public int Insert() { try { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblCustomer customer = new tblCustomer { FirstName = this.FirstName, LastName = this.LastName, Address = this.Address, City = this.City, Phone = this.Phone, State = this.State, UserId = this.UserId, ZIP = this.ZIP, Id = dc.tblCustomers.Any() ? dc.tblCustomers.Max(c => c.Id) + 1 : 1 }; this.Id = customer.Id; dc.tblCustomers.Add(customer); //Return the rows effected return(dc.SaveChanges()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Insert() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Create a customer tblCustomer customer = new tblCustomer { Id = -99, FirstName = "Test", Address = "999 Test Ave", LastName = "Test", City = "Test", Phone = "(920)555-5555", State = "WI", UserId = -99, ZIP = "54934" }; //Insert the row dc.tblCustomers.Add(customer); //Commit the changes int rowsInserted = dc.SaveChanges(); //Make sure that one row was inserted Assert.IsTrue(rowsInserted == 1); } }
public int Insert() { try { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblOrder order = new tblOrder { PaymentReceipt = this.PaymentReceipt, ShipDate = this.ShipDate, OrderDate = this.OrderDate, CustomerId = this.CustomerId, UserId = this.UserId, Id = dc.tblOrders.Any() ? dc.tblOrders.Max(o => o.Id) + 1 : 1 }; this.Id = order.Id; dc.tblOrders.Add(order); //Return the rows effected return(dc.SaveChanges()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Insert() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Create a order tblOrder order = new tblOrder { Id = -99, OrderDate = DateTime.Now, PaymentReceipt = "test", ShipDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), UserId = 1, CustomerId = 1 }; //Insert the row dc.tblOrders.Add(order); //Commit the changes int rowsInserted = dc.SaveChanges(); //Make sure that one row was inserted Assert.IsTrue(rowsInserted == 1); } }
public int Insert() { try { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblMovie movie = new tblMovie { Description = this.Description, Cost = this.Cost, DirectorId = this.DirectorId, FormatId = this.FormatId, ImagePath = this.ImagePath, Quantity = this.Quantity, RatingId = this.RatingId, Title = this.Title, Id = dc.tblMovies.Any() ? dc.tblMovies.Max(m => m.Id) + 1 : 1 }; this.Id = movie.Id; dc.tblMovies.Add(movie); //Return the rows effected return(dc.SaveChanges()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public int Insert() { try { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblOrderItem orderItem = new tblOrderItem { OrderId = this.OrderId, MovieId = this.MovieId, Quantity = this.Quantity, Id = dc.tblOrderItems.Any() ? dc.tblOrderItems.Max(oi => oi.Id) + 1 : 1 }; this.Id = orderItem.Id; dc.tblOrderItems.Add(orderItem); //Return the rows effected return(dc.SaveChanges()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Insert() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Create a movie tblMovie movie = new tblMovie { Id = -99, Title = "TestMovie", Cost = -99.99m, Quantity = -10, Description = "A test movie", FormatId = -99, DirectorId = -99, ImagePath = "TextMovieImg", RatingId = -99 }; //Insert the row dc.tblMovies.Add(movie); //Commit the changes int rowsInserted = dc.SaveChanges(); //Make sure that one row was inserted Assert.IsTrue(rowsInserted == 1); } }
public void Delete() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblGenre genre = dc.tblGenres.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == -99); dc.tblGenres.Remove(genre); int rowsEffected = dc.SaveChanges(); Assert.IsTrue(rowsEffected == 1); } }
public void Delete() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblOrder order = dc.tblOrders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == -99); dc.tblOrders.Remove(order); int rowsEffected = dc.SaveChanges(); Assert.IsTrue(rowsEffected == 1); } }
public void Delete() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblFormat format = dc.tblFormats.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == -99); dc.tblFormats.Remove(format); int rowsEffected = dc.SaveChanges(); Assert.IsTrue(rowsEffected == 1); } }
public void Delete() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblMovie movie = dc.tblMovies.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == -99); dc.tblMovies.Remove(movie); int rowsEffected = dc.SaveChanges(); Assert.IsTrue(rowsEffected == 1); } }
public void Delete() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblDirector director = dc.tblDirectors.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == -99); dc.tblDirectors.Remove(director); int rowsEffected = dc.SaveChanges(); Assert.IsTrue(rowsEffected == 1); } }
public void Delete() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblRating rating = dc.tblRatings.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == -99); dc.tblRatings.Remove(rating); int rowsEffected = dc.SaveChanges(); Assert.IsTrue(rowsEffected == 1); } }
static public void Delete(int movieId, int genreId) { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblMovieGenre movieGenre = dc.tblMovieGenres.FirstOrDefault(mg => mg.MovieId == movieId && mg.GenreId == genreId); if (movieGenre != null) { dc.tblMovieGenres.Remove(movieGenre); dc.SaveChanges(); } } }
public void Update() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblOrder order = dc.tblOrders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == -99); order.PaymentReceipt = "UpdateOrder"; //Save changed property dc.SaveChanges(); tblOrder updatedOrder = dc.tblOrders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.PaymentReceipt == "UpdateOrder"); Assert.AreEqual(order.Id, updatedOrder.Id); } }
public void Update() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblMovie movie = dc.tblMovies.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == -99); movie.Title = "TestingUpdate"; //Save changed property dc.SaveChanges(); tblMovie updatedMovie = dc.tblMovies.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Title == "TestingUpdate"); Assert.AreEqual(movie.Id, updatedMovie.Id); } }
public void Update() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblFormat format = dc.tblFormats.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == -99); format.Description = "TestingUpdate"; //Save changed property dc.SaveChanges(); tblFormat updatedFormat = dc.tblFormats.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Description == "TestingUpdate"); Assert.AreEqual(format.Id, updatedFormat.Id); } }
public void Update() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblGenre genre = dc.tblGenres.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == -99); genre.Description = "UpdateGenre"; //Save changed property dc.SaveChanges(); tblGenre updatedGenre = dc.tblGenres.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Description == "UpdateGenre"); Assert.AreEqual(genre.Id, updatedGenre.Id); } }
public void Update() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblOrderItem orderItem = dc.tblOrderItems.FirstOrDefault(oi => oi.Id == -99); orderItem.Quantity = -98; //Save changed property dc.SaveChanges(); tblOrderItem updatedOrderItem = dc.tblOrderItems.FirstOrDefault(oi => oi.Quantity == -98); Assert.AreEqual(orderItem.Id, updatedOrderItem.Id); } }
public void Update() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblDirector director = dc.tblDirectors.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == -99); director.LastName = "TestingUpdate"; //Save changed property dc.SaveChanges(); tblDirector updatedDirector = dc.tblDirectors.FirstOrDefault(d => d.LastName == "TestingUpdate"); Assert.AreEqual(director.Id, updatedDirector.Id); } }
public void Update() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblCustomer customer = dc.tblCustomers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == -99); customer.FirstName = "TestingUpdate"; //Save changed property dc.SaveChanges(); tblCustomer updatedCustomer = dc.tblCustomers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FirstName == "TestingUpdate"); Assert.AreEqual(customer.Id, updatedCustomer.Id); } }
public void Update() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblRating rating = dc.tblRatings.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == -99); rating.Description = "Updt"; //Save changed property dc.SaveChanges(); tblRating updatedRating = dc.tblRatings.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Description == "Updt"); Assert.AreEqual(rating.Id, updatedRating.Id); } }
static public void Add(int movieId, int genreId) { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { tblMovieGenre mg = new tblMovieGenre { Id = dc.tblMovieGenres.Any() ? dc.tblMovieGenres.Max(m => m.Id) + 1 : 1, MovieId = movieId, GenreId = genreId }; dc.tblMovieGenres.Add(mg); dc.SaveChanges(); } }
public int Update() { try { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Make sure that the ID is set and valid if (this.Id >= 0) { tblMovie movie = dc.tblMovies.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == this.Id); //Make sure that a movie was retrieved if (movie != null) { //Update the proterties on the movie movie.Description = this.Description; movie.Cost = this.Cost; movie.DirectorId = this.DirectorId; movie.FormatId = this.FormatId; movie.ImagePath = this.ImagePath; movie.Quantity = this.Quantity; movie.RatingId = this.RatingId; movie.Title = this.Title; //return the number of rows effected return(dc.SaveChanges()); } else { throw new Exception("No movie to load with this Id"); } } else { throw new Exception("Movie Id not Valid"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public int Update() { try { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Make sure that the ID is set and valid if (this.Id >= 0) { tblCustomer customer = dc.tblCustomers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == this.Id); //Make sure that a customer was retrieved if (customer != null) { //Update the proterties on the customer customer.FirstName = this.FirstName; customer.LastName = this.LastName; customer.Address = this.Address; customer.City = this.City; customer.Phone = this.Phone; customer.State = this.State; customer.UserId = this.UserId; customer.ZIP = this.ZIP; //return the number of rows effected return(dc.SaveChanges()); } else { throw new Exception("No customer to load with this Id"); } } else { throw new Exception("Customer Id not Valid"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void Insert() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Create a director tblDirector director = new tblDirector { Id = -99, FirstName = "TestDirector", LastName = "TestDirector" }; //Insert the row dc.tblDirectors.Add(director); //Commit the changes int rowsInserted = dc.SaveChanges(); //Make sure that one row was inserted Assert.IsTrue(rowsInserted == 1); } }
public void Insert() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Create a format tblFormat format = new tblFormat { Id = -99, Description = "TestFormat" }; //Insert the row dc.tblFormats.Add(format); //Commit the changes int rowsInserted = dc.SaveChanges(); //Make sure that one row was inserted Assert.IsTrue(rowsInserted == 1); } }
public void Insert() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Create a genre tblGenre genre = new tblGenre { Id = -99, Description = "TestGenre" }; //Insert the row dc.tblGenres.Add(genre); //Commit the changes int rowsInserted = dc.SaveChanges(); //Make sure that one row was inserted Assert.IsTrue(rowsInserted == 1); } }
public void Insert() { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Create a rating tblRating rating = new tblRating { Id = -99, Description = "Test" }; //Insert the row dc.tblRatings.Add(rating); //Commit the changes int rowsInserted = dc.SaveChanges(); //Make sure that one row was inserted Assert.IsTrue(rowsInserted == 1); } }
public int Update() { try { using (DVDEntities dc = new DVDEntities()) { //Make sure that the ID is set and valid if (this.Id >= 0) { tblOrder order = dc.tblOrders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == this.Id); //Make sure that a order was retrieved if (order != null) { //Update the proterties on the order order.PaymentReceipt = this.PaymentReceipt; order.ShipDate = this.ShipDate; order.OrderDate = this.OrderDate; order.CustomerId = this.CustomerId; order.UserId = this.UserId; //return the number of rows effected return(dc.SaveChanges()); } else { throw new Exception("No order to load with this Id"); } } else { throw new Exception("Order Id not Valid"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }