private DanhSachXuatNhapTonSPXtraReport CreateDateReport()
            DanhSachXuatNhapTonSPXtraReport report = new DanhSachXuatNhapTonSPXtraReport();
            DataSet ds = GetData();

            report.DataSource = ds;
            report.DataMember = "Detail";                  // Lặp lại Detail
            report.Name       = "Danh sách xuất nhập tồn"; // Export file Name
        public ActionResult ExportReportViewerPartial()
            DanhSachXuatNhapTonSPXtraReport quarterReport = CreateDateReport();

        // GET: /IEOtherMasterReport/
        //public ActionResult ReportPost(InventorySearchViewModel model)// id để report with
        //    model.WarehouseId = 1;
        //    return new JsonResult()
        //    {
        //        Data = new { WarehouseId = model.WarehouseId, ProductId = model.ProductId }
        //    };

        public ActionResult ReportViewerPartial()// id để report with
            ViewData["Report"] = new DanhSachXuatNhapTonSPXtraReport();