protected void Yes(object sender, EventArgs e) { DUPLICATEBL.clearall(); Session ["clr"] = "1"; Response.Redirect("verifydata.aspx"); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int cnt2 = updatedatadesc.getcount(); if (cnt2 == 0) { LinkButton1.Visible = false; int j = DUPLICATEBL.chkempty(); if (j == 1) { string userid = Session["uname"].ToString(); int i = metadatasavebl.updateverification(userid); if (i == 1) { Session["clr"] = "2"; Response.Redirect("verifydata.aspx"); //jscall("Data Verified"); } } else { jscall("No data for verification. First Prepare Data"); } } else { LinkButton1.Visible = true; LinkButton1.Text = "Please update description first"; LinkButton1.PostBackUrl = "updatedesclist.aspx"; jscall1("update description first"); } }
protected void LinkButton10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Response.Redirect("adminlogin.aspx"); int i = DUPLICATEBL.chkempty(); if (i == 1) { int j = DUPLICATEBL.chkverfied(); if (j == 1) { int k = DUPLICATEBL.chkuser(); if (k < 1) { lbllogin.Text = "Enter Administrator's userid password for accessing data"; } popup.Show(); txtuser.Text = " "; txtuser.Focus(); } else { jscall1("First Verify Data"); } } else { jscall1("No data for uploading first prepare it"); } }
protected void LinkButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int j = DUPLICATEBL.chktruncate(); if (j == 1) { int k = DUPLICATEBL.chkuser(); if (k < 1) { lbllogin.Text = "Enter Administrator's userid password for accessing data"; } // popup.Show(); Div1.Visible = true; truncatediv.Visible = false; pnltruncate.Height = 130; Panel1.Visible = true; paneltruncate.Visible = false; truncatepopup.Show(); TextBox1.Focus(); } else { jscall("Database is already empty"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label obj_lbl = Master.FindControl("lbltitle") as Label; obj_lbl.Text = "Display Prepared Data"; int location = DUPLICATEBL.getlocation(); lnklocation.Text = location.ToString(); int parameter = DUPLICATEBL.getparameter(); lnkparameter.Text = parameter.ToString(); DataTable msngdt = DUPLICATEBL.getmisng(); gridview1.DataSource = msngdt; gridview1.DataBind(); lnklocation.Focus(); if (!IsPostBack) { string SaveLocation1 = Server.MapPath("~/Upload") + "\\" + "Units1.mdb"; int cnt = updatedatadesc.updatedesc(SaveLocation1); //int cnt = 0; if (cnt == 0) { } else //int cnt = 0; //jscall1("Data Prepared Successfully"); if (cnt > 0) { LinkButton1.Visible = true; LinkButton1.Text = "Please update description first"; LinkButton1.PostBackUrl = "updatedesclist.aspx"; jscall("update description first"); } } }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = DUPLICATEBL.chkempty(); if (i == 1) { int j = DUPLICATEBL.chkverfied(); if (j != 1) { popup.Show(); } else { jscall("Data is already verified"); } } else { jscall("No Data For cancellation"); } //DUPLICATEBL.clearall(); //jscall("Data Cleared. Again Prepare Data"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label obj_lbl = Master.FindControl("lbltitle") as Label; obj_lbl.Text = "New added data"; string value = (string)Session["value"]; if (value == "location") { parameterrow.Visible = false; DataTable dt = DUPLICATEBL.getlocationdet(); gridview1.DataSource = dt; gridview1.DataBind(); } else if (value == "parameter") { locationrow.Visible = false; DataTable dt = DUPLICATEBL.getparameterdet(); gridview2.DataSource = dt; gridview2.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label obj_lbl = Master.FindControl("lbltitle") as Label; obj_lbl.Text = "Verify Data"; int cnt = DUPLICATEBL.chkverfied(); if (cnt != 1) { int location = DUPLICATEBL.getlocation(); lnklocation.Text = location.ToString(); int parameter = DUPLICATEBL.getparameter(); lnkparameter.Text = parameter.ToString(); DataTable msngdt = DUPLICATEBL.getmisng(); gridview1.DataSource = msngdt; gridview1.DataBind(); } else { lnklocation.Text = "0"; lnkparameter.Text = "0"; gridview1.DataSource = null; gridview1.DataBind(); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (Session["uname"] != null || Session["password"] != null) { // txtfromdt.Focus(); int cnt1 = updatedatadesc.getcount(); if (cnt1 == 0) { LinkButton1.Visible = false; } else { LinkButton2.Visible = true; LinkButton2.Text = "Please update description first"; LinkButton2.PostBackUrl = "updatedesclist.aspx"; jscall1("update description first"); } } else if (Session["uname"] == null || Session["password"] == null) { Response.Redirect("adminlogin.aspx"); } } if (Session["clr"] != null) { string clr = Session["clr"].ToString(); if (clr == "1") { Session["clr"] = null; jscall("Data Cleared. Again Prepare Data"); } else if (clr == "2") { cnt = DUPLICATEBL.chkverfied(); Session["clr"] = null; if (cnt > 0) { jscall("Data verified successfully"); } } } }
protected void btnprepare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Validate(); if (Page.IsValid == true) { int i = DUPLICATEBL.chkempty();//function for cheking that temp database is empty or not //if (i == 1) if (i >= 0) { FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); if ((FileUpload1.PostedFile != null) && (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)) { FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); SaveLocation = Server.MapPath("~/Upload") + " \\" + FileName; if (File.Exists(SaveLocation)) { //try //{ // //File.Delete(SaveLocation); //} //catch (Exception exc) //{ // // jscall("File is in use" + exc.Message.ToString()); //} //finally //{ // System.Diagnostics.Process[] wordInstances = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("WINWORD"); // foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process wordInstance in wordInstances) // { // wordInstance.Kill(); // } //} } try { FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(SaveLocation); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } SaveLocation = Server.MapPath("~/Upload") + "\\" + FileName; //string path1 = Server.MapPath("~/Upload") + "\\" + "data for WEB Site.mdb"; filechk = DUPLICATEBL.chkfile(SaveLocation); ViewState["filechk"] = filechk; if (filechk == 0) { chk = DUPLICATEBL.chknewentry(SaveLocation, ddltype.SelectedValue); } chk = 1; if (chk > 0) { popup.Show(); } else { startprepare(); jscall("Data Prepared Successfully"); } } else { jscall("first Upload Previous data"); } } else { jscall1("check validations"); } #region unwanted code // cmd.Connection = conn; // cmd.CommandText = "select REALSTAT,STATNAME,COUNTRY,PROVINCE,SUBDISTRICT,BASIN,RIVERNAME,TRIBUTARY,CATCH,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE,CATAREA,TOPOSHEET,AGENCY,REGOFFICE,CIRCOFFICE,DIVOFFICE,SUBDIVOFFICE,SECTOFFICE,REMARKS,OWNERAGENCY,STARTDATE,ENDDATE,LOCALXCOORD,LOCALYCOORD from "+filename1 +".Location"; // int i = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); //OleDbDataReader rdr=null; // rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // while (rdr.Read()) // { // SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\Hydro project\\App_Data\\Hydro.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); // sqlcon.Open(); // SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("insert into Location( REALSTAT,STATNAME,COUNTRY,PROVINCE,SUBDISTRICT) values ('"+ rdr[0].ToString() + "','" + rdr[1].ToString() + "','" + rdr[2].ToString() + "','" + rdr[3].ToString() + "','" + rdr[4].ToString() + "' ) ", sqlcon); // cmd1.ExecuteNonQuery(); // } // rdr.Close(); // string a = conn.Database; // //dbConn.Open(); // SqlConnection consql = new SqlConnection(DBConnection); // SqlCommand cmdsql = new SqlCommand(); // consql.Open(); // cmdsql.Connection = consql; // string b = consql.Database; // cmdsql.CommandText = "insert into HYDRO.Location ( REALSTAT,STATNAME,COUNTRY,PROVINCE,SUBDISTRICT,BASIN,RIVERNAME,TRIBUTARY,CATCH,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE,CATAREA,TOPOSHEET,AGENCY,REGOFFICE,CIRCOFFICE,DIVOFFICE,SUBDIVOFFICE,SECTOFFICE,REMARKS,OWNERAGENCY,STARTDATE,ENDDATE,LOCALXCOORD,LOCALYCOORD) select REALSTAT,STATNAME,COUNTRY,PROVINCE,SUBDISTRICT,BASIN,RIVERNAME,TRIBUTARY,CATCH,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE,CATAREA,TOPOSHEET,AGENCY,REGOFFICE,CIRCOFFICE,DIVOFFICE,SUBDIVOFFICE,SECTOFFICE,REMARKS,OWNERAGENCY,STARTDATE,ENDDATE,LOCALXCOORD,LOCALYCOORD from " + a+".Location"; //// cmdsql.CommandText="insert Location( REALSTAT,STATNAME,COUNTRY,PROVINCE,SUBDISTRICT,BASIN,RIVERNAME,TRIBUTARY,CATCH,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE,CATAREA,TOPOSHEET,AGENCY,REGOFFICE,CIRCOFFICE,DIVOFFICE,SUBDIVOFFICE,SECTOFFICE,REMARKS,OWNERAGENCY,STARTDATE,ENDDATE,LOCALXCOORD,LOCALYCOORD) select (REALSTAT,STATNAME,COUNTRY,PROVINCE,SUBDISTRICT,BASIN,RIVERNAME,TRIBUTARY,CATCH,LATITUDE,LONGITUDE,ALTITUDE,CATAREA,TOPOSHEET,AGENCY,REGOFFICE,CIRCOFFICE,DIVOFFICE,SUBDIVOFFICE,SECTOFFICE,REMARKS,OWNERAGENCY,STARTDATE,ENDDATE,LOCALXCOORD,LOCALYCOORD) from "+filename1+".Location"; // cmdsql.ExecuteNonQuery(); //cmdsql.CommandText = "select count(*) from Location"; //int i = (int)cmdsql.ExecuteScalar(); //conn.Close(); #endregion }