/// <summary>
            /// Runs a student summary test with a particular test of test data
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="testData">The set of test data to use when running the test</param>
            private void RunStudentSummaryTestWithData(List <Answer> testData)
                //Define the target date/time when the summary is created
                DateTime targetDateTime = DateTime.Parse("2018-01-30T12:39:00");

                //Calculate the expected daily summary
                DailyStudentSummary expectedSummary = CalculateExpectedSummaryData(testData, targetDateTime);

                //Create the mock answer DB
                Mock <IAnswerDB> mockAnswerDB = CreateMockAnswerDB(testData);

                //Create an instance of the answer repository
                IAnswerRepository answerRepository = new AnswerRepository(mockAnswerDB.Object);

                //Retrieve the daily student summary
                DailyStudentSummary actualSummary = answerRepository.GetDailyStudentSummary(targetDateTime);

                //Compare the actual summary to the expected summary to see if they match
                DataComparers.CompareDailyStudentSummaries(actualSummary, expectedSummary);