private void SearchUsername(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { //cheack leght username if (TextBoxUsername_Search.Text.Length >= 6) { //recive detail SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.SearchUsername(TextBoxUsername_Search.Text, result => { ChangeSearchTexts(result); }, () => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Not Found", StatusMessage.Warrning); }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Username Short(More than 6 charecter)", StatusMessage.Error); } }
private void SearchEmail(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { //cheack email valid try { _ = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(TextBoxEmail_Search.Text); SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.SearchEmail(TextBoxEmail_Search.Text, result => { ChangeSearchTexts(result); }, () => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Not Found", StatusMessage.Warrning); }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, StatusMessage.Error); } }
public static void CheackUpdate() { var a = new UIElement(); SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageDashboard.CheackUpdate( result => { if (result.ElementCount >= 1) { Version version = new Version(result["Version"].AsString); if (version != Application.ResourceAssembly.GetName().Version) { DashboardGame.Dashboard.Root.Children.Add(new SubPageUpdate()); } } }, () => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Recive Update", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); }); }
private void Add(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (TextNameLeaderboard.Text.Length >= 6) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.Creat(TextNameLeaderboard.Text, ComboboxReset.SelectedIndex, ComboboxSort.SelectedIndex, Result => { if (Result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Leaderboard Added", StatusMessage.Ok); Refreshlist(null, null); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Add", StatusMessage.Error); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Leaderboard name short ", StatusMessage.Warrning); } }
private void CheackUsername(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { var Text = sender as TextBox; if (Text.Text.Length >= 6) { SDK.SDK_PageAUT.CheackUsername(Text.Text, result => { if (result) { Text.Text += new Random().Next(); DashboardGame.Notifaction("Username available", StatusMessage.Warrning); } Text.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen); }); } else { Text.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Tomato); } }
public static bool ControllNumberFilde(TextBox Sender) { if (Sender.Text.Length >= 1) { try { int.Parse(Sender.Text); return(true); } catch (Exception) { Sender.Text = "0"; DashboardGame.Notifaction("Field is Number", Dashboards.Dashboard_Game.Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); return(false); } } else { return(false); } }
public void InitLeaderboards() { PlaceContentLeaderboard.Children.Clear(); //init Player leaderboards SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.RecievePlayerLeaderboard(Editor.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId, result => { if (result.ElementCount >= 1) { foreach (var item in result["Leaderboards"].AsBsonArray) { PlaceContentLeaderboard.Children.Add(new ModelLeaderboard.LeaderaboardPlayer(item["Leaderboard"].ToString(), item["Score"].ToInt64())); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("No Content", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }); //ini Studio Leaderboard SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.Reciveleaderboards((Result) => { PlaceLeaderboardStudio.Children.Clear(); if (Result.ElementCount >= 1) { foreach (var item in Result["List"].AsBsonArray) { PlaceLeaderboardStudio.Children.Add(new ModelLeaderboard.ModelLeaderboards(item.AsBsonDocument, this)); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("No Content", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }); }
private void _Register(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (TextUsername.Text.Length >= 6 && TextPassword.Password.Length >= 6) { try { new MailAddress(TextEmail.Text); SDK.SDK_PageAUT.Register(TextUsername.Text, TextPassword.Password, TextEmail.Text, TextPhone.Text, (Token) => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Registered", StatusMessage.Ok); Settings.Default._id = Token; Settings.Default.Save(); //remove page and Effect var _parent = (Parent as Grid); _parent.Children.Remove(this); (_parent.FindName("PageDashboard") as Grid).Effect = null; InitDashbaord(); }, () => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild to Register", StatusMessage.Error); }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, StatusMessage.Warrning); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Username or Password Short", StatusMessage.Error); } }
private void _Register(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (TextUsername.Text.Length >= 6 && TextPassword.Password.Length >= 6) { try { new MailAddress(TextEmail.Text); SDK.SDK_PageAUT.Register(TextUsername.Text, TextPassword.Password, TextEmail.Text, TextPhone.Text, (Token) => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Registered", StatusMessage.Ok); Settings.Default._id = Token; Settings.Default.Save(); //remove page and Effect DashboardGame.Dashboard.Blure(false); DashboardGame.Dashboard.Root.Children.Remove(this); DashboardGame.Dashboard.Root.Children.Add(new SubPageStudios()); }, () => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild to Register", StatusMessage.Error); }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, StatusMessage.Warrning); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Username or Password Short", StatusMessage.Error); } }
public void InitLogs() { Count = 100; TextSeeMoreNumber.Text = Count.ToString(); SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.RecivePlayerlog(Editor.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId, Count, result => { PlaceContentLogs.Children.Clear(); if (result.ElementCount >= 1) { foreach (var item in result["Logs"].AsBsonArray) { PlaceContentLogs.Children.Add(new ModelLogPlayer(item.AsBsonDocument)); } } else { ShowPanelAddLogs(); DashboardGame.Notifaction("No Content", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }); }
public ContentValue(BsonDocument DetailValue, IEditorLeaderboard Editor) { InitializeComponent(); TextToken.Text = DetailValue["Leaderboards"]["Token"].ToString(); TextUsername.Text = DetailValue["Leaderboards"]["Username"].ToString(); TextValue.Text = DetailValue["Leaderboards"]["Score"].ToString(); TextRank.Text = DetailValue["Rank"].ToString(); TextToken.MouseDown += GlobalEvents.CopyText; BTNRemove.MouseDown += async(s, e) => { if (await DashboardGame.DialogYesNo("The value for the user is deleted \n Are you sure?") == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.Remove(DetailValue["Leaderboards"]["Token"].ToString(), DetailValue["Leaderboards"]["Leaderboard"].ToString(), () => { Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; DashboardGame.Notifaction("Deleted", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Count"] = (Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Count"].ToInt32() - 1); Editor.Save(); }, () => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Delete", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Delete reject", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; }
public void IniAchievements() { //ini Studio achievements SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageAchievements.ReciveAchievements(result => { ListStudioAchievement.Children.Clear(); if (result.ElementCount >= 1) { foreach (var item in result["Achievements"].AsBsonArray) { ListStudioAchievement.Children.Add(new ModelAchievementStudio(item.AsBsonDocument, this)); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("No Content", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); ShowPanelAddAchievements(); } }); //init Player Achievements SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageAchievements.PlayerAchievements(Editor.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId, Result => { PlaceContentAchievements.Children.Clear(); if (Result.ElementCount >= 1) { foreach (var item in Result["Achievements"].AsBsonArray) { PlaceContentAchievements.Children.Add(new ModelAchievements.ModelAchievements(item.AsBsonDocument, this)); } } }); }
public PageAchievements() { InitializeComponent(); ReciveListAchievements(); //actions //action btnaddachivemenents BTNaddAchievements.MouseDown += (s, e) => { try { if (TextBoxName.Text.Length == 0) { throw new FormatException(); } long.Parse(TextBoxValue.Text); SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageStudios.ReciveMonetize(Monetize => { if (PlaceContentAchievements.Children.Count + 1 <= Monetize["Achievements"].ToInt32()) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageAchievements.AddAchievements(TextBoxName.Text, long.Parse(TextBoxValue.Text), result => { ShowOffPanelAchievements(); ReciveListAchievements(); //add log SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLog.AddLog("Creat achievement", $"\" {TextBoxName.Text} \" achievement was created", new BsonDocument(), false, resultlog => { }); }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("You can not create new achievements. Buy more achievements", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }, () => { }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //action btnshow panel achievements BTNShowAddAchievment.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowPanelAddChievements(); }; //action cheack name TextBoxName.TextChanged += (s, e) => { var Text = s as TextBox; SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageAchievements.CheackAchievements(Text.Text, result => { if (result) { Text.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Tomato); DashboardGame.Notifaction($"\" {Text.Text} \" Duplicate name", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); Text.Text += new Random().Next(); DashboardGame.Notifaction($"Rename to \" {Text.Text} \"", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); } else { Text.BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGreen); } }); }; //close panel add PanelAddAchievement.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowOffPanelAchievements(); } }; }
public ModelFind(ObjectId TokenPlayer, BsonDocument Detail, Action Refreshlist, StackPanel PlaceListContentAchievements) { Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); Margin = new Thickness(5); Cursor = Cursors.Hand; var Name = new StackPanel() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; var Value = new StackPanel() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; var ID = new StackPanel() { Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal }; Name.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Name: ", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }); Name.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = Detail["Name"].ToString() }); Value.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Value: ", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }); Value.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = Detail["Value"].ToString() }); ID.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Token: ", FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }); ID.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = Detail["Token"].ToString() }); this.Detail = Detail; Children.Add(Name); Children.Add(Value); Children.Add(ID); Children.Add(new Border() { BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray), BorderThickness = new Thickness(0, 1, 0, 0) }); //action select MouseDown += (s, e) => { Detail.Remove("Players"); Detail.Remove("Created"); Detail.Remove("Value"); SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageAchievements.AddPlayerAchievements(TokenPlayer, Detail, result => { if (result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Achievement add to player", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); Refreshlist(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Add ", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); }; MouseEnter += (s, e) => { Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gainsboro); }; MouseLeave += (s, e) => { Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); }; }
public EditLeaderboard(IEditorLeaderboard Editor) { InitializeComponent(); #region Page Setting TextToken.Text = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Token"].AsObjectId.ToString(); TextStart.Text = DateTime.Parse(Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Start"].ToString()).ToString(); TextLeaderboardName.Text = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Name"].AsString; TextName_Setting.Text = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Name"].AsString; TextMinValue.Text = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Min"].ToString(); TextMaxValue.Text = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Max"].ToString(); ComboboxReset.SelectedIndex = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Reset"].ToInt32(); TextAmount.Text = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Amount"].ToString(); ComboboxSort.SelectedIndex = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Sort"].ToInt32(); PanelAmount.Loaded += (s, e) => { if (Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Reset"].ToInt32() == 0) { PanelAmount.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { PanelAmount.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }; //copy token TextToken.MouseDown += GlobalEvents.CopyText; //Control and Deploy amount TextAmount.LostFocus += (s, e) => { try { Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Amount"] = int.Parse(TextAmount.Text); Editor.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Amount"] = 1; TextAmount.Text = "1"; DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); Editor.Save(); } }; //change Minvalue TextMinValue.LostFocus += (s, e) => { try { Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Min"] = Int64.Parse(TextMinValue.Text); Editor.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); TextMinValue.Text = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Min"].ToString(); } }; //change Max value TextMaxValue.LostFocus += (s, e) => { try { Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Max"] = Int64.Parse(TextMaxValue.Text); Editor.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { TextMaxValue.Text = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Max"].ToString(); DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //change reset ComboboxReset.SelectionChanged += (s, e) => { Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Reset"] = ComboboxReset.SelectedIndex; if (Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Reset"].ToInt32() == 0) { PanelAmount.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { PanelAmount.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } Editor.Save(); }; //change sort ComboboxSort.SelectionChanged += (s, e) => { Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Sort"] = ComboboxSort.SelectedIndex; Editor.Save(); }; #endregion #region Page Leaderboard var Count = 100; //action btn recive leaderboards BTNLeaderboard.Click += (s, e) => { Count = 100; ReciveLeaderboardDetail(); TextSeeMore.Text = Count.ToString(); }; //action btn see more BTNSeeMore.MouseDown += (s, e) => { Count += 100; ReciveLeaderboardDetail(); TextSeeMore.Text = Count.ToString(); }; //action btn Backups BTNBackup.MouseDown += (s, e) => { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.Backup(Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Name"].ToString(), Result => { Debug.WriteLine(Result); }); }; //action btn reset leaderboard BTNReset.MouseDown += async(s, e) => { if (await DashboardGame.DialogYesNo("All information is lost.\n Are you sure ? ") == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.Reset(Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Name"].ToString(), result => { if (result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Leaderboard Reset", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild reset", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Canceled", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }; //action btn Show panel add BTNShowPanelAdd.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowPanelAddPlayer(); }; //show off panel add PanelAddPlayer.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowoffPaneladdPlayer(); } }; //action btn add player BTNAddPlayer.MouseDown += (s, e) => { try { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.AddPlayer(Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Name"].ToString(), ObjectId.Parse(TextboxTokenPlayer.Text), long.Parse(TextboxValue.Text), result => { if (result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Player Add", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); ReciveLeaderboardDetail(); ShowoffPaneladdPlayer(); Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Count"] = Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Count"].ToInt32() + 1; Editor.Save(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild add", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; void ReciveLeaderboardDetail() { ContentPlaceLeaderboard.Children.Clear(); SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.Leaderboard(Count, Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Name"].ToString(), result => { if (result.ElementCount >= 1) { var Conter = 0; foreach (var item in result["List"].AsBsonArray) { item.AsBsonDocument.Add("Rank", Conter); ContentPlaceLeaderboard.Children.Add(new ContentValue(item.AsBsonDocument, Editor)); Conter++; } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("No Content", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); ShowPanelAddPlayer(); } }); } #endregion #region Backups var CountBackups = 100; //btn backups BTNBackupHistory.Click += (s, e) => { PlaceContentBackups.Children.Clear(); SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.BackupRecive(Editor.DetailLeaderboard["Settings"]["Name"].ToString(), CountBackups, result => { if (result.ElementCount >= 1) { foreach (var item in result["Leaderboards"].AsBsonArray) { PlaceContentBackups.Children.Add(new ModelBackupAbstract(item.AsBsonDocument)); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("No Content", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }); }; #endregion }
public EditPlayer(IEditPlayer EditPlayer) { InitializeComponent(); //frist init Editor = EditPlayer; CurentPage = PageAccount; CurentBTNHeader = BTNAccount; #region PageSetting //change frist TextIDPlayer_Header.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId.ToString(); TextboxNickname.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Name"].AsString; TextboxAvatar.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Avatar"].AsString; TextLanguage.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Language"].AsString; TextCreated.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Created"].ToUniversalTime().ToString(); TextCountry.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Country"].AsString; TextboxUsername.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Username"].AsString; TextboxEmail.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Email"].AsString; TextToken.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId.ToString(); Textboxphone.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Phone"].ToString(); try { TextCountTags.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Tags"].AsBsonArray.Count.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"].AsBsonDocument.Add("Tags", new BsonArray()); EditPlayer.Save(); } //cheak banplayer CheackBoxBan.IsChecked = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["IsBan"].AsBoolean; CheackBoxBan.Checked += (s, e) => { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["IsBan"] = true; EditPlayer.Save(); }; CheackBoxBan.Unchecked += (s, e) => { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["IsBan"] = false; EditPlayer.Save(); }; //action Change NickName TextboxNickname.LostFocus += (s, e) => { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Name"] = TextboxNickname.Text; EditPlayer.Save(); }; //action change nickname TextboxAvatar.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllLinkImages(TextboxAvatar)) { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Avatar"] = TextboxAvatar.Text; EditPlayer.Save(); } else { TextboxAvatar.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Avatar"].ToString(); } }; //action change Language TextLanguage.LostFocus += (s, e) => { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Language"] = TextLanguage.Text; EditPlayer.Save(); }; //action change Cuntry TextCountry.LostFocus += (s, e) => { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Country"] = TextCountry.Text; EditPlayer.Save(); }; //action change Username TextboxUsername.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (TextboxUsername.Text.Length >= 6) { if (TextboxUsername.Text != EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Username"].ToString()) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.SearchUsername(TextboxUsername.Text, result => { if (result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Username is duplicate ", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); TextboxUsername.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Username"].ToString(); } else { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Username"] = TextboxUsername.Text; EditPlayer.Save(); } }); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Username Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); TextboxUsername.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Username"].ToString(); } }; //action change email TextboxEmail.LostFocus += (s, e) => { try { new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(TextboxEmail.Text); EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Email"] = TextboxEmail.Text; EditPlayer.Save(); } catch (Exception) { TextboxEmail.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Email"].ToString(); } }; //action BTN control and change phone Textboxphone.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (long.TryParse(Textboxphone.Text, out long Handle)) { EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Phone"] = Handle; EditPlayer.Save(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Can't Conver to Phone number", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); Textboxphone.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Phone"].ToString(); } }; //action tag Tags.MouseDown += (s, e) => { _ = new TagsSystem(EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Tags"].AsBsonArray, () => { TextCountTags.Text = EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Tags"].AsBsonArray.Count.ToString(); EditPlayer.Save(); }); }; //action btn Email Recovery BTNSendEmailRecovery.MouseDown += async(s, e) => { try { new MailAddress(EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Email"].ToString()); if (await DashboardGame.DialogYesNo($"Do you want to send the recovery email to \"{EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId}\"?") == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { try { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.Recovery1(EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId, new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Email"].AsString), Code => { if (Code != 0) { DashboardGame.Dialog(Code.ToString(), "Recovery Code"); PanelChangePassword.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Send", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Rejected", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } } catch (Exception) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("The player does not have an email", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //action btn Change Password BTNChangePassword.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (TextNewPassword.Text.Length >= 6) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.ChangePassword(EditPlayer.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId, TextNewPassword.Text, Result => { if (Result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Password Changed", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); TextNewPassword.Text = ""; PanelChangePassword.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Change Password", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Password Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }; //copyToken TextToken.MouseDown += GlobalEvents.CopyText; //action btn Delete BTNDelete.MouseDown += (s, e) => { EditPlayer.Delete(this); }; #endregion #region PageLeaderboard //btn action leaderboards BTNAaddLeaderboardShow.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowpanelAddLeaderboard(); }; //close panel leaderboard PanelAddLeaderboard.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowOffPanelLeaderboard(); } }; #endregion #region PageAchievements //action BTN Achievements BTNAchievements.Click += (s, e) => { IniAchievements(); }; //action show panel Add achievements BTNShowPanelAddAchievement.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowPanelAddAchievements(); }; //action Panel Achievements PanelAddAchievements.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowoffPaneladdAchievements(); } }; #endregion #region PageLogs //Init Logs BTNLogs.Click += (s, e) => { InitLogs(); }; //action btn send log BTNSendLog.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (TextboxHeader.Text.Length >= 1 && TextboxDescription.Text.Length >= 1) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.AddLogPlayer(Editor.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId, TextboxHeader.Text, TextboxDescription.Text, result => { if (result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Log Added", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); InitLogs(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Add", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Header or Description Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //action btn clear BTNClearLogs.MouseDown += async(s, e) => { if (await DashboardGame.DialogYesNo("All information will be lost.\nare you sure ? ") == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.ClearLog(Editor.DetailPlayer["Account"]["Token"].AsObjectId, result => { if (result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Logs Clear", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); InitLogs(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Clear", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Canceled", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }; //action btn ClosePaneladdlog PanelAddLog.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowoffPaneladdLogs(); } }; //actin btn Add Log BTNAddLog.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowPanelAddLogs(); }; //action btn see more BTNSeeMoreLog.MouseDown += (s, e) => { Count += 100; TextSeeMoreNumber.Text = Count.ToString(); }; #endregion InitLeaderboards(); }
public PageRecoveryPassword() { InitializeComponent(); //action btn login BTNLogin.MouseDown += (s, e) => { var _parent = Parent as Grid; _parent.Children.Remove(this); _parent.Children.Add(new Login()); }; BTNStep1.MouseDown += (s, e) => { try { SDK.SDK_PageAUT.Recovery1(new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(EmailStep1.Text), result => { if (result) { Step1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; Step2.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; DashboardGame.Notifaction($"Code send to Email {EmailStep1.Text}", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild send email recovery", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (System.Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; BTNStep2.MouseDown += (s, e) => { try { SDK.SDK_PageAUT.Recovery2(new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(EmailStep1.Text), int.Parse(TextCode.Text), result => { if (result) { Step2.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; Step3.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Verification code not match ", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (System.Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; BTNStep3.MouseDown += (s, e) => { try { if (TextPassword1.Password != TextPassword2.Password) { throw new System.Exception("Password Not Match"); } SDK.SDK_PageAUT.Recovery3(new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(EmailStep1.Text), int.Parse(TextCode.Text), TextPassword2.Password, Result => { if (Result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Password Changed", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); var _parent = Parent as Grid; _parent.Children.Remove(this); _parent.Children.Add(new Login()); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Change ", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (System.Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; }
public PageKeyValue() { InitializeComponent(); ReciveListAchievements(); //Action show panel add Key BTNShowAddKey.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowPanelAddChievements(); }; //acton Change Type ComboBoxType.SelectionChanged += (s, e) => { TextBoxValue.IsEnabled = true; TextTotallValue.Text = ""; switch (ComboBoxType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: //string { } break; case 1: //int32 { } break; case 2: //int64 { } break; case 3: //boolean { } break; case 4: //Token { TextBoxValue.IsEnabled = false; TextBoxValue.Text = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(); } break; default: break; } }; //action btn add BTNaddKeyValue.MouseDown += (s, e) => { switch (ComboBoxType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: //string { Inject(new BsonElement(TextBoxKey.Text, TextBoxValue.Text)); } break; case 1: //int32 { try { Inject(new BsonElement(TextBoxKey.Text, Int32.Parse(TextBoxValue.Text))); } catch (Exception) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("The value is not a number", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } } break; case 2: //int64 { try { Inject(new BsonElement(TextBoxKey.Text, Int64.Parse(TextBoxValue.Text))); } catch (Exception) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("The value is not a number", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } } break; case 3: //boolean { try { Inject(new BsonElement(TextBoxKey.Text, bool.Parse(TextBoxValue.Text))); } catch (Exception) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("The value is not a Boolean(true,false)", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } } break; case 4: //Token { Inject(new BsonElement(TextBoxKey.Text, TextBoxValue.Text)); } break; default: break; } void Inject(BsonElement Value) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageKeyValue.AddKey(Value, result => { if (result) { ReciveListAchievements(); DashboardGame.Notifaction("Key Added", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Key Dublicated", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } ShowOffPanelAchievements(); }); } }; //show off panel Add; PanelAddKey.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowOffPanelAchievements(); } }; }
public EditShop(IStoreSetting Settings) { #region Global InitializeComponent(); this.Settings = Settings; DetailStore = this.Settings.DetailStore; PageCurent = PanelSetting; BTNCurent = BTNSetting; MouseMove += (s, e) => { Focus(); }; #endregion #region Setting InitSetting(); //controll and inject avatar TextAvatar.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllLinkImages(s) && TextAvatar.Text.Length >= 1) { var Photo = new Image(); var ImageBit = new BitmapImage(); ImageBit.DownloadFailed += (s1, e1) => { Settings.DetailStore["AvatarLink"] = ""; TextAvatar.Text = ""; DashboardGame.Notifaction("Image not found", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); PlaceAvatar.Child = null; PlaceAvatar.Child = new TextBlock() { Text = "\xEB9F", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe MDL2 Assets"), FontSize = 30, ToolTip = "No Avatar" }; }; ImageBit.DownloadCompleted += (s2, e2) => { Settings.DetailStore["AvatarLink"] = TextAvatar.Text; PlaceAvatar.Child = null; PlaceAvatar.Child = Photo; }; ImageBit.BeginInit(); ImageBit.UriSource = new Uri(TextAvatar.Text, UriKind.Absolute); Photo.Source = ImageBit; ImageBit.EndInit(); } else { if (TextAvatar.Text.Length == 0) { Settings.DetailStore["AvatarLink"] = TextAvatar.Text; } } }; //controll and inject name TextName.TextChanged += (s, e) => { if (TextName.Text.Length >= 1) { Settings.DetailStore["Name"] = TextName.Text; } else { TextName.Text = Settings.DetailStore["Name"].AsString; DashboardGame.Notifaction("Name is Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //control and inject marketlink TextMarketLink.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllLinks(s)) { Settings.DetailStore["MarketLink"] = TextMarketLink.Text; } }; //change Description TextDescription.TextChanged += (sender, e) => { Settings.DetailStore["Description"] = TextDescription.Text; }; //Active Control IsActive.Checked += (s, e) => { this.Settings.DetailStore["IsActive"] = true; }; IsActive.Unchecked += (s, e) => { this.Settings.DetailStore["IsActive"] = false; }; //acaton SaveSetting BTNSaveSetting.MouseDown += (s, e) => { //control avatar if (GlobalEvents.ControllLinkImages(TextAvatar) && TextAvatar.Text.Length >= 1) { Settings.DetailStore["AvatarLink"] = TextAvatar.Text; } else { if (TextAvatar.Text.Length == 0) { Settings.DetailStore["AvatarLink"] = TextAvatar.Text; } } //control link market if (GlobalEvents.ControllLinks(TextMarketLink)) { Settings.DetailStore["MarketLink"] = TextMarketLink.Text; } Settings.Save(); InitSetting(); }; TextToken.MouseDown += GlobalEvents.CopyText; #endregion #region SubPage AddProducts //action show panel add product BTNShowPanelAdd.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowPanelAddProduct(); }; //showoff panel add product PanelAddProduct.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowoffPanelAddProduct(); } }; //change name TextNameProduct_AddProduct.TextChanged += (s, e) => { NewProduct["Name"] = TextNameProduct_AddProduct.Text; }; //Change count int TextCount_AddProducts.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllNumberFilde(TextCount_AddProducts)) { NewProduct["Count"] = TextCount_AddProducts.Text; } else { NewProduct["Count"] = 0; } }; //change Amount TextAmount_AddProducts.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllNumberFilde(TextAmount_AddProducts)) { NewProduct["Amount"] = TextAmount_AddProducts.Text; } else { NewProduct["Amount"] = 0; } }; //Change Price TextPrice_AddProduct.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllNumberFilde(TextPrice_AddProduct)) { NewProduct["Price"] = TextPrice_AddProduct.Text; } else { NewProduct["Price"] = 0; } }; //cheack Avatar TextAvatar_AddProduct.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllLinkImages(s)) { NewProduct["Avatar"] = TextAvatar_AddProduct.Text; } }; //cheack market link TextMarketLink_AddProduct.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllLinks(s)) { NewProduct["Market"] = TextMarketLink_AddProduct.Text; } }; //change description TextDescription_AddDescription.TextChanged += (s, e) => { NewProduct["Description"] = TextDescription_AddDescription.Text; }; // expire cheack IsExpiraton_AddProducts.Checked += (s, e) => { Calendar_Expire_AddProducts.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; NewProduct["IsExpiration"] = true; }; IsExpiraton_AddProducts.Unchecked += (s, e) => { Calendar_Expire_AddProducts.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; NewProduct["IsExpiration"] = false; }; //event open tag system TagSystem.MouseDown += (s, e) => { new TagsSystem(NewProduct["Tags"].AsBsonArray, () => { TextTagsCount.Text = NewProduct["Tags"].AsBsonArray.Count.ToString(); }); }; //cheack calender Calendar_Expire_AddProducts.SelectedDatesChanged += (s, e) => { if (Calendar_Expire_AddProducts.SelectedDate > SettingUser.ServerTime) { NewProduct["Expiration"] = Calendar_Expire_AddProducts.SelectedDate; } else { NewProduct["Expiration"] = SettingUser.ServerTime.AddDays(3); } }; //action btn add tag BTNAddProduct.MouseDown += (s, e) => { NewProduct["Token"] = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); NewProduct["Created"] = SettingUser.ServerTime; BsonDocument NewProduct1 = new BsonDocument { { "Name", "" }, { "Count", 0 }, { "Amount", 0 }, { "Price", 0 }, { "Avatar", "" }, { "Market", "" }, { "Description", "" }, { "Tags", new BsonArray() }, { "IsExpiration", false }, { "Expiration", SettingUser.ServerTime.AddDays(3) }, { "Token", ObjectId.GenerateNewId() }, { "Created", SettingUser.ServerTime } }; this.Settings.DetailStore["Products"].AsBsonArray.Add(NewProduct); this.Settings.Save(); ShowoffPanelAddProduct(); InitSetting(); ReciveProduct(); NewProduct = NewProduct1; }; #endregion }
public ModelKeyValue(BsonElement Detail, Action Refresh) { InitializeComponent(); TextName.Text = Detail.Name; TextValue.Text = Detail.Value.ToString(); TextBoxKey.Text = Detail.Name; TextBoxValue.Text = Detail.Value.ToString(); //action delete key BTNDelete.MouseDown += (s, e) => { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageKeyValue.RemoveKeys(Detail.Name, result => { if (result) { Refresh(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Delte", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); }; //action BTNEdit BTNEdit.MouseDown += (s, e) => { Root.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; RootEdit.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }; //action btnBack BTNBack.MouseDown += (s, e) => { Root.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; RootEdit.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }; //Action btn Save BTNSave.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (TextBoxValue.Text.Length >= 1 && TextBoxKey.Text.Length >= 1) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageKeyValue.UpdateKeys(TextBoxKey.Text, TextBoxValue.Text.ToString(), result => { if (result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Key Updated", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); Refresh(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Update Faild", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Key or Value Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; }
public PageSetting() { InitializeComponent(); CurentPage = PageSettings; CurentBTNHeader = BTNSetting; //fill frist Setting TextName.Text = SettingUser.CurentDetailStudio["Name"].ToString(); TextType.Text = SettingUser.CurentDetailStudio["Type"].ToString(); TextToken.Text = SettingUser.CurentDetailStudio["Token"].ToString(); TextCreator.Text = SettingUser.CurentDetailStudio["Creator"].ToString(); TextCreated.Text = SettingUser.CurentDetailStudio["Created"].ToLocalTime().ToString(); TextDatabase.Text = SettingUser.CurentDetailStudio["Database"].ToString(); //action btn BTNPlayer.MouseDown += (s, obj) => { if (CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 10000 >= 0) { CurentMonetiz["Players"] = CurentMonetiz["Players"].AsInt32 + 1000; NewMonetiz["Players"] = NewMonetiz["Players"].AsInt32 + 1000; NewMonetiz["Cash"] = NewMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 + 10000; CurentMonetiz["Cash"] = CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 10000; BTNRevite.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } Cheackcash(); RechangeNew(); }; BTNLeaderboards.MouseDown += (s, obj) => { if (CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 10000 >= 0) { CurentMonetiz["Leaderboards"] = CurentMonetiz["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 + 1; NewMonetiz["Leaderboards"] = NewMonetiz["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 + 1; NewMonetiz["Cash"] = NewMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 + 10000; CurentMonetiz["Cash"] = CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 10000; BTNRevite.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } Cheackcash(); RechangeNew(); }; BTNAPIs.MouseDown += (s, obj) => { if (CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 10000 >= 0) { CurentMonetiz["Apis"] = CurentMonetiz["Apis"].AsInt32 + 3000; NewMonetiz["Apis"] = NewMonetiz["Apis"].AsInt32 + 3000; NewMonetiz["Cash"] = NewMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 + 20000; CurentMonetiz["Cash"] = CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 20000; BTNRevite.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } Cheackcash(); RechangeNew(); }; BTNStudio.MouseDown += (s, obj) => { if (CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 10000 >= 0) { CurentMonetiz["Studios"] = CurentMonetiz["Studios"].AsInt32 + 1; NewMonetiz["Studios"] = NewMonetiz["Studios"].AsInt32 + 1; NewMonetiz["Cash"] = NewMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 + 60000; CurentMonetiz["Cash"] = CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 60000; BTNRevite.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } Cheackcash(); RechangeNew(); }; BTNLogs.MouseDown += (s, obj) => { if (CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 10000 >= 0) { CurentMonetiz["Logs"] = CurentMonetiz["Logs"].AsInt32 + 100; NewMonetiz["Logs"] = NewMonetiz["Logs"].AsInt32 + 100; NewMonetiz["Cash"] = NewMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 + 30000; CurentMonetiz["Cash"] = CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 - 30000; BTNRevite.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } Cheackcash(); RechangeNew(); }; BTNRevite.MouseDown += (s, obj) => { NewMonetiz = new BsonDocument { { "Players", 0 }, { "Leaderboards", 0 }, { "Apis", 0 }, { "Studios", 0 }, { "Logs", 0 }, { "Cash", 0 } }; //change curentmonetize to defult CurentMonetiz.Clear(); foreach (var item in FristMonetiz) { CurentMonetiz.Add(item.Name, item.Value); } BTNRevite.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Cheackcash(); RechangeNew(); TextPlayerNewValue.Text = ""; TextLeaderboardsNewValue.Text = ""; TextApisNewValue.Text = ""; TextStudiosNewValue.Text = ""; TextLogsNewValue.Text = ""; }; BTNPay.MouseDown += async(s, obj) => { if (NewMonetiz == CurentMonetiz) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Not Change", StatusMessage.Warrning); } else { if (await DashboardGame.DialogYesNo($"\" {NewMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32.ToString("#,##0") } \" Tomans will be deducted from your account credit \n Are you sure ? ") == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { var Detail = new BsonDocument { { "Leaderboards", NewMonetiz["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 + CurentMonetiz["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 }, { "Apis", NewMonetiz["Apis"].AsInt32 + CurentMonetiz["Apis"].AsInt32 }, { "Studios", NewMonetiz["Studios"].AsInt32 + CurentMonetiz["Studios"].AsInt32 }, { "Logs", NewMonetiz["Logs"].AsInt32 + CurentMonetiz["Logs"].AsInt32 }, { "Players", NewMonetiz["Players"].AsInt32 + CurentMonetiz["Players"].AsInt32 }, { "Creator", SettingUser.CurentDetailStudio["Creator"] }, { "Cash", CurentMonetiz["Cash"].AsInt32 } }; SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageStudios.AddPayment(Detail, ResultPay => { if (ResultPay) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Tanks for buy", StatusMessage.Ok); ReciveMonetize(PageMonetiz, new DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs()); TextPlayerNewValue.Text = ""; TextLeaderboardsNewValue.Text = ""; TextApisNewValue.Text = ""; TextStudiosNewValue.Text = ""; TextLogsNewValue.Text = ""; TextTomanNumber.Text = "0"; BTNRevite.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Fail Pay", StatusMessage.Error); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Reject Pay", StatusMessage.Error); } } }; }
public InternalNotifaction() { InitializeComponent(); ReciveLogs(); //reload list BTNReload.MouseDown += (s, o) => { ReciveLogs(); }; //remove all Notifaction in seces BTNDeleteAllView.MouseDown += (o, s) => { foreach (var item in Notifactions) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLog.DeleteLog(item.Detail, resultDelete => { if (resultDelete) { PlaceContentNotifacction.Children.Remove(item); } }); ReciveLogs(); } ; }; //++ countnotifaction BTNReciveMore.MouseDown += (o, s) => { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageStudios.ReciveMonetize(result => { if (CountNotifaction + 10 <= result["Logs"].ToInt32()) { CountNotifaction += 10; ReciveLogs(); } else { TextHistoryCount.Text += $" \\ {result["Logs"]}"; DashboardGame.Notifaction($"The value \"{result["Logs"]}\" can be read from history. To see more of Payments Buy Now!", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }, () => { }); }; CloseArea.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { DoubleAnimation Opacity = new DoubleAnimation(); Opacity.From = 1; Opacity.To = 0; Opacity.Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3)); Opacity.Completed += (o, ss) => { Close(null, null); }; Storyboard.SetTargetName(Opacity, Root.Name); Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(Opacity, new PropertyPath("Opacity")); Storyboard MyStory = new Storyboard(); MyStory.Children.Add(Opacity); MyStory.Begin(this); } }; //mark Notifaction as read SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLog.MarkNotifactionasRead(result => { if (result) { ReciveLogs(); } else { } }); }
public PageLeaderboard() { InitializeComponent(); ReciveLeaderboards(); #region SubPage Add Leaderboard BTNAddLeaderboard.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (TextNameLeaderboard.Text.Length >= 6) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageStudios.ReciveMonetize(result => { if (PlaceLeaderboard.Children.Count + 1 <= result["Leaderboards"].ToInt32()) { try { //amount not 0 if (int.Parse(TextAmount.Text) == 0) { TextAmount.Text = 1.ToString(); } SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLeaderboard.Creat(TextNameLeaderboard.Text, ComboboxReset.SelectedIndex, Int64.Parse(TextAmount.Text), ComboboxSort.SelectedIndex, int.Parse(TextMinValue.Text), Int64.Parse(TextMaxValue.Text), Result => { if (Result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Leaderboard Added", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); ShowOffSubpageAddLeaderboard(); ReciveLeaderboards(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Add", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { TextMinValue.Text = 0.ToString(); TextMaxValue.Text = 10000.ToString(); TextAmount.Text = 1.ToString(); DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("You can not add more Leaderboard.See Payments to buy a leaderboard.", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }, () => { }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Leaderboard name short ", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }; BTNShowPanelAddLeaderboards.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowSubpageAddLeaderboard(); }; PanelAddLeaderboard.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowOffSubpageAddLeaderboard(); } }; ComboboxReset.SelectionChanged += (s, e) => { ChangeAmount(); }; #endregion }
public Login() { InitializeComponent(); //blure Controll DashboardGame.Dashboard.Blure(true); Unloaded += (s, e) => { DashboardGame.Dashboard.Blure(false); }; //action btn login BTNLogin.MouseDown += (s, e) => { BTNLogin.IsEnabled = false; if (TextUsername.Text.Length >= 6 && TextPassword.Password.Length >= 6) { SDK.SDK_PageAUT.Login(TextUsername.Text, TextPassword.Password, (resul, Token) => { if (resul) { //login DashboardGame.Notifaction("Logined", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); Settings.Default._id = Token; Settings.Default.Save(); //remove page and Effect DashboardGame.Dashboard.Root.Children.Remove(this); DashboardGame.Dashboard.Blure(true); DashboardGame.Dashboard.Root.Children.Add(new SubPageStudios()); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Login", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); BTNLogin.IsEnabled = true; } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Username or Password Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); BTNLogin.IsEnabled = true; } }; //action btn register BTNRegister.MouseDown += (s, e) => { var _Parent = (Parent as Grid); _Parent.Children.Remove(this); _Parent.Children.Add(new Register()); }; //action btn recovery BTNRecovery.MouseDown += (s, e) => { var _Parent = (Parent as Grid); _Parent.Children.Remove(this); _Parent.Children.Add(new PageRecoveryPassword()); }; }
private void ReciveMonetize(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if ((sender as Grid).Visibility == Visibility.Visible) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageStudios.ReciveMonetize( result => { //Fill Payment ContentPlacePay.Children.Clear(); foreach (var item in result["PaymentList"].AsBsonArray) { ContentPlacePay.Children.Add(new ModelPayment(item.AsBsonDocument)); } //fill CurentMonetiz & Frist monetiz CurentMonetiz.Clear(); FristMonetiz.Clear(); foreach (var item in result) { CurentMonetiz.Add(item.Name, item.Value); FristMonetiz.Add(item.Name, item.Value); } NewMonetiz = new BsonDocument { { "Players", 0 }, { "Leaderboards", 0 }, { "Apis", 0 }, { "Studios", 0 }, { "Logs", 0 }, { "Cash", 0 } }; ReChange(); Cheackcash(); //frist insert void ReChange() { //players if (result["Players"].AsInt32 <= 999) { TextPlayerValue.Text = result["Players"].ToString(); } else if (result["Players"].AsInt32 >= 1000 && result["Players"].AsInt32 <= 999999) { TextPlayerValue.Text = (result["Players"].AsInt32 / 1000).ToString() + "K"; } else if (result["Players"].AsInt32 >= 1000000) { TextPlayerValue.Text = (result["Players"].AsInt32 / 1000000).ToString() + "M"; } //Leaderboard if (result["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 <= 999) { TextLeaderboardsValue.Text = result["Leaderboards"].ToString(); } else if (result["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 >= 1000 && result["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 <= 999999) { TextLeaderboardsValue.Text = (result["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 / 1000).ToString() + "K"; } else if (result["Leaderboards"].AsInt32 >= 1000000) { TextLeaderboardsValue.Text = (result["Players"].AsInt32 / 1000000).ToString() + "M"; } //Apis if (result["Apis"].AsInt32 <= 999) { TextApisValue.Text = result["Apis"].ToString(); } else if (result["Apis"].AsInt32 >= 1000 && result["Apis"].AsInt32 <= 999999) { TextApisValue.Text = (result["Apis"].AsInt32 / 1000).ToString() + "K"; } else if (result["Apis"].AsInt32 >= 1000000) { TextApisValue.Text = (result["Apis"].AsInt32 / 1000000).ToString() + "M"; } //Studios if (result["Studios"].AsInt32 <= 999) { TextStudiosValue.Text = result["Studios"].ToString(); } else if (result["Studios"].AsInt32 >= 1000 && result["Studios"].AsInt32 <= 999999) { TextStudiosValue.Text = (result["Studios"].AsInt32 / 1000).ToString() + "K"; } else if (result["Studios"].AsInt32 >= 1000000) { TextStudiosValue.Text = (result["Studios"].AsInt32 / 1000000).ToString() + "M"; } //Logs if (result["Logs"].AsInt32 <= 999) { TextLogsValue.Text = result["Logs"].ToString(); } else if (result["Logs"].AsInt32 >= 1000 && result["Logs"].AsInt32 <= 999999) { TextLogsValue.Text = (result["Logs"].AsInt32 / 1000).ToString() + "K"; } else if (result["Logs"].AsInt32 >= 1000000) { TextLogsValue.Text = (result["Logs"].AsInt32 / 1000000).ToString() + "M"; } TextCash.Text = result["Cash"].AsInt32.ToString("#,##0") + " T"; if (result["Cash"] <= 0) { TextNoCash.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { TextNoCash.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } Cheackcash(); } }, () => { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Recive", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); }); } }
public PageShop() { InitializeComponent(); ReciveStores(); //acaton add Store BTNaddStore.MouseDown += (s, e) => { try { if (TextboxName.Text.Length <= 5) { throw new Exception("Store name Short"); } if (TextBoxMarketLink.Text.Length >= 1) { try { new Uri(TextBoxMarketLink.Text); } catch (Exception) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("The \" Market link \" is incorrect", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } } if (TextBoxAvatar.Text.Length >= 1) { try { new Uri(TextBoxAvatar.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("The \" Avatar link \" is incorrect", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } } Detail["Name"] = TextboxName.Text; Detail["Description"] = TextBoxDescription.Text; Detail["MarketLink"] = TextBoxMarketLink.Text; Detail["AvatarLink"] = TextBoxAvatar.Text; Detail["IsActive"] = CheackboxActivity.IsChecked.Value; SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageStore.AddStore(Detail, result => { if (result) { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Store Added", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); ReciveStores(); ShowOffSubpageAddStore(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Add", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //action close PanelAddStore.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowOffSubpageAddStore(); } }; #region AddStore //btn show panel add store BTNShowPanelStore.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowSubpageAddStore(); }; //action btn show tag system Tags.MouseDown += (s, e) => { new TagsSystem(Detail["Tags"].AsBsonArray, () => { TextTagCount.Text = Detail["Tags"].AsBsonArray.Count.ToString(); }); }; #endregion }
public EditAchievements(BsonDocument DetailAchievement, Action RefreshList) { InitializeComponent(); this.DetailAchievements = DetailAchievement; CurentPage = ContentSetting; CurentTab = BTNSetting; TextAchievementsID.Text = DetailAchievement["Name"].ToString(); TextValue.Text = DetailAchievement["Value"].ToString(); TextCreated.Text = DetailAchievement["Created"].ToLocalTime().ToString(); TextToken.Text = DetailAchievement["Token"].ToString(); try { TextPercent.Text = ((DetailAchievement["Players"]["Achievements"].ToInt32() * 100) / DetailAchievement["TotalPlayer"].ToInt32()) + "%"; TextPlayer.Text = DetailAchievement["Players"]["Achievements"].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { TextPercent.Text = "0 %"; TextPlayer.Text = "(0) No player received "; } //actions //copy token TextToken.MouseDown += GlobalEvents.CopyText; //action btnsave BTNSaveSetting.MouseDown += (s, e) => { try { long.Parse(TextValue.Text); DetailAchievement["Value"] = long.Parse(TextValue.Text); SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageAchievements.EditAchievements(DetailAchievement["Token"].AsObjectId, DetailAchievement, result => { if (result) { RefreshList(); DashboardGame.Notifaction("Updated", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); //add log SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLog.AddLog("modified achievement", $"Modify achievement \" {DetailAchievement["Name"] } \" ", DetailAchievement, false, resultLog => { }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Update", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; BTNShowPanelAdd.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowPaneladdPlayer(); }; //close panel add PanelAddPlayer.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowoffPaneladdPlayer(); } }; //actin add player to achievements BTNAddPlayer.MouseDown += (s, e) => { try { var SerilseDetail = new BsonDocument { { "Token", DetailAchievement["Token"] }, { "Name", DetailAchievement["Name"] }, }; SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageAchievements.AddPlayerAchievements(ObjectId.Parse(TextboxTokenPlayer.Text), SerilseDetail, result => { if (result) { ShowoffPaneladdPlayer(); ReciveList(); //add log SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLog.AddLog("Add player to achievement", $"Player \" {TextboxTokenPlayer.Text} \" was added to the achievement of \" {DetailAchievement["Name"]} \"", new BsonDocument { }, false, resultLog => { }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Add", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { DashboardGame.Notifaction(ex.Message, Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //actin btn refresh BTNRefresh.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ReciveList(); }; //action inc countlist BTNSeeMore.MouseDown += (s, e) => { CountList += 100; TextSeeMore.Text = CountList.ToString(); ReciveList(); }; //refresh base list for edit setting Unloaded += (s, e) => { RefreshList(); }; }
public SubpageSupport() { InitializeComponent(); //init btnsener //send support BTNAddSupport.MouseDown += (o, s) => { if (TextboxTitle.Text.Length >= 1 && TextDescription.Text.Length >= 1) { var Detailsupport = new BsonDocument { { "Header", TextboxTitle.Text }, { "Priority", ComboBoxPriority.SelectedIndex }, { "Part", ComboBoxPart.SelectedIndex }, { "Description", TextDescription.Text }, { "IsReport", false } }; SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageSupport.AddSupport(Detailsupport, result => { if (result) { ReciveSupportList(); OpenPageQuestions(null, null); DashboardGame.Notifaction("Support Add \n You will receive the answer soon", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); TextDescription.Text = null; TextboxTitle.Text = null; //log SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLog.AddLog("Support Created", $"You created the \"{Detailsupport["Header"]}\" ticket", Detailsupport, false, (R) => { }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild add", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Description or Titel Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Warrning); } }; //init btnReload BTNReload.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ReciveSupportList(); OpenPageQuestions(null, null); }; BTNSendMessage.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (TextMessage.Text.Length >= 1) { BsonDocument DetailMessage = new BsonDocument { { "Message", TextMessage.Text }, { "Sender", 0 } }; SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageSupport.AddMessage(CurentSupport["Token"].AsObjectId, DetailMessage, result => { if (result) { DetailMessage.Add("Created", DateTime.Now); ReciveSupportList(); PlaceContentMessages.Children.Add(new ModelMessage(DetailMessage)); DashboardGame.Notifaction("Message Send to Support", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Ok); //Cheack Support notifaction DashboardGame.ReciveManuallNotifaction(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Faild Send", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Message To Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; ReciveSupportList(); }
public ModelProduct(BsonDocument DetailProduct, IEditStore setting) { InitializeComponent(); MainSetting = setting; this.DetailProduct = DetailProduct; var image = new Image(); var fullFilePath = this.DetailProduct["Avatar"].ToString(); if (this.DetailProduct["Avatar"].ToString().Length >= 1) { BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.UriSource = new Uri(fullFilePath, UriKind.Absolute); bitmap.EndInit(); image.Source = bitmap; PlaceAvatar.Child = image; } else { PlaceAvatar.Child = new TextBlock() { Text = "\xEB9F", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe MDL2 Assets"), FontSize = 30, ToolTip = "No Avatar" }; } TextCreated.Text = this.DetailProduct["Created"].ToLocalTime().ToString(); TextToken.Text = this.DetailProduct["Token"].ToString(); TextToken.MouseDown += GlobalEvents.CopyText; TextName.Text = this.DetailProduct["Name"].ToString(); TextAvatarLink.Text = this.DetailProduct["Avatar"].ToString(); TextDescription.Text = this.DetailProduct["Description"].ToString(); TextCount.Text = this.DetailProduct["Count"].ToString(); TextAmount.Text = this.DetailProduct["Amount"].ToString(); TextPrice.Text = this.DetailProduct["Price"].ToString(); TextTags.Text = this.DetailProduct["Tags"].AsBsonArray.Count.ToString(); if (this.DetailProduct["IsExpiration"].AsBoolean) { IsExpiration.IsChecked = true; Calender.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { IsExpiration.IsChecked = false; Calender.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } TextExpiration.Text = this.DetailProduct["Expiration"].ToUniversalTime().Date.ToString(); Calender.SelectedDate = DetailProduct["Expiration"].ToUniversalTime(); //action expiration IsExpiration.Checked += (s, e) => { Calender.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.DetailProduct["IsExpiration"] = true; UpdateProduct(); }; IsExpiration.Unchecked += (s, e) => { Calender.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.DetailProduct["IsExpiration"] = false; UpdateProduct(); }; //actionTags Tags.MouseDown += (s, e) => { new TagsSystem(this.DetailProduct["Tags"].AsBsonArray, () => { UpdateProduct(); TextTags.Text = this.DetailProduct["Tags"].AsBsonArray.Count.ToString(); }); }; //change name TextName.TextChanged += (s, e) => { if (TextName.Text.Length >= 1) { this.DetailProduct["Name"] = TextName.Text; UpdateProduct(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Name Is Short", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //change avatar TextAvatarLink.LostFocus += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllLinkImages(s)) { BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.DownloadFailed += (s1, e1) => { this.DetailProduct["Avatar"] = ""; UpdateLayout(); PlaceAvatar.Child = null; PlaceAvatar.Child = new TextBlock() { Text = "\xEB9F", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe MDL2 Assets"), FontSize = 30, ToolTip = "No Avatar" }; }; bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.UriSource = new Uri(TextAvatarLink.Text, UriKind.Absolute); bitmap.EndInit(); image.Source = bitmap; PlaceAvatar.Child = image; this.DetailProduct["Avatar"] = TextAvatarLink.Text; UpdateLayout(); } UpdateProduct(); }; //change Description TextDescription.TextChanged += (s, e) => { this.DetailProduct["Description"] = TextDescription.Text; UpdateProduct(); }; //change Count TextCount.TextChanged += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllNumberFilde(TextCount)) { this.DetailProduct["Count"] = int.Parse(TextCount.Text); } UpdateProduct(); }; //change amount TextAmount.TextChanged += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllNumberFilde(TextAmount)) { this.DetailProduct["Amount"] = int.Parse(TextAmount.Text); } UpdateProduct(); }; //change Price TextPrice.TextChanged += (s, e) => { if (GlobalEvents.ControllNumberFilde(TextPrice)) { this.DetailProduct["Price"] = int.Parse(TextPrice.Text); } UpdateProduct(); }; //cahge calender Calender.SelectedDatesChanged += (s, e) => { if (Calender.SelectedDate > SettingUser.ServerTime) { this.DetailProduct["Expiration"] = Calender.SelectedDate; TextExpiration.Text = this.DetailProduct["Expiration"].ToUniversalTime().Date.ToString(); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Time must be in the future", Notifaction.StatusMessage.Error); } }; //action save Setting BTNSave.MouseDown += (s, e) => { setting.SaveSetting(); }; BTNDelete.MouseDown += (s, e) => { setting.DetailStore["Products"].AsBsonArray.Remove(DetailProduct); (Parent as StackPanel).Children.Remove(this); setting.SaveSetting(); }; }
public PagePlayers() { InitializeComponent(); RecivePlayersList(); //close panel add player PanelAddPlayer.MouseDown += (e, s) => { if (s.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowOffSubpagePlayer(); } }; //close panel search PanelSearch.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Source.GetType() == typeof(Grid)) { ShowOffPanelSearch(); } }; //show panel search BTNSearch.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowOpenPanelSearch(); }; //show paneladdplayer BTNShowPanelAdd.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ShowSubpagePlayer(); }; //actin add player BTNaddPlayer.MouseDown += (s, e) => { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageStudios.ReciveMonetize(result => { //limit filter if (PlayerCount + 1 <= result["Players"]) { SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PagePlayers.CreatPlayer(TextBoxUsername.Text, TextBoxPassword.Password, (resultCreated) => { RecivePlayersList(); ShowOffSubpagePlayer(); DashboardGame.Notifaction("Player Added", StatusMessage.Ok); //add log var Detail = new BsonDocument { { "Username", TextBoxUsername.Text }, { "Password", TextBoxPassword.Password }, { "LocalTime", DateTime.Now } }; SDK.SDK_PageDashboards.DashboardGame.PageLog.AddLog("Add Player", $"You have added \" {TextBoxUsername.Text} \" player", Detail, false, resultlog => { }); } ); } else { DashboardGame.Notifaction("Cannot create new player. Please buy more players than payments", StatusMessage.Error); } }, () => { }); }; BTNSeeMorePlayer.MouseDown += (s, e) => { ReciveCount += 100; TextSeeMoreNumber.Text = ReciveCount.ToString(); RecivePlayersList(); }; }