private async void SubmitButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) //handles all the logic when the submit button is clicked
            await Dartboard.RotateTo(360, 1000);

            Dartboard.Rotation = 0;
            throwValue         = computeScore(Convert.ToString(colorPicker.SelectedItem), Convert.ToInt32(numberPicker.SelectedItem)); //throwValue = whatever values were put into the pickers by the user.
            if (currentTeam == "Team 1")                                                                                               //currentTeam is set to "Team 1" by default. This is why whichever team goes first needs to be set to Team 1.
                if (!(Convert.ToString(colorPicker.SelectedItem) == "Red" || Convert.ToString(colorPicker.SelectedItem) == "Yellow"))
                    if (teamAScore == Preferences.Get("startingGameScore", 0)) //the logic that requires the user to begin scoring by hitting a double
                        DisplayAlert("Invalid", "A double (the red section of the dart board) is required to begin scoring", "Ok");
                        throwValue = 0;

                teamAScore -= throwValue;                      //Team A score is equal to itself minus whatever the throwValue is
                Preferences.Set("teamAScore", teamAScore);     //store teamA's updated score
                currentTeamScore.Text = teamAScore.ToString(); //updating the scoreLabel that displays at the top of the screen.
                teamABustCheck();                              //checks if team A busted after clicking the submit button
                counter++;                                     //incrementing the counter to determine if it is still this team's turn

                if (counter > 3)                               //switches teams and displays an alert showing the current team's score.
            else //everything in this else statement is practically the same as the above, just for the opposite team.
                if (!(Convert.ToString(colorPicker.SelectedItem) == "Red" || Convert.ToString(colorPicker.SelectedItem) == "Yellow"))
                    if (teamBScore == Preferences.Get("startingGameScore", 0))
                        DisplayAlert("Invalid", "A double (the red section of the dart board) is required to begin scoring", "Ok");
                        throwValue = 0;

                teamBScore -= throwValue;
                Preferences.Set("teamBScore", teamBScore);
                currentTeamScore.Text = teamBScore.ToString();

                if (counter > 3)