public List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert> FindAlertsByType(DTO_CORE_GigAlert request) { GigALoan_DAL.DB_connection context = new GigALoan_DAL.DB_connection(); List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert> results = new List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert>(); var alertList = context.CORE_GigAlerts.Where(ga => ga.SPRT_GigTypes.TypeID == request.TypeID); foreach (CORE_GigAlerts alert in alertList) { DTO_CORE_GigAlert result = new DTO_CORE_GigAlert { AlertID = alert.AlertID, TypeID = alert.TypeID, Title = alert.Title, Comment = alert.Comment, Active = (bool)alert.Active, ClientID = alert.ClientID, DateCreated = alert.DateCreated, Lat = alert.Lat, Long = alert.Long, PaymentAmt = alert.PaymentAmt /*TODO: Get Alert images(or at least the first) loaded as well*/ }; results.Add(result); } return(results); }
public List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert> FindAlertByID(DTO_CORE_GigAlert request) { List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert> results = new List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert>(); using (GigALoan_DAL.DB_connection context = new GigALoan_DAL.DB_connection()) { if (request != null) { var alertList = context.CORE_GigAlerts.Where(ga => ga.AlertID == request.AlertID).ToList(); foreach (var alert in alertList) { DTO_CORE_GigAlert result = new DTO_CORE_GigAlert { Active = (bool)alert.Active, AlertID = alert.AlertID, ClientID = alert.ClientID, Comment = alert.Comment, DateCreated = alert.DateCreated, Lat = alert.Lat, Long = alert.Long, PaymentAmt = alert.PaymentAmt, Title = alert.Title, TypeID = alert.TypeID }; results.Add(result); } } } return(results); }
public List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert> FindAlertsByPay(DTO_CORE_GigAlert request) { using (DB_connection context = new GigALoan_DAL.DB_connection()) { List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert> results = new List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert>(); var alertList = context.CORE_GigAlerts.Where(ga => ga.PaymentAmt >= request.PaymentAmt); foreach (CORE_GigAlerts alert in alertList) { DTO_CORE_GigAlert result = new DTO_CORE_GigAlert { AlertID = alert.AlertID, TypeID = alert.TypeID, Title = alert.Title, Comment = alert.Comment, Active = (bool)alert.Active, ClientID = alert.ClientID, DateCreated = alert.DateCreated, Lat = alert.Lat, Long = alert.Long, PaymentAmt = alert.PaymentAmt /*TODO: Get Alert images(or at least the first) loaded as well*/ }; results.Add(result); } if (request == null) { return new List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert> { new DTO_CORE_GigAlert { Comment = "empty request" } } } ; else if (results.Count == 0) { return new List <DTO_CORE_GigAlert> { new DTO_CORE_GigAlert { Comment = "empty response" } } } ; else { return(results); } } }
public static List <DTO_CORE_Student> AlertLocalStudents(DTO_CORE_GigAlert alert, int range) { GigALoan_DAL.DB_connection context = new GigALoan_DAL.DB_connection(); if (range == 0) { range = 10; //10 miles } var localStudents = context.proc_GetLocalStudentsByAlert(alert.AlertID, range).ToList(); List <DTO_CORE_Student> returnList = new List <DTO_CORE_Student>(); foreach (var s in localStudents) { returnList.Add(new DTO_CORE_Student { StudentID = s.Value }); } return(returnList); }
public List <DTO_CORE_Gig> FindGigByAlertID(DTO_CORE_GigAlert request) { List <DTO_CORE_Gig> results = new List <DTO_CORE_Gig>(); using (DB_connection context = new GigALoan_DAL.DB_connection()) { var gigList = context.CORE_Gigs.Where(g => g.AlertID == request.AlertID).ToList(); foreach (CORE_Gigs gig in gigList) { DTO_CORE_Gig result = new DTO_CORE_Gig { GigID = gig.GigID, StudentID = gig.StudentID, AlertID = gig.AlertID, DateAccepted = gig.DateAccepted, StudentComments = gig.StudentComments, ClientComments = gig.ClientComments }; if (gig.DateClosed != null) { result.DateClosed = (DateTime)gig.DateClosed; } if (gig.StudentRating != null) { result.StudentRating = (double)gig.StudentRating; } if (gig.ClientRating != null) { result.ClientRating = (double)gig.ClientRating; } results.Add(result); } return(results); } }