Example #1
    // Calculates perpendicular bubbles
    public static DataPoint[] DetermineSplits(DataBubble bubble, DataPoint lineStart, DataPoint lineEnd)
        BubbleType type = bubble.TypeOfBubble();

        if (type == BubbleType.Large)
            float yDiff = lineEnd.Y - lineStart.Y;
            float xDiff = lineEnd.X - lineStart.X;

            // Normally, a slope is y/x. Perpendicular is -x/y.
            float mPerp = -(xDiff / yDiff);

            // We need to figure out the angle to calculate the X offset required for getting us to this radius via the function y = mPerp(X).
            //                      v Angle C
            //                     /|
            //                    / |
            //       side  b ->  /  |  <- Side a
            //      (radius)    /   |
            //                 /    |
            //                /    _|
            //    angle A -> .____|_| <- Angle B (90 deg)
            //                  ^ side c
            float B = Mathf.Deg2Rad * 90f;
            float A = Mathf.Atan(mPerp);
            float C = (Mathf.Deg2Rad * 180) - A - B;

            float b = bubble.RawRadius();
            float a = b * Mathf.Sin(A) / Mathf.Sin(B); // This is the Y offset
            float c = b * Mathf.Sin(C) / Mathf.Sin(B); // This is the X offset

            DataPoint start = bubble.GetPosition();
            DataPoint b1    = new DataPoint(start.X + c, start.Y + a);
            DataPoint b2    = new DataPoint(start.X - c, start.Y - a);

            return(new DataPoint[] { b1, b2 });

Example #2
    public VisualBubble CreateBubble(DataBubble data)
        BubbleType type    = data.TypeOfBubble();
        string     name    = $"bubble {data.TypeOfBubble()}";
        GameObject toSpawn = bubbleStandard;

        if (type == BubbleType.Large)
            toSpawn = bubbleLarge;

        GameObject bubble             = Instantiate(toSpawn, this.transform);
        VisualRemoveBubbleOnMenu vrbm = bubble.GetComponent <VisualRemoveBubbleOnMenu>();

        if (vrbm != null)
            vrbm.events = events;
        bubble.name = name;
        bubble.transform.position = data.GetPosition();

        return(new VisualBubble(bubble, data.GetPosition(), data.AdjustedRadius()));
Example #3
    // Returns how much the score changed by
    private DataEarnedScore CollectBubblesAsNecessary(bool impactsScore = true)
        List <DataPoint> locs             = new List <DataPoint>();
        List <int>       collectedIndexes = new List <int>();

        // Collect collisions
        for (int i = bubbles.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            DataBubble bubble = bubbles[i];

            // Determine if we're hitting
            float triggerRadius = bubble.AdjustedRadius();
            bool  isHit         = Utils.IsLineTouchingCircle(lastLineStart, lastLineEnd, bubble.GetPosition(), triggerRadius, bubbleRadiusStandard);

            if (isHit)

        // Score updating
        int hit        = collectedIndexes.Count;
        int scoreBase  = GameCore.pointsPerBubble * hit;
        int scoreBonus = 0;

        if (hit > 0)

        if (hit > bonusThreshold)
            int bonusHits = hit - bonusThreshold;
            scoreBonus = bonusHits * bonusHits * pointsPerBonusBubble;

        DataEarnedScore dataEarnedScore = new DataEarnedScore(scoreBase, scoreBonus, locs);

        if (pointsPerBubble != 0)
            DataGeneral gen = data.GetDataGeneral();
            gen.score = gen.score + dataEarnedScore.total;

            if (impactsScore)

        // Clear colleted bubbles. The indexes are from back to front, so the removal is safe.
        foreach (int index in collectedIndexes)
            DataBubble bubble = bubbles[index];

            DataPoint[] newBubbles = DetermineSplits(bubble, lastLineStart, lastLineEnd);
            if (newBubbles != null)
                foreach (DataPoint point in newBubbles)
                    DataBubble newBubble = new DataBubble(point, new DataPoint(0, 0), speed: 0, BubbleType.Standard);
