private IEnumerator UpdateProfileInfo(int dbid) { string[] data = new string[12] { defaultName, "", "1", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "2500", "0" }; if (dbid > -1) { WWWForm newForm = new WWWForm(); newForm.AddField("id", dbid); WWW request = new WWW(infoRequest, newForm); yield return(request); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.error)) { data = request.text.Split(new string[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.None); } } else { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); } if (data.Length < 12) { Logout(); yield break; } profileData.username = data[0]; profileData.clan = data[1]; profileData.rank = Mathf.Clamp(int.Parse(data[2]), 1, 75); profileData.curXP = int.Parse(data[3]); float targXP = (float)AccountManager.GetTargetExperienceForRank(profileData.rank); float kills = float.Parse(data[4]); float deaths = float.Parse(data[5]); profileData.deaths = (int)deaths; profileData.kills = (int)kills; profileData.assists = int.Parse(data[6]); profileData.matchesWon = int.Parse(data[8]); profileData.matchesLost = int.Parse(data[9]); float xpPercent = (float)profileData.curXP / targXP; profileInfo.username.text = "Welcome, " + ((profileData.clan != "") ? DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + profileData.clan + "] [-][D99677]" : "[D99677]") + profileData.username + "[-]"; profileInfo.profileStats.text = "GENERAL" + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Rank:[-] " + profileData.rank.ToString() + " [A0A0A0][Rookie]"; //Placeholder for rank names. profileInfo.xpText.text = "[BC8F76]XP:[-] " + profileData.curXP.ToString() + ((dbid <= -1) ? "" : "/" + targXP.ToString() + " (" + (xpPercent * 100f).ToString("F1") + "%)"); profileInfo.xpBar.value = (dbid <= -1) ? 1f : xpPercent; profileInfo.combatStats.text = "COMBAT" + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Kills:[-] " + kills.ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Deaths:[-] " + deaths.ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Assists:[-] " + profileData.assists.ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]K/D Ratio:[-] " + (deaths > 0f ? (kills / deaths) : kills).ToString("F2") + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Headshots:[-] " + int.Parse(data[7]); profileInfo.matchStats.text = "MATCHES" + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Matches Played:[-] " + (profileData.matchesWon + profileData.matchesLost).ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Matches Won:[-] " + profileData.matchesWon.ToString() + "\n" + " [BC8F76]Matches Lost:[-] " + profileData.matchesLost.ToString(); profileData.currency = int.Parse(data[10]); profileData.premCurrency = int.Parse(data[11]); }
void Awake() { countToNextRound = 10; vignetting.intensity = 0f; blackStuff.alpha = 0f; Screen.lockCursor = false; UICamera.selectedObject = null; sortedPlayers = new List <NetPlayerInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < Topan.Network.connectedPlayers.Length; i++) { Topan.NetworkPlayer curPlayer = Topan.Network.connectedPlayers[i]; NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.realPlayer = curPlayer; npi.myKills = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("k", (UInt16)0)); npi.myDeaths = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("d", (UInt16)0)); npi.myHeads = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("h", (UInt16)0)); npi.myScore = (int)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("sc", 0); sortedPlayers.Add(npi); } if (GeneralVariables.gameModeHasTeams) { teamBasedRoot.SetActive(true); Destroy(individualBasedRoot); int redIndex = 0; int blueIndex = 0; sortedPlayers = new List <NetPlayerInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < Topan.Network.connectedPlayers.Length; i++) { Topan.NetworkPlayer curPlayer = Topan.Network.connectedPlayers[i]; NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.realPlayer = curPlayer; npi.myKills = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("k", (UInt16)0)); npi.myDeaths = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("d", (UInt16)0)); npi.myHeads = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("h", (UInt16)0)); npi.myScore = (int)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("sc", 0); sortedPlayers.Add(npi); } BotPlayer[] redBots = NetworkingGeneral.GetBotParticipants(0); for (int i = 0; i < redBots.Length; i++) { BotStats hisStats = BotManager.GetBotStats(redBots[i].index); NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.botPlayer = redBots[i]; npi.myKills = hisStats.kills; npi.myDeaths = hisStats.deaths; npi.myHeads = hisStats.headshots; npi.myScore = hisStats.score; sortedPlayers.Add(npi); } BotPlayer[] blueBots = NetworkingGeneral.GetBotParticipants(1); for (int i = 0; i < blueBots.Length; i++) { BotStats hisStats = BotManager.GetBotStats(blueBots[i].index); NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.botPlayer = blueBots[i]; npi.myKills = hisStats.kills; npi.myDeaths = hisStats.deaths; npi.myHeads = hisStats.headshots; npi.myScore = hisStats.score; sortedPlayers.Add(npi); } if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.sortPlayersBy == SortPlayersBy.Kills) { sortedPlayers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.myKills.CompareTo(p1.myKills)); } else if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.sortPlayersBy == SortPlayersBy.Score) { sortedPlayers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.myScore.CompareTo(p1.myScore)); } for (int i = 0; i < sortedPlayers.Count; i++) { NetPlayerInfo current = sortedPlayers[i]; if (current.botPlayer == null && current.realPlayer == null) { continue; } if (current.myInfo == null) { continue; } int kills = current.myKills; int deaths = current.myDeaths; int score = current.myScore; float kd = (deaths > 0) ? ((float)kills / (float)deaths) : kills; UserStatsGUI usg = null; if (current.myTeam == 0) { UserStatsGUI instance = (UserStatsGUI)Instantiate(scoreboardPrefab); instance.transform.parent = redStart; instance.transform.localPosition = Vector3.down * (redIndex * statsSpacing); instance.transform.localScale =; usg = instance; redIndex++; } else { UserStatsGUI instance = (UserStatsGUI)Instantiate(scoreboardPrefab); instance.transform.parent = blueStart; instance.transform.localPosition = Vector3.down * (blueIndex * statsSpacing); instance.transform.localScale =; usg = instance; blueIndex++; } int thisListIndex = (current.myTeam == 0) ? redIndex : blueIndex; string clanNameFinal = (current.myInfo.clan != "") ? ((current.thisPlayerIsBot) ? DarkRef.ClanColor(true) + "(" + current.myInfo.clan + ")[-] " : DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + current.myInfo.clan + "][-] ") : ""; usg.SetInfo(((current.myInfo != null) ? current.myInfo.rank : 1).ToString(), clanNameFinal + current.myInfo.username, kills.ToString(), deaths.ToString(), kd.ToString("F2"), current.myHeads.ToString(), score.ToString(), ((current.thisPlayerIsBot) ? Topan.Network.server.GetPlayerData("ping", 0).ToString() : current.realPlayer.GetPlayerData("ping", 0)).ToString(), (!current.thisPlayerIsBot && current.realPlayer == Topan.Network.player), (thisListIndex % 2 == 0)); } } else { Destroy(teamBasedRoot); individualBasedRoot.SetActive(true); int currentIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < BotManager.allBotPlayers.Length && i < GeneralVariables.Networking.botCount; i++) { BotStats hisStats = BotManager.GetBotStats(i); NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.botPlayer = BotManager.allBotPlayers[i]; npi.myKills = hisStats.kills; npi.myDeaths = hisStats.deaths; npi.myHeads = hisStats.headshots; npi.myScore = hisStats.score; sortedPlayers.Add(npi); } if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.sortPlayersBy == SortPlayersBy.Kills) { sortedPlayers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.myKills.CompareTo(p1.myKills)); } else if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.sortPlayersBy == SortPlayersBy.Score) { sortedPlayers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.myScore.CompareTo(p1.myScore)); } for (int i = 0; i < sortedPlayers.Count; i++) { NetPlayerInfo current = sortedPlayers[i]; if (current.botPlayer == null && current.realPlayer == null) { continue; } if (current.myInfo == null) { continue; } int kills = current.myKills; int deaths = current.myDeaths; int score = current.myScore; float kd = (deaths > 0) ? ((float)kills / (float)deaths) : kills; if (currentIndex >= 16) { continue; } UserStatsGUI instance = (UserStatsGUI)Instantiate(scoreboardPrefab); instance.transform.parent = individualStart; instance.transform.localPosition = Vector3.down * (currentIndex * statsSpacing); instance.transform.localScale =; currentIndex++; string clanNameFinal = (current.myInfo.clan != "") ? ((current.thisPlayerIsBot) ? DarkRef.ClanColor(true) + "(" + current.myInfo.clan + ")[-] " : DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + current.myInfo.clan + "][-] ") : ""; instance.SetInfo(((current.myInfo != null) ? current.myInfo.rank : 1).ToString(), clanNameFinal + current.myInfo.username, kills.ToString(), deaths.ToString(), kd.ToString("F2"), current.myHeads.ToString(), score.ToString(), ((current.thisPlayerIsBot) ? Topan.Network.server.GetPlayerData("ping", 0).ToString() : current.realPlayer.GetPlayerData("ping", 0)).ToString(), (!current.thisPlayerIsBot && current.realPlayer == Topan.Network.player), (currentIndex % 2 == 0)); } } if (GeneralVariables.gameModeHasTeams) { roundLabel.cachedTrans.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 245f, -7f); spectatorList.cachedTrans.localPosition = new Vector3(-395f, -316f, 0f); panelRoot.localPosition =; statsBackground.SetDimensions(270, 530); statsOutline.SetDimensions(278, 540); } else { roundLabel.cachedTrans.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 225f, -7f); spectatorList.cachedTrans.localPosition = new Vector3(-395f, -261f, 0f); panelRoot.localPosition = Vector3.up * -20f; statsBackground.SetDimensions(270, 440); statsOutline.SetDimensions(278, 450); } int roundScore = (int)Topan.Network.player.GetPlayerData("sc", 0); int targetExp = AccountManager.GetTargetExperienceForRank(AccountManager.profileData.rank); startExp = AccountManager.profileData.curXP; currentExpValue = startExp; earnedExp = roundScore; earnedCurrency = Mathf.RoundToInt(roundScore * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.95f, 1.05f) * 0.237f); expBaseAnimationTime = Mathf.Max(0.01f, expBaseAnimationTime); animationSpeed = (float)earnedExp / expBaseAnimationTime; expSlowdownTime = Mathf.Clamp(expSlowdownTime, 0f, 0.99f); expAccumulateSound.volume = 0f; expProgressBar.value = (float)startExp / (float)targetExp; xpLabel.text = startExp.ToString() + " XP / " + targetExp.ToString() + " XP"; xpLeftLabel.text = (targetExp - startExp).ToString() + " XP REMAINING"; currencyLabel.alpha = 0f; currencyLabel.text = "+0 CREDITS"; rankLabel.text = "[u]" + AccountManager.profileData.username + "[/u]" + "\n" + "RANK " + AccountManager.profileData.rank.ToString() + " [ROOKIE]"; nextRankLabel.text = "RANK " + (AccountManager.profileData.rank + 1).ToString() + " [ROOKIE]"; StartCoroutine(ProcessData()); }
public void RefreshPlayerInfo() { redIndex = 0; blueIndex = 0; unassignedIndex = 0; RefreshPlayers(); if (Topan.Network.isConnected) { if (Topan.Network.HasServerInfo("m")) { mapID = (byte)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("m"); } else { mapID = -1; } serverInfo.text = ""; if (Topan.Network.HasServerInfo("wnr")) { int winnerteam = ((byte)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("wnr")) - 1; if (winnerteam > -1) { serverInfo.text += ((winnerteam == 0) ? "[[C44524]Red Team[-]" : "[[377FB2]Blue Team[-]"); serverInfo.text += " Won] \n"; } else { serverInfo.text += "[Draw Match] \n"; } } int serverDuration = 0; if (Topan.Network.HasServerInfo("dur") && Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("dur") != null) { serverDuration = (byte)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("dur") * 60; } else if (Topan.Network.isServer) { Topan.Network.SetServerInfo("dur", (byte)gameDurationSlider.currentDuration); } CombatantInfo serverProfile = (CombatantInfo)Topan.Network.server.GetInitialData("dat"); serverInfo.text += "[D77A39]Room Name:[-] " + Topan.Network.GameName; int botsDisp = Mathf.Clamp(GeneralVariables.Networking.botCount, 0, Topan.Network.MaxPlayers - Topan.Network.connectedPlayers.Length); serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Players:[-] " + Topan.Network.connectedPlayers.Length + ((botsDisp > 0) ? " [AEBF95][+" + botsDisp.ToString() + "][-]" : "") + "/" + Topan.Network.MaxPlayers; serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Host:[-] " + ((serverProfile.clan != "") ? DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + serverProfile.clan + "][-] " : "") + serverProfile.username; serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Game Mode:[-] " + NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.typeName; serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Round Duration:[-] " + (serverDuration / 60).ToString() + " minutes"; if (mapID > -1) { serverInfo.text += "\n" + "[D77A39]Map Name:[-] " + StaticMapsList.mapsArraySorted[mapID].mapName; serverMapScreenshot.mainTexture = StaticMapsList.mapsArraySorted[mapID].previewIcon; } } else { serverInfo.text = "Not connected to a network"; serverMapScreenshot.mainTexture = null; mapID = -1; } }
private void AddPlayerToList(int team, Topan.NetworkPlayer player, BotPlayer bot = null) { int realTeamNum = team; if (player != null && !player.HasPlayerData("team")) { allSuccess = false; return; } bool thisIsBot = (player == null && bot != null); if (thisIsBot && team < 2) { realTeamNum = (int); } GameObject info = GetAvailableSlot(); if (info == null) { return; } bool showInfo = true; int index = 0; if (!GeneralVariables.gameModeHasTeams) { index = unassignedIndex; if (realTeamNum == 2) { if (index < 8) { info.transform.parent = redPanel; } else { info.transform.parent = bluePanel; } } else { showInfo = false; } info.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, -(index % 8) * spacing, 0f); } else { if (realTeamNum == 0 && redIndex < 8) { index = redIndex; info.transform.parent = redPanel; } else if (realTeamNum == 1 && blueIndex < 8) { index = blueIndex; info.transform.parent = bluePanel; } else { showInfo = false; } info.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, -index * spacing, 0f); } info.SetActive(showInfo); info.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; info.transform.localScale =; PlayerLobbyGUI plg = info.GetComponent <PlayerLobbyGUI>(); CombatantInfo pInfo = null; if (thisIsBot) { pInfo = bot.botInfo; } else { pInfo = (CombatantInfo)player.GetInitialData("dat"); } plg.rankIcon.enabled = true; plg.usernameLabel.text = ((pInfo.clan != "") ? (((thisIsBot) ? (DarkRef.ClanColor(true) + "(" + pInfo.clan + ")") : (DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + pInfo.clan + "]")) + "[-] ") : "") + pInfo.username; plg.rankLabel.text = pInfo.rank.ToString(); index++; if (!GeneralVariables.gameModeHasTeams) { if (realTeamNum == 2) { unassignedIndex = index; } } else { if (realTeamNum == 0) { redIndex = index; } else if (realTeamNum == 1) { blueIndex = index; } } }
public void Refresh() { if (!Topan.Network.isConnected) { return; } sortedPlayers = new List <NetPlayerInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < Topan.Network.connectedPlayers.Length; i++) { Topan.NetworkPlayer curPlayer = Topan.Network.connectedPlayers[i]; NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.realPlayer = curPlayer; npi.myKills = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("k", (UInt16)0)); npi.myDeaths = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("d", (UInt16)0)); npi.myHeads = (int)((UInt16)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("h", (UInt16)0)); npi.myScore = (int)curPlayer.GetPlayerData("sc", 0); sortedPlayers.Add(npi); if ( == { yourPlayer = npi; } } if (GeneralVariables.gameModeHasTeams) { int redIndex = 0; int blueIndex = 0; int redTotalScore = 0; int blueTotalScore = 0; waitingForRed = true; waitingForBlue = true; BotPlayer[] redBots = NetworkingGeneral.GetBotParticipants(0); for (int i = 0; i < redBots.Length; i++) { BotStats hisStats = BotManager.GetBotStats(redBots[i].index); NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.botPlayer = redBots[i]; npi.myKills = hisStats.kills; npi.myDeaths = hisStats.deaths; npi.myHeads = hisStats.headshots; npi.myScore = hisStats.score; sortedPlayers.Add(npi); } BotPlayer[] blueBots = NetworkingGeneral.GetBotParticipants(1); for (int i = 0; i < blueBots.Length; i++) { BotStats hisStats = BotManager.GetBotStats(blueBots[i].index); NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.botPlayer = blueBots[i]; npi.myKills = hisStats.kills; npi.myDeaths = hisStats.deaths; npi.myHeads = hisStats.headshots; npi.myScore = hisStats.score; sortedPlayers.Add(npi); } if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.sortPlayersBy == SortPlayersBy.Kills) { sortedPlayers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.myKills.CompareTo(p1.myKills)); } else if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.sortPlayersBy == SortPlayersBy.Score) { sortedPlayers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.myScore.CompareTo(p1.myScore)); } tdmSubheader.text = NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.typeName + " [" + Topan.Network.GameName + "]"; for (int i = 0; i < sortedPlayers.Count; i++) { NetPlayerInfo current = sortedPlayers[i]; if (current.botPlayer == null && current.realPlayer == null) { continue; } if (current.myInfo == null) { continue; } int kills = current.myKills; int deaths = current.myDeaths; int score = current.myScore; float kd = (deaths > 0) ? ((float)kills / (float)deaths) : kills; UserStatsGUI usg = null; if (current.myTeam == 0) { if (redIndex >= 8) { continue; } waitingForRed = false; usg = redTeam[redIndex]; usg.gameObject.SetActive(true); redTotalScore += score; redIndex++; } else if (current.myTeam == 1) { if (blueIndex >= 8) { continue; } waitingForBlue = false; usg = blueTeam[blueIndex]; usg.gameObject.SetActive(true); blueTotalScore += score; blueIndex++; } int thisListIndex = (current.myTeam == 0) ? redIndex : blueIndex; string clanNameFinal = (current.myInfo.clan != "") ? ((current.thisPlayerIsBot) ? DarkRef.ClanColor(true) + "(" + current.myInfo.clan + ")[-] " : DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + current.myInfo.clan + "][-] ") : ""; usg.SetInfo(current.myInfo.rank.ToString(), clanNameFinal + current.myInfo.username, kills.ToString(), deaths.ToString(), kd.ToString("F2"), current.myHeads.ToString(), score.ToString(), ((current.thisPlayerIsBot) ? Topan.Network.server.GetPlayerData("ping", 0).ToString() : current.realPlayer.GetPlayerData("ping", 0)).ToString(), (!current.thisPlayerIsBot && current.realPlayer == Topan.Network.player), (thisListIndex % 2 == 0)); } if (redIndex < 7) { for (int i = redIndex; i < 8; i++) { redTeam[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (blueIndex < 7) { for (int i = blueIndex; i < 8; i++) { blueTeam[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } try { tkRed = (UInt16)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("rTK"); tkBlue = (UInt16)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("bTK"); tdRed = (UInt16)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("rTD"); tdBlue = (UInt16)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("bTD"); } catch { tkRed = 0; tkBlue = 0; tdRed = 0; tdBlue = 0; } string redTotal = "Total Kills: " + tkRed; redTotal += "\n" + "Total Deaths: " + tdRed; float redKD = (tdRed > 0) ? ((float)tkRed / (float)tdRed) : tkRed; redTotal += "\n" + "Total K/D: " + redKD.ToString("F2"); redTotal += "\n" + "Team Score: " + redTotalScore.ToString(); redTotal += "\n----------------"; redTotal += "\n" + "Team Captures: 0"; //Placeholder, captures if capture the flag, defuses if demolition. string blueTotal = "Total Kills: " + tkBlue; blueTotal += "\n" + "Total Deaths: " + tdBlue; float blueKD = (tdBlue > 0) ? ((float)tkBlue / (float)tdBlue) : tkBlue; blueTotal += "\n" + "Total K/D: " + blueKD.ToString("F2"); blueTotal += "\n" + "Team Score: " + blueTotalScore.ToString(); blueTotal += "\n----------------"; blueTotal += "\n" + "Team Captures: 0"; //Placeholder, captures if capture the flag, defuses if demolition. totalStatsRed.text = redTotal; totalStatsBlue.text = blueTotal; roundVictoryStats.text = "[CE1C1C](RED)[-] " + (byte)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("rVic") + " [A0A0A0]|[-] " + (byte)Topan.Network.GetServerInfo("bVic") + " [2546A5](BLUE)[-]"; } else { int currentIndex = 0; int yourIndex = 1; for (int i = 0; i < BotManager.allBotPlayers.Length && i < GeneralVariables.Networking.botCount; i++) { BotStats hisStats = BotManager.GetBotStats(i); NetPlayerInfo npi = new NetPlayerInfo(); npi.botPlayer = BotManager.allBotPlayers[i]; npi.myKills = hisStats.kills; npi.myDeaths = hisStats.deaths; npi.myHeads = hisStats.headshots; npi.myScore = hisStats.score; sortedPlayers.Add(npi); } if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.sortPlayersBy == SortPlayersBy.Kills) { sortedPlayers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.myKills.CompareTo(p1.myKills)); } else if (NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.sortPlayersBy == SortPlayersBy.Score) { sortedPlayers.Sort((p1, p2) => p2.myScore.CompareTo(p1.myScore)); } dmSubheader.text = NetworkingGeneral.currentGameType.typeName + " [" + Topan.Network.GameName + "]"; for (int i = 0; i < sortedPlayers.Count; i++) { NetPlayerInfo current = sortedPlayers[i]; if (current.botPlayer == null && current.realPlayer == null) { continue; } if (current.myInfo == null) { continue; } int kills = current.myKills; int deaths = current.myDeaths; int score = current.myScore; float kd = (deaths > 0) ? ((float)kills / (float)deaths) : kills; UserStatsGUI usg = null; if (currentIndex >= 16) { continue; } usg = individuals[currentIndex]; usg.gameObject.SetActive(true); currentIndex++; if (!current.thisPlayerIsBot && current.realPlayer == Topan.Network.player) { yourIndex = i; } string clanNameFinal = (current.myInfo.clan != "") ? ((current.thisPlayerIsBot) ? DarkRef.ClanColor(true) + "(" + current.myInfo.clan + ")[-] " : DarkRef.ClanColor(false) + "[" + current.myInfo.clan + "][-] ") : ""; usg.SetInfo(current.myInfo.rank.ToString(), clanNameFinal + current.myInfo.username, kills.ToString(), deaths.ToString(), kd.ToString("F2"), current.myHeads.ToString(), score.ToString(), ((current.thisPlayerIsBot) ? Topan.Network.server.GetPlayerData("ping", 0).ToString() : current.realPlayer.GetPlayerData("ping", 0)).ToString(), (!current.thisPlayerIsBot && current.realPlayer == Topan.Network.player), (currentIndex % 2 == 0)); } if (currentIndex < 15) { for (int i = currentIndex; i < 16; i++) { individuals[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } tkRed = 0; tkBlue = 0; tdRed = 0; tdBlue = 0; yourPlace.text = "You're in " + DarkRef.OrdinalIndicatorFormat(yourIndex + 1) + " place"; } refreshTimer += refreshTime; }