Example #1
        private void LoadLogs()
            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "Log");
            int           logCount = _logNames.Count();

            for (int k = 1; k < logCount; k++)
                Dictionary <string, string> logHeader = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string[] attributes = Common.GetAttributes(dataType.Select);
                foreach (string attribute in attributes)
                    logHeader.Add(attribute.Trim(), "");
                logHeader["NULL_REPRESENTATION"] = _nullRepresentation;
                logHeader["VALUE_COUNT"]         = "99999.0";
                logHeader["MAX_INDEX"]           = "99999.0";
                logHeader["MIN_INDEX"]           = "99999.0";
                logHeader["UWI"] = _uwi;
                string logName = Common.FixAposInStrings(_logNames[k]);
                logHeader["CURVE_ID"] = logName;
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logHeader, Formatting.Indented);
                LoadLogHeader(json, logName, k);
Example #2
        private void LoadParameterInfo()
            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DataType == "LogParameter");

            if (dataType != null)
                LASSections ls    = lasSections[0];
                string      input = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ls.parameterInfo))
                    if (!LogParmExist())
                        DataRow        newRow;
                        DataTable      dtNew          = new DataTable();
                        string         logParmtable   = Common.GetTable(dataType.Select);
                        string         sqlQuery       = $"select * from {logParmtable} where 0 = 1";
                        SqlDataAdapter logParmAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlQuery, connectionString);
                        int          seqNo = 0;
                        StringReader sr    = new StringReader(ls.parameterInfo);
                        while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            LASLine line = DecodeLASLine(input);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.Mnem))
                                newRow                         = dtNew.NewRow();
                                newRow["UWI"]                  = _uwi;
                                newRow["WELL_LOG_ID"]          = _logSource;
                                newRow["WELL_LOG_SOURCE"]      = "Source";
                                newRow["PARAMETER_SEQ_NO"]     = seqNo;
                                newRow["PARAMETER_TEXT_VALUE"] = line.Data.Trim();
                                newRow["REPORTED_DESC"]        = line.Description.Trim();
                                newRow["REPORTED_MNEMONIC"]    = line.Mnem.Trim();
                                newRow["ROW_CREATED_BY"]       = _dbUserName;
                                newRow["ROW_CHANGED_BY"]       = _dbUserName;
                                newRow["ROW_CREATED_DATE"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                                newRow["ROW_CHANGED_DATE"]     = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                        if (dtNew.Rows.Count > 0)
                            using (SqlConnection destinationConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                                using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy =
                                           new SqlBulkCopy(destinationConnection.ConnectionString))
                                    bulkCopy.BatchSize            = 500;
                                    bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = logParmtable;
        public static string GetSelectString(this List <DataAccessDef> dataAccessDefs, string dataType)
            DataAccessDef dataDef = dataAccessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
            string        select  = dataDef.Select;

Example #4
        private void LoadHeader(string json)
            List <ReferenceTable> dataTypeRefs = _references.Where(x => x.DataType == "WellBore").ToList();

            foreach (ReferenceTable reference in dataTypeRefs)
                json = CheckHeaderForeignKeys(json, reference);
            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "WellBore");
            string        tmpUwi   = Common.FixAposInStrings(_uwi);
            string        select   = dataType.Select;
            string        query    = $" where UWI = '{tmpUwi}'";
            DataTable     dt       = _dbConn.GetDataTable(select, query);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                json = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ROW_CREATED_DATE");
                json = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ROW_CHANGED_DATE");
                JObject jo = JObject.Parse(json);
                foreach (JProperty property in jo.Properties())
                    string strValue = property.Value.ToString();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))
                        property.Value = null;
                json = jo.ToString();
                _dbConn.InsertDataObject(json, "WellBore");
        public static string GetKeysString(this List <DataAccessDef> dataAccessDefs, string dataType)
            DataAccessDef dataDef = dataAccessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
            string        keys    = dataDef.Keys;

Example #6
        private void GetCurveInfo(string curveInfo)
            DataAccessDef dataType          = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "Log");
            Dictionary <string, string> log = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string[] attributes = Common.GetAttributes(dataType.Select);
            foreach (string attribute in attributes)
                log.Add(attribute.Trim(), "");

            string       input = null;
            StringReader sr    = new StringReader(curveInfo);

            while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                LASLine line = DecodeLASLine(input);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.Mnem))
                    log["CURVE_ID"] = line.Mnem.Trim();
                    log["UWI"] = _uwi;
                    var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(log, Formatting.Indented);
Example #7
        public static string Consistency(QcRuleSetup qcSetup, DataTable dt, List <DataAccessDef> accessDefs, IIndexDBAccess indexData)
            string    returnStatus = "Passed";
            RuleModel rule         = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RuleModel>(qcSetup.RuleObject);
            JObject   dataObject   = JObject.Parse(qcSetup.DataObject);
            JToken    value        = dataObject.GetValue(rule.DataAttribute);
            string    strValue     = value.ToString();

            if (Common.CompletenessCheck(strValue) == "Passed")
                string     dataType = rule.DataType;
                IndexModel index    = Task.Run(() => indexData.GetIndex(qcSetup.IndexId, qcSetup.DataConnector)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                if (index != null)
                    string         query           = " where " + index.DataKey;
                    DataAccessDef  dataAccessDef   = accessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
                    string         sql             = dataAccessDef.Select + query;
                    IADODataAccess consistencyConn = new ADODataAccess();
                    DataTable      ct = consistencyConn.GetDataTable(sql, qcSetup.ConsistencyConnectorString);
                    Dictionary <string, string> columnTypes = ct.GetColumnTypes();
                    if (ct.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string strRefValue = ct.Rows[0][rule.DataAttribute].ToString();
                        string valueType   = columnTypes[rule.DataAttribute];
                        if (Common.CompletenessCheck(strRefValue) == "Passed")
                            returnStatus = RuleMethodUtilities.ConsistencyCheck(strValue, strRefValue, valueType);
Example #8
        private DataTable GetParentDataTable(string dataType)
            DataTable pt = new DataTable();

            dataAccess = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
            string select = dataAccess.Select;
            string table  = Common.GetTable(select);
            List <ReferenceTable> dataTypeRefs = _references.Where(x => x.DataType == tableDataType).ToList();

            foreach (ReferenceTable referance in dataTypeRefs)
                if (referance.Table == table)
                    string        columnName  = referance.ReferenceAttribute;
                    List <string> distinctIds = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(row => row.Field <string>(columnName)).Distinct().ToList();
                    pt = NewDataTable(dataType);
                    int keyAttributeLength = GetAttributeLength(referance.Table, referance.KeyAttribute);
                    foreach (string id in distinctIds)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                            string newId = id;
                            if (newId.Length > keyAttributeLength)
                                newId = newId.Substring(0, keyAttributeLength);
                                if (newId.Substring(keyAttributeLength - 1, 1) == "'")
                                    newId = newId.Substring(0, keyAttributeLength - 1);

                                DataRow[] sl = dt.Select($"{columnName} = '{id}'");
                                foreach (DataRow r in sl)
                                    r[columnName] = newId;
                            string    tmpId = Common.FixAposInStrings(newId);
                            string    key   = $"{referance.KeyAttribute} = '{tmpId}'";
                            DataRow[] rows  = pt.Select(key);
                            if (rows.Length == 0)
                                DataRow newRow = pt.NewRow();
                                newRow[referance.KeyAttribute]   = newId;
                                newRow[referance.ValueAttribute] = id;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referance.FixedKey))
                                    string[] fixedKey = referance.FixedKey.Split('=');
                                    newRow[fixedKey[0]] = fixedKey[1];
Example #9
        public DataAccessDef GetDataAccessDefinition()
            DataAccessDef dataAccessDef = new DataAccessDef();

            dataAccessDef.DataType = "Index";
            dataAccessDef.Select   = getSql;
            dataAccessDef.Keys     = "INDEXID";
Example #10
        public async Task <DataTable> GetLASLogHeaders(ConnectParameters source, ConnectParameters target)
            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "Log");
            string        select   = dataType.Select;
            string        query    = $" where 0 = 1";

            DataTable     dt    = _dbConn.GetDataTable(select, query);
            List <string> files = new List <string>();

            files = await GetLASFileNames(source.Catalog);

            foreach (LASSections ls in lasSections)
                string json = GetHeaderInfo(ls.wellInfo);
                _logNames = new List <string>();
                int logCount = _logNames.Count();
                for (int k = 1; k < logCount; k++)
                    Dictionary <string, string> logHeader = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    string[] attributes = Common.GetAttributes(dataType.Select);
                    foreach (string attribute in attributes)
                        logHeader.Add(attribute.Trim(), "");
                    logHeader["NULL_REPRESENTATION"] = _nullRepresentation;
                    logHeader["VALUE_COUNT"]         = "-99999.0";
                    logHeader["MAX_INDEX"]           = "-99999.0";
                    logHeader["MIN_INDEX"]           = "-99999.0";
                    logHeader["UWI"]            = _uwi;
                    logHeader["ROW_CREATED_BY"] = _dbConn.GetUsername();
                    logHeader["ROW_CHANGED_BY"] = _dbConn.GetUsername();
                    string logName = Common.FixAposInStrings(_logNames[k]);
                    logHeader["CURVE_ID"] = logName;
                    json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logHeader, Formatting.Indented);
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    JObject jo  = JObject.Parse(json);
                    foreach (JProperty property in jo.Properties())
                        string strValue = property.Value.ToString();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))
                            if (row.Table.Columns.Contains(property.Name))
                                row[property.Name] = property.Value;

Example #11
        private void GetHeaderInfo(string wellInfo)
            LASHeaderMappings           headMap  = new LASHeaderMappings();
            DataAccessDef               dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "WellBore");
            string                      input    = null;
            Dictionary <string, string> header   = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string[] attributes = Common.GetAttributes(dataType.Select);
            foreach (string attribute in attributes)
                header.Add(attribute.Trim(), "");
            header["FINAL_TD"]          = "99999.0";
            header["SURFACE_LATITUDE"]  = "99999.0";
            header["SURFACE_LONGITUDE"] = "99999.0";
            header["DEPTH_DATUM_ELEV"]  = "99999.0";
            header["GROUND_ELEV"]       = "99999.0";
            header["ASSIGNED_FIELD"]    = "UNKNOWN";
            header["OPERATOR"]          = "UNKNOWN";
            header["DEPTH_DATUM"]       = "UNKNOWN";
            header["CURRENT_STATUS"]    = "UNKNOWN";
            header.Add("API", "");
            StringReader sr = new StringReader(wellInfo);

            while ((input = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                LASLine line = DecodeLASLine(input);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.Mnem))
                        string key = headMap[line.Mnem];
                        header[key] = line.Data;
                        if (key == "NULL")
                            _nullRepresentation = line.Data;
                    catch (Exception)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(header["UWI"]))
                header["UWI"] = header["API"];
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(header["UWI"]))
                header["UWI"] = header["LEASE_NAME"] + "-" + header["WELL_NAME"];
            string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(header, Formatting.Indented);

            _uwi = header["UWI"];
Example #12
        private List <string> GetLogList()
            List <string> curves = new List <string>();

            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "Log");
            string        select   = dataType.Select;
            string        tmpUwi   = Common.FixAposInStrings(_uwi);
            string        query    = $" where UWI = '{tmpUwi}'";
            DataTable     dt       = _dbConn.GetDataTable(select, query);

            curves = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(p => p.Field <string>("CURVE_ID")).Distinct().ToList();

        private void DeleteInDatabase(ConnectParameters connector, IndexModel indexItem)
            string dataType = indexItem.DataType;
            string dataKey  = indexItem.DataKey;
            List <DataAccessDef> accessDefs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DataAccessDef> >(connector.DataAccessDefinition);
            DataAccessDef        accessDef  = accessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
            string      select    = accessDef.Select;
            string      dataTable = Common.GetTable(select);
            string      dataQuery = "where " + dataKey;
            DbUtilities dbConn    = new DbUtilities();

            dbConn.DBDelete(dataTable, dataQuery);
Example #14
        private void LoadLogHeader(string json, string logName, int pointer)
            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "Log");
            string        select   = dataType.Select;
            string        query    = $" where UWI = '{_uwi}' and CURVE_ID = '{logName}'";
            DataTable     dt       = _dbConn.GetDataTable(select, query);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                json = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ROW_CREATED_DATE");
                json = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ROW_CHANGED_DATE");
                _dbConn.InsertDataObject(json, "Log");
                LoadLogCurve(pointer, logName);
Example #15
 private void InitDuplicateKeys(string dataType)
     dataAccess = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
     string[] keys = dataAccess.Keys.Split(',').Select(key => key.Trim()).ToArray();
     foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
         string duplicateKey = "";
         foreach (string key in keys)
             string value = row[key].ToString().ToUpper();
             duplicateKey = duplicateKey + value;
         duplicates.Add(duplicateKey.GetSHA256Hash(), "");
        private void BuildGetProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn, string dataType, DataAccessDef accessDef)
            string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spGet{dataType} ";


            sqlCommand = "";
            string sql = accessDef.Select;

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spGet{dataType} ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " AS ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " BEGIN ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + sql;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";
Example #17
        public async Task <DataTable> GetLASWellHeaders(ConnectParameters source, ConnectParameters target)
            string accessJson = await fileStorageService.ReadFile("connectdefinition", "PPDMDataAccess.json");

            _dataDef = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DataAccessDef> >(accessJson);
            //lasAccessJson = JObject.Parse(await fileStorageService.ReadFile("connectdefinition", "LASDataAccess.json"));
            string lasMappingsStr = await fileStorageService.ReadFile("connectdefinition", "LASDataAccess.json");

            lasMappings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LASMappings>(lasMappingsStr);

            List <string> files = new List <string>();

            files = await GetLASFileNames(source.Catalog);

            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "WellBore");
            string        select   = dataType.Select;
            string        query    = $" where 0 = 1";

            DataTable dt = _dbConn.GetDataTable(select, query);

            foreach (string file in files)
                LASSections ls = await GetLASSections(source.Catalog, file);


                string  json = GetHeaderInfo(ls.wellInfo);
                DataRow row  = dt.NewRow();
                JObject jo   = JObject.Parse(json);
                foreach (JProperty property in jo.Properties())
                    string strValue = property.Value.ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))
                        if (row.Table.Columns.Contains(property.Name))
                            row[property.Name] = property.Value;
Example #18
        private bool LogParmExist()
            bool exist = false;

            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "LogParameter");
            string        select   = dataType.Select;
            string        tmpUwi   = Common.FixAposInStrings(_uwi);
            string        query    = $" where UWI = '{tmpUwi}' and WELL_LOG_ID = '{_logSource}'";
            DataTable     dt       = _dbConn.GetDataTable(select, query);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                exist = true;

Example #19
        private void LoadHeader(string json)
            foreach (ReferenceTable reference in _references)
                json = CheckHeaderForeignKeys(json, reference);
            DataAccessDef dataType = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "WellBore");
            string        select   = dataType.Select;
            string        query    = $" where UWI = '{_uwi}'";
            DataTable     dt       = _dbConn.GetDataTable(select, query);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                json = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ROW_CREATED_DATE");
                json = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ROW_CHANGED_DATE");
                _dbConn.InsertDataObject(json, "WellBore");
        private void BuildGetProcedureWithId(DbUtilities dbConn, string dataType, DataAccessDef accessDef)
            string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spGetWithId{dataType} ";


            sqlCommand = "";
            string sql   = accessDef.Select;
            string query = " WHERE ID = @id ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spGetWithId{dataType} ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " @id INT ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " AS ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " BEGIN ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + sql + query;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";
        private void BuildGetProcedureWithQcString(DbUtilities dbConn, DataAccessDef accessDef)
            string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spGetWithQcStringIndex ";


            sqlCommand = "";
            string sql = accessDef.Select;

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spGetWithQcStringIndex ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " @qcstring VARCHAR(10) ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " AS ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " BEGIN ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " declare @query as varchar(240) ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " set @query = '%' + @qcstring + ';%'";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + sql;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " WHERE QC_STRING like @query";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";
Example #22
        private void DeleteParent(string qcStr, IndexModel idxResults)
            string condition = $"INDEXID={idxResults.IndexId}";
            var    rows      = indexTable.Select(condition);

            rows[0]["JSONDATAOBJECT"] = "";
            rows[0]["QC_STRING"]      = qcStr;

            if (syncPredictions)
                string        dataType      = idxResults.DataType;
                string        dataKey       = idxResults.DataKey;
                DataAccessDef ruleAccessDef = _accessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
                string        select        = ruleAccessDef.Select;
                string        dataTable     = GetTable(select);
                string        dataQuery     = "where " + dataKey;
                _dbConn.DBDelete(dataTable, dataQuery);
        private async Task CreateUpdateStoredProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn)
            List <DataAccessDef> accessDefs = await GetDataAccessDefinitions();

            var dataTypes = accessDefs.Select(s => s.DataType).Where(s => s != "Index").ToList();

            foreach (string dataType in dataTypes)
                DataAccessDef accessDef = accessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
                BuildUpdateProcedure(dbConn, dataType, accessDef);
            RuleManagement rm      = new RuleManagement();
            string         type    = "Rules";
            DataAccessDef  ruleDef = rm.GetDataAccessDefinition(type);

            BuildUpdateProcedure(dbConn, type, ruleDef);
            type = "Functions";
            DataAccessDef functionDef = rm.GetDataAccessDefinition(type);

            BuildUpdateProcedure(dbConn, type, functionDef);
        private async Task CreateGetStoredProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn)
            RuleManagement rm      = new RuleManagement();
            string         type    = "Rules";
            DataAccessDef  ruleDef = rm.GetDataAccessDefinition(type);

            BuildGetProcedure(dbConn, type, ruleDef);
            BuildGetProcedureWithId(dbConn, type, ruleDef);
            type = "Functions";
            DataAccessDef functionDef = rm.GetDataAccessDefinition(type);

            BuildGetProcedure(dbConn, type, functionDef);
            BuildGetProcedureWithId(dbConn, type, functionDef);

            IndexAccess ia = new IndexAccess();

            type = "Index";
            DataAccessDef indexDef = ia.GetDataAccessDefinition();

            BuildGetProcedure(dbConn, type, indexDef);
            BuildGetProcedureWithQcString(dbConn, indexDef);
Example #25
        private void InsertMissingObjectToIndex(PredictionResult result)
            IndexFileData indexdata = GetIndexFileData(result.DataType);

            if (indexdata.DataName != null)
                JObject       dataObject    = JObject.Parse(result.DataObject);
                string        dataName      = dataObject[indexdata.NameAttribute].ToString();
                string        dataType      = result.DataType;
                DataAccessDef dataAccessDef = _accessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
                string        dataKey       = GetDataKey(dataObject, dataAccessDef.Keys);
                int           parentId      = result.IndexId;
                string        jsonData      = result.DataObject;
                double        latitude      = -99999.0;
                double        longitude     = -99999.0;
                int           nodeId        = GeIndextNode(dataType, parentId);
                if (nodeId > 0)
                    _dbConn.InsertIndex(nodeId, dataName, dataType, dataKey, jsonData, latitude, longitude);
Example #26
        private void LoadLogCurve(int pointer, string logName)
            string        comma      = "";
            DataAccessDef dataType   = _dataDef.First(x => x.DataType == "LogCurve");
            int           indexCount = _indexValues.Count();
            int           logCount   = _logNames.Count();
            string        jsonArray  = @"[";

            for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++)
                jsonArray = jsonArray + comma;
                Dictionary <string, string> logCurve = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string[] attributes = Common.GetAttributes(dataType.Select);
                foreach (string attribute in attributes)
                    logCurve.Add(attribute.Trim(), "");
                logCurve["UWI"]            = _uwi;
                logCurve["CURVE_ID"]       = logName;
                logCurve["SAMPLE_ID"]      = i.ToString();
                logCurve["INDEX_VALUE"]    = _indexValues[i].ToString();
                logCurve["MEASURED_VALUE"] = _curveValues[pointer + (i * logCount)].ToString();
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logCurve, Formatting.Indented);
                json      = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ROW_CREATED_DATE");
                json      = Common.SetJsonDataObjectDate(json, "ROW_CHANGED_DATE");
                jsonArray = jsonArray + json;
                comma     = ",";
            jsonArray = jsonArray + @"]";
            string    select = dataType.Select;
            string    query  = $" where UWI = '{_uwi}' and CURVE_ID = '{logName}'";
            DataTable dt     = _dbConn.GetDataTable(select, query);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                _dbConn.InsertDataObject(jsonArray, "LogCurve");
        public DataAccessDef GetDataAccessDefinition(string dataType)
            DataAccessDef dataAccessDef = new DataAccessDef();

            if (dataType == "Rules")
                dataAccessDef.DataType = "Rules";
                dataAccessDef.Select   = getSql;
                dataAccessDef.Keys     = "Id";
            else if (dataType == "Functions")
                dataAccessDef.DataType = "Functions";
                dataAccessDef.Select   = functionSql;
                dataAccessDef.Keys     = "Id";
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not a valif data type");

        public async Task <string> GetAttributeInfo(string sourceName, string dataType)
            string            json      = "";
            ConnectParameters connector = await Common.GetConnectParameters(azureConnectionString, sourceName);

            string accessJson = await _fileStorage.ReadFile("connectdefinition", "PPDMDataAccess.json");

            List <DataAccessDef> accessDefs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DataAccessDef> >(accessJson);
            DataAccessDef        dataAccess = accessDefs.First(x => x.DataType == dataType);
            string sql   = dataAccess.Select;
            string table = Common.GetTable(sql);
            string query = $" where 0 = 1";

            DbUtilities dbConn = new DbUtilities();

            DataTable     dt            = dbConn.GetDataTable(sql, query);
            AttributeInfo attributeInfo = new AttributeInfo();

            attributeInfo.DataAttributes = dt.GetColumnTypes();
            json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(attributeInfo);

        private void BuildUpdateProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn, string dataType, DataAccessDef accessDef)
            string comma;
            string attributes;
            string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spUpdate{dataType} ";


            sqlCommand = "";
            string sql = accessDef.Select;

            string[] keys = accessDef.Keys.Split(',');

            string           table = Common.GetTable(sql);
            ColumnProperties attributeProperties = CommonDbUtilities.GetColumnSchema(dbConn, sql);

            string[] tableAttributes = Helpers.Common.GetAttributes(sql);

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spUpdate{dataType} ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "@json NVARCHAR(max) ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "AS ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + "BEGIN ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"SELECT ";
            comma      = "    ";
            attributes = "";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute = word.Trim();
                attributes = attributes + comma + attribute;
                comma      = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " INTO #TempJson ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM OPENJSON(@json) ";
            comma      = "";
            attributes = "    WITH (";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute    = word.Trim();
                string dataProperty = attributeProperties[attribute];
                attributes = attributes + comma + attribute + " " + dataProperty +
                             " '$." + attribute + "'";
                comma = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + ") AS jsonValues ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" UPDATE A ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" SET ";
            comma      = "    ";
            attributes = "";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                if (word != "Id")
                    string attribute = word.Trim();
                    attributes = attributes + comma + "A." + attribute + " = " + "B." + attribute;
                    comma      = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" {table} AS A ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " INNER JOIN #TempJson AS B ON ";
            comma      = "    ";
            attributes = "";
            foreach (string key in keys)
                attributes = attributes + comma + "A." + key.Trim() + " = " + "B." + key.Trim();
                comma      = " AND ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";

        private void BuildInsertProcedure(DbUtilities dbConn, string dataType, DataAccessDef accessDef)
            string comma;
            string attributes;
            string sqlCommand = $"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spInsert{dataType}; ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"DROP TYPE IF EXISTS[dbo].[UDT{dataType}];";

            sqlCommand = "";
            string sql = accessDef.Select;

            string[] keys = accessDef.Keys.Split(',');

            string           table = Common.GetTable(sql);
            ColumnProperties attributeProperties = CommonDbUtilities.GetColumnSchema(dbConn, sql);

            string[] tableAttributes = Common.GetAttributes(sql);
            tableAttributes = tableAttributes.Where(w => w != "Id").ToArray();

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"CREATE PROCEDURE spInsert{dataType} ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " @json NVARCHAR(max) ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " AS ";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " BEGIN ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" INSERT INTO {table }";
            attributes = " (";
            comma      = "";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute = word.Trim();
                attributes = attributes + comma + "[" + attribute + "]";
                comma      = ",";
            attributes = attributes + ")";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $"  SELECT";
            comma      = "    ";
            attributes = "";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute = word.Trim();
                attributes = attributes + comma + attribute;
                comma      = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + $" FROM OPENJSON(@json)";

            comma      = "";
            attributes = "    WITH (";
            foreach (var word in tableAttributes)
                string attribute    = word.Trim();
                string dataProperty = attributeProperties[attribute];
                attributes = attributes + comma + attribute + " " + dataProperty +
                             " '$." + attribute + "'";
                comma = ",";
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + attributes;
            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + ") AS jsonValues ";

            sqlCommand = sqlCommand + " END";