Example #1
    protected void ButtonRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string errorMessage = null;

            DEAContext context = Session[_contextKey] as DEAContext;
            string     jsonIn  = context.ToJsonString(out errorMessage);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonIn))
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);
            string serviceUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["deaServiceUrl"];
            var    client     = new RestClient();
            client.BaseUrl = new Uri(serviceUrl);
            RestRequest deaRequest = new RestRequest();
            deaRequest.Method = Method.POST;
            deaRequest.AddParameter("text/plain", jsonIn, ParameterType.RequestBody);
            deaRequest.Resource = "json/DEA";
            var response = client.Execute(deaRequest);
            if (response.IsSuccessful && response.ResponseStatus == ResponseStatus.Completed)
                string      jsonOut     = response.Content;
                DEAResponse deaResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DEAResponse>(jsonOut);
                if (deaResponse == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to de-serialize JSON response.  Please check the log of the service.");
                if (deaResponse.OK == false)
                    throw new Exception(deaResponse.errorMessage);
                Session[_contextKey] = deaResponse.context;
                DEAEventArgs args = new DEAEventArgs();
                args.Cargo = "DEAContextOK";
                RaiseBubbleEvent(this, args);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.ErrorMessage))
                    throw new Exception(response.ErrorMessage);
                    throw new Exception(response.ResponseStatus.ToString());
        catch (Exception ex)
            LabelError.Text    = ex.Message;
            LabelError.Visible = true;
            DEAEventArgs args = new DEAEventArgs();
            args.Cargo = "ERROR: " + ex.Message;
            RaiseBubbleEvent(this, args);
Example #2
        public void TestJsonSerialization()
            string     errorMessage      = null;
            string     xmlInputFilePath  = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\DEA-Example-20-depots.xml";
            string     xmlOutputFilePath = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\DEA-Example-20-depots-3.xml";
            DEAContext context           = DEAContext.CreateFromXmlFile(xmlInputFilePath, out errorMessage);

            Assert.IsNotNull(context, errorMessage);
            if (context != null)
                string json = context.ToJsonString(out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(json, errorMessage);
                if (json != null)
                    DEAContext context2 = DEAContext.CreateFromJsonString(json, out errorMessage);
                    Assert.IsNotNull(context2, errorMessage);
                    if (context2 != null)
                        bool ok = context2.SaveToXmlFile(xmlOutputFilePath, out errorMessage);
                        Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);
Example #3
        public void TestDataEnvelopedAnalysis()
            string csvFilePath = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\DEA-Example-20-depots.csv";
            string warningMessage, errorMessage;

                bool       ok      = true;
                DEAContext context = new DEAContext("DEAContext", "Depot");
                ok = context.AddVariable("STOCK", "I", out errorMessage);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.AddVariable("WAGES", "I", out errorMessage);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.AddVariable("ISSUES", "O", out errorMessage);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.AddVariable("RECEIPTS", "O", out errorMessage);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.AddVariable("REQS", "O", out errorMessage);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.UploadCsvFile(csvFilePath, out warningMessage, out errorMessage);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.AddCostConstraint("STOCK", 27.0, out errorMessage);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.AddCostConstraint("WAGES", 40, out errorMessage);

                if (ok)
                    var client = new RestClient();
                    client.BaseUrl = new Uri(@"http://localhost/DEAJsonService/JsonServiceImpl.svc");
                    var request = new RestRequest();
                    request.Method = Method.POST;
                    // request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
                    // request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
                    string json = context.ToJsonString(out errorMessage);
                    ok = (json != null);
                    if (ok)
                        request.AddParameter("text/plain", json, ParameterType.RequestBody);
                        request.Resource = "json/DEA";
                    var response = client.Execute(request);

                    int stop = 0;

                Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #4
        public void TestVADataUnconstrained()
            string errorMessage   = null;
            string warningMessage = null;

            string csvFilePath  = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\VA_TEST.csv";
            string xmlFilePath  = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\VA_TEST.xml";
            string xmlFilePath2 = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\VA_TEST-2.xml";

            bool       ok      = true;
            DEAContext context = new DEAContext("DEAContext", "Project");

            ok = context.AddVariable("Cost", "I", 1.0e-6, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("Congestion", "O", out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("Safety", "O", out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("Accessibility", "O", out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("Environmental Quality", "O", out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("Economic Development", "O", out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("Land Use", "O", out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.UploadCsvFile(csvFilePath, out warningMessage, out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                ok = context.RunDEA(out errorMessage);

             * if (ok)
             * {
             *  ok = context.AddCostConstraint("STOCK", 27.0, out errorMessage);
             *  if (ok)
             *      ok = context.AddCostConstraint("WAGES", 40, out errorMessage);
             * }
             * if (ok)
             * {
             *  ok = context.ApplyCostConstraintsToProjectSelection(out errorMessage);
             * }
            Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                DataSet ds = context.ToDataSet(out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(ds, errorMessage);
                ok = ds != null;

            if (ok)
                ok = context.SaveToXmlFile(xmlFilePath, out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                DEAContext context2 = DEAContext.CreateFromXmlFile(xmlFilePath, out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(context2, errorMessage);
                if (context2 != null)
                    ok = context2.SaveToXmlFile(xmlFilePath2, out errorMessage);
                    Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                string json = context.ToJsonString(out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(json, errorMessage);
Example #5
        public void TestVACsvDataUnconstrained()
            string errorMessage   = null;
            string warningMessage = null;

            string csvFilePath      = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\VA_TEST_PROJECTS.csv";
            string csvConstFilePath = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\VA_TEST_CONSTRAINTS.csv";
            string csvVarFilePath   = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\VA_TEST_VARIABLES.csv";
            string xmlFilePath      = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\VA_TEST-3.xml";
            string xmlFilePath2     = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\VA_TEST-4.xml";

            bool       ok      = true;
            DEAContext context = new DEAContext("DEAContext", "Project");

            ok = context.LoadVariablesFromCsvFile(csvVarFilePath, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.UploadCsvFile(csvFilePath, out warningMessage, out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                ok = context.LoadCsvConstraints(csvConstFilePath, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.RunDEA(out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                ok = context.ApplyCostConstraintsToProjectSelection(out errorMessage);

            Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                DataSet ds = context.ToDataSet(out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(ds, errorMessage);
                ok = ds != null;

            if (ok)
                ok = context.SaveToXmlFile(xmlFilePath, out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                DEAContext context2 = DEAContext.CreateFromXmlFile(xmlFilePath, out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(context2, errorMessage);
                if (context2 != null)
                    ok = context2.SaveToXmlFile(xmlFilePath2, out errorMessage);
                    Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                string json = context.ToJsonString(out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(json, errorMessage);
Example #6
        public void Test20DepotsConstrainedWeights()
            string errorMessage   = null;
            string warningMessage = null;

            string csvFilePath  = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\DEA-Example-20-depots.csv";
            string xmlFilePath  = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\DEA-Example-20-depots.xml";
            string xmlFilePath2 = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\DEA-Example-20-depots-2.xml";

            bool       ok      = true;
            DEAContext context = new DEAContext("DEAContext", "Depot");

            ok = context.AddVariable("STOCK", "I", out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("WAGES", "I", out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("ISSUES", "O", 0.0, 1.0, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("RECEIPTS", "O", 0.0, 1.0, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("REQS", "O", 0.0, 1.0, out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                ok = context.UploadCsvFile(csvFilePath, out warningMessage, out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                ok = context.RunDEA(out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddCostConstraint("STOCK", 27.0, out errorMessage);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.AddCostConstraint("WAGES", 40, out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                ok = context.ApplyCostConstraintsToProjectSelection(out errorMessage);
            Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                DataSet ds = context.ToDataSet(out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(ds, errorMessage);
                ok = ds != null;

            if (ok)
                ok = context.SaveToXmlFile(xmlFilePath, out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                DEAContext context2 = DEAContext.CreateFromXmlFile(xmlFilePath, out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(context2, errorMessage);
                if (context2 != null)
                    ok = context2.SaveToXmlFile(xmlFilePath2, out errorMessage);
                    Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                string json = context.ToJsonString(out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(json, errorMessage);
Example #7
        public void TestJsonSerializationInRequestMode()
            string errorMessage   = null;
            string warningMessage = null;

            string csvFilePath = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\DEA-Example-20-depots.csv";
            string xmlFilePath = @"C:\Projects\NCHRP 08-103\DEA-Example-20-depots-6.xml";

            bool       ok      = true;
            DEAContext context = new DEAContext("DEAContext", "Depot");

            ok = context.AddVariable("STOCK", "I", 1.0, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("WAGES", "I", 1.0, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("ISSUES", "O", 1.0, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("RECEIPTS", "O", 1.0, out errorMessage);
            if (ok)
                ok = context.AddVariable("REQS", "O", 1.0, out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                ok = context.UploadCsvFile(csvFilePath, out warningMessage, out errorMessage);

            if (ok)
                string json = context.ToJsonString(out errorMessage);
                Assert.IsNotNull(json, errorMessage);
                if (json != null)
                    DEAContext context2 = DEAContext.CreateFromJsonString(json, out errorMessage);
                    Assert.IsNotNull(context2, errorMessage);
                    ok = (context2 != null);

                    if (ok)
                        ok = context2.RunDEA(out errorMessage);

                    if (ok)
                        ok = context2.AddCostConstraint("STOCK", 27.0, out errorMessage);
                        if (ok)
                            ok = context2.AddCostConstraint("WAGES", 40, out errorMessage);

                    if (ok)
                        ok = context2.ApplyCostConstraintsToProjectSelection(out errorMessage);

                    if (ok)
                        ok = context2.SaveToXmlFile(xmlFilePath, out errorMessage);

                    Assert.IsTrue(ok, errorMessage);
Example #8
        public Stream RunDEAnalysis(Stream request)
            bool         ok           = true;
            string       errorMessage = null;
            DEAContext   context      = null;
            string       jsonRequest  = null;
            string       jsonResponse = null;
            const string fn           = "RunDEAnalysis";

            LOG.DebugFormat("{0} - started", fn);

            UriTemplateMatch utm = WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.UriTemplateMatch;


                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(request))
                    jsonRequest = reader.ReadToEnd();

                LOG.DebugFormat("Request: {0}", jsonRequest);

                context = DEAContext.CreateFromJsonString(jsonRequest, out errorMessage);
                ok      = (context != null);
                if (ok)
                    ok = context.RunDEA(out errorMessage);
                    if (ok && context.ConstraintsSet)
                        ok = context.ApplyCostConstraintsToProjectSelection(out errorMessage);
                    if (ok)
                        jsonResponse = context.ToJsonString(out errorMessage);
                        ok           = (jsonResponse != null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ok           = false;
                errorMessage = ex.Message;

            DEAResponse response = new DEAResponse();

            response.OK           = ok;
            response.errorMessage = errorMessage;
            response.context      = context;

            jsonResponse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, Formatting.Indented);

            LOG.DebugFormat("Response: {0}", jsonResponse);
            Stream ms = new MemoryStream(ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(s: jsonResponse));

            LOG.DebugFormat("{0} - ended", fn);
