public RoomPivot(DMapNode _MapNode, GameObject _RoomPiv, Vector3 _PosInWorld, Vector2Int _PosInMap, int _HPos, String _Name) { MapNode = _MapNode; RoomPiv = _RoomPiv; PosInMap = _PosInMap; HPos = _HPos; Name = _Name; PosInWorld = _PosInWorld; }
// resets map void ResetMap() { for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) { Map[x, y] = new DMapNode(0, new Vector2(), "X00", new Vector2Int()); } } }
// utility function for a star pathfinding int GetDistance(DMapNode _NodeA, DMapNode _NodeB) { int dstX = (int)Mathf.Abs(_NodeA.GirdPosition.x - _NodeB.GirdPosition.x); int dstY = (int)Mathf.Abs(_NodeA.GirdPosition.y - _NodeB.GirdPosition.y); if (dstX > dstY) { return(14 * dstY + 10 * (dstX - dstY)); } return(14 * dstX + 10 * (dstY - dstX)); }
// utility function for a star pathfinding Vector2Int[] RetracePath(DMapNode _StartNode, DMapNode _EndNode) { List <DMapNode> path = new List <DMapNode>(); DMapNode currentNode = _EndNode; while (currentNode != _StartNode) { path.Add(currentNode); currentNode = currentNode.parent; } Vector2Int[] waypoints = ListToVector(path); Array.Reverse(waypoints); return(waypoints); }
// utility function for a star pathfinding List <DMapNode> GetNeighboursFourAxis(DMapNode _Node) { List <DMapNode> Neighbours = new List <DMapNode>(); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { if (x == 0 && y == 0) { continue; } if (x == -1 && y == -1) { continue; } if (x == -1 && y == 1) { continue; } if (x == 1 && y == 1) { continue; } if (x == 1 && y == -1) { continue; } int CheckX = Mathf.RoundToInt(_Node.GirdPosition.x + x); int CheckY = Mathf.RoundToInt(_Node.GirdPosition.y + y); if (CheckX >= 0 && CheckX < Width && CheckY >= 0 && CheckY < Height) { Neighbours.Add(Map[CheckX, CheckY]); } } } return(Neighbours); }
// path finding function using a star path finding public void FindPath() { waypoints = new Vector2Int[0]; pathSuccess = false; DMapNode startNode = DMapStartNode; DMapNode targetNode = DMapEndNode; startNode.parent = startNode; Heap <DMapNode> openSet = new Heap <DMapNode>(MaxSize); HashSet <DMapNode> closedSet = new HashSet <DMapNode>(); openSet.Add(startNode); while (openSet.Count > 0) { DMapNode currentNode = openSet.RemoveFirst(); closedSet.Add(currentNode); if (currentNode.GirdPosition == targetNode.GirdPosition) { targetNode.parent = currentNode.parent; pathSuccess = true; break; } if (TargetDifficultyMin == 0 && TargetDifficultyMax == 0) { foreach (DMapNode neighbour in GetNeighboursFourAxis(currentNode)) { if (closedSet.Contains(neighbour)) { continue; } int newMovementCostToNeighbour = currentNode.GCost + GetDistance(currentNode, neighbour) + neighbour.Difficulty; if (newMovementCostToNeighbour < neighbour.GCost || !openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { neighbour.GCost = newMovementCostToNeighbour; neighbour.HCost = GetDistance(neighbour, targetNode); neighbour.parent = currentNode; if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { openSet.Add(neighbour); } else { openSet.UpdateItem(neighbour); } } } } else { foreach (DMapNode neighbour in GetNeighboursFourAxis(currentNode)) { if (closedSet.Contains(neighbour)) { continue; } if (neighbour.Difficulty <= TargetDifficultyMax && neighbour.Difficulty >= TargetDifficultyMin) { int newMovementCostToNeighbour = currentNode.GCost + GetDistance(currentNode, neighbour) + neighbour.Difficulty; if (newMovementCostToNeighbour < neighbour.GCost || !openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { neighbour.GCost = newMovementCostToNeighbour; neighbour.HCost = GetDistance(neighbour, targetNode); neighbour.parent = currentNode; if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour)) { openSet.Add(neighbour); } else { openSet.UpdateItem(neighbour); } } } } } } if (pathSuccess) { waypoints = RetracePath(startNode, targetNode); pathSuccess = waypoints.Length > 0; } }
// adds rooms so that they all fit with no spaces between them inside the spacified size of the map square void FillMapRandomRooms() { // initialize nodes in map including start room nodes and end rooms nodes in map int h1 = 0; for (int y1 = 0; y1 < Height; y1++) { for (int x1 = 0; x1 < Width; x1++) { if (x1 == StartNode.Position.x && y1 == StartNode.Position.y) { DMapStartNode = new DMapNode(0, StartNode.Size, "S00", StartNode.Position); roomPivots[h1].Name = "Start"; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.Room = StartNode.RoomObj; roomPivots[h1] =; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.Size = StartNode.Size; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.Symbol = "S00"; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.IsInMap = true; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.GirdPosition = StartNode.Position; AddtoMap(StartNode.Size, StartNode.Position, "S00", 0); } else if (x1 == EndNode.Position.x && y1 == EndNode.Position.y) { DMapEndNode = new DMapNode(0, EndNode.Size, "E00", EndNode.Position); roomPivots[h1].Name = "End"; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.Room = EndNode.RoomObj; roomPivots[h1] =; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.Size = EndNode.Size; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.Symbol = "E00"; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.IsInMap = true; roomPivots[h1].MapNode.GirdPosition = EndNode.Position; AddtoMap(EndNode.Size, EndNode.Position, "E00", 0); } roomPivots[h1].PosInWorld = new Vector3(x1 + this.transform.position.x, 0.0f + this.transform.position.y, -y1 + this.transform.position.z); h1++; } } // if user has chosen a random seed initialize seed here if (UsingRandom) { Seed = Time.time.ToString() + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 1000); } System.Random RandSeed = new System.Random(Seed.GetHashCode()); int i = 0; float z = 0; int h = 0; int y = 0; int x = 0; int number = 0; bool first = true; bool b_hit = false; bool MadeSmaller = false; // begins loop to add all rooms into map square with no spaces // rooms are compacted in, can handle all room sizes // the generator goes node by node from the top left of the map // to the bottom of the map from collum by collum then row by row // do this until the whole map has been filled // **** THERE HAVE NOT BEEN ANY GAME OBJECTS MADE YET THIS IS ALL ON AN 2D ARRAY IN SYSTEM VERY LIGHT WEIGHT *** while (y < Height) { while (x < Width) { // choose a room randomly from list of rooms provided room Room; i = RandSeed.Next(0, Rooms.Count); Room = Rooms[i]; // begin checks to make sure room can be fit into map // check y if (Room.Size.y > ((Height) - y)) { // if it cannot be fit in because it is too tall grab a shorter room from list of rooms Room = GetSmallerRoomY(((Height) - y)); MadeSmaller = true; } // check x if (Room.Size.x > ((Width) - z)) { if (MadeSmaller) { // if it already has been made shorter because it was too tall // and now it is too wide get the smallest rooms in all ways possible // with in list of rooms Room = GetRoom(new Vector2Int((int)((Width) - z), ((Height) - y))); } else { // if it cannot be fit in because it is too wide grab a thinner room from list of rooms Room = GetSmallerRoomX((int)((Width) - z)); } } // if room being put in is not first room (apart from start and end) being put into map if (!first) { // check if room is colliding with another room in the position generator is tryign to put it in // if it is not colliding with another room then place it down if (!CheckHitMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y))) { if (number <= 9) { AddtoMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y), "O0" + number, Room.Difficulty); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Room = Room.RoomObj; roomPivots[h] =; roomPivots[h].MapNode.Size = new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Symbol = "O0" + number; roomPivots[h].MapNode.GirdPosition = roomPivots[h].PosInMap; } else { roomPivots[h].MapNode.Size = new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Room = Room.RoomObj; roomPivots[h] =; roomPivots[h].MapNode.Symbol = "O" + number; AddtoMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y), "O" + number, Room.Difficulty); roomPivots[h].MapNode.GirdPosition = roomPivots[h].PosInMap; } z += Room.Size.x; roomPivots[h].Name = "Room Pivot" + h; h += (int)Room.Size.x; x++; number++; } else { // if it does collide with another room try to move a node to its right and place it again // continue trying to do this until the room is too wide to be place on that row // if it is too wide try another room while (!placed) { if (z >= Width || Room.Size.x > ((Width) - z)) { h += (int)((Width) - z); b_hit = true; break; } else { if (!CheckHitMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y))) { if (number <= 9) { AddtoMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y), "O0" + number, Room.Difficulty); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Room = Room.RoomObj; roomPivots[h] =; roomPivots[h].MapNode.Size = new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Symbol = "O0" + number; roomPivots[h].MapNode.GirdPosition = roomPivots[h].PosInMap; } else { roomPivots[h].MapNode.Size = new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Symbol = "O" + number; AddtoMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y), "O" + number, Room.Difficulty); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Room = Room.RoomObj; roomPivots[h] =; roomPivots[h].MapNode.GirdPosition = roomPivots[h].PosInMap; } z += Room.Size.x; roomPivots[h].Name = "Room Pivot" + h; placed = true; h += (int)Room.Size.x; x++; number++; } else { z += Room.Size.x; h += (int)Room.Size.x; x++; } } } } } else { // if the room is the first room to be placed check if it is colliding with eaither the // starting room or ending room // if it is move across row until it can be placed if (!CheckHitMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y))) { if (number <= 9) { AddtoMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y), "O0" + number, Room.Difficulty); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Room = Room.RoomObj; roomPivots[h] =; roomPivots[h].MapNode.Size = new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Symbol = "O0" + number; roomPivots[h].MapNode.GirdPosition = roomPivots[h].PosInMap; } else { roomPivots[h].MapNode.Size = new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y); roomPivots[h].MapNode.Room = Room.RoomObj; roomPivots[h] =; roomPivots[h].MapNode.Symbol = "O" + number; AddtoMap(new Vector2(Room.Size.x, Room.Size.y), new Vector2Int((int)z, y), "O" + number, Room.Difficulty); roomPivots[h].MapNode.GirdPosition = roomPivots[h].PosInMap; } roomPivots[h].Name = "Room Pivot" + h; z += Room.Size.x; x++; h += (int)Room.Size.x; number++; } first = false; } if (b_hit) { break; } placed = false; if (z == Width) { break; } } MadeSmaller = false; b_hit = false; z = 0; x = 0; y++; } }