Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a generic loot container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="containerType">Type of container.</param>
        /// <param name="containerImage">Icon to display in loot UI.</param>
        /// <param name="position">Position to spawn container.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent GameObject.</param>
        /// <param name="textureArchive">Texture archive for billboard containers.</param>
        /// <param name="textureRecord">Texture record for billboard containers.</param>
        /// <param name="loadID">Unique LoadID for save system.</param>
        /// <returns>DaggerfallLoot.</returns>
        public static DaggerfallLoot CreateLootContainer(
            LootContainerTypes containerType,
            InventoryContainerImages containerImage,
            Vector3 position,
            Transform parent,
            int textureArchive,
            int textureRecord,
            ulong loadID = 0)
            // Setup initial loot container prefab
            GameObject go = InstantiatePrefab(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.Option_LootContainerPrefab.gameObject, containerType.ToString(), parent, position);

            // Setup billboard component
            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            dfBillboard.SetMaterial(textureArchive, textureRecord);

            // Setup DaggerfallLoot component to make lootable
            DaggerfallLoot loot = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallLoot>();

            if (loot)
                loot.LoadID         = loadID;
                loot.ContainerType  = containerType;
                loot.ContainerImage = containerImage;
                loot.TextureArchive = textureArchive;
                loot.TextureRecord  = textureRecord;

            // Now move up loot icon by half own size so bottom is aligned with position
            position.y += (dfBillboard.Summary.Size.y / 2f);
            loot.transform.position = position;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns billboard GameObject to centre of base.
        /// This is required for exterior billboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="go">GameObject with DaggerfallBillboard component.</param>
        public static void AlignBillboardToBase(GameObject go)
            DaggerfallBillboard c = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            if (c)
Example #3
        public void RestoreSaveData(object dataIn)
            if (!loot)

            LootContainerData_v1 data = (LootContainerData_v1)dataIn;

            if (data.loadID != LoadID)

            DaggerfallBillboard billboard = loot.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            // Restore position
            loot.transform.position = data.currentPosition;

            // Restore appearance
            if (MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(data.textureArchive, data.textureRecord, Vector3.zero, loot.transform))
                // Use imported model instead of billboard
                if (billboard)
                Destroy(GetComponent <MeshRenderer>());
            else if (billboard)
                // Restore billboard appearance if present
                billboard.SetMaterial(data.textureArchive, data.textureRecord);

            // Restore items

            // Restore other data
            loot.ContainerType  = data.containerType;
            loot.ContainerImage = data.containerImage;
            loot.LootTableKey   = data.lootTableKey;
            loot.TextureArchive = data.textureArchive;
            loot.TextureRecord  = data.textureRecord;
            loot.playerOwned    = data.playerOwned;
            loot.customDrop     = data.customDrop;
            loot.name           = loot.ContainerType.ToString();
            loot.entityName     = data.entityName;
            loot.isEnemyClass   = data.isEnemyClass;

            // Remove loot container if empty
            if (loot.Items.Count == 0)
        private void AddRDBFlat(DFBlock.RdbObject obj, Transform parent)
            int archive = obj.Resources.FlatResource.TextureArchive;
            int record  = obj.Resources.FlatResource.TextureRecord;

            // Spawn billboard gameobject
            GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(archive, record, parent, true);
            Vector3    billboardPosition = new Vector3(obj.XPos, -obj.YPos, obj.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

            // Add RDB data to billboard
            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();


            // Set transform
            go.transform.position = billboardPosition;

            // Handle supported editor flats
            if (dfUnity.Option_ImportEnemies && archive == 199)
                switch (record)
                case 10:                            // Start marker

                case 15:                            // Random enemy

                case 16:                            // Fixed enemy

            // Add torch burning sound
            if (dfUnity.Option_DefaultSounds && archive == 210)
                switch (record)
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 6:
                case 16:
                case 17:
                case 18:
                case 19:
                case 20:
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a quest NPC to marker position.
        /// </summary>
        static void AddQuestNPC(SiteTypes siteType, Quest quest, QuestMarker marker, Person person, Transform parent)
            // Get billboard texture data
            FactionFile.FlatData flatData;
            if (person.IsIndividualNPC)
                // Individuals are always flat1 no matter gender
                flatData = FactionFile.GetFlatData(person.FactionData.flat1);
            if (person.Gender == Genders.Male)
                // Male has flat1
                flatData = FactionFile.GetFlatData(person.FactionData.flat1);
                // Female has flat2
                flatData = FactionFile.GetFlatData(person.FactionData.flat2);

            // Create target GameObject
            GameObject go = CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(flatData.archive, flatData.record, parent);

            go.name = string.Format("Quest NPC [{0}]", person.DisplayName);

            // Set position and adjust up by half height if not inside a dungeon
            Vector3 dungeonBlockPosition = new Vector3(marker.dungeonX * RDBLayout.RDBSide, 0, marker.dungeonZ * RDBLayout.RDBSide);

            go.transform.localPosition = dungeonBlockPosition + marker.flatPosition;
            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            if (siteType != SiteTypes.Dungeon)
                go.transform.localPosition += new Vector3(0, dfBillboard.Summary.Size.y / 2, 0);

            // Add people data to billboard
            dfBillboard.SetRMBPeopleData(person.FactionIndex, person.FactionData.flags);

            // Add QuestResourceBehaviour to GameObject
            QuestResourceBehaviour questResourceBehaviour = go.AddComponent <QuestResourceBehaviour>();


            // Set QuestResourceBehaviour in Person object
            person.QuestResourceBehaviour = questResourceBehaviour;

            // Add StaticNPC behaviour
            StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();

            npc.SetLayoutData((int)marker.flatPosition.x, (int)marker.flatPosition.y, (int)marker.flatPosition.z, person);

            // Set tag
            go.tag = QuestMachine.questPersonTag;
Example #6
        public void RestoreSaveData(object dataIn)
            if (!loot)

            LootContainerData_v1 data = (LootContainerData_v1)dataIn;

            if (data.loadID != LoadID)

            DaggerfallBillboard billboard = loot.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            // Restore position
            loot.transform.position = data.currentPosition;

            // Restore billboard appearance if present
            if (billboard)
                billboard.SetMaterial(data.textureArchive, data.textureRecord);

                // Setup custom material if available
                if (TextureReplacement.CustomTextureExist(data.textureArchive, data.textureRecord))
                    TextureReplacement.SetBillboardCustomMaterial(billboard.gameObject, data.textureArchive, data.textureRecord);

            // Restore items

            // Restore other data
            loot.ContainerType  = data.containerType;
            loot.ContainerImage = data.containerImage;
            loot.LootTableKey   = data.lootTableKey;
            loot.TextureArchive = data.textureArchive;
            loot.TextureRecord  = data.textureRecord;
            loot.playerOwned    = data.playerOwned;
            loot.customDrop     = data.customDrop;
            loot.name           = loot.ContainerType.ToString();

            // Remove loot container if empty
            if (loot.Items.Count == 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a quest item to marker position.
        /// </summary>
        static void AddQuestItem(SiteTypes siteType, Quest quest, QuestMarker marker, Item item, Transform parent = null)
            // Texture indices for quest items are from world texture record
            int textureArchive = item.DaggerfallUnityItem.WorldTextureArchive;
            int textureRecord  = item.DaggerfallUnityItem.WorldTextureRecord;

            // Create billboard
            GameObject          go          = CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(textureArchive, textureRecord, parent);
            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            // Set name
            go.name = string.Format("Quest Item [{0} | {1}]", item.Symbol.Original, item.DaggerfallUnityItem.LongName);

            // Setup custom material if available
            if (AssetInjection.TextureReplacement.CustomTextureExist(textureArchive, textureRecord))
                AssetInjection.TextureReplacement.SetBillboardCustomMaterial(go, textureArchive, textureRecord);

            // Marker position
            Vector3 position;
            Vector3 dungeonBlockPosition = new Vector3(marker.dungeonX * RDBLayout.RDBSide, 0, marker.dungeonZ * RDBLayout.RDBSide);

            position = dungeonBlockPosition + marker.flatPosition;

            // Dungeon flats have a different origin (centre point) than elsewhere (base point)
            // Find bottom of marker in world space as it should be aligned to placement surface (e.g. ground, table, shelf, etc.)
            if (siteType == SiteTypes.Dungeon)
                position.y += (-DaggerfallLoot.randomTreasureMarkerDim / 2 * MeshReader.GlobalScale);

            // Now move up item icon by half own size and assign position
            position.y += (dfBillboard.Summary.Size.y / 2f);
            go.transform.localPosition = position;

            // Add QuestResourceBehaviour to GameObject
            QuestResourceBehaviour questResourceBehaviour = go.AddComponent <QuestResourceBehaviour>();


            // Set QuestResourceBehaviour in Item object
            item.QuestResourceBehaviour = questResourceBehaviour;

            // Assign a trigger collider for clicks
            SphereCollider collider = go.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();

            collider.isTrigger = true;
        public void ShowMagicSparkles(Vector3 sparklesPosition)
            // Create oneshot animated billboard for sparkles effect
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            if (dfUnity)
                GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(bloodArchive, sparklesIndex, null);
                go.name = "MagicSparkles";
                DaggerfallBillboard c = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                go.transform.position = sparklesPosition + transform.forward * 0.02f;
                c.OneShot             = true;
                c.FramesPerSecond     = 10;
Example #9
        public static GameObject CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(int archive, int record, Transform parent, bool dungeon = false)
            GameObject go = new GameObject(string.Format("DaggerfallBillboard [TEXTURE.{0:000}, Index={1}]", archive, record));

            if (parent)
                go.transform.parent = parent;

            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.AddComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            dfBillboard.SetMaterial(archive, record, 0, dungeon);

        public void ShowBloodSplash(int bloodIndex, Vector3 bloodPosition)
            // Create oneshot animated billboard for blood effect
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            if (dfUnity)
                GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(bloodArchive, bloodIndex, null, true);
                go.name = "BloodSplash";
                DaggerfallBillboard c = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                go.transform.position = bloodPosition + transform.forward * 0.02f;
                c.OneShot             = true;
                c.FramesPerSecond     = 10;
        private void Start()
            GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(candleArchive, candleRecord, transform);

            go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            myBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
            myBillboard.FramesPerSecond = candleFramesPerSecond;
            myBillboard.FaceY           = true;
            myBillboard.OneShot         = false;
            myBillboard.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().receiveShadows = false;

            startLocalPosition = transform.localPosition;
            lastOffsetPosition = startLocalPosition;

            SaveLoadManager.OnStartLoad  += SaveLoadManager_OnStartLoad;
            StartGameBehaviour.OnNewGame += StartGameBehaviour_OnNewGame;
Example #12
        // WIP, Rolls if a valid building will spawn a service NPC and returns what type will spawn (as an appropriate object, void just for now.)
        public static void RollServiceNPC(bool newBuilding)
            int        texArchive        = 184;
            int        texRecord         = 1;
            string     serviceFlat       = "Service Person Flat";
            GameObject node              = new GameObject(serviceFlat);
            GameObject go                = null;
            Vector3    billboardPosition = new Vector3(10, 0, 10) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

            // Spawn billboard gameobject
            go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(texArchive, texRecord, node.transform); // This has something to do with creating a Flat/billboard NPC in the world, play around more and test.

            // Set position
            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            go.transform.position  = billboardPosition;
            go.transform.position += new Vector3(0, dfBillboard.Summary.Size.y / 2, 0);
Example #13
        private static void AddAnimalAudioSource(GameObject go)
            DaggerfallAudioSource source = go.AddComponent <DaggerfallAudioSource>();

            source.AudioSource.maxDistance = animalSoundMaxDistance;

            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
            SoundClips          sound       = SoundClips.None;

            switch (dfBillboard.Summary.Record)
            case 0:
            case 1:
                sound = SoundClips.AnimalHorse;

            case 3:
            case 4:
                sound = SoundClips.AnimalCow;

            case 5:
            case 6:
                sound = SoundClips.AnimalPig;

            case 7:
            case 8:
                sound = SoundClips.AnimalCat;

            case 9:
            case 10:
                sound = SoundClips.AnimalDog;

                sound = SoundClips.None;

            source.SetSound(sound, AudioPresets.PlayRandomlyIfPlayerNear);
Example #14
        private static GameObject AddFlat(DFBlock.RdbObject obj, Transform parent)
            int archive = obj.Resources.FlatResource.TextureArchive;
            int record  = obj.Resources.FlatResource.TextureRecord;

            // Spawn billboard gameobject
            GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(archive, record, parent, true);
            Vector3    billboardPosition = new Vector3(obj.XPos, -obj.YPos, obj.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

            // Add RDB data to billboard
            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();


            // Set transform
            go.transform.position = billboardPosition;

            // Disable enemy flats
            if (archive == TextureReader.EditorFlatsTextureArchive && (record == 15 || record == 16))

            // Add torch burning sound
            if (archive == TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive)
                switch (record)
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 6:
                case 16:
                case 17:
                case 18:
                case 19:
                case 20:

Example #15
        void UseSpellBillboardAnims(int record = 0, bool oneShot = false)
            // Destroy any existing billboard game object
            if (myBillboard)

            // Add new billboard parented to this missile
            GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(GetMissileTextureArchive(), record, transform);

            go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            myBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
            myBillboard.FramesPerSecond = BillboardFramesPerSecond;
            myBillboard.FaceY           = true;
            myBillboard.OneShot         = oneShot;
            myBillboard.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().receiveShadows = false;
        public static GameObject CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(int archive, int record, Transform parent)
            GameObject go = new GameObject(string.Format("DaggerfallBillboard [TEXTURE.{0:000}, Index={1}]", archive, record));

            if (parent)
                go.transform.parent = parent;

            DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.AddComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

            dfBillboard.SetMaterial(archive, record);

            // Import custom texture(s)
            if (AssetInjection.TextureReplacement.CustomTextureExist(archive, record))
                AssetInjection.TextureReplacement.SetBillboardCustomMaterial(go, archive, record);

Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Add subrecord (building) exterior block flats.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddExteriorBlockFlats(
            ref DFBlock blockData,
            Transform flatsParent,
            Transform lightsParent,
            int mapId,
            int locationIndex,
            ClimateNatureSets climateNature = ClimateNatureSets.TemperateWoodland,
            ClimateSeason climateSeason     = ClimateSeason.Summer)
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            if (!dfUnity.IsReady)

            // Get Nature Archive
            int natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(climateNature, climateSeason);

            foreach (DFBlock.RmbSubRecord subRecord in blockData.RmbBlock.SubRecords)
                Vector3 subRecordPosition = new Vector3(subRecord.XPos, 0, -subRecord.ZPos) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                foreach (DFBlock.RmbBlockFlatObjectRecord obj in subRecord.Exterior.BlockFlatObjectRecords)
                    // Don't add building exterior editor flats since they can't be used by any DFU systems
                    int archive = obj.TextureArchive;
                    if (archive == TextureReader.EditorFlatsTextureArchive)

                    // Calculate position
                    Vector3 billboardPosition = new Vector3(
                        -obj.YPos + blockFlatsOffsetY,
                        obj.ZPos + BlocksFile.RMBDimension) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                    billboardPosition += subRecordPosition;

                    // Add natures using correct climate set archive
                    if (archive >= (int)DFLocation.ClimateTextureSet.Nature_RainForest && archive <= (int)DFLocation.ClimateTextureSet.Nature_Mountains_Snow)
                        archive             = natureArchive;
                        billboardPosition.z = natureFlatsOffsetY;

                    // Import custom 3d gameobject instead of flat
                    if (MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(archive, obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition, flatsParent) != null)

                    // Add standalone billboard gameobject
                    GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(archive, obj.TextureRecord, flatsParent);
                    go.transform.position = billboardPosition;

                    // Add animal sound
                    if (archive == TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive)

                    // If flat record has a non-zero faction id, then it's an exterior NPC
                    if (obj.FactionID != 0)
                        // Add RMB data to billboard
                        DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                        dfBillboard.SetRMBPeopleData(obj.FactionID, obj.Flags, obj.Position);

                        // Add StaticNPC behaviour
                        StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();
                        npc.SetLayoutData(obj, mapId, locationIndex);

                    // If this is a light flat, import light prefab
                    if (archive == TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive)
                        if (dfUnity.Option_CityLightPrefab == null)

                        Vector2 size     = dfUnity.MeshReader.GetScaledBillboardSize(210, obj.TextureRecord);
                        Vector3 position = new Vector3(
                            -obj.YPos + size.y,
                            obj.ZPos + BlocksFile.RMBDimension) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;
                        position += subRecordPosition;

                        GameObjectHelper.InstantiatePrefab(dfUnity.Option_CityLightPrefab.gameObject, string.Empty, lightsParent, position);
        public void RestoreSaveData(object dataIn)
            if (!loot)

            LootContainerData_v1 data = (LootContainerData_v1)dataIn;

            if (data.loadID != LoadID)

            // Restore billboard only if this is a billboard-based loot container
            if (loot.ContainerType == LootContainerTypes.RandomTreasure ||
                loot.ContainerType == LootContainerTypes.CorpseMarker ||
                loot.ContainerType == LootContainerTypes.DroppedLoot)
                DaggerfallBillboard billboard = loot.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();

                // Interiors and exteriors need special handling to ensure loot is always placed correctly for pre and post floating y saves
                // Dungeons are not involved with floating y and don't need any changes
                WorldContext lootContext = GetLootWorldContext(loot);
                if (lootContext == WorldContext.Interior)
                    RestoreInteriorPositionHandler(loot, data, lootContext);
                else if (lootContext == WorldContext.Exterior)
                    RestoreExteriorPositionHandler(loot, data, lootContext);
                    loot.transform.position = data.currentPosition;

                // Restore appearance
                if (MeshReplacement.SwapCustomFlatGameobject(data.textureArchive, data.textureRecord, loot.transform, Vector3.zero, lootContext == WorldContext.Dungeon))
                    // Use imported model instead of billboard
                    if (billboard)
                    Destroy(GetComponent <MeshRenderer>());
                else if (billboard)
                    // Restore billboard appearance if present
                    billboard.SetMaterial(data.textureArchive, data.textureRecord);

            // Restore items

            // Restore other data
            loot.ContainerType  = data.containerType;
            loot.ContainerImage = data.containerImage;
            loot.TextureArchive = data.textureArchive;
            loot.TextureRecord  = data.textureRecord;
            loot.stockedDate    = data.stockedDate;
            loot.playerOwned    = data.playerOwned;
            loot.customDrop     = data.customDrop;
            loot.entityName     = data.entityName;
            loot.isEnemyClass   = data.isEnemyClass;

            // Remove loot container if empty
            if (loot.Items.Count == 0)
        void Start()
            Texture2D npcTempTexture = null;

            marker.mobileNPC   = GetComponentInParent <MobilePersonNPC>();
            marker.mobileEnemy = gameObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallEnemy>();
            marker.flatNPC     = GetComponentInParent <StaticNPC>();
            //setup base npc marker object and properties.
            marker.markerObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
            marker.npcMesh      = marker.markerObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            marker.npcMesh.material             = Minimap.minimapNpcManager.npcIconMaterialDict[marker.markerType];
            marker.npcMesh.material.mainTexture = Minimap.minimapNpcManager.npcDotTexture;
            Destroy(marker.markerObject.GetComponent <Collider>());
            marker.markerObject.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
            marker.markerObject.layer = Minimap.layerMinimap;
            marker.markerObject.transform.Rotate(90, 0, 0);
            marker.npcMesh.material.mainTexture = Minimap.minimapNpcManager.npcDotTexture;
            marker.isActive = true;

            //check if player is inside or not, and then setup proper marker size.
            //This needs moved to update in some way, so it updates on entering a building/dungeon.
            if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside)
                markerScale = new Vector3(Minimap.indicatorSize, Minimap.indicatorSize, Minimap.indicatorSize);
                markerScale = new Vector3(Minimap.indicatorSize, Minimap.indicatorSize, Minimap.indicatorSize);

            //set marker object scale.
            marker.markerObject.transform.localScale = markerScale;
            //if friendly npc present, setup flat npc marker color, type, and activate marker object so iit shows on minimap.
            if (marker.mobileNPC != null)
                if (marker.mobileNPC.IsGuard)
                    textures = Minimap.minimapNpcManager.guardTextures;
                    switch (marker.mobileNPC.Race)
                    case Races.Redguard:
                        textures = (marker.mobileNPC.Gender == Genders.Male) ? NPCManager.maleRedguardTextures : NPCManager.femaleRedguardTextures;

                    case Races.Nord:
                        textures = (marker.mobileNPC.Gender == Genders.Male) ? NPCManager.maleNordTextures : NPCManager.femaleNordTextures;

                    case Races.Breton:
                        textures = (marker.mobileNPC.Gender == Genders.Male) ? NPCManager.maleBretonTextures : NPCManager.femaleBretonTextures;

                npcTempTexture        = ImageReader.GetTexture("TEXTURE." + textures[marker.mobileNPC.PersonOutfitVariant], 5, 0, true, 0);
                npcIconTexture        = npcTempTexture;
                marker.npcMarkerColor = Color.green;
                marker.markerType     = Minimap.MarkerGroups.Friendlies;
                marker.markerObject.name = marker.markerObject.name + " " + marker.mobileNPC.NameNPC;
            //if enemy npc present, setup flat npc marker color, type, and activate marker object so iit shows on minimap.
            else if (marker.mobileEnemy != null)
                // Monster genders are always unspecified as there is no male/female variant
                if (marker.mobileEnemy.MobileUnit.Summary.Enemy.Gender == MobileGender.Male || marker.mobileEnemy.MobileUnit.Summary.Enemy.Gender == MobileGender.Unspecified)
                    npcTempTexture = ImageReader.GetTexture(string.Concat("TEXTURE.", marker.mobileEnemy.MobileUnit.Summary.Enemy.MaleTexture), 0, 0, true, 0);
                    npcTempTexture = ImageReader.GetTexture(string.Concat("TEXTURE.", marker.mobileEnemy.MobileUnit.Summary.Enemy.FemaleTexture), 0, 0, true, 0);

                npcIconTexture        = npcTempTexture;
                marker.npcMarkerColor = Color.red;
                marker.markerType     = Minimap.MarkerGroups.Enemies;
                marker.enemySenses = GetComponentInParent <DaggerfallEnemy>().GetComponent <EnemySenses>();
            //if static npc present, setup flat npc marker color, type, and activate marker object so iit shows on minimap.
            else if (marker.flatNPC != null)
                DaggerfallBillboard flatBillboard = GetComponentInParent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                marker.npcMarkerColor = Color.yellow;
                npcTempTexture        = ImageReader.GetTexture("TEXTURE." + flatBillboard.Summary.Archive, flatBillboard.Summary.Record, 0, true, 0);
                npcIconTexture        = npcTempTexture;
                marker.markerType     = Minimap.MarkerGroups.Resident;
                marker.isActive = false;

            marker.npcMesh.material.color = marker.npcMarkerColor;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Add misc block flats.
        /// Batching is conditionally supported.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddMiscBlockFlats(
            ref DFBlock blockData,
            Transform flatsParent,
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch animalsBillboardBatch = null,
            TextureAtlasBuilder miscBillboardsAtlas        = null,
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch miscBillboardsBatch   = null)
            DaggerfallUnity dfUnity = DaggerfallUnity.Instance;

            if (!dfUnity.IsReady)

            // Add block flats
            foreach (DFBlock.RmbBlockFlatObjectRecord obj in blockData.RmbBlock.MiscFlatObjectRecords)
                // Ignore lights as they are handled by AddLights()
                if (obj.TextureArchive == TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive)

                // Calculate position
                Vector3 billboardPosition = new Vector3(
                    -obj.YPos + blockFlatsOffsetY,
                    obj.ZPos + BlocksFile.RMBDimension) * MeshReader.GlobalScale;

                // Import custom 3d gameobject instead of flat
                if (MeshReplacement.ImportCustomFlatGameobject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition, flatsParent) != null)

                //// Use misc billboard atlas where available
                //if (miscBillboardsAtlas != null && miscBillboardsBatch != null)
                //    TextureAtlasBuilder.AtlasItem item = miscBillboardsAtlas.GetAtlasItem(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord);
                //    if (item.key != -1)
                //    {
                //        miscBillboardsBatch.AddItem(item.rect, item.textureItem.size, item.textureItem.scale, billboardPosition);
                //        continue;
                //    }

                // Add to batch where available
                //if (obj.TextureArchive == TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive && animalsBillboardBatch != null)
                //    animalsBillboardBatch.AddItem(obj.TextureRecord, billboardPosition);
                //    continue;

                // Add standalone billboard gameobject
                GameObject go = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallBillboardGameObject(obj.TextureArchive, obj.TextureRecord, flatsParent);
                go.transform.position = billboardPosition;

                // Add animal sound
                if (obj.TextureArchive == TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive)

                // If flat record has a non-zero faction id, then it's an exterior NPC
                if (obj.FactionID != 0)
                    // Add RMB data to billboard
                    DaggerfallBillboard dfBillboard = go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>();
                    dfBillboard.SetRMBPeopleData(obj.FactionID, obj.Flags, obj.Position);

                    // Add StaticNPC behaviour
                    StaticNPC npc = go.AddComponent <StaticNPC>();