private void BuscarDatos() { try { string sql = ""; if (EditText1.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { sql = @" exec [SBO_COMERCIAL].[dbo].[SpEmpleadosTodosBuscar] '" + EditText1.Value.Trim() + "'"; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); Ultima_Busqueda = EditText1.Value.Trim(); } else { sql = @" exec [SBO_COMERCIAL].[dbo].[SpEmpleadosTodosBuscar] ''"; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); Ultima_Busqueda = "°#TODOS LOS REGISTROS#°"; } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void Button0_ClickAfter(object sboObject, SAPbouiCOM.SBOItemEventArg pVal) { try { string sql = ""; if (EditText0.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { oUDS = oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("UD_1"); if (CheckBox0.Checked) { sql = @"select Project as 'Proyecto', DocNum as 'Numero Pedido', CardName as 'Cliente Final', CreateDate as 'Fecha Creacion' from ORDR where Series = 27 and ( DocNum = " + EditText0.Value.Trim() + " or Project = '" + EditText0.Value.Trim() + @"') order by Project, CreateDate"; } else { sql = @"select Project as 'Proyecto', DocNum as 'Numero Pedido', CardName as 'Cliente Final', CreateDate as 'Fecha Creacion' from ORDR where Series = 27 and SlpCode = " + oUDS.ValueEx + " and ( DocNum = " + EditText0.Value.Trim() + " or Project = '" + EditText0.Value.Trim() + @"') order by Project, CreateDate"; } DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); DT_PCV.CopyFrom(DT_SQL); Grid0.Columns.Item(2).Width = 200; Ultima_Busqueda = EditText0.Value.Trim(); } else { oUDS = oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("UD_1"); if (CheckBox0.Checked) { sql = @"select Project as 'Proyecto', DocNum as 'Numero Pedido', CardName as 'Cliente Final', CreateDate as 'Fecha Creacion' from ORDR where Series = 27 order by Project, CreateDate"; } else { sql = @"select Project as 'Proyecto', DocNum as 'Numero Pedido', CardName as 'Cliente Final', CreateDate as 'Fecha Creacion' from ORDR where Series = 27 and SlpCode = " + oUDS.ValueEx + @" order by Project, CreateDate"; } DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); DT_PCV.CopyFrom(DT_SQL); Grid0.Columns.Item(2).Width = 200; Ultima_Busqueda = "°#TODOS LOS REGISTROS#°"; } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void BuscarDatos() { try { string sql = ""; if (EditText0.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { sql = @" SELECT PrjCode as Codigo ,PrjName as Nombre FROM [" + Program.sBDComercial.Trim() + @"].DBO.OPRJ where PrjCode in (select cast(U_PrjCode as nvarchar) from [" + Program.sBDComercial.Trim() + @"].DBO.[@ZINFOP] ) and (PrjName like '%" + EditText0.Value.Trim() + "%' or PrjCode like '%" + EditText0.Value.Trim() + "%')"; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); Ultima_Busqueda = EditText0.Value.Trim(); } else { sql = @" SELECT PrjCode as Codigo ,PrjName as Nombre FROM [" + Program.sBDComercial.Trim() + @"].DBO.OPRJ where PrjCode in (select cast(U_PrjCode as nvarchar) from [" + Program.sBDComercial.Trim() + @"].DBO.[@ZINFOP] )"; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); Ultima_Busqueda = "°#TODOS LOS REGISTROS#°"; } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void BuscarDatos() { try { string sql = ""; string Condi = CheckBox0.Checked ? "Y" : "N"; if (EditText0.Value.Trim().Length > 0) { sql = @"SELECT ORCT.DocNum AS 'Numero Pago' ,ORCT.TaxDate as 'Fecha PR' --,ORCT.CardName as 'Cliente' ,ORCT.Comments as 'Info Detallada' ,IIF(ORCT.NoDocSum > 0, ORCT.NoDocSum, ORCT.DocTotal) as 'Total del Documento' ,ORCT.JrnlMemo as 'Comentarios' ,LEFT(ORCT.Ref1,2)+'-'+SUBSTRING(ORCT.Ref1,3,2)+'-'+RIGHT(ORCT.Ref1,4) as 'Referencia 1' ,ORCT.CreateDate as 'Fecha Creacion' FROM [" + Program.sBDComercial.Trim() + @"].DBO.ORCT WHERE ORCT.Canceled = '" + Condi + @"' and (CAST(DocNum as nvarchar(20)) like '%" + EditText0.Value.Trim() + @"%' or CAST(Comments as nvarchar(MAX)) like '%" + EditText0.Value.Trim() + @"%' or CAST(JrnlMemo as nvarchar(MAX)) like '%" + EditText0.Value.Trim() + @"%') ORDER BY 1" ; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); Ultima_Busqueda = EditText0.Value.Trim(); } else { sql = @"SELECT ORCT.DocNum AS 'Numero Pago' ,ORCT.TaxDate as 'Fecha PR' --,ORCT.CardName as 'Cliente' ,ORCT.Comments as 'Info Detallada' ,IIF(ORCT.NoDocSum > 0, ORCT.NoDocSum, ORCT.DocTotal) as 'Total del Documento' ,ORCT.JrnlMemo as 'Comentarios' ,LEFT(ORCT.Ref1,2)+'-'+SUBSTRING(ORCT.Ref1,3,2)+'-'+RIGHT(ORCT.Ref1,4) as 'Referencia 1' ,ORCT.CreateDate as 'Fecha Creacion' FROM [" + Program.sBDComercial.Trim() + @"].DBO.ORCT WHERE ORCT.Canceled = '" + Condi + @"' ORDER BY 1" ; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); Ultima_Busqueda = "°#TODOS LOS REGISTROS#°"; } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void OnCustomInitialize() { this.Grid0 = ((SAPbouiCOM.Grid)(this.GetItem("Item_4").Specific)); this.Grid0.ValidateAfter += new SAPbouiCOM._IGridEvents_ValidateAfterEventHandler(this.Grid0_ValidateAfter); this.Grid0.Item.FromPane = 1; this.Grid0.Item.ToPane = 1; var sql = @"select * from SBO_COMERCIAL.dbo.[@ZPARAMFA1]"; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); Grid0.DataTable = DT_SQL; }
private void Form_ResizeAfter(SAPbouiCOM.SBOItemEventArg pVal) { oUDS = oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("UD_1"); sOrigf = oUDS.ValueEx; string sql; switch (sOrigf) { case "ComisionesA": oForm.Title = "Agregar Vendedor a Comisiones"; sql = @"SELECT SlpCode as 'Codigo' ,Memo as 'Inicial' ,SlpName as 'Nombre' FROM OSLP WHERE Active = 'Y' AND SlpCode != -1 AND SlpCode NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT V.SlpCode FROM OSLP V join [@Z_COMI_VEND] P ON V.SlpCode = P.[Id Vend] WHERE V.Active = 'Y' AND V.SlpCode != -1 AND Periodo = '" + NPeriodo.NombrePeriodo + @"') ORDER BY 1" ; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); break; case "ComisionesR": oForm.Title = "Agregar Vendedor a Comisiones"; sql = @"SELECT SlpCode as 'Codigo' ,Memo as 'Inicial' ,SlpName as 'Nombre' FROM OSLP WHERE Active = 'Y' AND SlpCode != -1 AND SlpCode NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT V.SlpCode FROM OSLP V join ORDR P ON V.SlpCode = P.SlpCode WHERE V.Active = 'Y' AND V.SlpCode != -1 AND series = 27 AND P.CreateDate BETWEEN '" + NPeriodo.FechaInicio.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + @"' AND '" + NPeriodo.FechaFin.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + @"') ORDER BY 1" ; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); break; } }
private void Form_ResizeAfter(SAPbouiCOM.SBOItemEventArg pVal) { try { oUDS = oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("UD_1"); string sql = @"select Project as 'Proyecto', DocNum as 'Numero Pedido', CardName as 'Cliente Final', CreateDate as 'Fecha Creacion' from ORDR where Series = 27 and SlpCode = " + oUDS.ValueEx + @" order by Project, CreateDate"; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); DT_PCV.CopyFrom(DT_SQL); Grid0.Columns.Item(2).Width = 200; oUDS = oForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Item("UD_2"); StaticText1.Caption = "VENDEDOR: " + oUDS.ValueEx; } catch (Exception) { } }
private void OnCustomInitialize() { try { oForm = Application.SBO_Application.Forms.Item(this.UIAPIRawForm.UniqueID); string sql = @"SELECT SlpCode as 'Codigo' ,Memo as 'Inicial' ,SlpName as 'Nombre' FROM OSLP WHERE Active = 'Y' AND SlpCode != -1 ORDER BY 1" ; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); oForm.ReportType = "Modal"; } catch (Exception) { } }
private void Importar_Anexos_Desde_Origen() { try { oForm.Freeze(true); SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource source = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("OPCH"); string sDocEntry = source.GetValue("DocEntry", source.Offset); int iAtcEntry = int.TryParse(source.GetValue("AtcEntry", source.Offset), out iAtcEntry) ? iAtcEntry : 0; //SAPbobsCOM.Documents oPurchaseOrders = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseOrders); //oPurchaseOrders.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(sDocEntry)); string sql = "select distinct BaseRef,BaseType,BaseEntry from PCH1 where docentry = " + sDocEntry; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); if (!DT_SQL.IsEmpty) { for (int i = 0; i < DT_SQL.Rows.Count; i++) { SAPbobsCOM.Recordset oRecordset = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset); SAPbouiCOM.Matrix oMatrix = null; SAPbouiCOM.EditText oEdit = null; string sBaseType = DT_SQL.GetValue("BaseType", i).ToString(); string sBaseRef = DT_SQL.GetValue("BaseRef", i).ToString(); string sBaseEntry = DT_SQL.GetValue("BaseEntry", i).ToString(); string sTable = ""; switch (sBaseType) { case "20": //Orden Compra sql = "select distinct BaseRef,BaseType,BaseEntry from PDN1 where docentry = " + sBaseEntry; DT_SQL3.ExecuteQuery(sql); if (!DT_SQL3.IsEmpty) { sBaseType = DT_SQL3.GetValue("BaseType", 0).ToString(); if (sBaseType == "22") { sTable = "OPOR"; sBaseRef = DT_SQL3.GetValue("BaseRef", 0).ToString(); } } break; case "22": //Orden Compra sTable = "OPOR"; break; case "1470000113": //Solicitud de Compra sTable = "OPRQ"; break; } if (sTable.Trim().Length > 0) { sql = "SELECT AtcEntry FROM " + sTable + " WHERE AtcEntry is not null AND DocNum = " + sBaseRef; DT_SQL2.ExecuteQuery(sql); if (!DT_SQL2.IsEmpty) { SAPbobsCOM.Attachments2 oAtt = (SAPbobsCOM.Attachments2)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oAttachments2); oAtt.GetByKey(Convert.ToInt32(DT_SQL2.GetValue("AtcEntry", 0))); //SAPbobsCOM.Attachments2 oAttN = (SAPbobsCOM.Attachments2)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oAttachments2); //if (iAtcEntry > 0) //{ // oAttN.GetByKey(iAtcEntry); //} oMatrix = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)oForm.Items.Item("1320002138").Specific; int rowNum = oMatrix.RowCount + 1; sql = @"select AttachPath from OADP"; oRecordset.DoQuery(sql); string RutaDestino = oRecordset.Fields.Item(0).Value.ToString(); for (int x = 0; x < oAtt.Lines.Count; x++) { sql = @"SELECT RTRIM(CAST(trgtPath as nvarchar(200)))+'\'+FileName+'.'+FileExt from ATC1 where AbsEntry = " + DT_SQL2.GetValue("AtcEntry", 0) + " AND Line = " + (x + 1).ToString(); oRecordset.DoQuery(sql); string RutaServ = oRecordset.Fields.Item(0).Value.ToString(); oMatrix.AddRow(); oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1320000002").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific; oEdit.Active = true; oEdit.Item.Enabled = true; oEdit.String = RutaDestino; oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1320000003").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific; oEdit.Active = true; oEdit.Item.Enabled = true; oEdit.String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(RutaServ); oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1320000004").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific; oEdit.Active = true; oEdit.Item.Enabled = true; oEdit.String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RutaServ); oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1320000005").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific; oEdit.Active = true; oEdit.Item.Enabled = true; oEdit.String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(RutaServ).Substring(1); oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1320000007").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific; oEdit.Active = true; oEdit.Item.Enabled = true; oEdit.String = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1320000001").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific; oEdit.Active = true; oEdit.Item.Enabled = true; oEdit.String = rowNum.ToString(); //Se vuelve a cargar la primera fila para que no avance el scroll horizontal al final. oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oMatrix.Columns.Item("1320000002").Cells.Item(rowNum).Specific; oEdit.Active = true; oEdit.Item.Enabled = true; oEdit.String = RutaDestino; rowNum += 1; //oAtt.Lines.SetCurrentLine(x); //oAttN.Lines.Add(); //oAttN.Lines.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RutaServ); //oAttN.Lines.FileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(RutaServ).Substring(1); //oAttN.Lines.SourcePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(RutaServ); //oAttN.Lines.Override = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES; //if (iAtcEntry > 0) //{ // if (oAttN.Update() != 0) // throw new Exception(oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription()); //} //else //{ // int iAttEntry = -1; // if (oAttN.Add() == 0) // { // iAttEntry = int.Parse(oCompany.GetNewObjectKey()); // //Assign the attachment to the GR object (GR is my SAPbobsCOM.Documents object) // oPurchaseOrders.AttachmentEntry = iAttEntry; // } //} } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oRecordset); } } } } //System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oPurchaseOrders); //oPurchaseOrders = null; GC.Collect(); } catch (Exception) { } finally { oForm.Freeze(false); } }
private void Form_DataAddAfter(ref SAPbouiCOM.BusinessObjectInfo pVal) { SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource oDBDataSource = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("OIGE"); SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource oDBDataSourceLines = oForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item("IGE1"); oEdit = (SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("7").Specific; int sDocNum = Convert.ToInt32(oDBDataSource.GetValue("DocNum", oDBDataSource.Offset)); int sDocEntry = Convert.ToInt32(oDBDataSource.GetValue("DocEntry", oDBDataSource.Offset)); string sql = ""; if (((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)oForm.Items.Item("Item_0").Specific).Value.Trim() != "") { try { int nDocOrd = Convert.ToInt32(oDBDataSource.GetValue("U_Solicitud_Compra", oDBDataSource.Offset).ToString().Substring(4, 9)); //;Convert.ToInt32(DT_SQL.GetValue("U_Solicitud_Compra", 0).ToString().Substring(4,9)); sql = @"UPDATE D SET BaseLine = ImportLog , BaseEntry = S.DocEntry from OIGE S JOIN IGE1 D ON S.DocEntry = D.DocEntry where docnum = " + sDocNum; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); sql = @"UPDATE D SET OpenQty = IIF(SAL.Entregado IS NULL, D.Quantity ,(D.Quantity - SAL.Entregado)), OpenCreQty = IIF(SAL.Entregado IS NULL, D.Quantity ,(D.Quantity - SAL.Entregado)), LineStatus = IIF((D.Quantity - SAL.Entregado) = 0,'C','O') FROM OPRQ P JOIN PRQ1 D ON P.DocEntry = D.DocEntry LEFT JOIN (select BaseRef,BaseLine,sum(D.Quantity) as Entregado from OIGE S JOIN IGE1 D ON S.DocEntry = D.DocEntry where BaseRef is not null GROUP BY BaseRef,BaseLine) SAL ON P.DocNum = SAL.BaseRef AND D.LineNum = SAL.BaseLine WHERE P.DocNum = " + nDocOrd; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); sql = @"UPDATE T0 SET DocStatus = IIF(Cerradas = Lineas,'C','O') FROM OPRQ T0 JOIN (select P.DocEntry,SUM(IIF(LineStatus = 'C',1,0)) as Cerradas,COUNT(D.LineNum) as Lineas FROM OPRQ P JOIN PRQ1 D ON P.DocEntry = D.DocEntry WHERE P.DocNum = " + nDocOrd + @" GROUP BY P.DocEntry) T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry WHERE docnum = " + nDocOrd; DT_SQL.ExecuteQuery(sql); //SAPbobsCOM.Documents oInventoryGenExit; //SAPbobsCOM.Document_Lines oInventoryGenExitLines; //Get InventoryGenExit Object //oInventoryGenExit = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oInventoryGenExit); //if (oInventoryGenExit.GetByKey(sDocEntry)) //{ // oInventoryGenExitLines = oInventoryGenExit.Lines; // for (int i = 0; i < oInventoryGenExitLines.Count; i++) // { // oInventoryGenExitLines.SetCurrentLine(i); // oInventoryGenExitLines.BaseLine = Convert.ToInt32(oDBDataSourceLines.GetValue("ImportLog", i)); // oInventoryGenExitLines.BaseEntry = Convert.ToInt32(oDBDataSourceLines.GetValue("DocEntry", i)); // } // if (oInventoryGenExit.Update() != 0) // { // int a = oCompany.GetLastErrorCode(); // string b = oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(); // } //} //Documents oPurchaseRequest = (Documents)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseRequest); //int nCantArtClose = 0; //if (oPurchaseRequest.GetByKey(nDocOrd)) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < oPurchaseRequest.Lines.Count; i++) // { // oPurchaseRequest.Lines.SetCurrentLine(i); // if (oPurchaseRequest.Lines.RemainingOpenQuantity == 0) // { // oPurchaseRequest.Lines.LineStatus = SAPbobsCOM.BoStatus.bost_Close; // nCantArtClose += 1; // } // } // if (nCantArtClose == oPurchaseRequest.Lines.Count) // oPurchaseRequest.Close(); // int a = oPurchaseRequest.Update(); //} } catch (Exception) { } } }