internal static void TestDDSMipSize(List <MipMap> newMips, ImageFormats.ImageEngineFormatDetails destFormatDetails, int width, int height, out double fixXScale, out double fixYScale, MipHandling mipChoice)
            fixXScale = 0;
            fixYScale = 0;
            if (destFormatDetails.IsBlockCompressed && (!UsefulThings.General.IsPowerOfTwo(width) || !UsefulThings.General.IsPowerOfTwo(height)))
                // If only keeping top mip, and that mip is divisible by 4, it's ok.
                if ((mipChoice == MipHandling.KeepTopOnly || mipChoice == MipHandling.KeepExisting) &&
                    DDSGeneral.CheckSize_DXT(width, height))

                double newWidth  = 0;
                double newHeight = 0;

                // Takes into account aspect ratio (a little bit)
                double aspect = width / height;
                if (aspect > 1)
                    newWidth = UsefulThings.General.RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo(width);
                    var tempScale = newWidth / width;
                    newHeight = UsefulThings.General.RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo((int)(height * tempScale));
                    newHeight = UsefulThings.General.RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo(height);
                    var tempScale = newHeight / height;
                    newWidth = UsefulThings.General.RoundToNearestPowerOfTwo((int)(width * tempScale));

                // Little extra bit to allow integer cast from Double with the correct answer. Occasionally dimensions * scale would be 511.99999999998 instead of 512, so adding a little allows the integer cast to return correct value.
                fixXScale  = 1d * newWidth / width + 0.001;
                fixYScale  = 1d * newHeight / height + 0.001;
                newMips[0] = Resize(newMips[0], fixXScale, fixYScale);