Example #1
        private DICOMSliceFile ReadDICOMFile(string filePath)
            AcrNemaFile file = LoadFile(filePath);

            if (file != null && file.HasPixelData)
                DICOMSliceFile slice = new DICOMSliceFile();
                slice.file = file;
                // Read location
                Tag locTag = new Tag("(0020,1041)");
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(locTag))
                    DataElement elemLoc = file.DataSet[locTag];
                    slice.location = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemLoc.Value[0]);
                    Debug.LogError($"Missing location tag in file: {filePath}.\n The file will not be imported");
                // Read intercept
                Tag interceptTag = new Tag("(0028,1052)");
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(interceptTag))
                    DataElement elemIntercept = file.DataSet[interceptTag];
                    slice.intercept = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemIntercept.Value[0]);
                    Debug.LogWarning($"The file {filePath} is missing the intercept element. As a result, the default transfer function might not look good.");
                // Read slope
                Tag slopeTag = new Tag("(0028,1053)");
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(slopeTag))
                    DataElement elemSlope = file.DataSet[slopeTag];
                    slice.slope = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemSlope.Value[0]);
                    Debug.LogWarning($"The file {filePath} is missing the intercept element. As a result, the default transfer function might not look good.");
                // Read pixel spacing
                Tag pixelSpacingTag = new Tag("(0028,0030)");
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(pixelSpacingTag))
                    DataElement elemPixelSpacing = file.DataSet[pixelSpacingTag];
                    slice.pixelSpacing = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemPixelSpacing.Value[0]);

Example #2
        public List <DICOMSeries> LoadDICOMSeries()
            DataElementDictionary dataElementDictionary = new DataElementDictionary();
            UidDictionary         uidDictionary         = new UidDictionary();

                // Load .dic files from Resources
                TextAsset dcmElemAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("dicom-elements-2007.dic");
                Debug.Assert(dcmElemAsset != null, "dicom-elements-2007.dic is missing from the Resources folder");
                TextAsset dcmUidsAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("dicom-uids-2007.dic");
                Debug.Assert(dcmUidsAsset != null, "dicom-uids-2007.dic is missing from the Resources folder");

                dataElementDictionary.LoadFromMemory(new MemoryStream(dcmElemAsset.bytes), DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
                uidDictionary.LoadFromMemory(new MemoryStream(dcmUidsAsset.bytes), DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
            catch (Exception dictionaryException)
                Debug.LogError("Problems processing dictionaries:\n" + dictionaryException);

            // Load all DICOM files
            List <DICOMSliceFile> files = new List <DICOMSliceFile>();

            IEnumerable <string> sortedFiles = fileCandidates.OrderBy(s => s);

            foreach (string filePath in sortedFiles)
                DICOMSliceFile sliceFile = ReadDICOMFile(filePath);
                if (sliceFile != null)

            // Split parsed DICOM files into series (by DICOM series UID)
            Dictionary <string, DICOMSeries> seriesByUID = new Dictionary <string, DICOMSeries>();

            foreach (DICOMSliceFile file in files)
                if (!seriesByUID.ContainsKey(file.seriesUID))
                    seriesByUID.Add(file.seriesUID, new DICOMSeries());

            Debug.Log($"Loaded {seriesByUID.Count} DICOM series");

            return(new List <DICOMSeries>(seriesByUID.Values));
Example #3
        public override VolumeDataset Import()
            DataElementDictionary dataElementDictionary = new DataElementDictionary();
            UidDictionary         uidDictionary         = new UidDictionary();

                dataElementDictionary.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "dicom-elements-2007.dic"), DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
                uidDictionary.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "dicom-uids-2007.dic"), DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
            catch (Exception dictionaryException)
                Debug.LogError("Problems processing dictionaries:\n" + dictionaryException);

            // Read all files
            IEnumerable <string> fileCandidates = Directory.EnumerateFiles(diroctoryPath, "*.*", recursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
                                                  .Where(p => p.EndsWith(".dcm") || p.EndsWith(".dicom") || p.EndsWith(".dicm"));
            List <DICOMSliceFile> files = new List <DICOMSliceFile>();

            foreach (string filePath in fileCandidates)
                DICOMSliceFile sliceFile = ReadDICOMFile(filePath);
                if (sliceFile != null)
            // Sort files by slice location
            files.Sort((DICOMSliceFile a, DICOMSliceFile b) => { return(a.location.CompareTo(b.location)); });

            Debug.Log($"Imported {files.Count} datasets");

            if (files.Count <= 1)
                Debug.LogError("Insufficient number of slices.");

            float minLoc   = (float)files[0].location;
            float maxLoc   = (float)files[files.Count - 1].location;
            float locRange = maxLoc - minLoc;

            // Create dataset
            VolumeDataset dataset = new VolumeDataset();

            dataset.name = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(diroctoryPath));
            dataset.dimX = files[0].file.PixelData.Columns;
            dataset.dimY = files[0].file.PixelData.Rows;
            dataset.dimZ = files.Count;

            int dimension = dataset.dimX * dataset.dimY * dataset.dimZ;

            dataset.data = new int[dimension];

            for (int iSlice = 0; iSlice < files.Count; iSlice++)
                DICOMSliceFile slice     = files[iSlice];
                PixelData      pixelData = slice.file.PixelData;
                int[]          pixelArr  = ToPixelArray(pixelData);
                if (pixelArr == null) // This should not happen
                    pixelArr = new int[pixelData.Rows * pixelData.Columns];

                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < pixelData.Rows; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < pixelData.Columns; iCol++)
                        int pixelIndex = (iRow * pixelData.Columns) + iCol;
                        int dataIndex  = (iSlice * pixelData.Columns * pixelData.Rows) + (iRow * pixelData.Columns) + iCol;

                        int   pixelValue      = pixelArr[pixelIndex];
                        float hounsfieldValue = pixelValue * slice.slope + slice.intercept;

                        dataset.data[dataIndex] = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hounsfieldValue, -1024.0f, 3071.0f);

            if (files[0].pixelSpacing > 0.0f)
                dataset.scaleX = files[0].pixelSpacing * dataset.dimX;
                dataset.scaleY = files[0].pixelSpacing * dataset.dimY;
                dataset.scaleZ = Mathf.Abs(files[files.Count - 1].location - files[0].location);

Example #4
        private DICOMSliceFile ReadDICOMFile(string filePath)
            AcrNemaFile file = LoadFile(filePath);

            if (file != null && file.HasPixelData)
                DICOMSliceFile slice = new DICOMSliceFile();
                slice.file     = file;
                slice.filePath = filePath;

                Tag locTag          = new Tag("(0020,1041)");
                Tag posTag          = new Tag("(0020,0032)");
                Tag interceptTag    = new Tag("(0028,1052)");
                Tag slopeTag        = new Tag("(0028,1053)");
                Tag pixelSpacingTag = new Tag("(0028,0030)");
                Tag seriesUIDTag    = new Tag("(0020,000E)");

                // Read location (optional)
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(locTag))
                    DataElement elemLoc = file.DataSet[locTag];
                    slice.location = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemLoc.Value[0]);
                // If no location tag, read position tag (will need to calculate location afterwards)
                else if (file.DataSet.Contains(posTag))
                    DataElement elemLoc = file.DataSet[posTag];
                    Vector3     pos     = Vector3.zero;
                    pos.x                 = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemLoc.Value[0]);
                    pos.y                 = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemLoc.Value[1]);
                    pos.z                 = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemLoc.Value[2]);
                    slice.position        = pos;
                    slice.missingLocation = true;
                    Debug.LogError($"Missing location/position tag in file: {filePath}.\n The file will not be imported correctly.");
                    // Fallback: use counter as location
                    slice.location = (float)iFallbackLoc++;

                // Read intercept
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(interceptTag))
                    DataElement elemIntercept = file.DataSet[interceptTag];
                    slice.intercept = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemIntercept.Value[0]);
                    Debug.LogWarning($"The file {filePath} is missing the intercept element. As a result, the default transfer function might not look good.");

                // Read slope
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(slopeTag))
                    DataElement elemSlope = file.DataSet[slopeTag];
                    slice.slope = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemSlope.Value[0]);
                    Debug.LogWarning($"The file {filePath} is missing the intercept element. As a result, the default transfer function might not look good.");

                // Read pixel spacing
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(pixelSpacingTag))
                    DataElement elemPixelSpacing = file.DataSet[pixelSpacingTag];
                    slice.pixelSpacing = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemPixelSpacing.Value[0]);

                // Read series UID
                if (file.DataSet.Contains(seriesUIDTag))
                    DataElement elemSeriesUID = file.DataSet[seriesUIDTag];
                    slice.seriesUID = Convert.ToString(elemSeriesUID.Value[0]);

Example #5
        public VolumeDataset ImportDICOMSeries(DICOMSeries series)
            List <DICOMSliceFile> files = series.dicomFiles;

            // Check if the series is missing the slice location tag
            bool needsCalcLoc = false;

            foreach (DICOMSliceFile file in files)
                needsCalcLoc |= file.missingLocation;

            // Calculate slice location from "Image Position" (0020,0032)
            if (needsCalcLoc)

            // Sort files by slice location
            files.Sort((DICOMSliceFile a, DICOMSliceFile b) => { return(a.location.CompareTo(b.location)); });

            Debug.Log($"Importing {files.Count} DICOM slices");

            if (files.Count <= 1)
                Debug.LogError("Insufficient number of slices.");

            // Create dataset
            VolumeDataset dataset = new VolumeDataset();

            dataset.datasetName = Path.GetFileName(datasetName);
            dataset.dimX        = files[0].file.PixelData.Columns;
            dataset.dimY        = files[0].file.PixelData.Rows;
            dataset.dimZ        = files.Count;

            int dimension = dataset.dimX * dataset.dimY * dataset.dimZ;

            dataset.data = new float[dimension];

            for (int iSlice = 0; iSlice < files.Count; iSlice++)
                DICOMSliceFile slice     = files[iSlice];
                PixelData      pixelData = slice.file.PixelData;
                int[]          pixelArr  = ToPixelArray(pixelData);
                if (pixelArr == null) // This should not happen
                    pixelArr = new int[pixelData.Rows * pixelData.Columns];

                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < pixelData.Rows; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < pixelData.Columns; iCol++)
                        int pixelIndex = (iRow * pixelData.Columns) + iCol;
                        int dataIndex  = (iSlice * pixelData.Columns * pixelData.Rows) + (iRow * pixelData.Columns) + iCol;

                        int   pixelValue      = pixelArr[pixelIndex];
                        float hounsfieldValue = pixelValue * slice.slope + slice.intercept;

                        dataset.data[dataIndex] = Mathf.Clamp(hounsfieldValue, -1024.0f, 3071.0f);

            if (files[0].pixelSpacing > 0.0f)
                dataset.scaleX = files[0].pixelSpacing * dataset.dimX;
                dataset.scaleY = files[0].pixelSpacing * dataset.dimY;
                dataset.scaleZ = Mathf.Abs(files[files.Count - 1].location - files[0].location);


        public override VolumeDataset Import()
            DataElementDictionary dataElementDictionary = new DataElementDictionary();
            UidDictionary         uidDictionary         = new UidDictionary();

                dataElementDictionary.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "dicom-elements-2007.dic"), DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
                uidDictionary.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "dicom-uids-2007.dic"), DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
            catch (Exception dictionaryException)
                Debug.LogError("Problems processing dictionaries:\n" + dictionaryException);

            IEnumerable <string> fileCandidates = Directory.EnumerateFiles(diroctoryPath, "*.*", recursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
                                                  .Where(p => p.EndsWith(".dcm") || p.EndsWith(".dicom") || p.EndsWith(".dicm"));
            List <DICOMSliceFile> files = new List <DICOMSliceFile>();

            foreach (string filePath in fileCandidates)
                AcrNemaFile file = LoadFile(filePath);
                if (file != null && file.HasPixelData)
                    DICOMSliceFile slice = new DICOMSliceFile();
                    slice.file = file;
                    // Read location
                    Tag locTag = new Tag("(0020,1041)");
                    if (file.DataSet.Contains(locTag))
                        DataElement elemLoc = file.DataSet[locTag];
                        slice.location = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemLoc.Value[0]);
                        Debug.LogError($"Missing location tag in file: {filePath}.\n The file will not be imported");
                    // Read intercept
                    Tag interceptTag = new Tag("(0028,1052)");
                    if (file.DataSet.Contains(interceptTag))
                        DataElement elemIntercept = file.DataSet[interceptTag];
                        slice.intercept = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemIntercept.Value[0]);
                        Debug.LogWarning($"The file {filePath} is missing the intercept element. As a result, the default transfer function might not look good.");
                    // Read slope
                    Tag slopeTag = new Tag("(0028,1053)");
                    if (file.DataSet.Contains(slopeTag))
                        DataElement elemSlope = file.DataSet[slopeTag];
                        slice.slope = (float)Convert.ToDouble(elemSlope.Value[0]);
                        Debug.LogWarning($"The file {filePath} is missing the intercept element. As a result, the default transfer function might not look good.");

            files.Sort((DICOMSliceFile a, DICOMSliceFile b) => { return(a.location.CompareTo(b.location)); });

            Debug.Log($"Imported {files.Count} datasets");

            if (files.Count <= 1)
                Debug.LogError("Insufficient number of slices.");

            float minLoc   = (float)files[0].location;
            float maxLoc   = (float)files[files.Count - 1].location;
            float locRange = maxLoc - minLoc;

            VolumeDataset dataset = new VolumeDataset();

            dataset.dimX = files[0].file.PixelData.Columns;
            dataset.dimY = files[0].file.PixelData.Rows;
            dataset.dimZ = files.Count;

            int dimension = dataset.dimX * dataset.dimY * dataset.dimZ;

            dataset.data = new int[dimension];

            for (int iSlice = 0; iSlice < files.Count; iSlice++)
                DICOMSliceFile slice     = files[iSlice];
                PixelData      pixelData = slice.file.PixelData;
                int[]          pixelArr  = ToPixelArray(pixelData);
                if (pixelArr == null) // This should not happen
                    pixelArr = new int[pixelData.Rows * pixelData.Columns];

                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < pixelData.Rows; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < pixelData.Columns; iCol++)
                        int pixelIndex = (iRow * pixelData.Columns) + iCol;
                        int dataIndex  = (iSlice * pixelData.Columns * pixelData.Rows) + (iRow * pixelData.Columns) + iCol;

                        int   pixelValue      = pixelArr[pixelIndex];
                        float hounsfieldValue = pixelValue * slice.slope + slice.intercept;

                        dataset.data[dataIndex] = (int)Mathf.Clamp(hounsfieldValue, -1024.0f, 3071.0f);

        public override VolumeDataset Import()
            DataElementDictionary dataElementDictionary = new DataElementDictionary();
            UidDictionary         uidDictionary         = new UidDictionary();

                dataElementDictionary.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "dicom-elements-2007.dic"), DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
                uidDictionary.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "dicom-uids-2007.dic"), DictionaryFileFormat.BinaryFile);
            catch (Exception dictionaryException)
                Debug.LogError("Problems processing dictionaries:\n" + dictionaryException);

            List <DICOMSliceFile> files = new List <DICOMSliceFile>();

            foreach (string filePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(diroctoryPath, "*.*", recursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                AcrNemaFile file = LoadFile(filePath);
                if (file != null && file.HasPixelData)
                    DICOMSliceFile slice = new DICOMSliceFile();
                    slice.file = file;
                    DataElement sliceLocElem = file.DataSet[new Tag("(0020,1041)")];
                    slice.location = Convert.ToDouble(sliceLocElem.Value[0]);
            files.Sort((DICOMSliceFile a, DICOMSliceFile b) => { return(a.location.CompareTo(b.location)); });

            Debug.Log($"Imported {files.Count} datasets");

            if (files.Count <= 1)
                Debug.LogError("Insufficient number of slices.");

            float minLoc   = (float)files[0].location;
            float maxLoc   = (float)files[files.Count - 1].location;
            float locRange = maxLoc - minLoc;

            VolumeDataset dataset = new VolumeDataset();

            dataset.dimX = files[0].file.PixelData.Columns;
            dataset.dimY = files[0].file.PixelData.Rows;
            dataset.dimZ = files.Count;

            int dimension = dataset.dimX * dataset.dimY * dataset.dimZ;

            dataset.data = new int[dimension];

            for (int iSlice = 0; iSlice < files.Count; iSlice++)
                DICOMSliceFile slice     = files[iSlice];
                PixelData      pixelData = slice.file.PixelData;
                int[]          pixelArr  = ToPixelArray(pixelData);
                if (pixelArr == null) // This should not happen
                    pixelArr = new int[pixelData.Rows * pixelData.Columns];

                for (int iRow = 0; iRow < pixelData.Rows; iRow++)
                    for (int iCol = 0; iCol < pixelData.Columns; iCol++)
                        int pixelIndex = (iRow * pixelData.Columns) + iCol;
                        int dataIndex  = (iSlice * pixelData.Columns * pixelData.Rows) + (iRow * pixelData.Columns) + iCol;
                        dataset.data[dataIndex] = pixelArr[pixelIndex];

            /*foreach (openDicom.DataStructure.DataSet.DataElement element in file.DataSet)
             * {
             *  Debug.Log(file.DataSet.StreamPosition);
             *  Debug.Log(element.Tag.ToString() + " - " + element.VR.Tag.GetDictionaryEntry().Description);
             * }*/

             * dataset.dimX = file.DataSet.GetEnumerator;
             * dataset.dimY = dimY;
             * dataset.dimZ = dimZ;
             * int uDimension = dimX * dimY * dimZ;
             * dataset.data = new int[uDimension];*/
