //Odata.Mobile = receMod.MobileNum; #endregion M_OrderList Odata = new M_OrderList(); Odata.Ordertype = OrderHelper.GetOrderType(ProClass); Odata.OrderNo = B_OrderList.CreateOrderNo((M_OrderList.OrderEnum)Odata.Ordertype); Odata.StoreID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["StoreID"]); cartDT.DefaultView.RowFilter = "StoreID=" + Odata.StoreID; DataTable storeCartDT = cartDT.DefaultView.ToTable(); switch (ProClass)//旅游机票等,以联系人信息为地址 { case 7: case 8: M_Cart_Travel model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <M_Cart_Travel>(storeCartDT.Rows[0]["Additional"].ToString()); M_Cart_Contract user = model.Contract[0]; Odata.Receiver = user.Name; Odata.Reuser = user.Name; Odata.Phone = user.Mobile; Odata.MobileNum = user.Mobile; Odata.Email = user.Email; break; default: if (Address_Div.Visible) { Odata.Receiver = receMod.ReceivName; Odata.Reuser = receMod.ReceivName; Odata.Phone =; Odata.MobileNum = receMod.MobileNum; Odata.Email = receMod.Email; Odata.Shengfen = receMod.Provinces; Odata.Jiedao = receMod.Street; Odata.ZipCode = receMod.Zipcode; } break; } Odata.Invoiceneeds = DataConverter.CLng(Request.Form["invoice_rad"]);//是否需开发票 Odata.Invoice = Odata.Invoiceneeds == 0 ? "" : InvoTitle_T.Text + "||" + Invoice_T.Text; Odata.Rename = mu.UserName; Odata.Outstock = 0; //缺货处理 Odata.Ordermessage = ORemind_T.Text; //订货留言 Odata.Merchandiser = ""; //跟单员 Odata.Internalrecords = ""; //内部记录 Odata.IsCount = false; //-----金额计算 Odata.Balance_price = GetTotalMoney(storeCartDT); Odata.Freight = GetFarePrice(storeCartDT, Odata.StoreID); //运费计算 Odata.Ordersamount = Odata.Balance_price + Odata.Freight; //订单金额 Odata.AllMoney_Json = orderCom.GetTotalJson(storeCartDT); //附加需要的虚拟币 Odata.Specifiedprice = Odata.Ordersamount; //订单金额; Odata.Receivablesamount = 0; //收款金额 Odata.Developedvotes = 0; Odata.OrderStatus = (int)M_OrderList.StatusEnum.Normal; //订单状态 Odata.Paymentstatus = (int)M_OrderList.PayEnum.NoPay; //付款状态 Odata.StateLogistics = 0; //物流状态 Odata.Signed = 0; //签收 Odata.Settle = 0; //结清 Odata.Aside = 0; //作废 Odata.Suspended = 0; //暂停 Odata.AddUser = mu.UserName;; Odata.Userid = mu.UserID; Odata.Integral = DataConverter.CLng(Request.QueryString["jifen"]); Odata.Freight_remark = " "; Odata.Balance_remark = ""; Odata.Promoter = 0; = orderBll.Adds(Odata); cartProBll.CopyToCartPro(mu, storeCartDT,; orderList.Add(Odata); orderCom.SendMessage(Odata, null, "ordered"); } cartBll.DelByids(ids); //-----------------订单生成后处理 //进行减库存等操作 foreach (DataRow dr in cartDT.Rows) { M_Product model = proBll.GetproductByid(Convert.ToInt32(dr["Proid"])); model.Stock = model.Stock - DataConvert.CLng(dr["Pronum"]); SqlHelper.ExecuteSql("Update ZL_Commodities Set Stock=" + model.Stock + " Where ID=" + model.ID); } //生成支付单,处理优惠券,并进入付款步骤 M_Payment payMod = payBll.CreateByOrder(orderList); //优惠券 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Arrive_Hid.Value)) { M_Arrive avMod = avBll.SelModelByFlow(Arrive_Hid.Value, mu.UserID); double money = payMod.MoneyPay; string err = ""; string remind = "支付单抵扣[" + payMod.PayNo + "]"; if (avBll.U_UseArrive(avMod, mu.UserID, ref money, ref err, remind)) { payMod.MoneyPay = money; payMod.ArriveMoney = avMod.Amount; payMod.ArriveDetail = avMod.ID.ToString(); } else { payMod.ArriveDetail = "优惠券[" + avMod.ID + "]异常 :" + err; } } //积分处理 if (point_body.Visible && DataConvert.CLng(Point_T.Text) > 0) { int point = DataConvert.CLng(Point_T.Text); int maxPoint = (int)((SiteConfig.ShopConfig.PointRatiot * 0.01) * (double)payMod.MoneyPay / SiteConfig.ShopConfig.PointRate); //if (point <= 0) { function.WriteErrMsg("积分数值不正确"); } if (point > mu.UserExp) { function.WriteErrMsg("您的积分不足!"); } if (point > maxPoint) { function.WriteErrMsg("积分不能大于可兑换金额!"); } //生成支付单时扣除用户积分 buser.ChangeVirtualMoney(mu.UserID, new M_UserExpHis() { ScoreType = (int)M_UserExpHis.SType.Point, score = -point, detail = "积分抵扣,支付单号:" + payMod.PayNo }); payMod.MoneyPay = payMod.MoneyPay - (point * SiteConfig.ShopConfig.PointRate); payMod.UsePoint = point; } if (payMod.MoneyPay <= 0) { payMod.MoneyPay = 0.01; } payMod.Remark = cartDT.Rows.Count > 1 ? "[" + cartDT.Rows[0]["ProName"] as string + "]等" : cartDT.Rows[0]["ProName"] as string; payMod.PaymentID = payBll.Add(payMod); Response.Redirect("/PayOnline/Orderpay.aspx?PayNo=" + payMod.PayNo); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new TaskHubClient with given name, Service Bus and Azure Storage connection strings with specified /// settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="hubName">Name of the Task Hub</param> /// <param name="connectionString">Service Bus connection string</param> /// <param name="tableStoreConnectionString">Azure Storage connection string</param> /// <param name="settings">Client settings</param> public TaskHubClient(string hubName, string connectionString, string tableStoreConnectionString, TaskHubClientSettings settings) { this.hubName = hubName; this.connectionString = connectionString; messagingFactory = Utils.CreateMessagingFactory(connectionString); workerEntityName = string.Format(FrameworkConstants.WorkerEndpointFormat, this.hubName); orchestratorEntityName = string.Format(FrameworkConstants.OrchestratorEndpointFormat, this.hubName); defaultConverter = new JsonDataConverter(); this.settings = settings; this.tableStoreConnectionString = tableStoreConnectionString; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tableStoreConnectionString)) { tableClient = new TableClient(this.hubName, this.tableStoreConnectionString); } }
public ByteBuffer() { this.c = DataConverter.BigEndian; }
protected void EBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { M_Node nodeMod = new M_Node(); if (NodeID > 0) { nodeMod = bll.SelReturnModel(NodeID); } else { nodeMod.ParentID = ParentID; } nodeMod.NodeName = this.TxtNodeName.Text; nodeMod.NodeType = 2; nodeMod.NodePic = this.TxtNodePicUrl.Text; nodeMod.NodeDir = this.TxtNodeDir.Text; nodeMod.NodeUrl = ""; //nodeMod.ParentID = DataConverter.CLng(this.HdnParentId.Value); //nodeMod.Depth = DataConverter.CLng(this.HdnDepth.Value); //nodeMod.OrderID = DataConverter.CLng(this.HdnOrderID.Value); nodeMod.Tips = this.TxtTips.Text; nodeMod.Description = this.TxtDescription.Text; nodeMod.Meta_Keywords = this.TxtMetaKeywords.Text; nodeMod.Meta_Description = this.TxtMetaDescription.Text; nodeMod.OpenNew = DataConverter.CBool(this.RBLOpenType.SelectedValue); nodeMod.ItemOpenType = true; nodeMod.PurviewType = false; nodeMod.CommentType = "0"; nodeMod.HitsOfHot = 0; //----模板 nodeMod.ListTemplateFile = TxtTemplate_hid.Value; nodeMod.IndexTemplate = IndexTemplate_hid.Value; nodeMod.LastinfoTemplate = LastinfoTemplate_hid.Value; nodeMod.ProposeTemplate = ProposeTemplate_hid.Value; nodeMod.HotinfoTemplate = HotinfoTemplate_hid.Value; nodeMod.ContentModel = ""; nodeMod.ListPageHtmlEx = DataConverter.CLng(this.RBLListEx.SelectedValue); nodeMod.ListPageEx = DataConverter.CLng(ListPageEx_Rad.SelectedValue); nodeMod.LastinfoPageEx = DataConverter.CLng(LastinfoPageEx_Rad.SelectedValue); nodeMod.HotinfoPageEx = DataConverter.CLng(HotinfoPageEx.SelectedValue); nodeMod.ProposePageEx = DataConverter.CLng(ProposePageEx.SelectedValue); nodeMod.ContentFileEx = 0; nodeMod.ContentPageHtmlRule = 0; nodeMod.ConsumePoint = 0; nodeMod.ConsumeType = 0; nodeMod.ConsumeTime = 0; nodeMod.ConsumeCount = 0; nodeMod.Shares = 0; nodeMod.Custom = ""; nodeMod.NodeListUrl = ""; nodeMod.SafeGuard = DataConverter.CLng(this.SafeGuard.SelectedValue); nodeMod.ItemOpenType = DataConverter.CBool(this.RBLItemOpenType.SelectedValue); nodeMod.OpenTypeTrue = this.RBLOpenType.SelectedValue; nodeMod.HtmlPosition = DataConverter.CLng(RBLPosition.SelectedValue); if (NodeID > 0) { bll.UpdateNode(nodeMod); } else { nodeMod.NodeID = bll.AddNode(nodeMod); CreateFile(nodeMod); } if (ViewMode.Equals("design")) { function.WriteSuccessMsg("操作成功", CustomerPageAction.customPath2 + "Content/DesignNodeManage.aspx", 3000); } else { function.WriteSuccessMsg("操作成功", CustomerPageAction.customPath2 + "Content/NodeManage.aspx", 3000); } }
public string GetUpdateHtmlUser(int ModelID, int NodeID, DataTable dt1) { DataTable dt = this.dal.GetModelFieldList(ModelID).Tables[0]; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = dt1.Rows[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { builder.Append(GetShowStyleUser(dt.Rows[i]["FieldAlias"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["FieldName"].ToString(), DataConverter.CBool(dt.Rows[i]["IsNotNull"].ToString()), dt.Rows[i]["FieldType"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["Content"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString(), ModelID, NodeID, dr)); } } } return(builder.ToString()); }
public void CreateFile(M_Node nodeMod) { string UName = this.TxtNodeDir.Text.Trim(); string Ulook = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ulook)) { if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == "0") { if (Ulook.IndexOf("http://") == -1) { Ulook = "http://" + Ulook; } } if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == "1") { if (Ulook.IndexOf("~/") == -1) { Ulook = "~/" + Ulook; } } string USend = "~/ColumnList.aspx?NodeID=" + nodeMod.NodeID; #region 文件生成 USend = Ulook; string AbsPath = base.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; if (USend.IndexOf("http://") > -1) { if (USend.IndexOf("/", 8) > -1 && USend.Length > USend.IndexOf("/", 8) + 1) { string USend2 = USend.Substring(USend.IndexOf("/", 8)); if (USend2.IndexOf(".") > -1) { USend2 = USend2.Substring(USend2.IndexOf(".")); } else { #region 文件生成 try { DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(AbsPath + USend2 + @"\Default.aspx"); if (info.Exists) { // Response.Write("<script>alert('文件以');</script>"); } else { FileSystemObject.Create(AbsPath + USend2 + @"\Default.aspx", FsoMethod.File); FileSystemObject.Create(AbsPath + USend2 + @"\Index.aspx", FsoMethod.File); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { function.WriteErrMsg("发生错误"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { function.WriteErrMsg("发生错误"); } #endregion } } } else { string USend3 = USend.Substring(2); if (USend.IndexOf(".") > -1) { // USend = USend.Substring(USend.IndexOf(".")); // Response.Write("<script>alert('" + USend3 + "');</script>"); } else { #region 文件生成 try { DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(AbsPath + USend3); if (info.Exists) { // Response.Write("<script>alert('aa');</script>"); } else { FileSystemObject.Create(AbsPath + USend3 + @"\Default.aspx", FsoMethod.File); FileSystemObject.Create(AbsPath + USend3 + @"\Index.aspx", FsoMethod.File); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { function.WriteErrMsg("发生错误"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { function.WriteErrMsg("发生错误"); } #endregion } } #endregion } if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue != "0") { M_Pub pm = pll.GetSelect(DataConverter.CLng(DropDownList1.SelectedValue)); pm.PubNodeID = nodeMod.NodeID.ToString(); pll.GetUpdate(pm); } }
public string GetUserName(string UserID) { B_User buser = new B_User(); return(buser.SeachByID(DataConverter.CLng(UserID)).UserName); }
/// <summary> /// 将请求参数转换成Int32 如果为空或不能转换则赋值默认值 /// </summary> /// <param name="queryItem">URL的请求参数</param> /// <param name="defaultValue">默认值</param> /// <returns>int整形</returns> public static int RequestInt32(string queryItem, int defaultValue) { return(DataConverter.CLng(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[queryItem], defaultValue)); }
public static void Save(Request request) { var service = ServiceManager.GetService<RequestService>(); var dto = new DataConverter<Request>().Convert<RequestDTO>(request); dto.SourceType = RequestSourceEnum.External; var actionTypeEnum = request.IsNew ? ActionTypeEnum.Add : ActionTypeEnum.Update; try { if(request.IsNew) { request.ID = service.Save(dto, Requester.Logged.ID, request.IsUrgent); request.RequestID = request.ID; } else { request.LastEditorID = Requester.Logged.ID; service.Update(dto); } var actionProcessor = new ActionProcessor(); actionProcessor.ProcessAction(actionTypeEnum, request); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug("Error catched", ex); var error = ex.Message; if (ex.Message.Contains("AccessDeniedException")) { error = "The request was not posted. Access is denied."; } if (ex.Message.Contains("password is invalid")) { error = "The request was not posted. The provided password is invalid."; } ActionProcessor.SetLastAction(error, null, ActionTypeEnum.None); ActionProcessor.IsError = true; } }
public static string GetCRC326HashAsHexString(byte[] data) { var crc32Implementation = new CRC32(); byte[] hashData = crc32Implementation.ComputeHash(data); return DataConverter.ByteArrayToHexString(hashData); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes this instance of EndianAwareBinaryReader with the given input stream, /// assuming a default text encoding, and using the Endianness of the given DataConverter /// </summary> /// <param name="output">The stream to read input From</param> /// <param name="DataConverter">The DataConverter with the Endianness to use</param> public EndianAwareBinaryReader(System.IO.Stream output, DataConverter DataConverter) : base(output) { this._DataConverter = DataConverter; }
public static void Save(Requester requester) { log.DebugFormat("Save requester with id '{0}'", requester.ID); var service = ServiceManager.GetService<RequesterService>(); var dto = new DataConverter<Requester>().Convert<RequesterDTO>(requester); int? requesterId; if (requester.IsNew) { requesterId = service.Create(dto); } else { service.Update(dto); requesterId = dto.ID; DataPortal.Instance.ResetCachedValue(typeof(Requester), requesterId); } var actionProcessor = new ActionProcessor(); requester.ID = requesterId; requester.UserID = requesterId; ActionTypeEnum actionTypeEnum = requester.IsNew ? ActionTypeEnum.Add : ActionTypeEnum.Update; actionProcessor.ProcessAction(actionTypeEnum, requester); }