Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the dataset in JSON-stat format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static JsonStatCollection GetJsonStatCollectionObject(List <dynamic> collection)
            var theJsonStatCollection = new JsonStatCollection();
            var theCollectionLink     = new JsonStatCollectionLink()
                Item = new List <Item>()

            theJsonStatCollection.Link = theCollectionLink;

            if (collection == null)

            if (collection.Count == 0)

            foreach (var element in collection)
                var aItem = new Item()
                    Href    = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("url.application"), Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_COOKIELINK_TABLE"), element.MtrCode)),
                    Class   = ItemClass.Dataset,
                    Label   = element.MtrTitle,
                    Updated = DataAdaptor.ConvertToString(element.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom),

                    Extension = new Dictionary <string, object>()

                var Frequency = new { name = element.FrqValue, code = element.FrqCode };

                aItem.Extension.Add("copyright", new { name = element.CprValue, code = element.CprCode, href = element.CprUrl });
                aItem.Extension.Add("exceptional", element.ExceptionalFlag);
                aItem.Extension.Add("language", new { code = element.LngIsoCode, name = element.LngIsoName });
                aItem.Extension.Add("matrix", element.MtrCode);
                aItem.Extension.Add("frequency", Frequency);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a JSON-stat metadata based on a database read of collections
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection"></param>
        /// <param name="statistics"></param>
        /// <param name="classifications"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Item GetJsonStatRelease(List <dynamic> collection, List <dynamic> statistics, List <dynamic> classifications, List <dynamic> periods, List <Format_DTO_Read> formats)
            var jsStat = new Item();

            // jsStat.Class = Class.Dataset;
            //jsStat.Version = Version.The20;
            jsStat.Id   = new List <string>();
            jsStat.Size = new List <long>();

            var thisItem = collection.FirstOrDefault();

            jsStat.Extension = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            var Frequency = new { name = thisItem.FrqValue, code = thisItem.FrqCode };

            jsStat.Extension.Add("copyright", new { name = thisItem.CprValue, code = thisItem.CprCode, href = thisItem.CprUrl });
            jsStat.Extension.Add("exceptional", thisItem.ExceptionalFlag);
            jsStat.Extension.Add("language", new { code = thisItem.LngIsoCode, name = thisItem.LngIsoName });
            jsStat.Extension.Add("matrix", thisItem.MtrCode);

            Format_DTO_Read fDtoMain = formats.Where(x => x.FrmType == Constants.C_SYSTEM_JSON_STAT_NAME).FirstOrDefault();// new Format_DTO_Read() { FrmDirection = Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_FORMAT_DOWNLOAD_NAME"), FrmType = Constants.C_SYSTEM_JSON_STAT_NAME };

            jsStat.Href      = new Uri(Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("url.restful") + string.Format(Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_RESTFUL_DATASET"), Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_READ_DATASET_API"), thisItem.MtrCode, fDtoMain.FrmType, fDtoMain.FrmVersion, thisItem.LngIsoCode));
            jsStat.Label     = thisItem.MtrTitle;
            jsStat.Updated   = DataAdaptor.ConvertToString(thisItem.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom);
            jsStat.Dimension = new Dictionary <string, Dimension>();


            var link = new DimensionLink
                Alternate = new List <Alternate>()

            foreach (var f in formats)
                link.Alternate.Add(new Alternate()
                    Href = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("url.restful") + string.Format(Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_RESTFUL_DATASET"), Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_READ_DATASET_API"), thisItem.MtrCode, f.FrmType, f.FrmVersion, thisItem.LngIsoCode)
            jsStat.Link = link;


            var statDimension = new Dimension()
                Label = Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_CSV_STATISTIC"),

                Category = new Category()

            jsStat.Dimension.Add(Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_CSV_STATISTIC"), statDimension);


            List <PeriodRecordDTO_Create> plist = new List <PeriodRecordDTO_Create>();

            foreach (var per in periods)
                plist.Add(new PeriodRecordDTO_Create()
                    Code = per.PrdCode, Value = per.PrdValue

            var timeDimension = new Dimension()
                Label = Frequency.name,

                Category = new Category()
                    Index = plist.Select(v => v.Code).ToList(),
                    Label = plist.ToDictionary(v => v.Code, v => v.Value)

            jsStat.Dimension.Add(Frequency.code, timeDimension);

            foreach (var s in classifications)
                Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                dict.Add(s.ClsCode, s.ClsValue);
                var clsDimension = new Dimension()
                    Label    = s.ClsValue,
                    Category = new Category()

                jsStat.Dimension.Add(s.ClsCode, clsDimension);

            jsStat.Role        = new Role();
            jsStat.Role.Metric = new List <string>
            jsStat.Role.Time = new List <string>

            //Values will be blank in this case, all we want is metadata
            //jsStat.Value = new JsonStatValue() { AnythingArray = new List<ValueElement>() };