private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog myDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "База данных(*.MDB;*.MDB;*.accdb; *.db; *.db3)|*.MDB;*.MDB;*.ACCDB;*DB; *DB3;" + "|Все файлы (*.*)|*.* ", CheckFileExists = true, Multiselect = true }; if (myDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Path.Text = myDialog.FileName; DataAccesBDData.Path = myDialog.FileName; RanGrid.ItemsSource = DataAccesBDData.GetDataRun(); SobGrid1.ItemsSource = DataAccesBDData.GetDataSob(); } }
public void TempBD() { sobs.Clear(); if (pathBD.Split('.')[1] == "db" || pathBD.Split('.')[1] == "db3") { DataAccesBDData.Path = pathBD; int timenaz = Convert.ToInt32(textH.Text); DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(); dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime dateTime1 = new DateTime(); dateTime1 = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTime1 = dateTime1.AddHours(-timenaz); string uslovietime = String.Empty; DateTime dateTime1Naz = new DateTime(); int x3 = 0; for (int i = timenaz; i > 0; i--) { dateTime1Naz = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTime1Naz = dateTime1Naz.AddHours(-i); if (x3 > 0) { uslovietime += "or Время Like '" + dateTime1Naz.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime1Naz.Hour.ToString("00") + "%' "; } else { uslovietime += "Время Like '" + dateTime1Naz.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime1Naz.Hour.ToString("00") + "%' "; // "(Время Like '" + dateTime1.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime1.Hour.ToString("00") + "%' or Время Like '" + dateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime.Hour.ToString("00") + "%')"; } x3++; } string sz = " (ИмяФайла Like '%_" + dateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime.Month.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime.Year.ToString() + "%') and (" + uslovietime + "or Время Like '" + dateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime.Hour.ToString("00") + "%') order by Primary_Key"; // CommandText = "select * from [Событие] Where (ИмяФайла Like '%_" + dateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "."+ dateTime.Month.ToString("00")+".2019 %' ) order by Код desc" var ListSob = DataAccesBDData.GetDataSob(sz); try { if (chekNoise.IsChecked == true) { foreach (var d in (from ssob in ListSob where ssob.bad == false select ssob)) { sobs.Add(new Sob() { namePSB = d.Плата, kl = Convert.ToInt32(d.Кластер), masA = d.АмпCh, masN = d.NCh, dataTime = new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, Convert.ToInt32(d.Time.ToString().Split('.')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(d.Time.ToString().Split('.')[2]), 0, 0) }); } } else { foreach (var d in ListSob) { sobs.Add(new Sob() { namePSB = d.Плата, kl = Convert.ToInt32(d.Кластер), masA = d.АмпCh, masN = d.NCh, dataTime = new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, Convert.ToInt32(d.Time.ToString().Split('.')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(d.Time.ToString().Split('.')[2]), 0, 0) }); } } List <WorkBD.ViewTaiblBDData.ClassTablSob> ff = (from s in ListSob where s.Кластер == "1" select s).ToList(); if (ff.Count > 0) { TKl1.Text = ff.ElementAt(ff.Count - 1).Time.ToString(); } ff = (from s in ListSob where s.Кластер == "2" select s).ToList(); if (ff.Count > 0) { TKl2.Text = ff.ElementAt(ff.Count - 1).Time.ToString(); } ff = (from s in ListSob where s.Кластер == "3" select s).ToList(); if (ff.Count > 0) { TKl3.Text = ff.ElementAt(ff.Count - 1).Time.ToString(); } ff = (from s in ListSob where s.Кластер == "4" select s).ToList(); if (ff.Count > 0) { TKl4.Text = ff.ElementAt(ff.Count - 1).Time.ToString(); } ff = (from s in ListSob where s.Кластер == "5" select s).ToList(); if (ff.Count > 0) { TKl5.Text = ff.ElementAt(ff.Count - 1).Time.ToString(); } ff = (from s in ListSob where s.Кластер == "6" select s).ToList(); if (ff.Count > 0) { TKl6.Text = ff.ElementAt(ff.Count - 1).Time.ToString(); } sobs = (from s in sobs where s.dataTime.CompareTo(dateTime1) >= 0 select s).ToList <Sob>(); int colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 1 select s).Count(); int colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 1 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl1.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl1.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 2 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 2 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl2.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl2.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 3 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 3 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl3.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl3.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 4 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 4 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl4.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl4.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 5 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 5 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl5.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl5.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 6 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 6 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl6.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl6.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; ShowDeteClea(); try { //ToDo foreach (var d in detectors) { Debug.WriteLine(d.Klaster().ToString()); bool activ = false; foreach (var sd in _DataColecViev) { if (sd.NamKl == d.Klaster().ToString()) { activ = true; } } d.ColS = (from x in sobs where x.kl == d.Klaster() && x.masA[d.nomerDetectora - ((x.kl - 1) * 12) - 1] > 5 select x).Count(); d.SumSobAll = (from s in sobs where s.kl == d.Klaster() select s).Count(); vizualDetectorA(d.nomerDetectora, d.ColorTextSob); d.ColN = (from x in sobs where x.kl == d.Klaster() && x.masN[d.nomerDetectora - ((x.kl - 1) * 12) - 1] > 0 select x.masN[d.nomerDetectora - ((x.kl - 1) * 12) - 1]).Sum(); vizualDetectorN(d.nomerDetectora, d.ColorTextNeutron, activ); } // MessageBox.Show(chit.GetValue(2).ToString()+"\n"+ chit.GetValue(1).ToString()+"\n"+ dateTime1.ToString()+"\t"+s1.dataTime.ToString() +"\n"+ s1.dataTime.CompareTo(dateTime1).ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error" + "\n" + ex.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error1" + ex.ToString()); } } else { string connectionString = @"Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source =" + pathBD; var podg = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); podg.Open(); int timenaz = Convert.ToInt32(textH.Text); DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(); dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime dateTime1 = new DateTime(); dateTime1 = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTime1 = dateTime1.AddHours(-timenaz); string uslovietime = String.Empty; DateTime dateTime1Naz = new DateTime(); int x3 = 0; for (int i = timenaz; i > 0; i--) { dateTime1Naz = DateTime.UtcNow; dateTime1Naz = dateTime1Naz.AddHours(-i); if (x3 > 0) { uslovietime += "or Время Like '" + dateTime1Naz.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime1Naz.Hour.ToString("00") + "%' "; } else { uslovietime += "Время Like '" + dateTime1Naz.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime1Naz.Hour.ToString("00") + "%' "; // "(Время Like '" + dateTime1.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime1.Hour.ToString("00") + "%' or Время Like '" + dateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime.Hour.ToString("00") + "%')"; } x3++; } var camand = new OleDbCommand { Connection = podg, CommandText = "select * from [Событие] where (ИмяФайла Like '%_" + dateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime.Month.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime.Year.ToString() + "%') and (" + uslovietime + "or Время Like '" + dateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "." + dateTime.Hour.ToString("00") + "%') order by Код" // CommandText = "select * from [Событие] Where (ИмяФайла Like '%_" + dateTime.Day.ToString("00") + "."+ dateTime.Month.ToString("00")+".2019 %' ) order by Код desc" }; try { var chit = camand.ExecuteReader(); while (chit.Read() == true) { if (chekNoise.IsChecked == true) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(chit.GetValue(55).ToString()) && Convert.ToBoolean(chit.GetValue(55))) { } else { int[] masA = new int[12]; int[] masN = new int[12]; // MessageBox.Show((chit.GetValue(3)).ToString() + "\n" + (chit.GetValue(4)).ToString() + "\n" + (chit.GetValue(5)).ToString()); masA[0] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(5)); masA[1] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(6)); masA[2] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(7)); masA[3] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(8)); masA[4] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(9)); masA[5] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(10)); masA[6] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(11)); masA[7] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(12)); masA[8] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(13)); masA[9] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(14)); masA[10] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(15)); masA[11] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(16)); masN[0] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(18)); masN[1] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(19)); masN[2] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(20)); masN[3] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(21)); masN[4] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(22)); masN[5] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(23)); masN[6] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(24)); masN[7] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(25)); masN[8] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(26)); masN[9] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(27)); masN[10] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(28)); masN[11] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(29)); // MessageBox.Show((chit.GetValue(3)).ToString()+"\n"+ (chit.GetValue(4)).ToString() + "\n" + (chit.GetValue(5)).ToString()); // sobs.Add(new Sob() { namePSB= chit.GetValue(3).ToString(), kl=Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(2)), masA=masA, masN=masN, dataTime=new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1).ToString().Split('.')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1).ToString().Split('.')[2]), 0, 0) }); // x = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1)); sobs.Add(new Sob() { namePSB = chit.GetValue(3).ToString(), kl = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(4)), masA = masA, masN = masN, dataTime = new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1).ToString().Split('.')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1).ToString().Split('.')[2]), 0, 0) }); } } else { //Debug.WriteLine("dfgd"+chit.FieldCount.ToString()); int[] masA = new int[12]; int[] masN = new int[12]; // MessageBox.Show((chit.GetValue(3)).ToString() + "\n" + (chit.GetValue(4)).ToString() + "\n" + (chit.GetValue(5)).ToString()); masA[0] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(5)); masA[1] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(6)); masA[2] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(7)); masA[3] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(8)); masA[4] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(9)); masA[5] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(10)); masA[6] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(11)); masA[7] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(12)); masA[8] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(13)); masA[9] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(14)); masA[10] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(15)); masA[11] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(16)); masN[0] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(18)); masN[1] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(19)); masN[2] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(20)); masN[3] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(21)); masN[4] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(22)); masN[5] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(23)); masN[6] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(24)); masN[7] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(25)); masN[8] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(26)); masN[9] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(27)); masN[10] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(28)); masN[11] = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(29)); // MessageBox.Show((chit.GetValue(3)).ToString()+"\n"+ (chit.GetValue(4)).ToString() + "\n" + (chit.GetValue(5)).ToString()); // sobs.Add(new Sob() { namePSB= chit.GetValue(3).ToString(), kl=Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(2)), masA=masA, masN=masN, dataTime=new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1).ToString().Split('.')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1).ToString().Split('.')[2]), 0, 0) }); // x = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1)); sobs.Add(new Sob() { namePSB = chit.GetValue(3).ToString(), kl = Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(4)), masA = masA, masN = masN, dataTime = new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1).ToString().Split('.')[1]), Convert.ToInt32(chit.GetValue(1).ToString().Split('.')[2]), 0, 0) }); } } sobs = (from s in sobs where s.dataTime.CompareTo(dateTime1) >= 0 select s).ToList <Sob>(); int colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 1 select s).Count(); int colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 1 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl1.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl1.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 2 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 2 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl2.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl2.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 3 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 3 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl3.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl3.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 4 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 4 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl4.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl4.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 5 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 5 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl5.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl5.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; colS = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 6 select s).Count(); colN = (from s in sobs where s.kl == 6 select s.masN.Sum()).Sum(); textSAllKl6.Text = " " + colS.ToString(); textnAllKl6.Text = " " + colN.ToString() + "(" + ((double)colN / (double)colS).ToString("0.00") + ")"; //MessageBox.Show("Read" + "\n" + sobs.Count.ToString()); ShowDeteClea(); // MessageBox.Show("Clea" + "\n" + sobs.Count.ToString()); try { bool activ = false; foreach (var d in detectors) { foreach (var sd in _DataColecViev) { if (sd.NamKl == d.Klaster().ToString()) { activ = true; } } d.ColS = (from x in sobs where x.kl == d.Klaster() && x.masA[d.nomerDetectora - ((x.kl - 1) * 12) - 1] > 5 select x).Count(); d.SumSobAll = (from s in sobs where s.kl == d.Klaster() select s).Count(); vizualDetectorA(d.nomerDetectora, d.ColorTextSob); d.ColN = (from x in sobs where x.kl == d.Klaster() && x.masN[d.nomerDetectora - ((x.kl - 1) * 12) - 1] > 0 select x.masN[d.nomerDetectora - ((x.kl - 1) * 12) - 1]).Sum(); vizualDetectorN(d.nomerDetectora, d.ColorTextNeutron, activ); } // MessageBox.Show(chit.GetValue(2).ToString()+"\n"+ chit.GetValue(1).ToString()+"\n"+ dateTime1.ToString()+"\t"+s1.dataTime.ToString() +"\n"+ s1.dataTime.CompareTo(dateTime1).ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error" + "\n" + ex.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error1" + ex.ToString()); } podg.Close(); } try { if (Convert.ToBoolean(checList.IsChecked)) { SobListBD(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }