private void metroButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DailyReportSpectacle rpt = new DailyReportSpectacle(); rpt.RecordSelectionFormula = "{receipt1.ReceiptDate} in Date(" + DateStartDate.Value.ToString("yyyy,MM,dd") + ") to Date(" + DateEndDate.Value.ToString("yyyy,MM,dd") + ") AND {spectacles1.Branch} = " + Session.BranchId + "AND {receipt1.OrderType} = 'SPEC'"; new UI_REPORT_VIEWER(rpt).Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonFunctions.ShowError(this, ex.ToString()); CommonFunctions.WriteToErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }
private void BtnSpectacles_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { fromYear = DateDailyReport.Value.Year.ToString(); fromMonth = DateDailyReport.Value.Month.ToString(); fromDay = DateDailyReport.Value.Day.ToString(); DailyReportSpectacle rpt = new DailyReportSpectacle(); rpt.RecordSelectionFormula = "{receipt1.ReceiptDate} = DATE(" + fromYear + "," + fromMonth + "," + fromDay + ") AND {spectacles1.Branch} = " + Session.BranchId + "AND {receipt1.OrderType} = 'SPEC'"; new UI_REPORT_VIEWER(rpt).Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonFunctions.ShowError(this, ex.ToString()); CommonFunctions.WriteToErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } }