// Methods public virtual bool Initialize(string title, int width, int height, bool vSync, bool fullScreen, int testTimeSeconds) { bool result = false; if (Configuration == null) { Configuration = new DSystemConfiguration(title, width, height, fullScreen, vSync); } // Initialize Window. InitializeWindows(title); if (Input == null) { Input = new DInput(); Input.Initialize(); } if (Graphics == null) { Graphics = new DGraphics(); result = Graphics.Initialize(Configuration, RenderForm.Handle); } DPerfLogger.Initialize("RenderForm C# SharpDX: " + Configuration.Width + "x" + Configuration.Height + " VSync:" + DSystemConfiguration.VerticalSyncEnabled + " FullScreen:" + DSystemConfiguration.FullScreen + " " + RenderForm.Text, testTimeSeconds, Configuration.Width, Configuration.Height); return(result); }
public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle, Surface surface) { try { Input = new DInput(); Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle); D3D = new DDX11(); D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle); Camera = new DCamera(); Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); Camera.Render(); Camera.SetPosition(50.0f, 2.0f, 10.0f); Terrain = new DSurface(); Terrain.Initialize(D3D.Device, surface); ColorShader = new DColorShader(); ColorShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle); Position = new DPosition(); Position.SetPosition(Camera.GetPosition().X, Camera.GetPosition().Y, Camera.GetPosition().Z); // Ustawienie Position == Camera Camera.SetRotation(0.32f, -0.9f, 0); Position.RotationX = 0.32f; Position.RotationY = -90f; PositionChangeHandler = new DPositionChangeHandler(Position, Input); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
// Methods public virtual bool Initialize(string title, int width, int height, bool vSync, bool fullScreen, int testTimeSeconds) { bool result = false; if (Configuration == null) { Configuration = new DSystemConfiguration(title, width, height, fullScreen, vSync); } // Initialize Window. InitializeWindows(title); if (Input == null) { Input = new DInput(); if (!Input.Initialize(Configuration, RenderForm.Handle)) { return(false); } } if (Graphics == null) { Graphics = new DGraphics(); result = Graphics.Initialize(Configuration, RenderForm.Handle); } DPerfLogger.Initialize("RenderForm C# SharpDX: " + Configuration.Width + "x" + Configuration.Height + " VSync:" + DSystemConfiguration.VerticalSyncEnabled + " FullScreen:" + DSystemConfiguration.FullScreen + " " + RenderForm.Text, testTimeSeconds, Configuration.Width, Configuration.Height);; // Create and initialize Timer. Timer = new DTimer(); if (!Timer.Initialize()) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Timer object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the sound object sound01.wav sound02.wav Sound = new DWaveSound("sound02.wav"); // Initialize the sound object. if (!Sound.Initialize(RenderForm.Handle)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct Sound", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // This seperates out the creation of one DirectSound object and one PrimaryBuffer nad loads as many SecondaryBuffers as there are Sound.LoadAudio Calls. We pass in only the first instanceances DirectSound to play from both secondaryBuffers from the one primaryBuffer. Sound.LoadAudio(Sound._DirectSound); Sound.Play(0, new SharpDX.Vector3(-2.0f, 0, 0.0f)); // Front Center return(result); }
public virtual bool Initialize(string title, int width, int height, bool vSync, bool fullScreen, int testTimeSeconds) { bool result = false; Configuration = new DSystemConfiguration(title, width, height, fullScreen, vSync); InitializeWindows(title); RenderForm.BackColor = Color.Black; Input = new DInput(); result = Input.Initialize(); Graphics = new DGraphics(); result = Graphics.Initialize(Configuration); Timer = new DTimer(); result = Timer.Initialize(); return(result); }
public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the shader manager object. ShaderManager = new DShaderManager(); // Initialize the shader manager object. if (!ShaderManager.Initilize(D3D, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create and initialize Timer. Timer = new DTimer(); if (!Timer.Initialize()) { return(false); } // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); FPS.Initialize(); // Create and Initialize the Zone object. Zone = new DZone(); if (!Zone.Initialze(D3D, windowHandle, configuration)) { return(false); } return(true); }
// Methods public virtual bool Initialize(string title, int width, int height, bool vSync, bool fullScreen, int testTimeSeconds) { bool result = false; if (Configuration == null) { Configuration = new DSystemConfiguration(title, width, height, fullScreen, vSync); } // Initialize Window. InitializeWindows(title); if (Input == null) { Input = new DInput(); if (!Input.Initialize(Configuration, RenderForm.Handle)) { return(false); } } if (Graphics == null) { Graphics = new DGraphics(); result = Graphics.Initialize(Configuration, RenderForm.Handle); } DPerfLogger.Initialize("RenderForm C# SharpDX: " + Configuration.Width + "x" + Configuration.Height + " VSync:" + DSystemConfiguration.VerticalSyncEnabled + " FullScreen:" + DSystemConfiguration.FullScreen + " " + RenderForm.Text, testTimeSeconds, Configuration.Width, Configuration.Height);; // Create and initialize the FpsClass. FPS = new DFPS(); FPS.Initialize(); // Create and initialize the CPU. CPU = new DCPU(); CPU.Initialize(); // Create and initialize Timer. Timer = new DTimer(); if (!Timer.Initialize()) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Timer object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } return(result); }
// Methods public virtual bool Initialize(string title, int width, int height, bool vSync, bool fullScreen, int testTimeSeconds) { bool result = false; if (Configuration == null) { Configuration = new DSystemConfiguration(title, width, height, fullScreen, vSync); } // Initialize Window. InitializeWindows(title); if (Input == null) { Input = new DInput(); if (!Input.Initialize(Configuration, RenderForm.Handle)) { return(false); } } if (Graphics == null) { Graphics = new DGraphics(); result = Graphics.Initialize(Configuration, RenderForm.Handle); } DPerfLogger.Initialize("RenderForm C# SharpDX: " + Configuration.Width + "x" + Configuration.Height + " VSync:" + DSystemConfiguration.VerticalSyncEnabled + " FullScreen:" + DSystemConfiguration.FullScreen + " " + RenderForm.Text, testTimeSeconds, Configuration.Width, Configuration.Height);; // Create and initialize Timer. Timer = new DTimer(); if (!Timer.Initialize()) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Timer object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position of the viewer to the same as the initial camera position. SharpDX.Vector3 camPos = Graphics.Camera.GetPosition(); Position.SetPosition(camPos.X, camPos.Y, camPos.Z); return(result); }
// Methods public virtual bool Initialize(string title, int width, int height, bool vSync, bool fullScreen, int testTimeSeconds) { bool result = false; if (Configuration == null) { Configuration = new DSystemConfiguration(title, width, height, fullScreen, vSync); } // Initialize Window. InitializeWindows(title); // And for this tutorial only paint the Forms Background Black. RenderForm.BackColor = Color.Black; if (Input == null) { Input = new DInput(); Input.Initialize(); } if (Graphics == null) { Graphics = new DGraphics(); result = Graphics.Initialize(Configuration); } // Create and initialize Timer. Timer = new DTimer(); if (!Timer.Initialize()) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Timer object", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } return(result); }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); Camera.Render(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.ViewMatrix; // Set the initial position of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(50.0f, 2.0f, -7.0f); // Create the model object. Terrain = new DTerrain(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!Terrain.Initialize(D3D.Device)) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. ColorShader = new DColorShader(); // Initialize the color shader object. if (!ColorShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position of the viewer to the same as the initial camera position. Position.SetPosition(Camera.GetPosition().X, Camera.GetPosition().Y, Camera.GetPosition().Z); // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the font shader object. FontShader = new DFontShader(); // Initialize the font shader object. if (!FontShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.BaseViewMatrix; // Set the initial position of the camera. (Since the ViewMatrix is already created from a base position.) 250.0f Camera.SetPosition(100.0f, 2.0f, 250.0f); Camera.SetRotation(0, 180.0f, 0); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrainHeightMap(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "heightmap01.bmp", "dirt02.bmp", "bump.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position of the viewer to the same as the initial camera position. Position.SetPosition(Camera.GetPosition().X, Camera.GetPosition().Y, Camera.GetPosition().Z); Position.SetRotation(Camera.GetRotation().X, Camera.GetRotation().Y, Camera.GetRotation().Z); // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. TerrainBumpMapShader = new DBumpMapShader(); // Initialize the color shader object. if (!TerrainBumpMapShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.75f, -0.5f, 0.0f); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position and rotation of the viewer. Position.SetPosition(280.379f, 24.5225f, 367.018f); Position.SetRotation(19.6834f, 222.013f, 0.0f); // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.BaseViewMatrix; // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.75f, 0.25f); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrainHeightMap(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "hm.bmp", "cm.bmp", 20.0f, "dirt04.bmp", "normal01.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. TerrainShader = new DTerrainShader(); //// Initialize the color shader object. if (!TerrainShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the sky dome object. SkyDome = new DSkyDome(); // Initialize the sky dome object. if (!SkyDome.Initialize(D3D.Device)) { return(false); } // Create the sky dome shader object. SkyDomeShader = new DSkyDomeShader(); // Initialize the sky dome shader object. if (!SkyDomeShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the sky plane object. SkyPlane = new DSkyPlane(); // Initialize the sky plane object. if (!SkyPlane.Initialze(D3D.Device, "cloud001.bmp", "perturb001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the sky plane shader object. SkyPlaneShader = new DSkyPlaneShader(); // Initialize the sky plane shader object. if (!SkyPlaneShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } // Create the refraction render to texture object. RefractionTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the refraction render to texture object. if (!RefractionTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the reflection render to texture object. ReflectionTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the reflection render to texture object. if (!ReflectionTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the reflection shader object. ReflectionShader = new DReflectionShader(); // Initialize the reflection shader object. if (!ReflectionShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the water object. WaterModel = new DWater(); // Initialize the water object. if (!WaterModel.Initilize(D3D.Device, "waternormal.bmp", 3.75f, 110.0f)) { return(false); } // Create the water shader object. WaterShader = new DWaterShader(); // Initialize the water shader object. if (!WaterShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.BaseViewMatrix; // Set the initial position of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(100.0f, 2.0f, 5.0f); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrain(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "heightmap01.bmp", "dirt02.bmp", "colorm01.bmp", "detail001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position of the viewer to the same as the initial camera position. Position.SetPosition(Camera.GetPosition().X, Camera.GetPosition().Y, Camera.GetPosition().Z); // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } // Create the terrain shader object. TerrainShader = new DTerrainShader(); // Initialize the terrain shader object. if (!TerrainShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(-0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // Create the debug window bitmap object. DebugWindow = new DDebugWindow(); // Initialize the debug window bitmap object. if (!DebugWindow.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, 256, 256)) { return(false); } // Create the texture shader object. TextureShader = new DTextureShader(); // Initialize the texture shader object. if (!TextureShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the render to texture object. RenderTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the render to texture object. if (!RenderTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the depth shader object. DepthShader = new DDepthShader(); // Initialize the depth shader object. if (!DepthShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle, string appTitle, int testTimeSeconds) { try { // Create the input object. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the timer object. Timer = new DTimer(); // Initialize the timer object. if (!Timer.Initialize()) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position. Position.SetPosition(0.0f, 7.0f, -11.0f); Position.SetRotation(20.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.GenerateOrthoMatrix(15.0f, 15.0f, SHADOWMAP_DEPTH, SHADOWMAP_NEAR); #endregion // Create the ground model object. GroundModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!GroundModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "plane01.txt", "dirt.bmp", 2.0f)) { return(false); } // Set the position for the ground model. GroundModel.SetPosition(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Create the tree object. TreeModel = new DTreeModel(); // Initialize the shadow shader object. if (!TreeModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "trunk001.txt", "trunk001.bmp", "leaf001.txt", "leaf001.bmp", 0.1f)) { return(false); } // Set the position for the tree model. TreeModel.SetPosition(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Create the render to texture object. RenderTexture = new DRenderTexture(); // Initialize the render to texture object. if (!RenderTexture.Initialize(D3D.Device, SHADOWMAP_WIDTH, SHADOWMAP_HEIGHT, SHADOWMAP_DEPTH, SHADOWMAP_NEAR)) { return(false); } // Create the depth shader object. DepthShader = new DDepthShader(); // Initialize the depth shader object. if (!DepthShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the transparent depth shader object. TransparentDepthShader = new DTransparentDepthShader(); // Initialize the transparent depth shader object. if (!TransparentDepthShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the shadow shader object. ShadowShader = new DShadowShader(); // Initialize the shadow shader object. if (!ShadowShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } DPerfLogger.Initialize("WinForms C# SharpDX: " + configuration.Width + "x" + configuration.Height + " VSync:" + DSystemConfiguration.VerticalSyncEnabled + " FullScreen:" + DSystemConfiguration.FullScreen + " " + appTitle, testTimeSeconds, configuration.Width, configuration.Height); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the shader manager object. ShaderManager = new DShaderManager(); // Initialize the shader manager object. if (!ShaderManager.Initilize(D3D, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the texture manager object. TextureManager = new DTextureManager(); // Initialize the texture manager object. if (!TextureManager.Initialize(10)) { return(false); } // Load textures into the texture manager. if (!TextureManager.LoadTexture(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, "rock01d.bmp", 0)) { return(false); } if (!TextureManager.LoadTexture(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, "rock01n.bmp", 1)) { return(false); } if (!TextureManager.LoadTexture(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, "snow01n.bmp", 2)) { return(false); } // Create and initialize Timer. Timer = new DTimer(); if (!Timer.Initialize()) { return(false); } // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); FPS.Initialize(); // Create and Initialize the Zone object. Zone = new DZone(); if (!Zone.Initialze(D3D, windowHandle, configuration)) { return(false); } return(true); }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position and rotation of the viewer. Position.SetPosition(15.0f, 13.0f, 20.0f); Position.SetRotation(25.0f, 180.0f, 0.0f); // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.5f, -0.75f, 0.0f); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrainHeightMap(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "hm01.bmp", 10.0f)) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. TerrainShader = new DTerrainShader(); //// Initialize the color shader object. if (!TerrainShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the first color texture object. ColourTexture1 = new DTexture(); // Load the first color texture object. if (!ColourTexture1.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "dirt001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the second color texture object. ColourTexture2 = new DTexture(); // Load the second color texture object. if (!ColourTexture2.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "dirt004.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the third color texture object. ColourTexture3 = new DTexture(); // Load the third color texture object. if (!ColourTexture3.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "dirt002.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the fourth color texture object. ColourTexture4 = new DTexture(); // Load the forth color texture object. if (!ColourTexture4.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "stone001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the first alpha texture object. AlphaTexture1 = new DTexture(); // Load the first alpha texture object. if (!AlphaTexture1.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "alphaRoad001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the first normal texture object. NormalTexture1 = new DTexture(); // Load the first alpha/Normal texture object. if (!NormalTexture1.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "normal001.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the second normal texture object. NormalTexture2 = new DTexture(); // Load the second alpha/Normal texture object. if (!NormalTexture2.Initialize(D3D.Device, DSystemConfiguration.DataFilePath + "normal002.bmp")) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the initial position of the camera and build the matrices needed for rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.Render(); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); // This might be mis-implemented. CHECK THIS !!! // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Create the model object. Model = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!Model.Initialize(D3D.Device, "cube.txt", "seafloor.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the full screen ortho window object. FullScreenWindow = new DOrthoWindow(); // Initialize the full screen ortho window object. if (!FullScreenWindow.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height)) { return(false); } // Create the deferred buffers object. DeferredBuffers = new DDeferredBuffers(); // Initialize the deferred buffers object. if (!DeferredBuffers.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height)) { return(false); } // Create the deferred shader object. DeferredShader = new DDeferredShader(); // Initialize the deferred shader object. if (!DeferredShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light shader object. LightShader = new DLightShader(); // Initialize the light shader object. if (!LightShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { // Set the size to sample down to. screenWidth = configuration.Width; screenHeight = configuration.Height; try { // Create the input object. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } #endregion #region Initialize Camera // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Set the initial position of the camera. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.Render(); #endregion // Create the model object. Model = new DModel(); // Initialize the model object. if (!Model.Initialize(D3D.Device, "sphere.txt", "blue.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the texture shader object. TextureShader = new DTextureShader(); // Initialize the texture shader object. if (!TextureShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light shader object. LightShader = new DLightShader(); // Initialize the light shader object. if (!LightShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.Direction = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Create the text object. Text = new DTextClass(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, Camera.ViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Create the bitmap object as the mouse pointer. BitMap = new DBitmap(); // Initialize the bitmap object. if (!BitMap.Initialize(D3D.Device, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, "mouse.bmp", 32, 32)) { return(false); } // Initialize that the user has not clicked on the screen to try an intersection test yet. beginMouseChexk = false; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the shader manager object. ShaderManager = new DShaderManager(); // Initialize the shader manager object. if (!ShaderManager.Initilize(D3D, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position and rotation of the viewer. Position.SetPosition(0.0f, 1.5f, -4.0f); Position.SetRotation(15.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Camera.Render(); Camera.RenderBaseViewMatrix(); // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); //// Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the user interface object. UserInterface = new DUserInterface(); // Initialize the user interface object. if (!UserInterface.Initialize(D3D, configuration)) { return(false); } // Create the ground model object. GroundModel = new DModel(); // Initialize the ground model object. if (!GroundModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "plane01.txt", "rock015.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the foliage object. Foliage = new DFoliage(); // Initialize the foliage object. if (!Foliage.Initialize(D3D.Device, "grass01.bmp", 500)) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }
// Methods. public bool Initialize(DSystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowHandle) { try { // Create the input object. The input object will be used to handle reading the keyboard and mouse input from the user. Input = new DInput(); // Initialize the input object. if (!Input.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // #region Initialize System // Create the Direct3D object. D3D = new DDX11(); // Initialize the Direct3D object. if (!D3D.Initialize(configuration, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the camera object Camera = new DCamera(); // Initialize a base view matrix with the camera for 2D user interface rendering. Camera.SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); Camera.Render(); Matrix baseViewMatrix = Camera.ViewMatrix; // Set the initial position of the camera. (Since the ViewMatrix is already created from a base position.) Camera.SetPosition(40.0f, 2.0f, -7.0f); // Create the model object. TerrainModel = new DTerrain(); // Initialize the terrain object. if (!TerrainModel.Initialize(D3D.Device, "heightmap01.bmp", "dirt03.bmp", "colorm01.bmp")) { return(false); } // Create the position object. Position = new DPosition(); // Set the initial position of the viewer to the same as the initial camera position. Position.SetPosition(Camera.GetPosition().X, Camera.GetPosition().Y, Camera.GetPosition().Z); // Create the fps object. FPS = new DFPS(); // Initialize the fps object. FPS.Initialize(); // Create the cpu object. CPU = new DCPU(); // Initialize the cpu object. CPU.Initialize(); // Create the text object. Text = new DText(); // Initialize the text object. if (!Text.Initialize(D3D.Device, D3D.DeviceContext, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix)) { return(false); } // Set the video card information in the text object. if (!Text.SetVideoCard(D3D.VideoCardDescription, D3D.VideoCardMemory, D3D.DeviceContext)) { return(false); } // Create the color shader object. TerrainShader = new DTerrainShader(); // Initialize the color shader object. if (!TerrainShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Create the light object. Light = new DLight(); // Initialize the light object. Light.SetAmbientColor(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1.0f); Light.SetDiffuseColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Light.Direction = new Vector3(-0.5f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // Create the texture shader object. TextureShader = new DTextureShader(); // Initialize the texture shader object. if (!TextureShader.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle)) { return(false); } // Get the size of the terrain as the minimap will require this information. int textureWidth = TerrainModel.TextureWidth; int textureHeight = TerrainModel.TextureHeight; // Create the mini map object. MiniMap = new DMiniMapClass(); // Initialize the mini map object. if (!MiniMap.Initialize(D3D.Device, windowHandle, configuration.Width, configuration.Height, baseViewMatrix, (float)(textureWidth - 1), (float)(textureHeight - 1))) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D\nError is '" + ex.Message + "'"); return(false); } }