Example #1
        private double CalculateSpreadDiscount(NetPositionDTO currContract, NetPositionDTO nextContract, int spreadIndex)
            double totalDiscount = 0;

            if (Math.Sign(nextContract.NetContracts) != Math.Sign(currContract.NetContracts))//we have a spread
                double netSpread = Math.Min(Math.Abs(currContract.NetContracts), Math.Abs(nextContract.NetContracts));

                if (netSpread != 0)
                    DailySettlementPrice DSP1 = DailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == currContract.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();
                    DailySettlementPrice DSP2 = DailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == nextContract.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (spreadIndex == 1)//1-wide spread
                        totalDiscount += netSpread * Config.MarginPct * Config.OneWideCalDisc * (DSP1.Price.Value + DSP2.Price.Value);
                    else if (spreadIndex == 2)//2-wide spread
                        totalDiscount += netSpread * Config.MarginPct * Config.TwoWideCalDisc * (DSP1.Price.Value + DSP2.Price.Value);
                    else if (spreadIndex >= 3)//3-wide spread or wider
                        totalDiscount += netSpread * Config.MarginPct * Config.ThreeWideCalDisc * (DSP1.Price.Value + DSP2.Price.Value);

                    currContract.NetContracts -= (currContract.NetContracts > 0) ? netSpread : (-1 * netSpread);
                    nextContract.NetContracts -= (nextContract.NetContracts > 0) ? netSpread : (-1 * netSpread);

        private void DailySettlementThread(object param)
            object[]                  paramArray = (object[])param;
            IWebSocketConnection      socket     = (IWebSocketConnection)paramArray[0];
            WebSocketSubscribeMessage subscrMsg  = (WebSocketSubscribeMessage)paramArray[1];
            bool subscResp = false;

                while (true)
                    DailySettlementPrice dailySettl = DailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == subscrMsg.ServiceKey).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (dailySettl != null)
                        DoSend <DailySettlementPrice>(socket, dailySettl);
                        Thread.Sleep(3000);//3 seconds
                        if (!subscResp)
                            ProcessSubscriptionResponse(socket, "FP", subscrMsg.ServiceKey, subscrMsg.UUID);
                            subscResp = true;
                        DoLog(string.Format("Daily Settlement Price not found for symbol {0}...", subscrMsg.ServiceKey), MessageType.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
                DoLog(string.Format("Critical error processing daily settlement price message: {0}...", ex.Message), MessageType.Error);
        protected double?GetVMRequirement(List <ClientPosition> prevPositions, List <TradeDTO> todayTrades)
            if (DailySettlementPrices.Length == TodayDailySettlementPrices.Length)
                double vmReqs = 0;
                foreach (ClientPosition prevPos in prevPositions)
                    DailySettlementPrice prevDSP  = DailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == prevPos.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();
                    DailySettlementPrice todayDSP = TodayDailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == prevPos.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (prevDSP == null || !prevDSP.Price.HasValue)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Missing DSP for symbol {0}", prevPos.Symbol));

                    if (todayDSP == null || !todayDSP.Price.HasValue)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Today DSP for symbol {0}", prevPos.Symbol));

                    double prevPosVMReq = prevPos.Contracts * (todayDSP.Price.Value - prevDSP.Price.Value);

                    double todayPosVMReq = 0;

                    foreach (TradeDTO trade in todayTrades.Where(x => x.Symbol == prevPos.Symbol).ToList())
                        if (trade.GetSignedExecutionSize() > 0)
                            todayPosVMReq += trade.ExecutionSize * (todayDSP.Price.Value - trade.ExecutionPrice);
                            todayPosVMReq += trade.ExecutionSize * (trade.ExecutionPrice - todayDSP.Price.Value);

                    vmReqs += prevPosVMReq + todayPosVMReq;

                return(vmReqs * -1);//Negative is that I earned profit, Positive is that I loss
Example #4
        private DailySettlementPrice[] GetDSPs(Dictionary <string, double> DSPDicts)
            List <DailySettlementPrice> DSPs = new List <DailySettlementPrice>();

            foreach (string symbol in DSPDicts.Keys)
                DailySettlementPrice DSP = new DailySettlementPrice();

                DSP.Msg    = "DailySettlementPrice";
                DSP.Symbol = symbol;
                DSP.Price  = DSPDicts[symbol];

Example #5
        //here I can work with just 1 security
        public double GetExposureChange(char side, double qty, string symbol, string firmId, ClientPosition[] Positions, List <OrderDTO> Orders)
            double finalExposure   = 0;
            double currentExposure = 0;
            double netContracts    = 0;

            qty = (ClientOrderRecord._SIDE_BUY == side) ? qty : -1 * qty;

            netContracts = GetNetContracts(firmId, symbol, Positions, side, Orders);

            DailySettlementPrice DSP = DailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == symbol).FirstOrDefault();

            if (DSP != null && DSP.Price.HasValue)
                currentExposure = (Math.Abs(netContracts) * DSP.Price.Value);
                finalExposure   = (Math.Abs(netContracts + qty) * DSP.Price.Value);

            return(finalExposure - currentExposure);
Example #6
        public double GetUsedCredit(string firmId, ClientPosition[] Positions)
            List <NetPositionDTO> netPositionsArr = new List <NetPositionDTO>();

            double creditUsed = 0;

            foreach (SecurityMasterRecord security in SecurityMasterRecords)
                double netContracts = GetNetContracts(firmId, security.Symbol, Positions);;

                DailySettlementPrice DSP = DailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == security.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();

                if (DSP != null && DSP.Price.HasValue && netContracts != 0)
                    creditUsed += Math.Abs(netContracts) * DSP.Price.Value;

                if (security.MaturityDate != "")
                    netPositionsArr.Add(new NetPositionDTO()
                        AssetClass = security.AssetClass, Symbol = security.Symbol, MaturityDate = security.GetMaturityDate(), NetContracts = netContracts

                DoLog(string.Format("Final Net Contracts for Security Id {0}:{1}", security.Symbol, netContracts), zHFT.Main.Common.Util.Constants.MessageType.Information);

            if (Config.ImplementCalendarMarginDiscount)
                string[] assetClasses = GetAvailableAssetClasses();

                foreach (string assetClass in assetClasses)
                    creditUsed -= (CalculateCalendarMarginDiscounts(netPositionsArr.ToArray(), assetClass) / Config.MarginPct);

            return(creditUsed - GetPriorDayCredit(firmId));
Example #7
        protected double GetPotentialxMargin(char side, string firmId, ClientPosition[] Positions, List <OrderDTO> Orders)
            double acumMargin = 0;

            foreach (SecurityMasterRecord security in SecurityMasterRecords)
                double potentialNetContracts = GetNetContracts(firmId, security.Symbol, Positions, side, Orders);

                DoLog(string.Format("Potential Contracts for Security {0}  after Orders:{1}", security.Symbol, potentialNetContracts), zHFT.Main.Common.Util.Constants.MessageType.Information);

                DailySettlementPrice DSP = DailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == security.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();

                if (DSP != null && DSP.Price.HasValue)
                    acumMargin += Math.Abs(potentialNetContracts) * DSP.Price.Value * Config.MarginPct;

            //TODO : implement the calendar spreads margin calculation
            DoLog(string.Format("Acum Margin for FirmId {0} after Orders:{1}", firmId, acumMargin), zHFT.Main.Common.Util.Constants.MessageType.Information);
            return(acumMargin - GetFundedMargin(firmId));
Example #8
        protected double GetBaseMargin(string firmId, ClientPosition[] Positions, string symbol = null, DailySettlementPrice[] DSPsToUse = null)
            double acumMargin = 0;

            foreach (SecurityMasterRecord security in SecurityMasterRecords.Where(x => (symbol == null || x.Symbol == symbol)))
                double netContracts = GetNetContracts(firmId, security.Symbol, Positions);

                DailySettlementPrice DSP = DSPsToUse == null?DailySettlementPrices.Where(x => x.Symbol == security.Symbol).FirstOrDefault() : DSPsToUse.Where(x => x.Symbol == security.Symbol).FirstOrDefault();

                if (DSP != null && DSP.Price.HasValue)
                    acumMargin += Math.Abs(netContracts) * DSP.Price.Value * Config.MarginPct;

                DoLog(string.Format("Net Contracts for Security {0} :{1}", security.Symbol, netContracts), zHFT.Main.Common.Util.Constants.MessageType.Information);

            //TODO : implement the calendar spreads margin calculation
            DoLog(string.Format("Base Margin for FirmId {0}:{1}", firmId, acumMargin), zHFT.Main.Common.Util.Constants.MessageType.Information);

Example #9
        private static void ProcessEvent(WebSocketMessage msg)
            if (msg is ClientLoginResponse)
                ClientLoginResponse loginResp = (ClientLoginResponse)msg;

                if (loginResp.JsonWebToken != null)
                    ClientLoginResponse = loginResp;

                DoLog(string.Format("Client successfully logged with token {0}", loginResp.JsonWebToken));
                //3- Subscribe market data for Security
                //Market data will be delivered through many services, for the moment we will use
                //      LS - LastSales will have all the information regarding the trades that took place (high, low, last, etc.)
                //      LQ - QuoteService will tell us the the best offers (best buy and sell) that we have for a security.
                //           It is what fills the red/green holders that we can see in the image!
                // When we select a Product (SPOT) and Pair (XBT-USD) in the combos, we will have to fill the instrument holder (story 74)
                //      ---> In that context we only need the Quote (LQ) service
                // Only when we CLICK that instrument we will need the trades service (LS) to fill the header
                //      ---> Then we can make this call
                //Of course, every time we subscribe to some security , we will have to ususcribe to another one.
                // That will be covered in the spec document
            else if (msg is LastSale)
                //4.1 LastSale event arrived! We update the security in memory with the following fields
                LastSale lastSale = (LastSale)msg;

                lock (Security)
                    Security.MarketData.LastTradeDateTime       = lastSale.GetLastTime();
                    Security.MarketData.MDTradeSize             = lastSale.LastShares;
                    Security.MarketData.Trade                   = lastSale.LastPrice;
                    Security.MarketData.NominalVolume           = lastSale.Volume;
                    Security.MarketData.TradingSessionHighPrice = lastSale.High;
                    Security.MarketData.TradingSessionLowPrice  = lastSale.Low;
                    Security.MarketData.OpeningPrice            = lastSale.Open;
                    Security.MarketData.NetChgPrevDay           = lastSale.Change;
            else if (msg is Quote)
                //4.2 Quote event arrived! We update the security in memory with the following fields
                Quote quote = (Quote)msg;

                lock (Security)
                    Security.MarketData.BestBidPrice = quote.Bid;
                    Security.MarketData.BestBidSize  = quote.BidSize;
                    Security.MarketData.BestAskPrice = quote.Ask;
                    Security.MarketData.BestAskSize  = quote.AskSize;
            else if (msg is DailySettlementPrice)
                //4.3 DailySettlementPrice event arrived! We update the security in memory with the following fields
                DailySettlementPrice DSP = (DailySettlementPrice)msg;
                lock (Security)
                    Security.MarketData.SettlementPrice = DSP.Price;
            else if (msg is OfficialFixingPrice)
                //4.4 DailySettlementPrice event arrived! We update the security in memory with the following fields
                OfficialFixingPrice fixingPrice = (OfficialFixingPrice)msg;
                lock (Security)
                    Security.MarketData.FIXPrice = fixingPrice.Price;
            else if (msg is SubscriptionResponse)
                SubscriptionResponse subscrResp = (SubscriptionResponse)msg;
                //We have to process this message to be sure that the subscription was fully processed