protected virtual void Init() { Capturer = new DPFP.Capture.Capture(); // Create a capture operation. Capturer.EventHandler = this; // Subscribe for capturing events. Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. UpdateStatus(); }
public void Init_registro(DPFP.Capture.EventHandler handler) { capturador.Init_captura(handler); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. //UpdateStatus(); }
public void Init_registro() { capturador.Init_captura(this); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. UpdateStatus(); }
protected override void Init() { base.Init(); base.Text = "Register finger print"; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. UpdateStatus(); }
private void btnLeerHuella_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Capturer = new DPFP.Capture.Capture(); // Create a capture operation. if (null != Capturer) { Capturer.EventHandler = this; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); if (null != Capturer) { try { Capturer.StartCapture(); SetStatus("Ponga su dedo indice en el huellero"); } catch { MakeReport("No se pudo iniciar la captura!"); } } } else { MakeReport("No se pudo iniciar la operación de captura!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Validador Huella", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected override void Init() { base.Init(); base.Text = "Dar de alta Huella"; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. UpdateStatus(); }
protected override void Init() { base.Init(); base.Text = "Inscrição biométrica"; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. UpdateStatus(); }
protected override void loadevents() { base.loadevents(); base.Text = "Fingerprint Enrollment"; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. UpdateStatus(); }
private void ScanListener() { try { Capturer = new DPFP.Capture.Capture(); if (null != Capturer) { Capturer.EventHandler = this; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); if (null != Capturer) { try { Capturer.StartCapture(); SetStatus("Place you index finger on the reader"); } catch { MakeReport("Fingerprint reading could not start!"); } } } else { MakeReport("Fingerprint reading could not start!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "OTC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected virtual void Init() { try { ResetSignalSample(); _capturer = new Capture(); // Create a capture operation. if (null != _capturer) { _capturer.EventHandler = this; // Subscribe for capturing events. } else { SetPrompt("Can't initiate capture operation!"); } _enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. //_verificator = new DPFP.Verification.Verification(); // Create a fingerprint template verificator UpdateStatus(); } catch { MessageBox.Show(@"Can't initiate capture operation!", @"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected override void Init() { base.Init(); base.Text = "Trying this huella thing"; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); UpdateStatus(); }
private void runQuery(byte[] ftemplate) { string connString = "datasource=;port=3306;username=root;password=;database=studentcouncilvotingdb"; string query = "INSERT INTO fTemplate('ftemplate') VALUES (@blobdata)"; MySqlConnection dbConn = new MySqlConnection(connString); MySqlCommand dbCmd = new MySqlCommand(query, dbConn); try { dbConn.Open(); using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO fTemplate SET fTemplate = @image", dbConn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add("@image", MySqlDbType.Blob).Value = ftemplate; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); inserted_id = cmd.LastInsertedId; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); template = null; MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint scan complete."); client.Send("enroll-" + inserted_id); } dbConn.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } }
public Enrolamiento(ControlAtraso.Entity.Alumno alumno) { InitializeComponent(); this.Run.Content = alumno.Persona.Run; this.Nombre.Content = alumno.Persona.Nombre; this.Curso.Content = alumno.Matricula.Curso; ControlAtraso.UI.Enrolamiento.Enrolamiento.Alumno = alumno; if (alumno.Persona.Enrolado) { this.Message.Content = "El alumno se encuentra enrolado"; this.HuellaPicture.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Assets/check.png", UriKind.Relative)); } if (ControlAtraso.UI.MainWindow.Capturer != null) { ControlAtraso.UI.MainWindow.Capturer.EventHandler = this; ControlAtraso.UI.MainWindow.Capturer.StartCapture(); enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); } }
protected virtual void Init() { try { if (null != Capture) { Capture.StartCapture(); Capture.EventHandler = this; //for checking the quality fthe image captured Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); //Clear this block textBlock.Text = " "; SetStatus("Capture operation, Initiated...."); } // Subscribe for capturing events. else { SetStatus("Can't initiate capture operation!"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Can't initiate capture operation!"); } }
private void load_all() { Init(); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. UpdateStatus(); Start(); bandera = String.Empty; }
protected override void Init() { base.Init(); base.Text = "Fingerprint Enrolment Session"; //TODO: Create enrollment. Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); UpdateStatus(); }
public AddFamily() { InitializeComponent(); myCamera.OnFrameArrived += MyCamera_OnFrameArrived; timer1.Start(); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); identification.Parent = addbody; }
private void btnCaptureNokFP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. lstFPstatus.Items.Clear(); action = "enrolNOK"; UpdateStatus(); Init(); Start(); }
private void UcEnrolFingerprint_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblWelcome.Text = $"Enrol Fingerprint for {Staff.Surname.Trim() + " " + Staff.Othernames.Trim()}"; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. lstFPstatus.Items.Clear(); UpdateStatus(Enroller); Init(); Start(); }
// Inicializacion del SDK protected virtual void Init() { // Se obtienen los Templates (Huellas) ObtenerHuellas(); ObtenerEmpleados(); // Se inicializa la Captura, para empezar a recibir huellas InicializarCaptura(); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Evento de Registro del SDK UpdateStatus(); }
public ScanWindow(int ei, int mi) { InitializeComponent(); Init(); //btnAccept.IsEnabled = false; counter = 0; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); eid = ei; mid = mi; }
private void FrmAttendance_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { activeSemester = _semesterRepo.GetActiveSessionSemester(); if (activeSemester == null) { MessageBox.Show("You cannot mark attendance because there is no active semester", "Denied", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } lblSession.Text = activeSemester.Session + " - " + activeSemester.Semester; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; // set culture Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB", false); Capturer = new DPFP.Capture.Capture(); // Create a capture operation. try { if ((Capturer != null)) { Capturer.StartCapture(); Capturer.EventHandler = this; } // Subscribe for capturing events. else { throw new Exception("Can't initiate capture operation! Please exit and relaunch the application"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.WriteLog(ex); MessageBox.Show("Can't initiate capture operation! Please exit and relaunch the application", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); Verificator = new DPFP.Verification.Verification(); Application.DoEvents(); Capturer.StartCapture(); SetPrompt("Using the fingerprint reader, scan your fingerprint."); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.WriteLog(ex); //MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Application.ProductName); } finally { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } getTodayAttendance(); }
public FingersMasterScanner() { this.Load +=new EventHandler(delegate{ this.Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); this.Init(); this.Start(); }); this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(delegate { this.Stop(); }); }
public IngresarUsuario() { try { InitializeComponent(); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Validador Huella", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. OnTemplate2 += this.OnTemplate; UpdateStatus(); ///Se inicia el proceso de cappr /// Init(); Start(); }
public static DPFP.FeatureSet ExtractFeatures(DPFP.Sample Sample, DPFP.Processing.DataPurpose Purpose) { DPFP.Processing.FeatureExtraction Extractor = new DPFP.Processing.FeatureExtraction(); // Create a feature extractor DPFP.Processing.Enrollment dd = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback feedback = DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback.None; DPFP.FeatureSet features = new DPFP.FeatureSet(); Extractor.CreateFeatureSet(Sample, Purpose, ref feedback, ref features); // TODO: return features as a result? if (feedback == DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback.Good) return features; else return null; }
public SetFingerprint() { try { InitializeComponent(); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); Verificator = new DPFP.Verification.Verification(); InitDatabase(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "OTC", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public FingerPrinter() { InitializeComponent(); this.UIStatus.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); try { Capturer = new DPFP.Capture.Capture(); // Create a capture operation. if (null != Capturer) Capturer.EventHandler = this; // Subscribe for capturing events. } catch { MessageBox.Show("Can't initiate capture operation!", "Error"); } }
private void Initialize() { IsFingerEnrolled = false; IsInitial = true; IsDone = false; //Biometrics = new ObservableCollection<Biometric>(_biometricsRepository.GetBiometrics()); Biometric = new Biometric(); Status = "Let\'s start"; Notification = "Put your finger on the sensor and lift after you see next instruction."; Instruction = ""; Completion = 0; Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. }
public static DPFP.FeatureSet ExtractFeatures(DPFP.Sample Sample, DPFP.Processing.DataPurpose Purpose) { DPFP.Processing.FeatureExtraction Extractor = new DPFP.Processing.FeatureExtraction(); // Create a feature extractor DPFP.Processing.Enrollment dd = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback feedback = DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback.None; DPFP.FeatureSet features = new DPFP.FeatureSet(); Extractor.CreateFeatureSet(Sample, Purpose, ref feedback, ref features); // TODO: return features as a result? if (feedback == DPFP.Capture.CaptureFeedback.Good) { return(features); } else { return(null); } }
protected virtual void Init() { try { Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); // Create an enrollment. Capturer = new DPFP.Capture.Capture(Priority.Low); // Create a capture operation. UpdateStatus(); if (null != Capturer) { Capturer.EventHandler = this; // Subscribe for capturing events. } } catch { } }
public Form2() { InitializeComponent(); graphics = this.CreateGraphics(); font = new Font("Times New Roman", 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); DPFP.Capture.ReadersCollection coll = new DPFP.Capture.ReadersCollection(); regFeatures = new DPFP.FeatureSet[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { regFeatures[i] = new DPFP.FeatureSet(); } verFeatures = new DPFP.FeatureSet(); createRegTemplate = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); readers = new DPFP.Capture.ReadersCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < readers.Count; i++) { readerDescription = readers[i]; if ((readerDescription.Vendor == "Digital Persona, Inc.") || (readerDescription.Vendor == "DigitalPersona, Inc.")) { try { capturer = new DPFP.Capture.Capture(readerDescription.SerialNumber, DPFP.Capture.Priority.Normal);//CREAMOS UNA OPERACION DE CAPTURAS. } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } capturer.EventHandler = this; //AQUI CAPTURAMOS LOS EVENTOS. converter = new DPFP.Capture.SampleConversion(); try { verify = new DPFP.Verification.Verification(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ex: " + ex.ToString()); } break; } } }
private void Init() { try { Capturer = new DPFP.Capture.Capture(); Enroller = new DPFP.Processing.Enrollment(); if (null != Capturer) { Capturer.EventHandler = this; } // Un procedimiento } catch { MessageBox.Show("No se puede iniciar la operacion de caputra"); } }