public void removeNode(DSNode node) { List <DSConnection> connectionsToRemove = new List <DSConnection> (); if (node.isSelectionNode) { DSSelectionNode selectionNode = (DSSelectionNode)node; for (int i = 0; i < _connections.Count; i++) { if (_connections [i].inPoint == selectionNode.inPoint || _connections [i].outPoint == selectionNode.trueOutPoint || _connections [i].outPoint == selectionNode.falseOutPoint) { connectionsToRemove.Add(_connections [i]); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _connections.Count; i++) { if (_connections [i].inPoint == node.inPoint || _connections [i].outPoint == node.outPoint) { connectionsToRemove.Add(_connections [i]); } } } if (connectionsToRemove != null && connectionsToRemove.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < connectionsToRemove.Count; i++) { removeConnection(connectionsToRemove [i]); } } _nodes.Remove(node); }
public DSNode <int> Execute(int val) { if (_head == null) { return(_head); } DSNode <int> current = _head; DSNode <int> runner = _head.Next; while (runner != null) { if (runner.Data == val) { runner = runner.Next; current.Next = runner; } else { current = runner; runner = runner.Next; } } if (_head.Data == val) { return(_head.Next); } return(_head); }
public int findCenterIndex() { if (_data == null) { return(-1); } DSNode <T> current = _data; DSNode <T> runner = _data; int index = 0; while (runner != null && runner.Next != null) { current = current.Next; runner = runner.Next.Next; index++; } if (index % 2 == 0) { index = index - 1; } return(index); }
public DSNode <int> Swap() { if (_head == null) { return(null); } if (_head.Next == null) { return(_head); } var current = _head; DSNode <int> prev = null; var next = _head.Next; DSNode <int> newHead = null; while (current != null && next != null) { DSNode <int> cached = this.SwapHelper(current, next, ref prev, ref newHead); current = cached; if (current != null) { next = current.Next; } } return(newHead); }
DSNode BiderectionalSearch(DSNode start, DSNode end) { start = begining; end = Finish; if (start && end && lookForDPS(end.value, start)) { List <DSNode> pathToEnd = new List <DSNode>(); // Alfredo DSNode tmp; tmp = end; if (pathToEnd.Count <= 0) { while (tmp.value != start.value) { pathToEnd.Add(tmp); tmp = tmp.parent; } } if (lookForDPS(pathToEnd[pathToEnd.Count - 1].value, start)) { tmp = pathToEnd[pathToEnd.Count - 1]; return(tmp); } return(null); } return(null); }
public DSNode <int> ExecuteUnSorted() { if (_head == null) { return(null); } DSNode <int> current = _head; while (current != null) { DSNode <int> r1 = current; DSNode <int> runner = r1.Next; while (runner != null) { if (current.Data == runner.Data) { r1.Next = runner.Next; } r1 = runner; runner = runner.Next; } current = current.Next; } return(_head); }
public int Execute(int kthIndex) { if (_head == null) { return(-1); } int returnValue = -1; DSNode <int> runner = _head; DSNode <int> current = _head; int i = 0; while (i < kthIndex && runner.Next != null) { runner = runner.Next; i++; } while (runner != null) { runner = runner.Next; current = current.Next; returnValue = current.Data; } return(returnValue); }
public DSNode lookForDPS(float data, DSNode node) { if (node.Equals(null)) { return(null); } if (node.value.Equals(data)) { last = node; return(node); } //Aqui se puede añadir a un stack for (int i = 0; i < node.vertex.Count; i++) { if (!node.vertex[i].Equals(null)) { lookForDPS(data, node.vertex[i]); } if (last.value.Equals(data)) { return(last); } } //Aqui se borraría del stack return(null); }
DSNode searchBFS(float data, DSNode start) { LinkedList <DSNode> visited = new LinkedList <DSNode>(); Queue <DSNode> queue = new Queue <DSNode>(); visited.AddLast(start); queue.Enqueue(start); while (queue.Count > 0) { start = queue.Peek(); if (start.value.Equals(data)) { return(start); } queue.Dequeue(); for (int i = 0; i < start.vertex.Count; i++) { DSNode tmp = start.vertex[i]; if (!visited.Contains(tmp)) { visited.AddLast(tmp); queue.Enqueue(tmp); } } } return(null); }
///Need to fix the logic of finding the start point of loop in linkedList with out using extra space. using runner technique public void FindLoopStartPoint_Positive_Test() { DSLinkedList <int> lnkLst = new DSLinkedList <int>(); lnkLst.Add(-1); lnkLst.Add(-7); lnkLst.Add(7); lnkLst.Add(-4); lnkLst.Add(19); lnkLst.Add(6); lnkLst.Add(-9); lnkLst.Add(-5); lnkLst.Add(2); lnkLst.Add(-5); lnkLst._current.Next = lnkLst._head.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next; DSNode <int> expected = lnkLst._head.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next.Next; IntDSNodeEqualityComparer intDSNodeEqualityComparer = new IntDSNodeEqualityComparer(); DSNode <int> actual = lnkLst.FindLoopStartPoint(); Assert.IsNotNull(actual); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public DSNode <int> ExecuteUnSortedUsingMap() { if (_head == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <int, bool> map = new Dictionary <int, bool>(); DSNode <int> current = _head; DSNode <int> runner = _head.Next; map.Add(current.Data, true); while (runner != null) { if (map.ContainsKey(runner.Data)) { runner = runner.Next; current.Next = runner; } else { map.Add(runner.Data, true); current = runner; runner = runner.Next; } } return(_head); }
void erase(float data) { DSNode to_erase = searchDFS(data); if (!to_erase.Equals(null)) { //Aqui puede haver un problema to_erase = null; } }
public void Contruct_Test_Positive() { DSNode <int> list = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 1, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 2, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 3, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 4, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 5, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 7, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 8, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 9 } } } } } } } } }; CompleteBTreeUsingLinkedList obj = new CompleteBTreeUsingLinkedList(list); DSTreeNode <int> head = obj.Construct(); var traversal = obj.LevelOrderTraversal(); int i = 1; foreach (var item in traversal) { Assert.AreEqual(item, i); i++; } }
public void DeleteMiddleElement_WithAccessToMiddleElement_Positive() { DSNode <int> expected = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 2, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 5, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6 } } } }; DSNode <int> input = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 1, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 2, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 5, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6 } } } } }; DSNode <int> actual = _data.ExecuteWithAccessToMiddleNode(input); while (expected != null && actual != null) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.Data, actual.Data); expected = expected.Next; actual = actual.Next; } Assert.IsNull(expected); Assert.IsNull(actual); }
public DSNode <int> ExecuteWithAccessToMiddleNode(DSNode <int> middle) { if (middle == null || middle.Next == null) { return(null); } middle.Data = middle.Next.Data; middle.Next = middle.Next.Next; return(middle); }
public void SwapTest() { DSNode <int> head = new DSNode <int>(); head.Data = 1; head.Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 2, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 3, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 4 } } }; DSNode <int> expected = new DSNode <int>(); expected.Data = 2; expected.Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 1, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 4, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 3 } } }; SwapPairs pairs = new SwapPairs(head); DSNode <int> actual = pairs.Swap(); while (actual.Next != null && expected.Next != null) { Assert.AreEqual(actual.Data, expected.Data); actual = actual.Next; expected = expected.Next; } }
public bool IsPalindrome() { if (_data == null) { return(false); } FindMiddleOfList <char> findMiddle = new FindMiddleOfList <char>(_data); int middleIndex = findMiddle.findCenterIndex(); DSStack <char> stack = new DSStack <char>(); int index = 0; DSNode <char> current = _data; while (current != null) { if (index > middleIndex) { var popped = stack.Pop(); if (popped != current.Data) { break; } } else { stack.Push(current.Data); if (index == middleIndex && middleIndex % 2 != 0) { stack.Pop(); } } index++; current = current.Next; } return(stack.Count == 0); }
DSNode lookForDPSLimit(float data, DSNode node, int deep, int maxDeep) { node = begining; data = last.value; deep = profuncidad; maxDeep = profundidadMaxima; int _deep = deep; if (_deep <= maxDeep) { _deep++; if (!node) { return(null); } if (node.value == data) { last = node; return(node); } //Aqui se puede añadir a un stack for (int i = 0; i < node.vertex.Count; i++) { if (node.vertex[i]) { lookForDPSLimit(data, node.vertex[i], _deep, maxDeep); } if (last.value == data) { _deep--; return(last); } } //Aqui se borraría del stack return(null); } return(null); }
public void Remove_List_Element_Execute_Positive_Test() { int input = 6; DSNode <int> actual = _data.Execute(input); DSNode <int> expected = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 1, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 2, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 3, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 4, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 7, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 5 } } } } } }; while (expected != null && actual != null) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.Data, actual.Data); expected = expected.Next; actual = actual.Next; } Assert.IsNull(expected); Assert.IsNull(actual); }
DSNode lookforDPSIterative(float data, DSNode node) { if (node.Equals(null)) { return(null); } //Aqui se puede añadir a un stack LinkedList <DSNode> visited = new LinkedList <DSNode>(); Stack <DSNode> stack = new Stack <DSNode>(); DSNode current = node; stack.Push(node); while (stack.Count > 0) { current = stack.Peek(); stack.Pop(); if (!visited.Contains(current)) { //std::cout << current->value << " "; Debug.Log(current.value); visited.AddLast(current); } if (current.value.Equals(data)) { return(current); } for (int i = current.vertex.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!visited.Contains(current.vertex[i])) { stack.Push(current.vertex[i]); } } } return(null); }
bool insert(float parent, float data) { DSNode tmp = lookForDPS(parent, root); if (tmp == true) { DSNode nodo = Instantiate(nodoDepthSearch).GetComponent <DSNode>(); if (lookForDPS(data, root) != null) { return(false); } DSNode newNode = new DSNode(data); tmp.vertex.Add(nodo); newNode.parent = tmp; return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private DSNode <int> SwapHelper(DSNode <int> current, DSNode <int> next, ref DSNode <int> prev, ref DSNode <int> newHead) { var cached = next.Next; next.Next = current; current.Next = cached; if (prev != null) { prev.Next = next; } prev = current; if (newHead == null) { newHead = next; } return(cached); }
public void Remove_Duplicate_Execute_Positive_Test() { DSNode <int> expected = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 1, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 2, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 3, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 4, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 5, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6 } } } } } }; DSNode <int> actual = _data.Execute(); while (expected != null && actual != null) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.Data, actual.Data); expected = expected.Next; actual = actual.Next; } Assert.IsNull(expected); Assert.IsNull(actual); }
public void simulate() { DSNode currentNode = _nodes.Find(x => x.title.Equals("Start")); while (currentNode != null) { currentNode.execute(); DSConnection next = null; if (currentNode.isSelectionNode) { DSSelectionNode currentSelectionNode = (DSSelectionNode)currentNode; if (currentSelectionNode.result && currentSelectionNode.trueOutPoint != null) { next = _connections.Find(x => x.outPoint == currentSelectionNode.trueOutPoint); } else if (!currentSelectionNode.result && currentSelectionNode.falseOutPoint != null) { next = _connections.Find(x => x.outPoint == currentSelectionNode.falseOutPoint); } else { break; } } else { if (currentNode.outPoint == null) { break; } next = _connections.Find(x => x.outPoint == currentNode.outPoint); } if (next == null) { break; } currentNode = _nodes.Find(x => == next.inPoint.nodeID); } }
public DSNode <int> Execute() { if (_head == null) { return(null); } DSNode <int> current = _head; DSNode <int> runner = _head.Next; while (runner != null && runner.Next != null) { runner = runner.Next.Next; if (runner != null && runner.Next != null) { current = current.Next; } } current.Next = current.Next.Next; return(_head); }
public void Init() { var head = new DSNode <int>(); head.Data = 1; head.Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 2, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 3, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 4, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 7, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 5, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6 } } } } } } }; _data = new RemoveListElement(head); }
public void Remove_Duplicate_Unsorted_Using_Map_Test() { DSNode <int> expected = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 3, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 2, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 1, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 5, Next = new DSNode <int>() { Data = 6 } } } } }; DSNode <int> actual = _unsortedData.ExecuteUnSortedUsingMap(); while (expected != null && actual != null) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.Data, actual.Data); expected = expected.Next; actual = actual.Next; } Assert.IsNull(expected); Assert.IsNull(actual); }
public RemoveListElement(DSNode <int> head) { _head = head; }
public SwapPairs(DSNode <int> head) { _head = head; }
public Tree(DSNode node) { root = node; }