protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FrmEvents ndevs = new FrmEvents(); ndevs.Retrieve(FrmEventAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData); FrmEvent mynde = ndevs.GetEntityByKey(FrmEventAttr.FK_Event, this.Event) as FrmEvent; if (mynde == null) { mynde = new FrmEvent(); mynde.FK_Event = this.Event; } this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' border='1' style='width:100%'"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("控制方式"); var ddl = new DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum("MsgCtrl"); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + FrmEventAttr.MsgCtrl; ddl.SetSelectItem((int)mynde.MsgCtrl); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmEventAttr.MsgMailEnable; cb.Text = "是否启用邮件通知?"; cb.Checked = mynde.MsgMailEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("邮件标题模版"); var tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmEventAttr.MailTitle; tb.Text = mynde.MailTitle_Real; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("邮件内容模版:"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmEventAttr.MailDoc; tb.Text = mynde.MailDoc_Real; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Columns = 50; tb.Rows = 4; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); //手机短信.... this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("默认:不启用"); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmEventAttr.SMSEnable; cb.Text = "是否启用手机短信通知?"; cb.Checked = mynde.SMSEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmEventAttr.SMSDoc; tb.Text = mynde.SMSDoc_Real; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.Rows = 2; this.Pub1.AddTR(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text) == true) { this.Pub1.AddTD("短信模版:"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("短信模版"); } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("默认:启用"); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmEventAttr.MobilePushEnable; cb.Text = "是否启用手机应用,平板应用信息推送?"; cb.Checked = mynde.MobilePushEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); Pub1.AddBR(); Pub1.AddSpace(1); var btn = new LinkBtn(false, NamesOfBtn.Save, "保存"); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); Pub1.Add(btn); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.DoType == "Del") { FrmEvent delFE = new FrmEvent(); delFE.MyPK = this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Request.QueryString["RefXml"]; delFE.Delete(); } MapDtl dtl = new MapDtl(this.FK_MapData); this.Pub3.AddCaptionLeft("从表:" + dtl.Name); this.Title = "设置:从表事件"; FrmEvents ndevs = new FrmEvents(); ndevs.Retrieve(FrmEventAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData); EventListDtls xmls = new EventListDtls(); xmls.RetrieveAll(); string myEvent = this.Event; BP.WF.XML.EventListDtl myEnentXml = null; this.Pub1.Add("<a href='' target=_blank ><img src='/DataUser/ICON/" + SystemConfig.CompanyID + "/LogBiger.png' /></a>"); this.Pub1.AddUL(); foreach (BP.WF.XML.EventListDtl xml in xmls) { FrmEvent nde = ndevs.GetEntityByKey(FrmEventAttr.FK_Event, xml.No) as FrmEvent; if (nde == null) { if (myEvent == xml.No) { myEnentXml = xml; this.Pub1.AddLi("<font color=green><b>" + xml.Name + "</b></font>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddLi("Action.aspx?FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&Event=" + xml.No, xml.Name); } } else { if (myEvent == xml.No) { myEnentXml = xml; this.Pub1.AddLi("<font color=green><b>" + xml.Name + "</b></font>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddLi("Action.aspx?FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&Event=" + xml.No + "&MyPK=" + nde.MyPK, "<b>" + xml.Name + "</b>"); } } } this.Pub1.AddULEnd(); if (myEnentXml == null) { this.Pub2.AddFieldSet("帮助"); this.Pub2.AddH2("事件是ccflow与您的应用程序接口,"); this.Pub2.AddFieldSetEnd(); return; } FrmEvent mynde = ndevs.GetEntityByKey(FrmEventAttr.FK_Event, myEvent) as FrmEvent; if (mynde == null) { mynde = new FrmEvent(); } this.Pub2.AddFieldSet(myEnentXml.Name); this.Pub2.Add("要执行的内容<br>"); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_Doc"; tb.Columns = 70; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 5; tb.Text = mynde.DoDoc; this.Pub2.Add(tb); this.Pub2.AddHR(); this.Pub2.Add("内容类型:"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum("EventDoType"); ddl.ID = "DDL_EventDoType"; ddl.SetSelectItem((int)mynde.HisDoType); this.Pub2.Add(ddl); this.Pub2.AddHR(); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MsgOK"; tb.Columns = 70; tb.Text = mynde.MsgOKString; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 3; this.Pub2.Add("执行成功信息提示<br>"); this.Pub2.Add(tb); this.Pub2.AddHR(); this.Pub2.Add("执行失败信息提示<br>"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MsgErr"; tb.Columns = 70; tb.Text = mynde.MsgErrorString; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 3; this.Pub2.Add(tb); this.Pub2.AddFieldSetEnd(); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " Save "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub2.Add(btn); if (this.MyPK != null) { this.Pub2.Add(" <a href=\"javascript:DoDel('" + this.FK_MapData + "','" + this.Event + "')\"><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/Delete.gif' />删除</a>"); } }
public void BindEdit(MapData md, MapDtl dtl) { this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeft("从表属性"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("ID"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("项目"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("采集"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("备注"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 1; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("表英文名称"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_No"; tb.Text = dtl.No; if (this.DoType == "Edit") { tb.Enabled = false; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); //this.Pub1.AddTD("英文名称全局唯一"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("表中文名称"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Name"; tb.Text = dtl.Name; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD("XX 从表"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("物理表名"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_PTable"; tb.Text = dtl.PTable; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); //this.Pub1.AddTD("存储数据的物理表名称"); // this.Pub1.AddTD("存储数据的物理表名称"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("操作权限"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.DtlOpenType, (int)dtl.DtlOpenType); ddl.ID = "DDL_DtlOpenType"; this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(); // this.Pub1.AddTD("用于从表的权限控制"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsView"; cb.Text = "是否可见"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsView; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsUpdate"; cb.Text = "是否可以修改行"; // "是否可以修改行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsUpdate; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsInsert"; cb.Text = "是否可以新增行"; // "是否可以新增行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsInsert; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsDelete"; cb.Text = "是否可以删除行"; // "是否可以删除行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsDelete; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsShowIdx"; cb.Text = "是否显示序号列"; //"是否显示序号列"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowIdx; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsShowSum"; cb.Text = "是否合计行";// "是否合计行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowSum; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsShowTitle"; cb.Text = "是否显示标头";// "是否显示标头"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowTitle; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsExp"; cb.Text = "是否可以导出?";// "是否可以导出"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowTitle; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsImp"; cb.Text = "是否可以导入?";// "是否可以导出"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowTitle; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsCopyNDData"; cb.Text = "是允许从上一个节点Copy数据"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsCopyNDData; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsHLDtl"; cb.Text = "是否是合流汇总从表(当前节点是合流节点有效)"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsHLDtl; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEnableAthM"; cb.Text = "是否启用多附件"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableAthM; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + MapDtlAttr.IsEnableM2M; cb.Text = "是否启用一对多"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableM2M; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + MapDtlAttr.IsEnableM2MM; cb.Text = "是否启用一对多多"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableM2MM; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEnablePass"; cb.Text = "是否起用审核字段?";// "是否合计行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnablePass; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); //cb = new CheckBox(); //cb.ID = "CB_IsEnableAth"; //cb.Text = "是否启用单附件"; //cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnablePass; //this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); //this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("初始化行数"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_RowsOfList"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; tb.TextExtInt = dtl.RowsOfList; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("显示格式"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_DtlShowModel"; ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.DtlShowModel, (int)dtl.HisDtlShowModel); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("越出处理"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_WhenOverSize"; ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.WhenOverSize, (int)dtl.HisWhenOverSize); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(md.No); if (gfs.Count > 1) { this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("显示在分组"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_GroupField"; ddl.BindEntities(gfs, GroupFieldAttr.OID, GroupFieldAttr.Lab, false, AddAllLocation.None); ddl.SetSelectItem(dtl.GroupID); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } if (gfs.Count > 1) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); } else { this.Pub1.AddTR1(); } this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=3 align=center"); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " 保存 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_SaveAndClose"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " 保存并关闭 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (this.FK_MapDtl != null) { //btn = new Button(); //btn.ID = "Btn_D"; //btn.Text = this.ToE("DesignSheet", "设计表单"); // "设计表单"; //btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Go_Click); //this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "删除"; // "删除"; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Del_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_New"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "新建"; // "删除"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_New_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_MapExt"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "扩展设置"; // "删除"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_MapExt_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (dtl.IsEnableAthM) { btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_IsEnableAthM"; btn.Text = "附件属性"; // "删除"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_MapAth_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); } // btn = new Button(); // btn.ID = "Btn_DtlTR"; // btn.Text = "多表头"; // btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:WinOpen('')"; //// btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_DtlTR_Click); // this.Pub1.Add(btn); } this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="mapAttr"></param> public void EditString(MapAttr mapAttr) { this.EditBeforeAdd(mapAttr); TB tb = new TB(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("最小长度"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_MinLen"; tb.CssClass = "TBNum"; tb.Text = mapAttr.MinLen.ToString(); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("最大长度"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_MaxLen"; tb.CssClass = "TBNum"; tb.Text = mapAttr.MaxLen.ToString(); //DDL cb = new DDL(); //cb.ID = "DDL_TBType"; //cb.Items.Add(new ListItem("单行文本框", "0")); //cb.Items.Add(new ListItem("多行文本框", "1")); //cb.Items.Add(new ListItem("Sina编辑框", "2")); //cb.Items.Add(new ListItem("FCKEditer编辑框", "3")); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); DDL ddlBig = new DDL(); ddlBig.ID = "DDL_TBModel"; ddlBig.BindSysEnum("TBModel", mapAttr.TBModel); ddlBig.AutoPostBack = true; ddlBig.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddlBig_SelectedIndexChanged); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsBigField"; cb.Text = "是否是超长字段"; cb.Checked = mapAttr.Para_IsImgField; this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); this.Pub1.Add(ddlBig); this.Pub1.Add(cb); // this.Pub1.Add("<a href=''>关于超长字段</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); // this.Pub1.AddTD(ddlBig); //CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); //cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(cb_CheckedChanged); //cb.ID = "CB_IsM"; //cb.Text = this.ToE("IsBigDoc", "是否大块文本(对傻瓜表单有效)"); //cb.AutoPostBack = true; //if (mapAttr.MaxLen >= 3000) //{ // cb.Checked = true; // tb.Enabled = false; //} //else //{ // cb.Checked = false; // tb.Enabled = true; //} //this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); //if (mapAttr.IsTableAttr) // cb.Enabled = false; this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("文本框宽度"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_UIWidth"; tb.CssClass = "TBNum"; tb.Text = mapAttr.UIWidth.ToString(); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDB("对从表有效"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("高度"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_UIHeight"; tb.CssClass = "TBNum"; tb.Text = mapAttr.UIHeight.ToString(); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.EditBeforeEnd(mapAttr); }
public void Bind() { #region 生成标题 Entity en = this.HisEn; Map map = this.HisEn.EnMap; Attrs attrs = map.Attrs; bool isFJ = false; if (attrs.Contains("MyFileName")) { isFJ = true; } this.ucsys1.AddTable(); this.ucsys1.AddTR(); this.ucsys1.AddTDTitle(); string str1 = "<INPUT id='checkedAll' onclick='SelectAll(this);' type='checkbox' name='checkedAll'>"; this.ucsys1.AddTDTitle(str1); foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } this.ucsys1.AddTDTitle(attr.Desc); } if (isFJ) { this.ucsys1.AddTDTitle(); } this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 生成标题 this.Page.Title = en.EnDesc; Entities dtls = this.HisEns; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(dtls); qo.AddWhere(this.RefKey, this.RefVal); #region 生成翻页 this.ucsys2.Clear(); try { this.ucsys2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), BP.SystemConfig.PageSize, this.PageIdx, "Dtl.aspx?EnName=" + this.EnName + "&PK=" + this.RefVal + "&EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&RefVal=" + this.RefVal + "&RefKey=" + this.RefKey + "&MainEnsName=" + this.MainEnsName); qo.DoQuery(en.PK, this.PageSize, this.PageIdx, false); } catch { dtls.GetNewEntity.CheckPhysicsTable(); // this.Response.Redirect("Ens.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&RefPKVal=" + this.RefPKVal, true); return; } #endregion 生成翻页 UAC uac = en.HisUAC; if (uac.IsDelete == false) { this.ToolBar1.GetBtnByID(NamesOfBtn.Delete).Enabled = false; } if (uac.IsInsert) { en.PKVal = "0"; dtls.AddEntity(en); } DDL ddl = new DDL(); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); bool is1 = false; #region 生成数据 int i = 0; foreach (Entity dtl in dtls) { i++; if (dtl.PKVal == "0" || dtl.PKVal == "") { this.ucsys1.AddTRSum(); this.ucsys1.AddTD("colspan=2", "<b>*</B>"); } else { // is1 = this.ucsys1.AddTR(is1, "ondblclick=\"WinOpen( 'UIEn.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PK=" + dtl.PKVal + "', 'cd' )\""); is1 = this.ucsys1.AddTR(is1); // is1 = this.ucsys1.AddTR(is1); this.ucsys1.AddTDIdx(i); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + dtl.PKVal; this.ucsys1.AddTD(cb); } foreach (Attr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.Key == "OID") { continue; } string val = dtl.GetValByKey(attr.Key).ToString(); switch (attr.UIContralType) { case UIContralType.TB: TB tb = new TB(); this.ucsys1.AddTD(tb); tb.LoadMapAttr(attr); tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; tb.Attributes["style"] = "width:" + attr.UIWidth + "px;border-width:0px;"; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case DataType.AppMoney: case DataType.AppRate: tb.TextExtMoney = decimal.Parse(val); break; case DataType.AppDate: tb.Text = val.ToString(); tb.ShowType = TBType.Date; if (attr.UIIsReadonly == false) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker();"; } break; case DataType.AppDateTime: tb.Text = val.ToString(); tb.ShowType = TBType.DateTime; if (attr.UIIsReadonly == false) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'});"; } break; default: tb.Text = val; break; } if (attr.IsNum && attr.IsFKorEnum == false) { if (tb.Enabled) { // OnKeyPress="javascript:return VirtyNum(this);" // tb.Attributes["OnKeyDown"] = "javascript:return VirtyNum(this);"; // tb.Attributes["onkeyup"] += "javascript:C" + dtl.PKVal + "();C" + attr.Key + "();"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { // tb.Attributes["onpropertychange"] += "C" + attr.Key + "();"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNumReadonly"; } } break; case UIContralType.DDL: ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; if (attr.UIIsReadonly == false) { ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(dtl.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.Key), val)); ddl.Enabled = false; } else { if (attr.IsEnum) { ddl.BindSysEnum(attr.UIBindKey); } else { ddl.BindEntities(attr.HisFKEns, attr.UIRefKeyValue, attr.UIRefKeyText); } } this.ucsys1.AddTD(ddl); ddl.SetSelectItem(val); break; case UIContralType.CheckBok: cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + attr.Key + "_" + dtl.PKVal; cb.Text = attr.Desc; if (val == "1") { cb.Checked = true; } else { cb.Checked = false; } this.ucsys1.AddTD("nowarp=true", cb); break; default: break; } } if (isFJ) { string ext = dtl.GetValStrByKey("MyFileExt"); if (ext != "") { this.ucsys1.AddTD("<img src='../Images/FileType/" + ext + ".gif' border=0/>" + dtl.GetValStrByKey("MyFileName")); } } this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); } #region 生成合计 //this.ucsys1.AddTRSum(); //this.ucsys1.AddTD("colspan=2", "合计"); //foreach (Attr attr in attrs) //{ // if (attr.UIVisible == false) // continue; // if (attr.IsNum && attr.IsFKorEnum == false) // { // TB tb = new TB(); // tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.Key; // tb.Text = attr.DefaultVal.ToString(); // tb.ShowType = attr.HisTBType; // tb.ReadOnly = true; // tb.Font.Bold = true; // tb.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName("infobackground"); // switch (attr.MyDataType) // { // case DataType.AppRate: // case DataType.AppMoney: // tb.TextExtMoney = dtls.GetSumDecimalByKey(attr.Key); // break; // case DataType.AppInt: // tb.TextExtInt = dtls.GetSumIntByKey(attr.Key); // break; // case DataType.AppFloat: // tb.TextExtFloat = dtls.GetSumFloatByKey(attr.Key); // break; // default: // break; // } // this.ucsys1.AddTD(tb); // } // else // { // this.ucsys1.AddTD(); // } //} //this.ucsys1.AddTD(); //this.ucsys1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 生成合计 #endregion 生成数据 this.ucsys1.AddTableEnd(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PushMsgs msgs = new PushMsgs(this.FK_Flow); var msg = msgs.GetEntityByKey(PushMsgAttr.FK_Event, this.Event, PushMsgAttr.FK_Node, int.Parse(this.NodeID)) as PushMsg; if (msg == null) { msg = new PushMsg(); msg.FK_Event = this.Event; msg.FK_Node = int.Parse(this.NodeID); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ThePushWay)) { if (this.ThePushWay != msg.PushWay.ToString()) { msg.PushDoc = string.Empty; msg.Tag = string.Empty; } msg.PushWay = int.Parse(this.ThePushWay); } this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' border='1' style='width:100%'"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("style='width:100px'", "推送设置方式:"); var ddl = new DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum(PushMsgAttr.PushWay); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + PushMsgAttr.PushWay; ddl.SetSelectItem((int)msg.PushWay); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_SelectedIndexChanged); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); switch ((PushWay)msg.PushWay) { case PushWay.ByParas: #region 照系统指定参数 Pub1.AddTR(); Pub1.AddTD("输入参数名:"); Pub1.AddTDBegin(); var rad = new RadioBtn(); rad.GroupName = "Para"; rad.ID = "RB_0"; rad.Text = "系统参数"; rad.Checked = msg.PushDoc == "0"; Pub1.Add(rad); var tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + PushMsgAttr.Tag; if (msg.PushDoc == "0") { tb.Text = msg.Tag; } else { tb.Text = "NoticeTo"; } Pub1.Add(tb); Pub1.Add(" 默认为NoticeTo"); Pub1.AddBR(); rad = new RadioBtn(); rad.GroupName = "Para"; rad.ID = "RB_1"; rad.Text = "表单字段参数"; rad.Checked = msg.PushDoc == "1"; Pub1.Add(rad); MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(); attrs.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, "ND" + this.NodeID); MapAttrs attrNs = new MapAttrs(); foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsBigDoc) { continue; } switch (attr.KeyOfEn) { case "Title": case "FK_Emp": case "MyNum": case "FK_NY": case WorkAttr.Emps: case WorkAttr.OID: case StartWorkAttr.Rec: case StartWorkAttr.FID: continue; default: break; } attrNs.AddEntity(attr); } ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + PushMsgAttr.Tag; ddl.BindEntities(attrNs, MapAttrAttr.MyPK, MapAttrAttr.Name); ddl.AutoPostBack = false; if (msg.PushDoc == "1") { ddl.SetSelectItem(msg.Tag); } Pub1.Add(ddl); Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion break; case PushWay.NodeWorker: #region 照指定结点的工作人员 Pub1.AddTR(); Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan='2'"); Pub1.Add("请选择要推送到的节点工作人员:<br />"); Nodes nds = new Nodes(this.FK_Flow); CheckBox cb = null; foreach (BP.WF.Node nd in nds) { if (nd.NodeID == int.Parse(this.NodeID)) { continue; } cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + nd.NodeID; cb.Text = nd.NodeID + " " + nd.Name; cb.Checked = msg.PushDoc.Contains("@" + nd.NodeID + "@"); Pub1.Add(cb); Pub1.AddBR(); } Pub1.AddTDEnd(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion break; case PushWay.SpecDepts: #region 照指定的部门 Pub1.AddTR(); Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan='2'"); this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellSpacing='1' cellPadding='1' border='1' style='width:100%'"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan='3' class='GroupTitle'", "部门选择"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); //NodeDepts ndepts = new NodeDepts(int.Parse(this.NodeID)); Depts depts = new Depts(); depts.RetrieveAll(); int i = 0; //foreach (NodeDept dept in ndepts) foreach (Dept dept in depts) { i++; if (i == 4) { i = 1; } if (i == 1) { Pub1.AddTR(); } cb = new CheckBox(); //cb.ID = "CB_" + dept.FK_Dept; //cb.Text = (depts.GetEntityByKey(dept.FK_Dept) as Dept).Name; cb.ID = "CB_" + dept.No; cb.Text = dept.Name; //if (msg.PushDoc.Contains("@" + dept.FK_Dept + "@")) if (msg.PushDoc.Contains("@" + dept.No + "@")) { cb.Checked = true; } this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); if (i == 3) { Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } switch (i) { case 1: Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); break; case 2: Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); break; default: break; } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); Pub1.AddTDEnd(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion break; case PushWay.SpecEmps: #region 照指定的人员 Pub1.AddTR(); //Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan='2'"); Pub1.AddTD("选择人员:"); Pub1.AddTDBegin(); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Users"; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.Rows = 4; tb.ReadOnly = true; var hf = new HiddenField(); hf.ID = "HID_Users"; //加载已经选择的人员 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg.PushDoc)) { hf.Value = msg.PushDoc.Replace("@@", ",").Trim('@'); var emps = new Emps(); emps.RetrieveAll(); tb.Text = hf.Value.Split(',').Select(o => (emps.GetEntityByKey(o) as Emp).Name).Aggregate( string.Empty, (curr, next) => curr + next + ",").TrimEnd(','); } Pub1.Add(tb); Pub1.Add(hf); Pub1.AddBR(); Pub1.AddBR(); Pub1.Add( "<a class='easyui-linkbutton' data-options=\"iconCls:'icon-user'\" href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"showWin('../Comm/Port/SelectUser_Jq.aspx','" + tb.ClientID + "','" + hf.ClientID + "');\">选择人员...</a>"); Pub1.AddTDEnd(); //Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellSpacing='1' cellPadding='1' border='1' style='width:100%'"); //depts = new Depts(); //depts.RetrieveAll(); //var emps = new Emps(); //emps.RetrieveAll(); //var empDepts = new EmpDepts(); //empDepts.RetrieveAll(); //var nemps = new NodeEmps(int.Parse(this.NodeID)); //Emp emp = null; //foreach (Dept dept in depts) //{ // this.Pub1.AddTR(); // var mycb = new CheckBox(); // mycb.Text = dept.Name; // mycb.ID = "CB_D_" + dept.No; // this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan='3' class='GroupTitle'", mycb); // this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); // i = 0; // string ctlIDs = ""; // foreach (EmpDept ed in empDepts) // { // if (ed.FK_Dept != dept.No) // continue; // //排除非当前结点绑定的人员 // if (nemps.GetEntityByKey(NodeEmpAttr.FK_Emp, ed.FK_Emp) == null) // continue; // i++; // if (i == 4) // i = 1; // if (i == 1) // Pub1.AddTR(); // emp = emps.GetEntityByKey(ed.FK_Emp) as Emp; // cb = new CheckBox(); // cb.ID = "CB_E_" + emp.No; // ctlIDs += cb.ID + ","; // cb.Text = emp.Name; // if (msg.PushDoc.Contains("@" + emp.No + "@")) // cb.Checked = true; // Pub1.AddTD(cb); // if (i == 3) // Pub1.AddTREnd(); // } // mycb.Attributes["onclick"] = "SetSelected(this,'" + ctlIDs + "')"; // switch (i) // { // case 1: // Pub1.AddTD(); // Pub1.AddTD(); // Pub1.AddTREnd(); // break; // case 2: // Pub1.AddTD(); // Pub1.AddTREnd(); // break; // default: // break; // } //} //Pub1.AddTableEnd(); //Pub1.AddTDEnd(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion break; case PushWay.SpecSQL: #region 照指定的SQL查询语句 Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan='2'"); this.Pub1.Add("SQL查询语句:<br />"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + PushMsgAttr.PushDoc; tb.Columns = 50; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 4; tb.Text = msg.PushDoc; this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion break; case PushWay.SpecStations: #region 照指定的岗位 Pub1.AddTR(); Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan='2'"); if (BP.WF.Glo.OSModel == OSModel.WorkFlow) { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums("StaGrade"); Stations sts = new Stations(); sts.RetrieveAll(); string sql = "SELECT No,Name FROM Port_Station WHERE StaGrade NOT IN (SELECT IntKey FROM Sys_Enum WHERE EnumKey='StaGrade')"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { if (ses.Count == 0) { SysEnum se = new SysEnum(); se.EnumKey = "StaGrade"; se.Lab = "普通岗"; se.IntKey = 0; se.Insert(); ses.AddEntity(se); } foreach (Station st in sts) { st.StaGrade = 0; st.Save(); } } this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellSpacing='0' cellPadding='0' border='0' style='width:100%'"); foreach (SysEnum se in ses) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); CheckBox mycb = new CheckBox(); mycb.Text = se.Lab; mycb.ID = "CB_SG_" + se.IntKey; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan='3' class='GroupTitle'", mycb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); i = 0; string ctlIDs = ""; foreach (Station st in sts) { if (st.StaGrade != se.IntKey) { continue; } i++; if (i == 4) { i = 1; } if (i == 1) { Pub1.AddTR(); } cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_S_" + st.No; ctlIDs += cb.ID + ","; cb.Text = st.Name; if (msg.PushDoc.Contains("@" + st.No + "@")) { cb.Checked = true; } Pub1.AddTD(cb); if (i == 3) { Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } mycb.Attributes["onclick"] = "SetSelected(this,'" + ctlIDs + "')"; switch (i) { case 1: Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); break; case 2: Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); break; default: break; } } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); } else { /*BPM 模式*/ BP.GPM.StationTypes tps = new BP.GPM.StationTypes(); tps.RetrieveAll(); BP.GPM.Stations sts = new BP.GPM.Stations(); sts.RetrieveAll(); string sql = "SELECT No,Name FROM Port_Station WHERE FK_StationType NOT IN (SELECT No FROM Port_StationType)"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { if (tps.Count == 0) { var stp = new BP.GPM.StationType { No = "01", Name = "普通岗" }; stp.Save(); tps.AddEntity(stp); } //更新所有对不上岗位类型的岗位,岗位类型为01或第一个 foreach (BP.GPM.Station st in sts) { st.FK_StationType = tps[0].No; st.Update(); } } this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellSpacing='0' cellPadding='0' border='0' style='width:100%'"); foreach (BP.GPM.StationType tp in tps) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); CheckBox mycb = new CheckBox(); mycb.Text = tp.Name; mycb.ID = "CB_ST_" + tp.No; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan='3' class='GroupTitle'", mycb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); i = 0; string ctlIDs = ""; foreach (BP.GPM.Station st in sts) { if (st.FK_StationType != tp.No) { continue; } i++; if (i == 4) { i = 1; } if (i == 1) { Pub1.AddTR(); } cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_S_" + st.No; ctlIDs += cb.ID + ","; cb.Text = st.Name; if (msg.PushDoc.Contains("@" + st.No + "@")) { cb.Checked = true; } this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); if (i == 3) { Pub1.AddTREnd(); } } mycb.Attributes["onclick"] = "SetSelected(this,'" + ctlIDs + "')"; switch (i) { case 1: Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); break; case 2: Pub1.AddTD(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); break; default: break; } } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); } #region 原逻辑,只考虑了一种模式,停用 //Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellSpacing='1' cellPadding='1' border='1' style='width:100%'"); //SysEnums ses = new SysEnums("StaGrade"); //Stations sts = new Stations(); //NodeStations nsts = new NodeStations(int.Parse(this.NodeID)); //sts.RetrieveAll(); //foreach (SysEnum se in ses) //{ // this.Pub1.AddTR(); // var mycb = new CheckBox(); // mycb.Text = se.Lab; // mycb.ID = "CB_SG_" + se.IntKey; // this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3 class='GroupTitle'", mycb); // this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); // i = 0; // string ctlIDs = ""; // foreach (Station st in sts) // { // if (st.StaGrade != se.IntKey) // continue; // //排除非当前结点的岗位 // if (nsts.GetEntityByKey(NodeStationAttr.FK_Station, st.No) == null) // continue; // i++; // if (i == 4) // i = 1; // if (i == 1) // Pub1.AddTR(); // cb = new CheckBox(); // cb.ID = "CB_S_" + st.No; // ctlIDs += cb.ID + ","; // cb.Text = st.Name; // if (msg.PushDoc.Contains("@" + st.No + "@")) // cb.Checked = true; // Pub1.AddTD(cb); // if (i == 3) // Pub1.AddTREnd(); // } // mycb.Attributes["onclick"] = "SetSelected(this,'" + ctlIDs + "')"; // switch (i) // { // case 1: // Pub1.AddTD(); // Pub1.AddTD(); // Pub1.AddTREnd(); // break; // case 2: // Pub1.AddTD(); // Pub1.AddTREnd(); // break; // default: // break; // } //} //Pub1.AddTableEnd(); #endregion Pub1.AddTDEnd(); Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion break; } Pub1.AddTableEnd(); Pub1.AddBR(); Pub1.AddSpace(1); var btn = new LinkBtn(false, NamesOfBtn.Save, "保存"); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); Pub1.Add(btn); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg.MyPK)) { Pub1.AddSpace(1); btn = new LinkBtn(false, NamesOfBtn.Delete, "删除"); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Delete_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('你确定要删除此消息推送设置吗?');"; Pub1.Add(btn); } }
public void BindCond() { string msg = ""; string note = ""; Cond cond = new Cond(); cond.MyPK = this.MyPK; if (cond.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) { if (this.FK_Attr != null) { cond.FK_Attr = this.FK_Attr; } if (this.FK_MainNode != 0) { cond.NodeID = this.FK_MainNode; } if (this.FK_Node != 0) { cond.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; } if (this.FK_Flow != null) { cond.FK_Flow = this.FK_Flow; } } //this.AddTable("border=0 widht='500px'"); this.AddTable("class='Table' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' style='width:100%;'"); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("class='GroupTitle' style='width:80px'", "项目"); this.AddTD("class='GroupTitle' style='width:200px'", "采集"); this.AddTD("class='GroupTitle'", "描述"); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("节点"); Nodes nds = new Nodes(cond.FK_Flow); Nodes ndsN = new Nodes(); foreach (BP.WF.Node mynd in nds) { ndsN.AddEntity(mynd); } DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Node"; ddl.BindEntities(ndsN, "NodeID", "Name"); ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.FK_Node); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_SelectedIndexChanged); this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD("节点"); this.AddTREnd(); // 属性/字段 MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(); attrs.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, "ND" + ddl.SelectedItemStringVal); MapAttrs attrNs = new MapAttrs(); foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsBigDoc) { continue; } switch (attr.KeyOfEn) { case "Title": //case "RDT": //case "CDT": case "FK_Emp": case "MyNum": case "FK_NY": case WorkAttr.Emps: case WorkAttr.OID: case StartWorkAttr.Rec: case StartWorkAttr.FID: continue; default: break; } attrNs.AddEntity(attr); } ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Attr"; if (attrNs.Count == 0) { BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(cond.FK_Node); nd.RepareMap(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTD("colspan=2", "节点没有找到合适的条件"); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTableEnd(); return; } else { ddl.BindEntities(attrNs, MapAttrAttr.MyPK, MapAttrAttr.Name); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_SelectedIndexChanged); ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.FK_Attr); } this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("属性/字段"); this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTREnd(); MapAttr attrS = new MapAttr(this.DDL_Attr.SelectedItemStringVal); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("操作符"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Oper"; switch (attrS.LGType) { case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Enum: case BP.En.FieldTypeS.FK: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>")); break; case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Normal: switch (attrS.MyDataType) { case BP.DA.DataType.AppString: case BP.DA.DataType.AppDate: case BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("LIKE", "LIKE")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>")); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); break; default: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(">", ">")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(">=", ">=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<", "<")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<=", "<=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>")); break; } break; default: break; } if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueInt); } catch { } } this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTREnd(); switch (attrS.LGType) { case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Enum: this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindSysEnum(attrS.UIBindKey); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueInt); } catch { } } this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTREnd(); break; case BP.En.FieldTypeS.FK: this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindEntities(attrS.HisEntitiesNoName); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueStr); } catch { } } this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTREnd(); break; default: if (attrS.MyDataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean) { this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindAppYesOrNo(0); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueInt); } catch { } } this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(); this.AddTREnd(); } else { this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("值"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Val"; if (cond != null) { tb.Text = cond.OperatorValueStr; } this.AddTD(tb); this.AddTD(); this.AddTREnd(); } break; } Conds conds = new Conds(); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(conds); qo.AddWhere(CondAttr.NodeID, this.FK_MainNode); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(CondAttr.DataFrom, (int)ConnDataFrom.Form); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(CondAttr.CondType, (int)this.HisCondType); if (this.ToNodeID != 0) { qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(CondAttr.ToNodeID, this.ToNodeID); } int num = qo.DoQuery(); this.AddTableEnd(); this.AddBR(); this.AddSpace(1); var btn = new LinkBtn(false, "Btn_SaveAnd", "保存为And条件"); btn.SetDataOption("iconCls", "'icon-save'"); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Add(btn); this.AddSpace(1); btn = new LinkBtn(false, "Btn_SaveOr", "保存为Or条件"); btn.SetDataOption("iconCls", "'icon-save'"); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Add(btn); this.AddSpace(1); btn = new LinkBtn(false, NamesOfBtn.Delete, "删除"); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要删除吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Add(btn); this.AddBR(); this.AddBR(); if (num == 0) { return; } #region 条件 this.AddTable("class='Table' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' style='width:100%;'"); this.AddTR(); this.AddTDTitleGroup("序"); this.AddTDTitleGroup("节点"); this.AddTDTitleGroup("字段的英文名"); this.AddTDTitleGroup("字段的中文名"); this.AddTDTitleGroup("操作符"); this.AddTDTitleGroup("值"); this.AddTDTitleGroup("标签"); this.AddTDTitleGroup("运算关系"); this.AddTDTitleGroup("操作"); this.AddTREnd(); int i = 0; foreach (Cond mync in conds) { if (mync.HisDataFrom != ConnDataFrom.Form) { continue; } i++; this.AddTR(); this.AddTDIdx(i); // this.AddTD(mync.HisDataFrom.ToString()); this.AddTD(mync.FK_NodeT); this.AddTD(mync.AttrKey); this.AddTD(mync.AttrName); this.AddTDCenter(mync.FK_Operator); this.AddTD(mync.OperatorValueStr); this.AddTD(mync.OperatorValueT); if (mync.CondOrAnd == CondOrAnd.ByAnd) { this.AddTD("AND"); } else { this.AddTD("OR"); } //if (num > 1) // this.AddTD(mync.HisConnJudgeWayT); this.AddTD("<a href='Cond.aspx?MyPK=" + mync.MyPK + "&CondType=" + (int)this.HisCondType + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&FK_Attr=" + mync.FK_Attr + "&FK_MainNode=" + mync.NodeID + "&OperatorValue=" + mync.OperatorValueStr + "&FK_Node=" + mync.FK_Node + "&DoType=Del&ToNodeID=" + mync.ToNodeID + "' class='easyui-linkbutton' data-options=\"iconCls:'icon-remove'\" onclick=\"return confirm('确定删除此条件吗?')\">删除</a>"); this.AddTREnd(); } this.AddTableEnd(); this.AddBR(); AddEasyUiPanelInfo("说明", "在上面的条件集合中ccflow仅仅支持要么是And,要么是OR的两种情形,高级的开发就需要事件来支持条件转向,或者采用其他的方式。"); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 编辑权限与顺序 /// </summary> public void BindEditPowerOrder() { this.Pub1.AddH2("表单权限与显示顺序"); this.Pub1.AddHR(); this.Pub1.AddTable("align=left"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("IDX"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编号"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("显示方式"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("是否可编辑?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("是否可打印"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); FrmNodes fns = new FrmNodes(this.FK_Node); int idx = 1; foreach (FrmNode fn in fns) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD(fn.FK_Frm); MapData md = new MapData(fn.FK_Frm); md = new MapData(fn.FK_Frm); // this.Pub1.AddTD(md.Name); this.Pub1.AddTDA("FlowFrms.aspx?ShowType=Frm&FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node, md.Name); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_FrmType_" + fn.FK_Frm; ddl.BindSysEnum("FrmType", fn.FrmType); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEdit_" + md.No; cb.Text = "是否可编辑?"; cb.Checked = fn.IsEdit; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsPrint_" + md.No; cb.Text = "是否可打印"; cb.Checked = fn.IsPrint; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTDA("FlowFrms.aspx?ShowType=EditPowerOrder&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&MyPK=" + fn.MyPK + "&DoType=Up", "上移"); this.Pub1.AddTDA("FlowFrms.aspx?ShowType=EditPowerOrder&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&MyPK=" + fn.MyPK + "&DoType=Down", "下移"); // this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href='../MapDef/CCForm/Frm.aspx?FK_MapData=" + fn.FK_Frm + "'><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/View.gif' border=0 />启动自由表单设计器</a>"); // this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href='../MapDef/MapDef.aspx?PK=" + fn.FK_Frm + "'><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/View.gif' border=0 />启动傻瓜表单设计器</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTR(); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Save"; btn.Text = "Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_SavePowerOrders_Click); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=8", btn); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
public void BindEnum(MapAttr mapAttr) { this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("ID"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("项目"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("采集"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("说明"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); bool isItem = false; isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("字段中文名"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Name"; tb.Text = mapAttr.Name; tb.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("字段英文名"); tb = new TB(); if (this.RefNo != null) { this.Pub1.AddTD(mapAttr.KeyOfEn); } else { tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_KeyOfEn"; tb.Text = mapAttr.KeyOfEn; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapAttr.KeyOfEn)) { this.Pub1.AddTD("字母/数字/下划线组合"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:clipboardData.setData('Text','" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "');alert('已经copy到粘帖版上');\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/Copy.gif' class='ICON' />复制字段名</a></TD>"); } // this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(" "); //this.Pub1.AddTD("不要以数字开头、不要中文。"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("默认值"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL"; ddl.BindSysEnum(mapAttr.UIBindKey); ddl.SetSelectItem(mapAttr.DefVal); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href='SysEnum.aspx?RefNo=" + mapAttr.UIBindKey + "'>编辑</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #region 是否可编辑 isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("是否可编辑"); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); RadioButton rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIIsEnable_0"; rb.Text = "不可编辑"; rb.GroupName = "s"; if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable) { rb.Checked = false; } else { rb.Checked = true; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIIsEnable_1"; rb.Text = "可编辑"; rb.GroupName = "s"; if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable) { rb.Checked = true; } else { rb.Checked = false; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 是否可编辑 #region 展示控件 isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("控件类型"); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_Ctrl_0"; rb.Text = "下拉框"; rb.GroupName = "Ctrl"; if (mapAttr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { rb.Checked = true; } else { rb.Checked = false; } rb.Enabled = false; this.Pub1.Add(rb); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_Ctrl_1"; rb.Text = "单选按钮"; rb.GroupName = "Ctrl"; if (mapAttr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { rb.Checked = false; } else { rb.Checked = true; } rb.Enabled = false; this.Pub1.Add(rb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 展示控件 #region 是否可界面可见 isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("是否界面可见"); //是否界面可见 this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIVisible_0"; rb.Text = "不可见"; // 界面不可见 rb.GroupName = "sa3"; if (mapAttr.UIVisible) { rb.Checked = false; } else { rb.Checked = true; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); if (mapAttr.IsTableAttr) { rb.Enabled = false; } rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIVisible_1"; rb.Text = "界面可见"; // 界面可见; rb.GroupName = "sa3"; if (mapAttr.UIVisible) { rb.Checked = true; } else { rb.Checked = false; } if (mapAttr.IsTableAttr) { rb.Enabled = false; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTD("不可见则为隐藏字段."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 是否可界面可见 #region 合并单元格数 isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("合并单元格数"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_ColSpan"; for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) { ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); } ddl.SetSelectItem(mapAttr.ColSpan.ToString()); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("对傻瓜表单有效"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 合并单元格数 #region 字段分组 isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("字段分组"); DDL ddlGroup = new DDL(); ddlGroup.ID = "DDL_GroupID"; GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(mapAttr.FK_MapData); ddlGroup.Bind(gfs, GroupFieldAttr.OID, GroupFieldAttr.Lab); if (mapAttr.GroupID == 0) { mapAttr.GroupID = this.GroupField; } ddlGroup.SetSelectItem(mapAttr.GroupID); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddlGroup); this.Pub1.AddTD("修改隶属分组"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 字段分组 #region 扩展设置. if (this.RefNo != null) { isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); string html = "<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('./MapExt/DDLFullCtrl.aspx?FK_MapData=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "&RefNo=" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "&MyPK=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "_" + MapExtXmlList.DDLFullCtrl + "_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "')\">下拉框自动完成</a>"; html += " - <a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('./MapExt/ActiveDDL.aspx?FK_MapData=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "&RefNo=" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "&MyPK=" + MapExtXmlList.ActiveDDL + "_" + mapAttr.MyPK + "')\">设置级联动(如:省份,城市联动)</a>"; html += " - <a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('./MapExt/RadioBtns.aspx?FK_MapData=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "&KeyOfEn=" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "&MyPK=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "_" + MapExtXmlList.DDLFullCtrl + "_" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "')\">高级JS设置</a>"; this.Pub1.AddTD(html); this.Pub1.AddTD(" "); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } #endregion 扩展设置. this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.Add("<TD colspan=4 >"); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " 保存 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_SaveAndClose"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "保存并关闭"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_SaveAndNew"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "保存并新建"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (this.RefNo != null) { btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_AutoFull"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "扩展设置"; // btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:WinOpen('./MapExt/AutoFull.aspx?RefNo=" + this.RefNo + "&FK_MapData=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "',''); return false;"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (mapAttr.HisEditType == EditType.Edit) { btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "删除"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); } string myUrl = "EleBatch.aspx?KeyOfEn=" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "&FK_MapData=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "&EleType=MapAttr"; this.Pub1.Add("<a href='" + myUrl + "' target='M" + mapAttr.KeyOfEn + "' ><img src='../Img/Btn/Apply.gif' border=0>批处理</a>"); } string url = "Do.aspx?DoType=AddF&MyPK=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "&IDX=" + mapAttr.Idx; this.Pub1.Add("<a href='" + url + "'><img src='../Img/Btn/New.gif' border=0>新建</a></TD>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEndWithBR(); }
public void BindCond() { string msg = ""; string note = ""; BP.WF.Cond cond = new Cond(); cond.MyPK = this.MyPK; if (cond.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) { if (this.FK_Attr != null) { cond.FK_Attr = this.FK_Attr; } if (this.FK_MainNode != 0) { cond.NodeID = this.FK_MainNode; } if (this.FK_Node != 0) { cond.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; } if (this.FK_Flow != null) { cond.FK_Flow = this.FK_Flow; } } this.AddTable("border=0 widht='500px'"); //this.AddCaptionLeft(""); this.AddTR(); this.AddTDTitle("项目"); this.AddTDTitle("采集"); this.AddTDTitle("描述"); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("节点"); Nodes nds = new Nodes(cond.FK_Flow); Nodes ndsN = new Nodes(); foreach (BP.WF.Node mynd in nds) { ndsN.AddEntity(mynd); } DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Node"; ddl.BindEntities(ndsN, "NodeID", "Name"); ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.FK_Node); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_SelectedIndexChanged); this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD("节点"); this.AddTREnd(); // 属性/字段 MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(); attrs.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, "ND" + ddl.SelectedItemStringVal); MapAttrs attrNs = new MapAttrs(); foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsBigDoc) { continue; } switch (attr.KeyOfEn) { case "Title": //case "RDT": //case "CDT": case "FK_Emp": case "MyNum": case "FK_NY": case WorkAttr.Emps: case WorkAttr.OID: case StartWorkAttr.Rec: case StartWorkAttr.FID: continue; default: break; } attrNs.AddEntity(attr); } ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Attr"; if (attrNs.Count == 0) { BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(cond.FK_Node); nd.RepareMap(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTD("colspan=2", "节点没有找到合适的条件"); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTableEnd(); return; } else { ddl.BindEntities(attrNs, MapAttrAttr.MyPK, MapAttrAttr.Name); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_SelectedIndexChanged); ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.FK_Attr); } this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("属性/字段"); this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTREnd(); MapAttr attrS = new MapAttr(this.DDL_Attr.SelectedItemStringVal); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("操作符"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Oper"; switch (attrS.LGType) { case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Enum: case BP.En.FieldTypeS.FK: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>")); break; case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Normal: switch (attrS.MyDataType) { case BP.DA.DataType.AppString: case BP.DA.DataType.AppDate: case BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("LIKE", "LIKE")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>")); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); break; default: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(">", ">")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(">=", ">=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<", "<")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<=", "<=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>")); break; } break; default: break; } if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueInt); } catch { } } this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTREnd(); switch (attrS.LGType) { case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Enum: this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindSysEnum(attrS.UIBindKey); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueInt); } catch { } } this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTREnd(); break; case BP.En.FieldTypeS.FK: this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindEntities(attrS.HisEntitiesNoName); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueStr); } catch { } } this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(""); this.AddTREnd(); break; default: if (attrS.MyDataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean) { this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindAppYesOrNo(0); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueInt); } catch { } } this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTD(); this.AddTREnd(); } else { this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("值"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Val"; if (cond != null) { tb.Text = cond.OperatorValueStr; } this.AddTD(tb); this.AddTD(); this.AddTREnd(); } break; } Conds conds = new Conds(); QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(conds); qo.AddWhere(CondAttr.NodeID, this.FK_MainNode); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(CondAttr.DataFrom, (int)ConnDataFrom.Form); qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(CondAttr.CondType, (int)this.HisCondType); if (this.ToNodeID != 0) { qo.addAnd(); qo.AddWhere(CondAttr.ToNodeID, this.ToNodeID); } int num = qo.DoQuery(); this.AddTRSum(); this.Add("<TD class=TD colspan=3 align=center>"); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " Save "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "Clear"; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要删除吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Add(btn); this.Add("</TD>"); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTableEnd(); if (num == 0) { return; } #region 条件 this.AddTable("border=0 widht='500px'"); this.AddCaptionLeft("说明:同时满足如下条件转向成立,只能删除不能编辑."); this.AddTR(); this.AddTDTitle("IDX"); this.AddTDTitle("节点"); this.AddTDTitle("字段的英文名"); this.AddTDTitle("字段的中文名"); this.AddTDTitle("操作符"); this.AddTDTitle("值"); this.AddTDTitle("标签"); this.AddTDTitle("操作"); this.AddTREnd(); int i = 0; foreach (Cond mync in conds) { if (mync.HisDataFrom != ConnDataFrom.Form) { continue; } i++; this.AddTR(); this.AddTDIdx(i); // this.AddTD(mync.HisDataFrom.ToString()); this.AddTD(mync.FK_NodeT); this.AddTD(mync.AttrKey); this.AddTD(mync.AttrName); this.AddTDCenter(mync.FK_Operator); this.AddTD(mync.OperatorValueStr); this.AddTD(mync.OperatorValueT); //if (num > 1) // this.AddTD(mync.HisConnJudgeWayT); this.AddTD("<a href='Cond.aspx?MyPK=" + mync.MyPK + "&CondType=" + (int)this.HisCondType + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&FK_Attr=" + mync.FK_Attr + "&FK_MainNode=" + mync.NodeID + "&OperatorValue=" + mync.OperatorValueStr + "&FK_Node=" + mync.FK_Node + "&DoType=Del&ToNodeID=" + mync.ToNodeID + "' >删除</a>"); this.AddTREnd(); } this.AddTableEnd(); #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.DoType == "Del") { FrmEvent delFE = new FrmEvent(); delFE.MyPK = this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Request.QueryString["RefXml"]; delFE.Delete(); } this.Pub3.AddCaptionLeft("节点表单/节点/流程:事件"); FrmEvents ndevs = new FrmEvents(); ndevs.Retrieve(FrmEventAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData); EventLists xmls = new EventLists(); xmls.RetrieveAll(); BP.WF.XML.EventSources ess = new EventSources(); ess.RetrieveAll(); string myEvent = this.Event; BP.WF.XML.EventList myEnentXml = null; foreach (EventSource item in ess) { this.Pub1.AddFieldSet(item.Name); this.Pub1.AddUL(); foreach (BP.WF.XML.EventList xml in xmls) { if (xml.EventType != item.No) { continue; } FrmEvent nde = ndevs.GetEntityByKey(FrmEventAttr.FK_Event, xml.No) as FrmEvent; if (nde == null) { if (myEvent == xml.No) { myEnentXml = xml; this.Pub1.AddLi("<font color=green><b>" + xml.Name + "</b></font>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddLi("Action.aspx?NodeID=" + this.NodeID + "&Event=" + xml.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow, xml.Name); } } else { if (myEvent == xml.No) { myEnentXml = xml; this.Pub1.AddLi("<font color=green><b>" + xml.Name + "</b></font>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddLi("Action.aspx?NodeID=" + this.NodeID + "&Event=" + xml.No + "&MyPK=" + nde.MyPK + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow, "<b>" + xml.Name + "</b>"); } } } this.Pub1.AddULEnd(); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); } if (myEnentXml == null) { this.Pub2.AddFieldSet("帮助"); this.Pub2.AddH2("事件是ccflow与您的应用程序接口,"); this.Pub2.AddFieldSetEnd(); return; } FrmEvent mynde = ndevs.GetEntityByKey(FrmEventAttr.FK_Event, myEvent) as FrmEvent; if (mynde == null) { mynde = new FrmEvent(); } this.Title = "设置:事件接口=》" + myEnentXml.Name; this.Pub2.AddFieldSet(myEnentXml.Name); int col = 80; this.Pub2.Add("内容类型:"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum("EventDoType"); ddl.ID = "DDL_EventDoType"; ddl.SetSelectItem((int)mynde.HisDoType); this.Pub2.Add(ddl); this.Pub2.Add(" 要执行的内容<br>"); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_Doc"; tb.Columns = col; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 10; tb.Text = mynde.DoDoc; this.Pub2.Add(tb); this.Pub2.AddBR(); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MsgOK"; tb.Columns = col; tb.Text = mynde.MsgOKString; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 4; this.Pub2.Add("执行成功信息提示(可为空)<br>"); this.Pub2.Add(tb); this.Pub2.AddBR(); this.Pub2.Add("执行失败信息提示(可为空)<br>"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MsgErr"; tb.Columns = col; tb.Text = mynde.MsgErrorString; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 4; this.Pub2.Add(tb); this.Pub2.AddBR(); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.Text = "Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub2.Add(" "); this.Pub2.Add(btn); if (this.MyPK != null) { this.Pub2.Add(" <a href=\"javascript:DoDel('" + this.NodeID + "','" + this.Event + "')\"><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/Delete.gif' />删除</a>"); } this.Pub2.AddFieldSetEnd(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FrmEvents ndevs = new FrmEvents(); ndevs.Retrieve(FrmEventAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData); FrmEvent mynde = ndevs.GetEntityByKey(FrmEventAttr.FK_Event, this.Event) as FrmEvent; if (mynde == null) { mynde = new FrmEvent(); mynde.FK_Event = this.Event; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.EventDoType)) { mynde.HisDoType = (EventDoType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EventDoType), this.EventDoType); } this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' border='1' style='width:100%'"); //删除旧类型. BP.DA.DBAccess.RunSQL("delete from sys_enum where enumkey='EventDoType'"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("width='200'", "内容类型:"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum("EventDoType"); ddl.ID = "DDL_EventDoType"; ddl.SetSelectItem((int)mynde.HisDoType); ddl.Attributes["onchange"] = string.Format("location.href='ActionEvent.aspx?NodeID={0}&MyPK={1}&Event={2}&FK_MapData={3}&EventDoType=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value + '&tk=' + Math.random()", this.NodeID, this.MyPK, this.Event, this.FK_MapData); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); TextBox tb = null; #region //执行DLL类方法设置, edited by liuxc,2016-01-17 if (mynde.HisDoType == BP.Sys.EventDoType.SpecClass) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("选择一个DLL文件:"); //绑定 DLL 文件. ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_MonthedDLL"; string[] fs = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BP.Sys.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "\\Bin\\", "*.dll"); foreach (string str in fs) { string mystr = str.Replace(BP.Sys.SystemConfig.PathOfWebApp + "\\Bin\\", ""); switch (mystr) { case "BitmapCutter.Core.dll": case "BP.Demo.dll": // case "BP.En30.dll": case "BP.GPM.dll": case "BP.GPMClient.dll": case "BP.Web.Controls.dll": // case "BP.WF.dll": case "CCFlow.dll": case "ChineseConverter.dll": case "FtpSupport.dll": case "FusionCharts.dll": case "IBM.Data.Informix.dll": case "ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll": case "Interop.Excel.dll": case "Interop.VBIDE.dll": case "Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll": case "Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll": case "Newtonsoft.Json.dll": case "NPOI.dll": case "NPOI.OOXML.dll": case "NPOI.OpenXml4Net.dll": case "NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.dll": case "office.dll": case "Silverlight.DataSetConnector.dll": case "System.Windows.Interactivity.dll": continue; default: break; } ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(mystr, str)); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(str, str)); } ddl.SetSelectItem(mynde.MonthedDLL); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_SelectedIndexChanged); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); //获得类名. this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("选择一个类名:"); Assembly abl = Assembly.LoadFrom(ddl.SelectedItemStringVal); // 载入程序集 Type[] types = abl.GetTypes(); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_MonthedClass"; //绑定类名称. Type mytype = this.InitClassName(ddl, types, mynde.MonthedClass); ddl.SetSelectItem(mynde.MonthedClass); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_Class_SelectedIndexChanged); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("选择一个方法:"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_MonthedName"; //绑定方法. ParameterInfo[] myPI = this.InitMethodName(ddl, mytype.GetMethods(), mynde.MonthedName); ddl.SetSelectItem(mynde.MonthedName); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_Monthed_SelectedIndexChanged); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #region 参数与参数格式. this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("执行方法的参数"); //参数. tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MonthedParas"; tb.Text = mynde.MonthedParas.Replace("~", "@"); tb.Columns = 80; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("参数格式:"); Label lab = new Label(); lab.ID = "Lab_Note"; lab.Text = this.GenerParas(myPI); this.Pub1.AddTD(lab); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 参数与参数格式. } #endregion this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=2"); this.Pub1.Add(" 要执行的内容<br>"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_Doc"; tb.Columns = 50; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 5; tb.Text = mynde.DoDoc; this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=2"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MsgOK"; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.Text = mynde.MsgOKString; this.Pub1.Add("执行成功信息提示(可为空)<br>"); this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=2"); this.Pub1.Add("执行失败信息提示(可为空)<br>"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MsgErr"; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.Text = mynde.MsgErrorString; this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); Pub1.AddBR(); Pub1.AddSpace(1); var btn = new LinkBtn(false, NamesOfBtn.Save, "保存"); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); Pub1.Add(btn); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.MyPK)) { Pub1.AddSpace(1); Pub1.Add( string.Format( "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"DoDel('{2}','{0}','{1}')\" class='easyui-linkbutton' data-options=\"iconCls:'icon-delete'\">删除</a>", NodeID, Event, FK_Flow)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (BP.WF.Dev2Interface.Flow_IsCanStartThisFlow(this.FK_Flow, WebUser.No) == false) { } Flow fl = new Flow(this.FK_Flow); this.Page.Title = fl.Name; MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapData); if (fl.BatchStartFields.Length == 0) { this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("流程属性设置错误"); this.Pub1.Add("您需要在流程属性里设置批量发起需要填写的字段。"); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); } MapExts mes = new MapExts(this.FK_MapData); BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(int.Parse(this.FK_Flow + "01")); Work wk = nd.HisWork; wk.ResetDefaultVal(); this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaptionMsg("批量发起:" + fl.Name); #region 输出标题. this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("序"); string str1 = "<INPUT id='checkedAll' onclick=\"SelectAllBS(this);\" value='选择' type='checkbox' name='checkedAll' >全部选择"; this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("align='left'", str1); //this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("align='left'", ""); string[] strs = fl.BatchStartFields.Split(','); foreach (string str in strs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { continue; } foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (str != attr.KeyOfEn) { continue; } this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(attr.Name); } } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 输出标题. #region 输出标题. for (int i = 1; i <= this.RowNum; i++) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(i); CheckBox cbIdx = new CheckBox(); cbIdx.Checked = false; cbIdx.Text = "发起否?"; cbIdx.ID = "CB_IDX_" + i; this.Pub1.AddTD(cbIdx); foreach (string str in strs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { continue; } foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (str != attr.KeyOfEn) { continue; } TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + i; switch (attr.LGType) { case FieldTypeS.Normal: switch (attr.MyDataType) { case BP.DA.DataType.AppString: if (attr.UIRows == 1) { tb.Text = attr.DefVal; tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px; text-align: left; height: 15px;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;"; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.CssClass = "TB"; } else { tb.CssClass = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); } else { tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px; text-align: left;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;"; tb.Attributes["maxlength"] = attr.MaxLen.ToString(); tb.Rows = attr.UIRows; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.CssClass = "TBDoc"; } else { tb.CssClass = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); } break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDate: tb.ShowType = TBType.Date; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker();"; } if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TB"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px; text-align: left; height: 19px;"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime: tb.ShowType = TBType.DateTime; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; // en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBcalendar"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'});"; } tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px; text-align: left; height: 19px;"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean: CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); //cb.Width = 350; cb.Text = attr.Name; cb.ID = "CB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + i; cb.Checked = attr.DefValOfBool; cb.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; cb.Checked = attr.DefValOfBool; if (cb.Enabled == false) { cb.Enabled = false; } else { //add by dgq 2013-4-9,添加内容修改后的事件 // cb.Attributes["onmousedown"] = "Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "')"; cb.Enabled = true; } this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDouble: case BP.DA.DataType.AppFloat: tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.GetValStrByKey("UIWidth") + "px; text-align: right; height: 19px;word-break: keep-all;"; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { //增加验证 tb.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", @"Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "');"); tb.Attributes.Add("onblur", @"value=value.replace(/[^-?\d+\.*\d*$]/g,'');TB_ClickNum(this,0);"); tb.Attributes.Add("onClick", "TB_ClickNum(this)"); tb.Attributes["OnKeyPress"] += @"javascript:return VirtyNum(this,'float');"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppInt: tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.GetValStrByKey("UIWidth") + "px; text-align: right; height: 19px;word-break: keep-all;"; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { //增加验证 tb.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", @"Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "');"); tb.Attributes.Add("onblur", @"value=value.replace(/[^-?\d]/g,'');TB_ClickNum(this,0);"); tb.Attributes.Add("onClick", "TB_ClickNum(this)"); tb.Attributes["OnKeyPress"] += @"javascript:return VirtyNum(this,'int');"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppMoney: if (attr.UIIsEnable) { //增加验证 tb.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", @"Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "');"); tb.Attributes.Add("onblur", @"value=value.replace(/[^-?\d+\.*\d*$]/g,'');TB_ClickNum(this,'0.00');"); tb.Attributes.Add("onClick", "TB_ClickNum(this)"); tb.Attributes["OnKeyPress"] += @"javascript:return VirtyNum(this,'float');"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } // tb.ShowType = TBType.Moneny; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.GetValStrByKey("UIWidth") + "px; text-align: right; height: 19px;"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppRate: if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } tb.ShowType = TBType.Moneny; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.GetValStrByKey("UIWidth") + "px; text-align: right; height: 19px;"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; default: break; } break; case FieldTypeS.Enum: if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { DDL ddle = new DDL(); ddle.ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + i; ddle.BindSysEnum(attr.UIBindKey); ddle.SetSelectItem(attr.DefVal); ddle.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; ddle.Attributes["tabindex"] = attr.Idx.ToString(); if (attr.UIIsEnable) { //add by dgq 2013-4-9,添加内容修改后的事件 // ddle.Attributes["onchange"] = "Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "')"; } // ddle.Enabled = false; this.Pub1.AddTD(ddle); } else { } break; case FieldTypeS.FK: DDL ddl1 = new DDL(); ddl1.ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + i; ddl1.Attributes["tabindex"] = attr.Idx.ToString(); if (ddl1.Enabled) { EntitiesNoName ens = attr.HisEntitiesNoName; ens.RetrieveAll(); ddl1.BindEntities(ens); ddl1.SetSelectItem(attr.DefVal); //add by dgq 2013-4-9,添加内容修改后的事件 // ddl1.Attributes["onchange"] = "Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "')"; } else { ddl1.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px;height: 19px;"; if (ddl1.Enabled == true) { ddl1.Enabled = false; } ddl1.Attributes["Width"] = attr.UIWidth.ToString(); ddl1.Items.Add(new ListItem(attr.DefVal, attr.DefVal)); } ddl1.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl1); break; default: break; } } } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } #endregion 输出标题. this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); #region 处理扩展属性. if (mes.Count != 0) { this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("s81", "<script language='JavaScript' src='/WF/Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js' ></script>"); this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("b81", "<script language='JavaScript' src='/WF/CCForm/MapExt.js' defer='defer' type='text/javascript' ></script>"); this.Pub1.Add("<div id='divinfo' style='width: 155px; position: absolute; color: Lime; display: none;cursor: pointer;align:left'></div>"); this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("dCd", "<script language='JavaScript' src='/DataUser/JSLibData/" + this.FK_MapData + ".js' ></script>"); for (int i = 1; i <= this.RowNum; i++) { foreach (MapExt me in mes) { switch (me.ExtType) { case MapExtXmlList.DDLFullCtrl: // 自动填充. DDL ddlOper = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (ddlOper == null) { continue; } ddlOper.Attributes["onchange"] = "DDLFullCtrl(this.value,\'" + ddlOper.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\')"; break; case MapExtXmlList.ActiveDDL: DDL ddlPerant = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); string val, valC; DataTable dt; if (ddlPerant == null) { continue; } #warning 此处需要优化 string ddlC = "ContentPlaceHolder1_BatchStart1_DDL_" + me.AttrsOfActive + "_" + i; // ddlPerant.Attributes["onchange"] = " isChange=true; DDLAnsc(this.value, \'" + ddlC + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\')"; ddlPerant.Attributes["onchange"] = "DDLAnsc(this.value, \'" + ddlC + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\')"; DDL ddlChild = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrsOfActive + "_" + i); val = ddlPerant.SelectedItemStringVal; if (ddlChild.Items.Count == 0) { valC = wk.GetValStrByKey(me.AttrsOfActive); } else { valC = ddlChild.SelectedItemStringVal; } string mysql = me.Doc.Replace("@Key", val); if (mysql.Contains("@") && i >= 100) { mysql = BP.WF.Glo.DealExp(mysql, wk, null); } else { continue; } dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(mysql); ddlChild.Bind(dt, "No", "Name"); if (ddlChild.SetSelectItem(valC) == false) { ddlChild.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择" + valC, valC)); ddlChild.SelectedIndex = 0; } // ddlChild.Attributes["onchange"] = " isChange=true;"; break; case MapExtXmlList.AutoFullDLL: //自动填充下拉框的范围. DDL ddlFull = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (ddlFull == null) { continue; } string valOld = wk.GetValStrByKey(me.AttrOfOper); //string valOld =ddlFull.SelectedItemStringVal; string fullSQL = me.Doc.Replace("@WebUser.No", WebUser.No); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@WebUser.Name", WebUser.Name); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@WebUser.FK_Dept", WebUser.FK_Dept); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@WebUser.FK_DeptName", WebUser.FK_DeptName); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@Key", this.Request.QueryString["Key"]); if (fullSQL.Contains("@")) { Attrs attrsFull = wk.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrsFull) { if (fullSQL.Contains("@") == false) { break; } fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@" + attr.Key, wk.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key)); } } //if (fullSQL.Contains("@")) //{ // /*从主表中取数据*/ // Attrs attrsFull = this.MainEn.EnMap.Attrs; // foreach (Attr attr in attrsFull) // { // if (fullSQL.Contains("@") == false) // break; // if (fullSQL.Contains("@" + attr.Key) == false) // continue; // fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@" + attr.Key, this.MainEn.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key)); // } //} ddlFull.Items.Clear(); ddlFull.Bind(DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(fullSQL), "No", "Name"); if (ddlFull.SetSelectItem(valOld) == false) { ddlFull.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择" + valOld, valOld)); ddlFull.SelectedIndex = 0; } // ddlFull.Attributes["onchange"] = " isChange=true;"; break; case MapExtXmlList.TBFullCtrl: // 自动填充. TextBox tbAuto = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (tbAuto == null) { continue; } // tbAuto.Attributes["onkeyup"] = " isChange=true; DoAnscToFillDiv(this,this.value,\'" + tbAuto.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\');"; tbAuto.Attributes["onkeyup"] = " DoAnscToFillDiv(this,this.value,\'" + tbAuto.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\');"; tbAuto.Attributes["AUTOCOMPLETE"] = "OFF"; if (me.Tag != "") { /* 处理下拉框的选择范围的问题 */ string[] strsTmp = me.Tag.Split('$'); foreach (string str in strsTmp) { string[] myCtl = str.Split(':'); string ctlID = myCtl[0]; DDL ddlC1 = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + ctlID + "_" + i); if (ddlC1 == null) { //me.Tag = ""; // me.Update(); continue; } string sql = myCtl[1].Replace("~", "'"); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.No", WebUser.No); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.Name", WebUser.Name); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.FK_Dept", WebUser.FK_Dept); sql = sql.Replace("@Key", tbAuto.Text.Trim()); dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); string valC1 = ddlC1.SelectedItemStringVal; ddlC1.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ddlC1.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr[1].ToString(), dr[0].ToString())); } ddlC1.SetSelectItem(valC1); } } break; case MapExtXmlList.InputCheck: TextBox tbCheck = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (tbCheck != null) { tbCheck.Attributes[me.Tag2] += " rowPK=" + i + "; " + me.Tag1 + "(this);"; } break; case MapExtXmlList.PopVal: //弹出窗. TB tb = this.Pub1.GetTBByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); // tb.Attributes["ondblclick"] = " isChange=true; ReturnVal(this,'" + me.Doc + "','sd');"; tb.Attributes["ondblclick"] = " ReturnVal(this,'" + me.Doc + "','sd');"; break; case MapExtXmlList.Link: // 超链接. //TB tb = this.Pub1.GetTBByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + mydtl.OID); //tb.Attributes["ondblclick"] = " isChange=true; ReturnVal(this,'" + me.Doc + "','sd');"; break; case MapExtXmlList.RegularExpression: //正则表达式,对数据控件处理 TextBox tbExp = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (tbExp == null || me.Tag == "onsubmit") { continue; } //验证输入的正则格式 string regFilter = me.Doc; if (regFilter.LastIndexOf("/g") < 0 && regFilter.LastIndexOf('/') < 0) { regFilter = "'" + regFilter + "'"; } //处理事件 tbExp.Attributes.Add("" + me.Tag + "", "return txtTest_Onkeyup(this," + regFilter + ",'" + me.Tag1 + "')"); //[me.Tag] += "this.value=this.value.replace(" + regFilter + ",'')"; break; default: break; } } } } #endregion 拓展属性 Button btn = new Button(); btn.Text = "执行发起"; btn.ID = "Btn_Start"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Send_Click); btn.OnClientClick = "return checkType()"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); #region 文件上传. this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("通过Excel导入方式发起:<a href='/DataUser/BatchStartFlowTemplete/" + this.FK_Flow + ".xls'><img src='/WF/Img/FileType/xls.gif' />下载Excel模版</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("文件名:"); FileUpload fu = new FileUpload(); fu.ID = "File1"; this.Pub1.Add(fu); btn = new Button(); btn.Text = "导入"; btn.ID = "Btn_Imp"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Upload_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); #endregion 文件上传. }
public void BindList() { string text = ""; BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(this.FK_Node); FrmNodes fns = new FrmNodes(this.FK_Flow, this.FK_Node); if (fns.Count == 0) { text = "当前没有任何流程表单绑定到该节点上,请您执行绑定表单:<input type=button onclick=\"javascript:BindFrms('" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "');\" value='修改表单绑定' class=Btn />"; this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("提示", text); return; } this.Pub1.AddTable("width=100%"); this.Pub1.AddCaption("设置节点:(" + nd.Name + ")绑定表单"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("Idx"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("表单编号"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("显示方式"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("可编辑否?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("可打印否?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("是否启用<br>装载填充事件"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("权限控制<br>方案"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("表单元素<br>自定义设置"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("谁是主键?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("顺序"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 1; foreach (FrmNode fn in fns) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD(fn.FK_Frm); MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = fn.FK_Frm; try { md.Retrieve(); } catch { //说明该表单不存在了,就需要把这个删除掉. fn.Delete(); } this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('../MapDef/CCForm/Frm.aspx?FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "');\" >" + md.Name + "</a>"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_FrmType_" + fn.FK_Frm; ddl.BindSysEnum("FrmType", (int)fn.HisFrmType); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEdit_" + md.No; cb.Text = "可编辑否?"; cb.Checked = fn.IsEdit; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsPrint_" + md.No; cb.Text = "打印否?"; cb.Checked = fn.IsPrint; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEnableLoadData_" + md.No; cb.Text = "启用否?"; cb.Checked = fn.IsEnableLoadData; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Sln_" + md.No; ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("默认方案", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("自定义", this.FK_Node.ToString())); ddl.SetSelectItem(fn.FrmSln); //设置权限控制方案. this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinField('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >字段</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinFJ('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >附件</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinDtl('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >从表</a>"); if (md.HisFrmType == FrmType.ExcelFrm) { this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:ToolbarExcel('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >ToolbarExcel</a>"); } if (md.HisFrmType == FrmType.WordFrm) { this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:ToolbarWord('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >ToolbarWord</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_WhoIsPK_" + md.No; ddl.BindSysEnum("WhoIsPK"); ddl.SetSelectItem((int)fn.WhoIsPK); //谁是主键?. this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_Idx_" + md.No; tb.Text = fn.Idx.ToString(); tb.Columns = 5; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDA("BindFrms.aspx?ShowType=EditPowerOrder&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&MyPK=" + fn.MyPK + "&DoType=Up", "上移"); this.Pub1.AddTDA("BindFrms.aspx?ShowType=EditPowerOrder&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&MyPK=" + fn.MyPK + "&DoType=Down", "下移"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); text = "<input type=button onclick=\"javascript:BindFrms('" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "');\" value='修改表单绑定' class=Btn />"; this.Pub1.Add(text); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Save"; btn.Text = "保存设置"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_SavePowerOrders_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); text = "<input type=button onclick=\"javascript:window.close();\" value='关闭' class=Btn />"; this.Pub1.Add(text); }
public void BindProfile() { BP.WF.Port.WFEmp emp = new BP.WF.Port.WFEmp(WebUser.No); if (WebUser.IsWap) { this.AddFieldSet("<a href=Home.aspx ><img src='/WF/Img/Home.gif' border=0 >主页</a>-<a href='" + this.PageID + ".aspx'>设置</a>-" + "基本信息" + WebUser.Auth); } else { this.AddFieldSet("基本信息" + WebUser.Auth); } this.Add("<br><table border=0 width='80%' align=center >"); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("手机"); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.SingleLine; tb.ID = "TB_Tel"; tb.Text = emp.Tel; this.AddTD(tb); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("Email"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.SingleLine; tb.ID = "TB_Email"; tb.Text = emp.Email; this.AddTD(tb); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("QQ/RTX/MSN"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.SingleLine; tb.ID = "TB_TM"; tb.Text = emp.Email; this.AddTD(tb); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("信息接收方式"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Way"; ddl.BindSysEnum("AlertWay"); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("不接收", "0")); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("手机短信", "1")); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("邮件", "2")); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("手机短信+邮件", "3")); ddl.SetSelectItem((int)emp.HisAlertWay); this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); Btn btn = new Btn(); btn.Text = "保存"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Profile_Click); this.AddTD("colspan=2 align=center", btn); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTableEnd(); this.AddBR(); this.AddFieldSetEnd(); }
public void BindEdit(MapData md, MapDtl dtl) { bool isItem = false; this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("ID"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("colspan=3", "基本设置"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 1; isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("表英文名称"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_No"; tb.Text = dtl.No; if (this.DoType == "Edit") { tb.Enabled = false; } tb.Columns = 40; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("表中文名称"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Name"; tb.Text = dtl.Name; tb.Columns = 40; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("物理表名"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_PTable"; tb.Text = dtl.PTable; tb.Columns = 40; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); DDL ddl = new DDL(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("工作模式"); DDL workModelDDl = new DDL(); workModelDDl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.Model, (int)dtl.DtlModel); workModelDDl.ID = "DDL_Model"; this.Pub1.AddTD(workModelDDl); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); if (dtl.DtlModel == DtlModel.FixRow) { tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDtlAttr.ImpFixTreeSql; tb.Text = dtl.ImpFixTreeSql; tb.Columns = 80; isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("树形结构数据源"); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDtlAttr.ImpFixDataSql; tb.Text = dtl.ImpFixDataSql; tb.Columns = 80; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("明细表数据源"); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } #region 权限控制. CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb.ID = "CB_IsView"; cb.Text = "是否可见"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsView; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsUpdate"; cb.Text = "是否可以修改行"; // "是否可以修改行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsUpdate; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsInsert"; cb.Text = "是否可以新增行"; // "是否可以新增行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsInsert; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsDelete"; cb.Text = "是否可以删除行"; // "是否可以删除行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsDelete; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsShowIdx"; cb.Text = "是否显示序号列"; //"是否显示序号列"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowIdx; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsShowSum"; cb.Text = "是否合计行";// "是否合计行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowSum; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEnableAthM"; cb.Text = "是否启用多附件"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableAthM; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + MapDtlAttr.IsEnableM2M; cb.Text = "是否启用一对多"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableM2M; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + MapDtlAttr.IsEnableM2MM; cb.Text = "是否启用一对多多"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableM2MM; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + MapDtlAttr.IsRowLock; cb.Text = "是否启用锁定行(如果启用就需要增加IsRowLock一个隐藏的列,默认值为0。)?";// "是否合计行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsRowLock; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + MapDtlAttr.IsShowTitle; cb.Text = "是否显示标头(如果是多表表头的明细表,就不要显示表头了)?";; cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowTitle; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 权限控制. //this.Pub1.AddTR(); //this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); //cb = new CheckBox(); //cb.ID = "CB_IsShowTitle"; //cb.Text = "是否显示标头";// "是否显示标头"; //cb.Checked = dtl.IsShowTitle; //this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); //this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); //cb = new CheckBox(); //cb.ID = "CB_IsEnableAth"; //cb.Text = "是否启用单附件"; //cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnablePass; //this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); //this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); //为精英修改. isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("增加记录方式"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_DtlAddRecModel"; ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.DtlAddRecModel, (int)dtl.DtlAddRecModel); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("满足不同的用户习惯"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("初始化行数"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_RowsOfList"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; tb.TextExtInt = dtl.RowsOfList; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("显示格式"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_DtlShowModel"; ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.DtlShowModel, (int)dtl.HisDtlShowModel); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("越出处理"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_WhenOverSize"; ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.WhenOverSize, (int)dtl.HisWhenOverSize); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isItem = this.Pub1.AddTR(isItem); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("存盘方式"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_DtlSaveModel"; ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.DtlSaveModel, (int)dtl.DtlSaveModel); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("用于设置在明细表自动存盘还是,手动存盘."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #region 与工作流相关设置. if (this.FK_Node != 0) { this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("colspan=4", "与工作流相关设置"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("操作权限"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDtlAttr.DtlOpenType, (int)dtl.DtlOpenType); ddl.ID = "DDL_DtlOpenType"; this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEnablePass"; cb.Text = "是否起用审核字段?";// "是否合计行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnablePass; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); // string sql = "SELECT KeyOfEn as No, Name FROM Sys_MapAttr WHERE FK_MapData='" + dtl.No + "' AND ((MyDataType in (1,4,6) and UIVisible=1 ) or (UIContralType=1))"; string sql = "SELECT KeyOfEn as No, Name FROM Sys_MapAttr WHERE FK_MapData='" + dtl.No + "'"; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTD(); } else { this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=2"); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEnableGroupField"; cb.Text = "是否起用分组字段?";// "是否合计行"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableGroupField; this.Pub1.Add(cb); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_GroupField"; ddl.BindSQL(sql, "No", "Name", dtl.GroupField); this.Pub1.Add(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsCopyNDData"; cb.Text = "是允许从上一个节点Copy数据"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsCopyNDData; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsHLDtl"; cb.Text = "是否是合流汇总从表(当前节点是合流节点有效)"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsHLDtl; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #region 与分流点发送到子线程,处理子线程处理人相关的设置. for yangtai . this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsFLDtl"; cb.Text = "是否是分流点从表(当前节点是分流节点有效)"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsFLDtl; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("子线程处理人字段"); sql = "SELECT KeyOfEn as No, Name FROM Sys_MapAttr WHERE FK_MapData='" + dtl.No + "' AND ( (MyDataType =1 and UIVisible=1 ) or (UIContralType=1))"; dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_SubThreadWorker"; ddl.BindSQL(sql, "No", "Name", dtl.SubThreadWorker); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("子线程批次号字段"); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = ""; dr[1] = "无"; dt.Rows.Add(dr); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_SubThreadGroupMark"; ddl.BindSQL(sql, "No", "Name", dtl.SubThreadGroupMark); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } #endregion 与分流点发送到子线程,处理子线程处理人相关的设置. for yangtai . #endregion 与工作流相关设置. #region 明细表的数据导入导出. this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("colspan=4", "数据导入导出"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsExp"; cb.Text = "是否可以导出?";// "是否可以导出"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsExp; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsImp"; cb.Text = "是否可以导入?";// "是否可以导出"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsImp; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + MapDtlAttr.IsEnableSelectImp; cb.Text = "是否启用选择性导入(如果true就要配置数据源呈现的sql)?"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableSelectImp; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("初始化SQL"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDtlAttr.ImpSQLInit; tb.Text = dtl.ImpSQLInit; tb.Columns = 80; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("查询SQL"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDtlAttr.ImpSQLSearch; tb.Text = dtl.ImpSQLSearch; tb.Columns = 80; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("填充SQL"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDtlAttr.ImpSQLFull; tb.Text = dtl.ImpSQLFull; tb.Columns = 80; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 明细表的数据导入导出. #region 超连接. this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("colspan=4", "表格右边列超连接配置"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + MapDtlAttr.IsEnableLink; cb.Text = "是否启用超连接?"; cb.Checked = dtl.IsEnableLink; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTD("超连接标签"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDtlAttr.LinkLabel; tb.Text = dtl.LinkLabel; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", "连接URL"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDtlAttr.LinkUrl; tb.Text = dtl.LinkUrl; tb.Columns = 90; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("连接目标"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDtlAttr.LinkTarget; tb.Text = dtl.LinkTarget; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 超连接. GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(md.No); if (gfs.Count > 1) { this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("显示在分组"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_GroupID"; ddl.BindEntities(gfs, GroupFieldAttr.OID, GroupFieldAttr.Lab, false, AddAllLocation.None); ddl.SetSelectItem(dtl.GroupID); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } if (gfs.Count > 1) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); } else { this.Pub1.AddTR1(); } this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=3 align=center"); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " 保存 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_SaveAndClose"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " 保存并关闭 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (this.FK_MapDtl != null) { //btn = new Button(); //btn.ID = "Btn_D"; //btn.Text = this.ToE("DesignSheet", "设计表单"); // "设计表单"; //btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Go_Click); //this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "删除"; // "删除"; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Del_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_New"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "新建"; // "删除"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_New_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); //btn = new Button(); //btn.ID = "Btn_MapExt"; //btn.CssClass = "Btn"; //btn.Text = "扩展设置"; // "删除"; //btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_MapExt_Click); //this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (dtl.IsEnableAthM) { btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_IsEnableAthM"; btn.Text = "附件属性"; // "删除"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_MapAth_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); } // btn = new Button(); // btn.ID = "Btn_DtlTR"; // btn.Text = "多表头"; // btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:WinOpen('')"; //// btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_DtlTR_Click); // this.Pub1.Add(btn); } this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FrmAttachment ath = new FrmAttachment(); ath.FK_MapData = this.FK_MapData; ath.NoOfObj = this.Ath; ath.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; if (this.FK_Node == 0) { ath.MyPK = this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath; } else { ath.MyPK = this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath + "_" + this.FK_Node; } int i = ath.RetrieveFromDBSources(); if (i == 0 && this.FK_Node != 0) { /*这里处理 独立表单解决方案, 如果有FK_Node 就说明该节点需要单独控制该附件的属性. */ MapData mapData = new MapData(); mapData.RetrieveByAttr(MapDataAttr.No, this.FK_MapData); if (mapData.AppType == "0") { FrmAttachment souceAthMent = new FrmAttachment(); // 查询出来原来的数据. int rowCount = souceAthMent.Retrieve(FrmAttachmentAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData, FrmAttachmentAttr.NoOfObj, this.Ath, FrmAttachmentAttr.FK_Node, "0"); if (rowCount > 0) { ath.Copy(souceAthMent); } } if (this.FK_Node == 0) { ath.MyPK = this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath; } else { ath.MyPK = this.FK_MapData + "_" + this.Ath + "_" + this.FK_Node; } //插入一个新的. ath.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; ath.FK_MapData = this.FK_MapData; ath.NoOfObj = this.Ath; ath.DirectInsert(); } #region 基本属性. this.Title = "附件属性设置"; this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaption("附件属性设置"); int idx = 0; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("colspan=3", "基本属性"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("编号"); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.NoOfObj; tb.Text = ath.NoOfObj; if (this.Ath != null) { tb.Enabled = false; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD("标示号只能英文字母数字或下滑线."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("名称"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.Name; tb.Text = ath.Name; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD("附件的中文名称."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("文件格式"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.Exts; tb.Text = ath.Exts; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD("实例:doc,docx,xls,多种格式用逗号分开."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("文件数据存储方式"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.SaveWay; ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("按文件方式保存", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("保存到数据库", "1")); ddl.SetSelectItem(ath.SaveWay); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("上传的附件如何保存?"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("保存到"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.SaveTo; tb.Text = ath.SaveTo; tb.Columns = 60; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", "文件存储格式才有意义", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("类别"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.Sort; tb.Text = ath.Sort; tb.Columns = 60; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", "帮助:类别可以为空,设置的格式为:列头显示名称@类别名1,类别名2,类别名3(列头显示名称@ :可以不写,默认为:类别)"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("完整性校验"); // BP.Web.Controls.DDL ddl=new DDL(); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_UploadFileNumCheck"; ddl.BindSysEnum("UploadFileCheck", (int)ath.UploadFileNumCheck); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("高度"); BP.Web.Controls.TB mytb = new BP.Web.Controls.TB(); mytb.ID = "TB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.H; mytb.Text = ath.H.ToString(); mytb.ShowType = BP.Web.Controls.TBType.Float; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=1", mytb); this.Pub1.AddTD("对傻瓜表单有效"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("宽度"); mytb = new BP.Web.Controls.TB(); mytb.ID = "TB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.W; mytb.Text = ath.W.ToString(); mytb.ShowType = BP.Web.Controls.TBType.Float; mytb.Columns = 60; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=1", mytb); this.Pub1.AddTD("对傻瓜表单有效"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("自动控制"); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsAutoSize; cb.Text = "自动控制高度与宽度(对傻瓜表单有效)"; cb.Checked = ath.IsAutoSize; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsNote; cb.Text = "是否增加备注列"; cb.Checked = ath.IsNote; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsShowTitle; cb.Text = "是否显示标题列"; cb.Checked = ath.IsShowTitle; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsVisable; cb.Text = "是否可见(不打勾就隐藏,隐藏后就显示不到表单上,可以显示在组件里.)"; cb.Checked = ath.IsVisable; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(ath.FK_MapData); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("显示在分组"); ddl = new BP.Web.Controls.DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_GroupField"; ddl.BindEntities(gfs, GroupFieldAttr.OID, GroupFieldAttr.Lab, false, BP.Web.Controls.AddAllLocation.None); ddl.SetSelectItem(ath.GroupID); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=1", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("对傻瓜表单有效"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("展现方式"); ddl = new BP.Web.Controls.DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.FileShowWay; ddl.Items.Clear(); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("Table方式", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("图片轮播方式", "1")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("自由模式", "2")); ddl.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString((int)ath.FileShowWay); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 基本属性. #region 权限控制. this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("colspan=3", "权限控制" + BP.WF.Glo.GenerHelpCCForm("帮助", null, null)); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsDownload; cb.Text = "是否可下载"; cb.Checked = ath.IsDownload; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); ddl = new BP.Web.Controls.DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsDelete; ddl.Items.Clear(); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("不能删除", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("删除所有", "1")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("只能删除自己上传的", "2")); ddl.SetSelectItem(ath.IsDeleteInt); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsUpload; cb.Text = "是否可上传"; cb.Checked = ath.IsUpload; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsOrder; cb.Text = "是否可以排序"; cb.Checked = ath.IsOrder; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTD("使用上传控件方式"); ddl = new BP.Web.Controls.DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.UploadCtrl; ddl.Items.Clear(); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("批量上传", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("普通上传", "1")); ddl.SetSelectItem(ath.UploadCtrl); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); if (ath.IsNodeSheet == true) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("数据显示控制方式"); ddl = new BP.Web.Controls.DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_CtrlWay"; ddl.Items.Clear(); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("按主键", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("FID", "1")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("ParentWorkID", "2")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("仅可以查看自己上传数据", "3")); ddl.SetSelectItem((int)ath.HisCtrlWay); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("子线程节点控制(对节点表单有效)"); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsToHeLiuHZ; cb.Text = "该附件是否要汇总到合流节点上去?(对子线程节点有效)"; cb.Checked = ath.IsToHeLiuHZ; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("合流节点控制(对节点表单有效)"); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsHeLiuHuiZong; cb.Text = "是否是合流节点的汇总附件组件?(对合流节点有效)"; cb.Checked = ath.IsHeLiuHuiZong; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("数据上传控制方式"); ddl = new BP.Web.Controls.DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_AthUploadWay"; ddl.Items.Clear(); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("继承模式", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("协作模式", "1")); ddl.SetSelectItem((int)ath.AthUploadWay); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } #endregion 权限控制. #region WebOffice控制方式. this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("colspan=3", "WebOffice控制方式(如果上传的是excel word附件,在打开的时候对其的控制)."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableWF; cb.Text = "是否启用weboffice?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableWF; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableSave; cb.Text = "是否启用保存?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableSave; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableReadonly; cb.Text = "是否只读?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableReadonly; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableRevise; cb.Text = "是否启用修订?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableRevise; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableViewKeepMark; cb.Text = "是否查看用户留痕?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableViewKeepMark; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnablePrint; cb.Text = "是否打印?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnablePrint; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableOver; cb.Text = "是否启用套红?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableOver; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableSeal; cb.Text = "是否启用签章?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableSeal; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableTemplete; cb.Text = "是否启用模板文件?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableTemplete; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableCheck; cb.Text = "是否记录节点信息?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableCheck; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableInsertFlow; cb.Text = "是否启用插入流程?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableInsertFlow; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableInsertFengXian; cb.Text = "是否启用插入风险点?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableInsertFengXian; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableMarks; cb.Text = "是否进入留痕模式?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableMarks; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.IsWoEnableDown; cb.Text = "是否启用下载?"; cb.Checked = ath.IsWoEnableDown; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion WebOffice控制方式. #region 快捷键生成规则. this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("colspan=3", "快捷键生成规则."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.FastKeyIsEnable; cb.Text = "是否启用生成快捷键?(启用就会按照规则生成放在附件的同一个目录里面)"; cb.Checked = ath.FastKeyIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", cb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); tb = new BP.Web.Controls.TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + FrmAttachmentAttr.FastKeyGenerRole; tb.Text = ath.FastKeyGenerRole; tb.Columns = 30; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", "格式:*FiledName.*OID"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 快捷键生成规则. #region 保存按钮. this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.Text = " Save "; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.AddTD(btn); if (this.Ath != null) { btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Delete"; btn.Text = " Delete "; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.AddTD(btn); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD(); } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 保存按钮. this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定节点 /// </summary> public void BindNode() { if (this.DoType == "Del") { TurnTo condDel = new TurnTo(); condDel.MyPK = this.MyPK; condDel.Delete(); this.Response.Redirect("TurnTo.aspx?FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node, true); return; } BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(this.FK_NodeInt); TurnTos conds = new TurnTos(); conds.Retrieve(TurnToAttr.FK_Node, this.FK_Node); TurnTo cond = new TurnTo(); if (this.MyPK != null) { cond.MyPK = this.MyPK; cond.RetrieveFromDBSources(); if (this.FK_Attr != null) { cond.FK_Attr = this.FK_Attr; } } if (this.FK_Attr != null) { cond.FK_Attr = this.FK_Attr; } this.Title = "节点完成后转向条件"; this.Pub1.AddTable("align=center"); this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeft("节点完成后转向条件" + nd.Name); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("项目"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("采集"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("描述"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); // 属性/字段 MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs("ND" + this.FK_Node); MapAttrs attrNs = new MapAttrs(); foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.IsBigDoc) { continue; } switch (attr.KeyOfEn) { case "Title": case "FK_Emp": case "MyNum": case "FK_NY": case WorkAttr.Emps: case WorkAttr.OID: case StartWorkAttr.Rec: case StartWorkAttr.FID: continue; default: break; } attrNs.AddEntity(attr); } DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Attr"; ddl.BindEntities(attrNs, MapAttrAttr.MyPK, MapAttrAttr.Name); ddl.AutoPostBack = true; ddl.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_Node_SelectedIndexChanged); ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.FK_Attr); if (attrNs.Count == 0) { BP.WF.Node tempND = new BP.WF.Node(cond.FK_Node); nd.CreateMap(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", "节点没有找到合适的条件"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); return; } this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("属性/字段"); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("请选择节点表单字段。"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); MapAttr attrS = new MapAttr(this.DDL_Attr.SelectedItemStringVal); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("操作符"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Oper"; switch (attrS.LGType) { case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Enum: case BP.En.FieldTypeS.FK: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); break; case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Normal: switch (attrS.MyDataType) { case BP.DA.DataType.AppString: case BP.DA.DataType.AppDate: case BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("LIKE", "LIKE")); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); break; default: ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(">", ">")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(">=", ">=")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<", "<")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("<=", "<=")); break; } break; default: break; } ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.FK_Operator.ToString()); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("操作符号"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); switch (attrS.LGType) { case BP.En.FieldTypeS.Enum: this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindSysEnum(attrS.KeyOfEn); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueInt); } catch { } } this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); break; case BP.En.FieldTypeS.FK: this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindEntities(attrS.HisEntitiesNoName); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueStr); } catch { } } this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); break; default: if (attrS.MyDataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("值"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Val"; ddl.BindAppYesOrNo(0); if (cond != null) { try { ddl.SetSelectItem(cond.OperatorValueInt); } catch { } } this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } else { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("值"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Val"; if (cond != null) { tb.Text = cond.OperatorValueStr; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } break; } this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("转向Url"); TextBox mytb = new TextBox(); mytb.ID = "TB_TurnToUrl"; mytb.Text = cond.TurnToURL; mytb.Columns = 90; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=3", mytb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.Add("<TD class=TD colspan=3 align=center>"); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " 保 存 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Node_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (cond.IsExits == true) { Btn btnN = new Btn(); btnN.ShowType = BP.Web.Controls.BtnType.Confirm; btnN.ID = "Btn_Del"; btnN.Text = " 删 除 "; btnN.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Del_Node_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btnN); } this.Pub1.AddBR(); this.Pub1.AddBR("提示:Url中除系统的参数(FromFlow,FromNode,SID,WebUser.No)外,您还可以增加约定的变量。"); this.Pub1.AddBR(" 例如: ../EIP/aaa.aspx?Jiner=@jiner,@jiner为表单字段"); this.Pub1.AddBR(" 系统处理后的转向url为: <br>../EIP/aaa.aspx?Jiner=123&UserNo=abc&SID=xxxx&FromFlow=010&FromNode=108。"); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEndWithHR(); if (conds.Count > 0) { this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaption("方向条件列表"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("IDX"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("属性键"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("操作符号"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("值"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("值描述"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("Url"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编辑"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("删除"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 0; foreach (TurnTo tt in conds) { idx++; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx); this.Pub1.AddTD(tt.AttrKey); this.Pub1.AddTD(tt.AttrT); this.Pub1.AddTD(tt.FK_Operator); this.Pub1.AddTD(tt.OperatorValueStr); this.Pub1.AddTD(tt.OperatorValueT); this.Pub1.AddTDBigDoc(tt.TurnToURL); this.Pub1.AddTDA("TurnTo.aspx?MyPK=" + tt.MyPK + "&FK_Node=" + tt.FK_Node, "<img src='../Img/Btn/Edit.gif' />"); this.Pub1.AddTDA("TurnTo.aspx?MyPK=" + tt.MyPK + "&FK_Node=" + tt.FK_Node + "&DoType=Del", "<img src='../Img/Btn/Delete.gif' />"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Request.QueryString["FK_Node"] == null) { // 如果没有接收到节点ID参数,就绑定当前人员可以执行批量审核的待办工作. int num = this.BindNodeList(); return; } BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(this.FK_Node); Flow fl = nd.HisFlow; string sql = ""; if (nd.HisRunModel == RunModel.SubThread) { sql = "SELECT a.*, b.Starter,b.ADT,b.WorkID FROM " + fl.PTable + " a , WF_EmpWorks b WHERE a.OID=B.FID AND b.WFState Not IN (7) AND b.FK_Node=" + nd.NodeID + " AND b.FK_Emp='" + WebUser.No + "'"; } else { sql = "SELECT a.*, b.Starter,b.ADT,b.WorkID FROM " + fl.PTable + " a , WF_EmpWorks b WHERE a.OID=B.WorkID AND b.WFState Not IN (7) AND b.FK_Node=" + nd.NodeID + " AND b.FK_Emp='" + WebUser.No + "'"; } // string sql = "SELECT Title,RDT,ADT,SDT,FID,WorkID,Starter FROM WF_EmpWorks WHERE FK_Emp='" + WebUser.No + "'"; DataTable dt = BP.DA.DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); if (nd.HisBatchRole == BatchRole.None) { this.Pub1.AddFieldSetRed("错误", "节点(" + nd.Name + ")不能执行批量处理操作."); return; } string inSQL = "SELECT WorkID FROM WF_EmpWorks WHERE FK_Emp='" + WebUser.No + "' AND WFState!=7 AND FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node; Works wks = nd.HisWorks; wks.RetrieveInSQL(inSQL); BtnLab btnLab = new BtnLab(this.FK_Node); this.Pub1.AddTable("width='100%'"); //移动按钮位置 if (nd.HisBatchRole == BatchRole.Group) { this.Pub1.AddCaptionMsgLong("<a href='Batch.aspx'>返回</a> <input ID=\"btnGroup\" type=\"button\" value=\"合卷批复\" CssClass=\"Btn\" onclick=\"BatchGroup()\" />"); } else { this.Pub1.AddCaptionMsgLong(nd.FlowName + " - <a href='Batch.aspx'>返回</a>"); } #region 生成标题. this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("序号"); string str1 = "<INPUT id='checkedAll' onclick='SelectAll()' text='选择' value='选择' type='checkbox' name='checkedAll'>"; this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("align='left'", str1 + "选择"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("标题"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("发起人"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("接受日期"); // 显示出来字段. BatchParas 的规则为 @字段中文名=fieldName@字段中文名1=fieldName1 MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapData); string[] strs = nd.BatchParas.Split(','); foreach (string str in strs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Contains("@PFlowNo") == true) { continue; } foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (str != attr.KeyOfEn) { continue; } this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(attr.Name); } } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 生成标题. GERpt rpt = nd.HisFlow.HisGERpt; bool is1 = false; int idx = 0; foreach (Work wk in wks) { idx++; if (idx == nd.BatchListCount) { break; } #region 显示必要的列. is1 = this.Pub1.AddTR(is1); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_" + wk.OID.ToString(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (dr["WorkID"].ToString() != wk.OID.ToString()) { continue; } cb.Text = "选择"; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); //this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('MyFlow.aspx?WorkID=" + wk.OID + "&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&FK_Flow="+nd.FK_Flow+"','s')\" >" + dr["Title"].ToString() + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('FlowFormTree/Default.aspx?WorkID=" + wk.OID + "&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&IsSend=0&FK_Flow=" + nd.FK_Flow + "','s')\" >" + dr["Title"].ToString() + "</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTD(dr["Starter"].ToString()); this.Pub1.AddTD(dr["ADT"].ToString()); break; } #endregion 显示必要的列. #region 显示出来自定义的字段数据.. foreach (string str in strs) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str.Contains("@PFlowNo") == true) { continue; } foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (str != attr.KeyOfEn) { continue; } TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + wk.OID; switch (attr.LGType) { case FieldTypeS.Normal: switch (attr.MyDataType) { case BP.DA.DataType.AppString: if (attr.UIRows == 1) { tb.Text = wk.GetValStringByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px; text-align: left; height: 15px;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;"; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.CssClass = "TB"; } else { tb.CssClass = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); } else { tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Text = wk.GetValStringByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px; text-align: left;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;"; tb.Attributes["maxlength"] = attr.MaxLen.ToString(); tb.Rows = attr.UIRows; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.CssClass = "TBDoc"; } else { tb.CssClass = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); } break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDate: tb.ShowType = TBType.Date; tb.Text = wk.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker();"; } if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TB"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px; text-align: left; height: 19px;"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime: tb.ShowType = TBType.DateTime; tb.Text = wk.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); // en.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBcalendar"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'});"; } tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px; text-align: left; height: 19px;"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean: cb = new CheckBox(); //cb.Width = 350; cb.Text = attr.Name; cb.ID = "CB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + wk.OID; cb.Checked = attr.DefValOfBool; cb.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; cb.Checked = wk.GetValBooleanByKey(attr.KeyOfEn); if (cb.Enabled == false) { cb.Enabled = false; } else { //add by dgq 2013-4-9,添加内容修改后的事件 // cb.Attributes["onmousedown"] = "Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "')"; cb.Enabled = true; } this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDouble: case BP.DA.DataType.AppFloat: tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.GetValStrByKey("UIWidth") + "px; text-align: right; height: 19px;word-break: keep-all;"; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { //增加验证 tb.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", @"Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "');"); tb.Attributes.Add("onblur", @"value=value.replace(/[^-?\d+\.*\d*$]/g,'');TB_ClickNum(this,0);"); tb.Attributes.Add("onClick", "TB_ClickNum(this)"); tb.Attributes["OnKeyPress"] += @"javascript:return VirtyNum(this,'float');"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppInt: tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.GetValStrByKey("UIWidth") + "px; text-align: right; height: 19px;word-break: keep-all;"; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { //增加验证 tb.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", @"Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "');"); tb.Attributes.Add("onblur", @"value=value.replace(/[^-?\d]/g,'');TB_ClickNum(this,0);"); tb.Attributes.Add("onClick", "TB_ClickNum(this)"); tb.Attributes["OnKeyPress"] += @"javascript:return VirtyNum(this,'int');"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppMoney: if (attr.UIIsEnable) { //增加验证 tb.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", @"Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "');"); tb.Attributes.Add("onblur", @"value=value.replace(/[^-?\d+\.*\d*$]/g,'');TB_ClickNum(this,'0.00');"); tb.Attributes.Add("onClick", "TB_ClickNum(this)"); tb.Attributes["OnKeyPress"] += @"javascript:return VirtyNum(this,'float');"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } // tb.ShowType = TBType.Moneny; tb.Text = wk.GetValIntByKey(attr.KeyOfEn).ToString("0.00"); tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.GetValStrByKey("UIWidth") + "px; text-align: right; height: 19px;"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppRate: if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } tb.ShowType = TBType.Moneny; tb.Text = wk.GetValMoneyByKey(attr.KeyOfEn).ToString("0.00"); tb.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.GetValStrByKey("UIWidth") + "px; text-align: right; height: 19px;"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); break; default: break; } break; case FieldTypeS.Enum: if (attr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { DDL ddle = new DDL(); ddle.ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + wk.OID; ddle.BindSysEnum(attr.UIBindKey); ddle.SetSelectItem(wk.GetValIntByKey(attr.KeyOfEn)); ddle.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; ddle.Attributes["tabindex"] = attr.Idx.ToString(); if (attr.UIIsEnable) { //add by dgq 2013-4-9,添加内容修改后的事件 ddle.Attributes["onchange"] = "Change('" + attr.FK_MapData + "')"; } // ddle.Enabled = false; this.Pub1.AddTD(ddle); } else { } break; case FieldTypeS.FK: DDL ddl1 = new DDL(); ddl1.ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + wk.OID; ddl1.Attributes["tabindex"] = attr.Idx.ToString(); if (ddl1.Enabled) { EntitiesNoName ens = attr.HisEntitiesNoName; ens.RetrieveAll(); ddl1.BindEntities(ens); ddl1.SetSelectItem(wk.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn)); } else { ddl1.Attributes["style"] = "width: " + attr.UIWidth + "px;height: 19px;"; if (ddl1.Enabled == true) { ddl1.Enabled = false; } ddl1.Attributes["Width"] = attr.UIWidth.ToString(); ddl1.Items.Add(new ListItem(wk.GetValRefTextByKey(attr.KeyOfEn), wk.GetValStrByKey(attr.KeyOfEn))); } ddl1.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl1); break; default: break; } } } #endregion 显示出来自定义的字段数据.. this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEndWithHR(); MapExts mes = new MapExts(this.FK_MapData); #region 处理扩展属性. if (mes.Count != 0) { this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("s81", "<script language='JavaScript' src='/WF/Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js' ></script>"); this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("b81", "<script language='JavaScript' src='/WF/CCForm/MapExt.js' defer='defer' type='text/javascript' ></script>"); this.Pub1.Add("<div id='divinfo' style='width: 155px; position: absolute; color: Lime; display: none;cursor: pointer;align:left'></div>"); this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("dCd", "<script language='JavaScript' src='/DataUser/JSLibData/" + this.FK_MapData + ".js' ></script>"); foreach (Work wk in wks) { foreach (MapExt me in mes) { switch (me.ExtType) { case MapExtXmlList.DDLFullCtrl: // 自动填充. DDL ddlOper = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + wk.OID); if (ddlOper == null) { continue; } ddlOper.Attributes["onchange"] = "DDLFullCtrl(this.value,\'" + ddlOper.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\')"; break; case MapExtXmlList.ActiveDDL: DDL ddlPerant = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + wk.OID); string val, valC; if (ddlPerant == null || wk.OID < 100) { continue; } #warning 此处需要优化 string ddlC = "ContentPlaceHolder1_Batch1_DDL_" + me.AttrsOfActive + "_" + wk.OID; // ddlPerant.Attributes["onchange"] = " isChange=true; DDLAnsc(this.value, \'" + ddlC + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\')"; ddlPerant.Attributes["onchange"] = "DDLAnsc(this.value, \'" + ddlC + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\')"; DDL ddlChild = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrsOfActive + "_" + wk.OID); val = ddlPerant.SelectedItemStringVal; if (ddlChild.Items.Count == 0) { valC = wk.GetValStrByKey(me.AttrsOfActive); } else { valC = ddlChild.SelectedItemStringVal; } string mysql = me.Doc.Replace("@Key", val); if (mysql.Contains("@")) { mysql = BP.WF.Glo.DealExp(mysql, wk, null); } ddlChild.Bind(DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(mysql), "No", "Name"); if (ddlChild.SetSelectItem(valC) == false) { ddlChild.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择" + valC, valC)); ddlChild.SelectedIndex = 0; } break; case MapExtXmlList.AutoFullDLL: //自动填充下拉框的范围. DDL ddlFull = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + wk.OID); if (ddlFull == null) { continue; } string valOld = wk.GetValStrByKey(me.AttrOfOper); string fullSQL = me.Doc.Replace("@WebUser.No", WebUser.No); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@WebUser.Name", WebUser.Name); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@WebUser.FK_Dept", WebUser.FK_Dept); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@WebUser.FK_DeptName", WebUser.FK_DeptName); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@Key", this.Request.QueryString["Key"]); if (fullSQL.Contains("@")) { Attrs attrsFull = wk.EnMap.Attrs; foreach (Attr attr in attrsFull) { if (fullSQL.Contains("@") == false) { break; } fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@" + attr.Key, wk.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key)); } } ddlFull.Items.Clear(); ddlFull.Bind(DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(fullSQL), "No", "Name"); if (ddlFull.SetSelectItem(valOld) == false) { ddlFull.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择" + valOld, valOld)); ddlFull.SelectedIndex = 0; } // ddlFull.Attributes["onchange"] = " isChange=true;"; break; case MapExtXmlList.TBFullCtrl: // 自动填充. TextBox tbAuto = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + wk.OID); if (tbAuto == null) { continue; } // tbAuto.Attributes["onkeyup"] = " isChange=true; DoAnscToFillDiv(this,this.value,\'" + tbAuto.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\');"; tbAuto.Attributes["onkeyup"] = " DoAnscToFillDiv(this,this.value,\'" + tbAuto.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\');"; tbAuto.Attributes["AUTOCOMPLETE"] = "OFF"; if (me.Tag != "") { /* 处理下拉框的选择范围的问题 */ string[] strsTmp = me.Tag.Split('$'); foreach (string str in strsTmp) { string[] myCtl = str.Split(':'); string ctlID = myCtl[0]; DDL ddlC1 = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + ctlID + "_" + wk.OID); if (ddlC1 == null) { //me.Tag = ""; // me.Update(); continue; } sql = myCtl[1].Replace("~", "'"); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.No", WebUser.No); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.Name", WebUser.Name); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.FK_Dept", WebUser.FK_Dept); sql = sql.Replace("@Key", tbAuto.Text.Trim()); dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); string valC1 = ddlC1.SelectedItemStringVal; ddlC1.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ddlC1.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr[1].ToString(), dr[0].ToString())); } ddlC1.SetSelectItem(valC1); } } break; case MapExtXmlList.InputCheck: TextBox tbCheck = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + wk.OID); if (tbCheck != null) { tbCheck.Attributes[me.Tag2] += " rowPK=" + wk.OID + "; " + me.Tag1 + "(this);"; } break; case MapExtXmlList.PopVal: //弹出窗. TB tb = this.Pub1.GetTBByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + wk.OID); // tb.Attributes["ondblclick"] = " isChange=true; ReturnVal(this,'" + me.Doc + "','sd');"; tb.Attributes["ondblclick"] = " ReturnVal(this,'" + me.Doc + "','sd');"; break; case MapExtXmlList.Link: // 超链接. //TB tb = this.Pub1.GetTBByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + mydtl.OID); //tb.Attributes["ondblclick"] = " isChange=true; ReturnVal(this,'" + me.Doc + "','sd');"; break; case MapExtXmlList.RegularExpression: //正则表达式,对数据控件处理 TextBox tbExp = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + wk.OID); if (tbExp == null || me.Tag == "onsubmit") { continue; } //验证输入的正则格式 string regFilter = me.Doc; if (regFilter.LastIndexOf("/g") < 0 && regFilter.LastIndexOf('/') < 0) { regFilter = "'" + regFilter + "'"; } //处理事件 tbExp.Attributes.Add("" + me.Tag + "", "return txtTest_Onkeyup(this," + regFilter + ",'" + me.Tag1 + "')"); //[me.Tag] += "this.value=this.value.replace(" + regFilter + ",'')"; break; default: break; } } } } #endregion 拓展属性 Button btn = new Button(); if (nd.HisBatchRole == BatchRole.Ordinary) { /*如果普通的批处理.*/ btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Send"; if (nd.BatchParas_IsSelfUrl == true) { btn.Text = "选择要批量处理的工作"; } else { btn.Text = "批量处理:" + btnLab.SendLab; } btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Send_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要执行吗?');"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (btnLab.ReturnEnable == false) { btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Return"; btn.Text = "批量处理:" + btnLab.ReturnEnable; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btnDelete_Return_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要执行吗?');"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); } } if (nd.HisBatchRole == BatchRole.Group) { /*如果分组审核?*/ btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Group"; //btn.Text = btnLab.SendLab; btn.Text = "合卷批复"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Group_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要执行吗?');"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); } if (btnLab.ReturnEnable == false) { btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Return"; btn.Text = "批量处理:" + btnLab.ReturnEnable; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btnDelete_Return_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要执行吗?');"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); } if (btnLab.DeleteEnable != 0) { btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.Text = "批量处理:" + btnLab.DeleteLab; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btnDelete_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要执行吗?');"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); } }
public void BindEnum(MapAttr mapAttr) { this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("ID"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("项目"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("采集"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("说明"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("字段英文名称"); TB tb = new TB(); if (this.RefNo != null) { this.Pub1.AddTD(mapAttr.KeyOfEn); } else { tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_KeyOfEn"; tb.Text = mapAttr.KeyOfEn; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); } // this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(" "); //this.Pub1.AddTD("不要以数字开头、不要中文。"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("字段中文名称"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Name"; tb.Text = mapAttr.Name; tb.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("默认值"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL"; ddl.BindSysEnum(mapAttr.UIBindKey); ddl.SetSelectItem(mapAttr.DefVal); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href='SysEnum.aspx?RefNo=" + mapAttr.UIBindKey + "'>编辑</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #region 是否可编辑 this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("是否可编辑"); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); RadioButton rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIIsEnable_0"; rb.Text = "不可编辑"; rb.GroupName = "s"; if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable) { rb.Checked = false; } else { rb.Checked = true; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIIsEnable_1"; rb.Text = "可编辑"; rb.GroupName = "s"; if (mapAttr.UIIsEnable) { rb.Checked = true; } else { rb.Checked = false; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 是否可编辑 #region 展示控件 this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("控件类型"); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_Ctrl_0"; rb.Text = "下拉框"; rb.GroupName = "Ctrl"; if (mapAttr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { rb.Checked = true; } else { rb.Checked = false; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_Ctrl_1"; rb.Text = "单选按钮"; rb.GroupName = "Ctrl"; if (mapAttr.UIContralType == UIContralType.DDL) { rb.Checked = false; } else { rb.Checked = true; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 展示控件 #region 是否可界面可见 this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("是否界面可见"); //是否界面可见 this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIVisible_0"; rb.Text = "不可见"; // 界面不可见 rb.GroupName = "sa3"; if (mapAttr.UIVisible) { rb.Checked = false; } else { rb.Checked = true; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); if (mapAttr.IsTableAttr) { rb.Enabled = false; } rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIVisible_1"; rb.Text = "界面可见"; // 界面可见; rb.GroupName = "sa3"; if (mapAttr.UIVisible) { rb.Checked = true; } else { rb.Checked = false; } if (mapAttr.IsTableAttr) { rb.Enabled = false; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTD("不可见则为隐藏字段."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 是否可界面可见 #region 是否可单独行显示 this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("呈现方式"); //呈现方式; this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIIsLine_0"; rb.Text = "两列显示"; // 两行 rb.GroupName = "sa"; if (mapAttr.UIIsLine) { rb.Checked = false; } else { rb.Checked = true; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); rb = new RadioButton(); rb.ID = "RB_UIIsLine_1"; rb.Text = "整行显示"; // "一行"; rb.GroupName = "sa"; if (mapAttr.UIIsLine) { rb.Checked = true; } else { rb.Checked = false; } this.Pub1.Add(rb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTD("对傻瓜表单有效"); // this.Pub1.AddTD("控制该它在表单的显示方式"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 是否可编辑 #region 字段分组 this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("字段分组"); DDL ddlGroup = new DDL(); ddlGroup.ID = "DDL_GroupID"; GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(mapAttr.FK_MapData); ddlGroup.Bind(gfs, GroupFieldAttr.OID, GroupFieldAttr.Lab); if (mapAttr.GroupID == 0) { mapAttr.GroupID = this.GroupField; } ddlGroup.SetSelectItem(mapAttr.GroupID); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddlGroup); this.Pub1.AddTD("修改隶属分组"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 字段分组 this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.Add("<TD colspan=4 >"); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " 保存 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_SaveAndClose"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "保存并关闭"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_SaveAndNew"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "保存并新建"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (this.RefNo != null) { btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_AutoFull"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "扩展设置"; // btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:WinOpen('AutoFull.aspx?RefNo=" + this.RefNo + "&FK_MapData=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "',''); return false;"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (mapAttr.HisEditType == EditType.Edit) { btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "删除"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; this.Pub1.Add(btn); } } string url = "Do.aspx?DoType=AddF&MyPK=" + mapAttr.FK_MapData + "&IDX=" + mapAttr.IDX; this.Pub1.Add("<a href='" + url + "'><img src='/WF/Img/Btn/New.gif' border=0>新建</a></TD>"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEndWithBR(); }
public void BindList() { string text = ""; BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(this.FK_Node); FrmNodes fns = new FrmNodes(this.FK_Flow, this.FK_Node); #region 如果没有ndFrm 就增加上. bool isHaveNDFrm = false; foreach (FrmNode fn in fns) { if (fn.FK_Frm == "ND" + this.FK_Node) { isHaveNDFrm = true; break; } } if (isHaveNDFrm == false) { FrmNode fn = new FrmNode(); fn.FK_Flow = this.FK_Flow; fn.FK_Frm = "ND" + this.FK_Node; fn.FK_Node = this.FK_Node; fn.FrmEnableRole = FrmEnableRole.Disable; //就是默认不启用. fn.FrmSln = 0; // fn.IsEdit = true; fn.IsEnableLoadData = true; fn.Insert(); fns.AddEntity(fn); } #endregion 如果没有ndFrm 就增加上. string tfModel = SystemConfig.AppSettings["TreeFrmModel"]; this.Pub1.AddTable("width=100%"); this.Pub1.AddCaption("设置节点:(" + nd.Name + ")绑定表单"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("Idx"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("表单编号"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称"); if (tfModel == "1") { this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("关键字段"); } this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("启用规则"); // this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("可编辑否?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("可打印否?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("是否启用<br>装载填充事件"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("权限控制<br>方案"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("表单元素<br>自定义设置"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("谁是主键?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("文件模版"); if (nd.HisRunModel == RunModel.FL || nd.HisRunModel == RunModel.FHL) { this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("是否1变N"); //add by zhoupeng 2016.03.25 for hainan. } if (nd.HisRunModel == RunModel.SubThread) { this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("数据汇总"); //add by zhoupeng 2016.03.25 for hainan. } this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("顺序"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int idx = 1; foreach (FrmNode fn in fns) { MapData md = new MapData(); md.No = fn.FK_Frm; if (md.RetrieveFromDBSources() == 0) { fn.Delete(); //说明该表单不存在了,就需要把这个删除掉. continue; } this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD(fn.FK_Frm); if (fn.FK_Frm == "ND" + this.FK_Node) { this.Pub1.AddTDB("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('../MapDef/CCForm/Frm.aspx?FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "');\" >" + md.Name + "</a>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('../MapDef/CCForm/Frm.aspx?FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "');\" >" + md.Name + "</a>"); } DDL ddl = new DDL(); //获取当前独立表单中的所有字段 add by 海南 zqp if (tfModel == "1") { //获取它的字段集合 MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(); attrs.Retrieve(MapAttrAttr.FK_MapData, md.No); MapAttrs attrNs = new MapAttrs(); //去掉一些基础字段 foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { switch (attr.KeyOfEn) { case "Title": case "FK_Emp": case "MyNum": case "FK_NY": case WorkAttr.Emps: case WorkAttr.OID: case StartWorkAttr.Rec: case StartWorkAttr.FID: continue; default: break; } attrNs.AddEntity(attr); } //添加到页面中 DDL myddl = new DDL(); myddl.ID = "DDL_Attr_" + md.No; myddl.BindEntities(attrNs, MapAttrAttr.KeyOfEn, MapAttrAttr.Name); myddl.SetSelectItem(fn.GuanJianZiDuan); this.Pub1.AddTD(myddl); } //为了扩充的需要,把下拉框的模式去掉了. //ddl = new DDL(); //ddl.ID = "DDL_FrmEnableRole_" + md.No; //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("始终启用", "0")); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("有数据时启用", "1")); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("有参数时启用", "2")); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("按表单字段条件", "3")); //ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("按SQL表达式", "4")); //ddl.SetSelectItem(fn.FrmEnableRoleInt); //设置权限控制方案. //this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('./FlowFrm/FrmEnableRole.aspx?FK_Node=" + fn.FK_Node + "&FK_MapData=" + fn.FK_Frm + "')\">设置(" + fn.FrmEnableRoleText + ")</a>"); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); //cb.ID = "CB_IsEdit_" + md.No; //cb.Text = "可编辑否?"; //cb.Checked = fn.IsEdit; //this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsPrint_" + md.No; cb.Text = "打印否?"; cb.Checked = fn.IsPrint; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEnableLoadData_" + md.No; cb.Text = "启用否?"; cb.Checked = fn.IsEnableLoadData; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Sln_" + md.No; ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("默认方案", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("自定义", this.FK_Node.ToString())); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("不可编辑", "1")); //让其不可编辑. ddl.SetSelectItem(fn.FrmSln); //设置权限控制方案. this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinField('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >字段</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinFJ('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >附件</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinDtl('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >从表</a>"); if (md.HisFrmType == FrmType.ExcelFrm) { this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:ToolbarExcel('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >ToolbarExcel</a>"); } if (md.HisFrmType == FrmType.WordFrm) { this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:ToolbarWord('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >ToolbarWord</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_WhoIsPK_" + md.No; ddl.BindSysEnum("WhoIsPK"); ddl.SetSelectItem((int)fn.WhoIsPK); //谁是主键?. this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); if (md.HisFrmType == FrmType.ExcelFrm || md.HisFrmType == FrmType.WordFrm) { ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_File_" + md.No; string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BP.Sys.SystemConfig.PathOfDataUser + "\\FrmOfficeTemplate\\", md.No + "*.xls"); foreach (string str in files) { //System.IO.FileInfo info=new System.IO.FileInfo( ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem(str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf(md.No)), str)); } this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("无效"); } if (nd.HisRunModel == RunModel.FL || nd.HisRunModel == RunModel.FHL) { cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_Is1ToN_" + md.No; cb.Text = "是否1变N?"; cb.Checked = fn.Is1ToN; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb);//add by zhoupeng 2016.03.25 for hainan. } if (nd.HisRunModel == RunModel.SubThread) { ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_HuiZong_" + md.No; ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("不汇总数据", "0")); BP.WF.Template.FrmNodes myfns = new FrmNodes(); myfns.Retrieve(FrmNodeAttr.FK_Flow, nd.FK_Flow); //组合这个字符串. string strs = ";" + fn.FK_Frm + ";"; foreach (BP.WF.Template.FrmNode myfrn in myfns) { if (strs.Contains(";" + myfrn.FK_Frm + ";") == true) { continue; } strs += ";" + myfrn.FK_Frm + ";"; //检查该frm 是否有dtl. MapDtls dtls = new MapDtls(myfrn.FK_Frm); if (dtls.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("汇总到:" + myfrn.HisFrm.Name + "-" + dtl.Name, myfrn.HisFrm.No + "@" + dtl.No)); } } ddl.SetSelectItem(fn.HuiZong); //设置汇总.. this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); } TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_Idx_" + md.No; tb.Text = fn.Idx.ToString(); tb.Columns = 5; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDA("BindFrms.aspx?ShowType=EditPowerOrder&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&MyPK=" + fn.MyPK + "&DoType=Up", "上移"); this.Pub1.AddTDA("BindFrms.aspx?ShowType=EditPowerOrder&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&MyPK=" + fn.MyPK + "&DoType=Down", "下移"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); text = "<input type=button onclick=\"javascript:BindFrms('" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "');\" value='修改表单绑定' class=Btn />"; this.Pub1.Add(text); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Save"; btn.Text = "保存"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_SavePowerOrders_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); text = "<input type=button onclick=\"javascript:window.close();\" value='关闭' class=Btn />"; this.Pub1.Add(text); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑权限与顺序 /// </summary> public void BindEditPowerOrder() { this.Pub1.AddH2("表单权限与显示顺序"); this.Pub1.AddHR(); this.Pub1.AddTable("align=left"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("IDX"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("编号"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("名称"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("显示方式"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("是否可编辑?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("是否可打印"); // this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("表单元素权限控制方案"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("权限控制方案"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("自定义方案设置"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("谁是主键?"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("顺序"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); FrmNodes fns = new FrmNodes(this.FK_Flow, this.FK_Node); int idx = 1; foreach (FrmNode fn in fns) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD(fn.FK_Frm); MapData md = new MapData(fn.FK_Frm); md = new MapData(fn.FK_Frm); // this.Pub1.AddTD(md.Name); this.Pub1.AddTDA("FlowFrms.aspx?ShowType=Frm&FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node, md.Name); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_FrmType_" + fn.FK_Frm; ddl.BindSysEnum("FrmType", (int)fn.HisFrmType); // ddl.Enabled = false; this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); //if (md.HisFrmType == FrmType.ExcelFrm || md.HisFrmType == FrmType.WordFrm) //{ // /* 如果是 office 表单,就让其选择 toolbar 的控制方案. // */ // ddl = new DDL(); // ddl.ID = "DDL_ToolbarSln_" + md.No; // ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("默认方案", "0")); // ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("自定义", this.FK_Node.ToString())); // ddl.SetSelectItem(fn.FrmSln); //设置权限控制方案. // this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); // this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:WinField('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >字段</a>|<a href=\"javascript:WinFJ('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >附件</a>"); //} //else //{ CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsEdit_" + md.No; cb.Text = "是否可编辑?"; cb.Checked = fn.IsEdit; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_IsPrint_" + md.No; cb.Text = "是否可打印"; cb.Checked = fn.IsPrint; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); // } ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_Sln_" + md.No; // ddl.BindAtParas(md.Slns); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("默认方案", "0")); ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("自定义", this.FK_Node.ToString())); ddl.SetSelectItem(fn.FrmSln); //设置权限控制方案. this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:WinField('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >字段</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:WinFJ('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >附件</a>"); if (md.HisFrmType == FrmType.ExcelFrm) { this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:ToolbarExcel('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >ToolbarExcel</a>"); } if (md.HisFrmType == FrmType.WordFrm) { this.Pub1.Add("-<a href=\"javascript:ToolbarWord('" + md.No + "','" + this.FK_Node + "','" + this.FK_Flow + "')\" >ToolbarWord</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_WhoIsPK_" + md.No; ddl.BindSysEnum("WhoIsPK"); ddl.SetSelectItem((int)fn.WhoIsPK); //谁是主键?. this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_Idx_" + md.No; tb.Text = fn.Idx.ToString(); tb.Columns = 5; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDA("FlowFrms.aspx?ShowType=EditPowerOrder&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&MyPK=" + fn.MyPK + "&DoType=Up", "上移"); this.Pub1.AddTDA("FlowFrms.aspx?ShowType=EditPowerOrder&FK_Node=" + this.FK_Node + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&MyPK=" + fn.MyPK + "&DoType=Down", "下移"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTR(); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Save"; btn.Text = " Save "; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_SavePowerOrders_Click); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=12", btn); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Title = "从表设计"; MapData.IsEditDtlModel = true; MapData md = new MapData(this.FK_MapData); MapDtl dtl = new MapDtl(this.FK_MapDtl); if (dtl.IsView == false) { return; } MapAttrs attrs = new MapAttrs(this.MyPK); MapAttrs attrs2 = new MapAttrs(); MapExts mes = new MapExts(this.MyPK); string LinkFields = ","; if (mes.Count != 0) { foreach (MapExt me in mes) { switch (me.ExtType) { case MapExtXmlList.Link: LinkFields += me.AttrOfOper + ","; break; default: break; } } this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("s8", "<script language='JavaScript' src='../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js' ></script>"); this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("b8", "<script language='JavaScript' src='../CCForm/MapExt.js' ></script>"); this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("dCd", "<script language='JavaScript' src='/DataUser/JSLibData/" + this.FK_MapDtl + ".js' ></script>"); this.Pub1.Add("<div id='divinfo' style='width: 155px; position: absolute; color: Lime; display: none;cursor: pointer;align:left'></div>"); } string t = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-hh:mm:ss"); if (attrs.Count == 0) { dtl.IntMapAttrs(); } this.Title = md.Name + " - 设计明细"; this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' border='0' ID='Tab' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' "); // this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeftTX("<a href='MapDef.aspx?MyPK=" + md.No + "' ><img src='../Img/Btn/Back.gif' border=0/>" + this.ToE("Back","返回") + ":" + md.Name + "</a> - <img src='../Img/Btn/Table.gif' border=0/>" + dtl.Name + " - <a href=\"javascript:AddF('" + this.MyPK + "');\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/New.gif' border=0/>" + "新建字段" + "</a> "); this.Pub1.Add(dtl.MTR); #region 输出标题. this.Pub1.AddTR(); if (dtl.IsShowIdx) { this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(""); } foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } this.Pub1.Add("<TH style='width:" + attr.UIWidthInt + "px'>"); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:Up('" + this.MyPK + "','" + attr.MyPK + "','" + t + "');\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/Left.gif' class=Arrow alt='向左移动' border=0/></a>"); if (attr.HisEditType == EditType.UnDel || attr.HisEditType == EditType.Edit) { switch (attr.LGType) { case FieldTypeS.Normal: this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:Edit('" + this.MyPK + "','" + attr.MyPK + "','" + attr.MyDataType + "');\" alt='" + attr.KeyOfEn + "'>" + attr.Name + "</a>"); break; case FieldTypeS.Enum: this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:EditEnum('" + this.MyPK + "','" + attr.MyPK + "');\" alt='" + attr.KeyOfEn + "' >" + attr.Name + "</a>"); break; case FieldTypeS.FK: this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:EditTable('" + this.MyPK + "','" + attr.MyPK + "','" + attr.MyDataTypeS + "');\" alt='" + attr.KeyOfEn + "'>" + attr.Name + "</a>"); break; default: break; } } else { this.Pub1.Add(attr.Name); } // this.Pub1.Add("[<a href=\"javascript:Insert('" + this.MyPK + "','" + attr.Idx + "');\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/Insert.gif' border=0/>插入</a>]"); this.Pub1.Add("<a href=\"javascript:Down('" + this.MyPK + "','" + attr.MyPK + "','" + t + "');\" ><img src='../Img/Btn/Right.gif' class=Arrow alt='向右移动' border=0/></a>"); this.Pub1.Add("</TH>"); } if (dtl.IsEnableAthM) { this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("<a href=\"javascript:Attachment('" + dtl.No + "');\"><img src='./../Img/set.gif' border=0 width='16px' /></a>"); } if (dtl.IsEnableM2M) { this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("<a href=\"javascript:MapM2M('" + dtl.No + "');\"><img src='./../Img/set.gif' border=0 width='16px' /></a>"); } if (dtl.IsEnableM2MM) { this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("<a href=\"javascript:window.showModalDialog('MapM2MM.aspx?NoOfObj=M2MM&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapDtl + "','m2m','dialogHeight: 500px; dialogWidth: 600px;center: yes; help: no')\"><img src='./../Img/set.gif' border=0 width='16px' /></a>"); } if (dtl.IsEnableLink) { this.Pub1.AddTDTitle(dtl.LinkLabel); } //Pub1.AddTDTitle(" "); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); #endregion 输出标题. #region 输出行. for (int i = 1; i <= dtl.RowsOfList; i++) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); if (dtl.IsShowIdx) { this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(i); } foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } #region 是否输出超连接. if (attr.UIIsEnable == false && LinkFields.Contains("," + attr.KeyOfEn + ",")) { MapExt meLink = mes.GetEntityByKey(MapExtAttr.ExtType, MapExtXmlList.Link) as MapExt; string url = meLink.Tag; if (url.Contains("?") == false) { url = url + "?a3=2"; } url = url + "&WebUserNo=" + WebUser.No + "&SID=" + WebUser.SID + "&EnName=" + this.FK_MapDtl; if (url.Contains("@AppPath")) { url = url.Replace("@AppPath", "http://" + this.Request.Url.Host + this.Request.ApplicationPath); } if (url.Contains("@")) { if (attrs2.Count == 0) { attrs2 = new MapAttrs(this.FK_MapDtl); } foreach (MapAttr item in attrs2) { url = url.Replace("@" + item.KeyOfEn, item.DefVal); if (url.Contains("@") == false) { break; } } } this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href='" + url + "' target='" + meLink.Tag1 + "' >" + attr.DefVal + "</a>"); continue; } #endregion 是否输出超连接. #region 输出字段. switch (attr.LGType) { case FieldTypeS.Normal: if (attr.MyDataType == BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.Checked = attr.DefValOfBool; cb.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; cb.Text = attr.Name; this.Pub1.AddTD(cb); break; } TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + i; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; tb.ReadOnly = !attr.UIIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); switch (attr.MyDataType) { case BP.DA.DataType.AppString: tb.Attributes["style"] = "width:" + attr.UIWidth + "px;border: none;"; if (attr.UIHeight > 25) { tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Attributes["Height"] = attr.UIHeight + "px"; tb.Rows = attr.UIHeightInt / 25; } break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime: tb.Attributes["style"] = "width:" + attr.UIWidth + "px;border: none;"; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'});"; //tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBcalendar"; } break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDate: tb.Attributes["style"] = "width:" + attr.UIWidth + "px;border: none;"; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker();"; // tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBcalendar"; } break; default: tb.Attributes["style"] = "width:" + attr.UIWidth + "px;border: none;"; if (tb.ReadOnly == false) { // OnKeyPress="javascript:return VirtyNum(this);" //tb.Attributes["OnKeyDown"] = "javascript:return VirtyNum(this);"; if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppInt) { tb.Attributes["OnKeyDown"] = "javascript:return VirtyInt(this);"; } else { tb.Attributes["OnKeyDown"] = "javascript:return VirtyNum(this);"; } tb.Attributes["onkeyup"] += "javascript:C" + i + "();C" + attr.KeyOfEn + "();"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { // tb.Attributes["onpropertychange"] += "C" + attr.KeyOfEn + "();"; tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNumReadonly"; } break; } break; case FieldTypeS.Enum: DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + i; try { ddl.BindSysEnum(attr.KeyOfEn); ddl.SetSelectItem(attr.DefVal); } catch (Exception ex) { BP.Sys.PubClass.Alert(ex.Message); } ddl.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTDCenter(ddl); break; case FieldTypeS.FK: DDL ddl1 = new DDL(); ddl1.ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn + "_" + i; try { EntitiesNoName ens = attr.HisEntitiesNoName; ens.RetrieveAll(); ddl1.BindEntities(ens); if (ddl1.SetSelectItem(attr.DefVal) == false) { ddl1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("请选择", attr.DefVal)); ddl1.SelectedIndex = 0; } } catch { } ddl1.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTDCenter(ddl1); break; default: break; } #endregion s输出字段. } #region 输出附件,m2m if (dtl.IsEnableAthM) { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:EnableAthM('" + this.FK_MapDtl + "');\" ><img src='../Img/AttachmentM.png' border=0 width='16px' /></a>"); } if (dtl.IsEnableM2M) { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:window.showModalDialog('../CCForm/M2M.aspx?NoOfObj=M2M&IsTest=1&OID=0&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapDtl + "','m2m','dialogHeight: 500px; dialogWidth: 600px;center: yes; help: no')\"><img src='./../Img/M2M.png' border=0 width='16px' /></a>"); } if (dtl.IsEnableM2MM) { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href=\"javascript:window.showModalDialog('../CCForm/M2MM.aspx?NoOfObj=M2MM&IsTest=1&OID=0&FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapDtl + "','m2m','dialogHeight: 500px; dialogWidth: 600px;center: yes; help: no')\"><img src='./../Img/M2MM.png' border=0 width='16px' /></a>"); } if (dtl.IsEnableLink) { this.Pub1.AddTD("<a href='" + dtl.LinkUrl + "' target='" + dtl.LinkTarget + "' >" + dtl.LinkLabel + "</a>"); } #endregion 输出附件,m2m //Pub1.AddTD(" "); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } #endregion 输出行. #region 合计. if (dtl.IsShowSum) { this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); if (dtl.IsShowIdx) { this.Pub1.AddTD("合计"); } foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.IsNum && attr.LGType == FieldTypeS.Normal) { TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; tb.ShowType = attr.HisTBType; tb.ReadOnly = true; tb.Font.Bold = true; tb.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName("#FFFFFF"); tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNumReadonly"; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD(); } } if (dtl.IsEnableAthM) { this.Pub1.AddTD(); } if (dtl.IsEnableM2M) { this.Pub1.AddTD(); } if (dtl.IsEnableM2MM) { this.Pub1.AddTD(); } if (dtl.IsEnableLink) { this.Pub1.AddTD(); } // Pub1.AddTD(" "); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); #endregion 合计. #region 处理设计时自动填充从表. if (this.Key != null) { MapExt me = new MapExt(this.FK_MapExt); string[] strs = me.Tag1.Split('$'); foreach (string str in strs) { if (str.Contains(this.FK_MapDtl) == false) { continue; } string[] ss = str.Split(':'); string sql = ss[1]; sql = sql.Replace("@Key", this.Key); sql = sql.Replace("@key", this.Key); sql = sql.Replace("@val", this.Key); sql = sql.Replace("@Val", this.Key); DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); int idx = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { idx++; foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { string val = dr[dc.ColumnName].ToString(); try { this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + dc.ColumnName + "_" + idx).Text = val; } catch { } try { this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + dc.ColumnName + "_" + idx).SetSelectItem(val); } catch { } } } } } #endregion 处理设计时自动填充从表. #region 处理拓展属性. for (int i = 1; i <= dtl.RowsOfList; i++) { foreach (MapExt me in mes) { switch (me.ExtType) { case MapExtXmlList.DDLFullCtrl: // 自动填充. DDL ddlOper = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper); if (ddlOper == null) { continue; } ddlOper.Attributes["onchange"] = "DDLFullCtrl(this.value,\'" + ddlOper.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\')"; break; case MapExtXmlList.ActiveDDL: DDL ddlPerant = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (ddlPerant == null) { me.Delete(); continue; } DDL ddlChild = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrsOfActive + "_" + i); if (ddlChild == null) { me.Delete(); continue; } ddlPerant.Attributes["onchange"] = "DDLAnsc(this.value,\'" + ddlChild.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\')"; if (ddlPerant.Items.Count == 0) { continue; } string val = ddlPerant.SelectedItemStringVal; string valC1 = ddlChild.SelectedItemStringVal; DataTable dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(me.Doc.Replace("@Key", val)); ddlChild.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ddlChild.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr[1].ToString(), dr[0].ToString())); } ddlChild.SetSelectItem(valC1); break; case MapExtXmlList.AutoFullDLL: //自动填充下拉框的范围. DDL ddlFull = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (ddlFull == null) { me.Delete(); continue; } string valOld = ddlFull.SelectedItemStringVal; ddlFull.Items.Clear(); string fullSQL = me.Doc.Replace("@WebUser.No", WebUser.No); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@WebUser.FK_Dept", WebUser.FK_Dept); fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@WebUser.Name", WebUser.Name); if (fullSQL.Contains("@")) { //Attrs attrsFull = mydtl.EnMap.Attrs; //foreach (Attr attr in attrsFull) //{ // if (fullSQL.Contains("@") == false) // break; // fullSQL = fullSQL.Replace("@" + attr.Key, mydtl.GetValStrByKey(attr.Key)); //} } ddlFull.Bind(DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(fullSQL), "No", "Name"); ddlFull.SetSelectItem(valOld); break; case MapExtXmlList.TBFullCtrl: // 自动填充. TextBox tbAuto = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (tbAuto == null) { me.Delete(); continue; } tbAuto.Attributes["onkeyup"] = "DoAnscToFillDiv(this,this.value,\'" + tbAuto.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\');"; tbAuto.Attributes["AUTOCOMPLETE"] = "OFF"; if (me.Tag != "") { /* 处理下拉框的选择范围的问题 */ string[] strs = me.Tag.Split('$'); foreach (string str in strs) { string[] myCtl = str.Split(':'); string ctlID = myCtl[0]; DDL ddlC = this.Pub1.GetDDLByID("DDL_" + ctlID + "_" + i); if (ddlC == null) { continue; } string sql = myCtl[1].Replace("~", "'"); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.No", WebUser.No); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.Name", WebUser.Name); sql = sql.Replace("@WebUser.FK_Dept", WebUser.FK_Dept); sql = sql.Replace("@Key", tbAuto.Text.Trim()); dt = DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); string valC = ddlC.SelectedItemStringVal; ddlC.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ddlC.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr[1].ToString(), dr[0].ToString())); } ddlC.SetSelectItem(valC); } } // tbAuto.Attributes["onkeyup"] = "DoAnscToFillDiv(this,this.value);"; // tbAuto.Attributes["onkeyup"] = "DoAnscToFillDiv(this,this.value,\'" + tbAuto.ClientID + "\', \'" + me.MyPK + "\');"; break; case MapExtXmlList.InputCheck: TextBox tbCheck = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (tbCheck != null) { tbCheck.Attributes[me.Tag2] += " rowPK=" + i + ";" + me.Tag1 + "(this);"; } else { me.Delete(); } break; case MapExtXmlList.PopVal: //弹出窗. TextBox tb = this.Pub1.GetTextBoxByID("TB_" + me.AttrOfOper + "_" + i); if (tb == null) { continue; } //tb.Attributes["ondblclick"] = "return ReturnValCCFormPopVal(this,'" + me.MyPK + "','33');"; tb.Attributes["ondblclick"] = "ReturnValCCFormPopVal(this,'" + me.MyPK + "','33');"; // throw new Exception("ssssrrrss"); break; default: break; } } } #endregion 处理拓展属性. #region 输出自动计算公式 this.Pub1.Add("\n <script language='JavaScript'>"); MapExts exts = new MapExts(dtl.No); foreach (MapExt ext in exts) { if (ext.ExtType != MapExtXmlList.AutoFull) { continue; } for (int i = 1; i <= dtl.RowsOfList; i++) { string top = "\n function C" + i + "() { \n "; string script = ""; foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.IsNum == false) { continue; } if (attr.LGType != FieldTypeS.Normal) { continue; } if (ext.Tag == "1" && ext.Doc != "") { script += this.GenerAutoFull(i.ToString(), attrs, ext); } } string end = " \n } "; this.Pub1.Add(top + script + end); } } this.Pub1.Add("\n</script>"); // 输出合计算计公式 foreach (MapAttr attr in attrs) { if (attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (attr.LGType != FieldTypeS.Normal) { continue; } if (attr.IsNum == false) { continue; } if (attr.MyDataType == DataType.AppBoolean) { continue; } string top = "\n<script language='JavaScript'> function C" + attr.KeyOfEn + "() { \n "; string end = "\n } </script>"; this.Pub1.Add(top + this.GenerSum(attr, dtl) + " ; \t\n" + end); } #endregion 输出自动计算公式 }
public void BindFrm() { MapData md = new MapData(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FK_MapData) == false) { md.No = this.FK_MapData; md.RetrieveFromDBSources(); this.Pub1.AddH2("表单属性" + md.Name); this.Pub1.AddHR(); } else { this.Pub1.AddH2("新建表单"); this.Pub1.AddHR(); } this.Pub1.AddTable("align=left"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("属性"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("采集"); this.Pub1.AddTDTitle("描述"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("表单名称"); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_Name"; tb.Text = md.Name; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD("描述"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("表单编号"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_No"; tb.Text = md.No; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(md.No) == false) { tb.Attributes["readonly"] = "true"; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD("也是表单ID."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("表单类型"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_FrmType"; ddl.BindSysEnum(MapDataAttr.FrmType, (int)md.HisFrmType); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("物理表/视图"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_PTable"; tb.Text = md.No; this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD("多个表单可以对应同一个表或视图<br>如果表不存在,ccflow会自动创建."); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("类别"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_FK_FrmSort"; SysFormTrees fss = new SysFormTrees(); fss.RetrieveAll(); ddl.Bind(fss, md.FK_FrmSort); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); //this.Pub1.AddTR(); //this.Pub1.AddTD("设计单位"); //tb = new TextBox(); //tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDataAttr.DesignerUnit; //tb.Text = md.DesignerUnit; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text)) // tb.Text = BP.Sys.SystemConfig.DeveloperName; //tb.Columns = 60; //this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); //this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); //this.Pub1.AddTR(); //this.Pub1.AddTD("联系方式"); //tb = new TextBox(); //tb.ID = "TB_" + MapDataAttr.DesignerContact; //tb.Text = md.DesignerContact; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text)) // tb.Text = BP.Sys.SystemConfig.ServiceTel + "," + BP.Sys.SystemConfig.ServiceMail; //tb.Columns = 60; //this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); //this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin(); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.Text = "Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_SaveFrm_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(md.No) == false) { btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Delete"; btn.Text = "Delete"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "return window.confirm('您确定要删除吗?')"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_SaveFrm_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); } this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTD(""); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(md.No) == false) { this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=3"); //// this.Pub1.Add("<a href='FlowFrms.aspx?ShowType=FrmLib&DoType=DelFrm&FK_Node=" + FK_Node + "&FK_MapData=" + md.No + "' ><img src='./Img/Btn/Delete.gif' border=0 />删除</a>"); //this.Pub1.Add("<a href='../MapDef/ViewFrm.aspx?DoType=Column4Frm&FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "' target=_blank ><img src='../Img/Btn/View.gif' border=0 />傻瓜表单预览</a>"); //this.Pub1.Add("<a href='../CCForm/Frm.aspx?FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&IsTest=1&WorkID=0' target=_blank ><img src='../Img/Btn/View.gif' border=0 />自由表单预览</a>"); //this.Pub1.Add("<a href='../MapDef/ViewFrm.aspx?DoType=dd&FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "' target=_blank ><img src='../Img/Btn/View.gif' border=0 />手机表单预览</a>"); //this.Pub1.Add("<a href='../CCForm/Frm.aspx?FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "' target=_blank ><img src='../Img/Btn/View.gif' border=0 />启动自由表单设计器</a>"); //this.Pub1.Add("<a href='../MapDef/MapDef.aspx?PK=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "' target=_blank ><img src='../Img/Btn/View.gif' border=0 />启动傻瓜表单设计器</a>"); this.Pub1.Add("<a href='../CCForm/Frm.aspx?FK_MapData=" + md.No + "&FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "' target=_blank ><img src='../Img/Btn/View.gif' border=0 />启动自由表单设计器</a>"); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); }
public Entities SetDGData(int pageIdx, bool isSearch) { // this.BPToolBar1.SaveSearchState(this.EnsName, this.Key); this.ToolBar1.SaveSearchState(this.EnsName, this.Key); Entities ens = this.HisEns; Entity en = ens.GetNewEntity; QueryObject qo = new QueryObject(ens); qo = this.ToolBar1.GetnQueryObject(ens, en); string url = this.Request.RawUrl; if (url.IndexOf("PageIdx") != -1) { url = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf("PageIdx") - 1); } this.UCSys2.Clear(); int maxPageNum = 0; try { maxPageNum = this.UCSys2.BindPageIdx(qo.GetCount(), SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx, "Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName); } catch (Exception ex) { en.CheckPhysicsTable(); throw ex; } if (isSearch) { return(null); } if (maxPageNum > 1) { this.UCSys2.Add("翻页键:← → PageUp PageDown"); } qo.DoQuery(en.PK, SystemConfig.PageSize, pageIdx); this.UCSys1.DataPanelDtlCheckBox(ens); //if (this.IsS == false) // this.UCSys3.Add("[<a href='Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + this.PageIdx + "&IsS=1'>选择全部</a>] "); //else // this.UCSys3.Add("[<a href='Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + this.PageIdx + "&IsS=0'>全不选</a>] "); RefMethods rms = en.EnMap.HisRefMethods; foreach (RefMethod rm in rms) { if (rm.IsCanBatch == false) { continue; } Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_" + rm.Index; btn.Text = rm.Title; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; if (rm.Warning == null) { btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确定要执行吗?');"; } else { btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('" + rm.Warning + "');"; } this.UCSys3.Add(btn); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); } UAC uac = en.HisUAC; if (uac.IsDelete) { Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "删除"; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; btn.Attributes["class"] = "Button"; this.UCSys3.Add(btn); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); } MoveToShowWay showWay = (MoveToShowWay)ens.GetEnsAppCfgByKeyInt("MoveToShowWay"); // 执行移动. if (showWay != MoveToShowWay.None) { string MoveTo = en.GetCfgValStr("MoveTo"); if (en.EnMap.Attrs.Contains(MoveTo) == false) { this.Alert("Moveto 字段设置错误,实体不包含字段:" + MoveTo); return(null); } Attr attr = en.EnMap.GetAttrByKey(MoveTo); if (showWay == MoveToShowWay.DDL) { Button btnM = new Button(); btnM.ID = "Btn_Move"; btnM.CssClass = "Btn"; btnM.Text = "移动到"; btnM.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('您确实要移动吗?');"; this.UCSys3.Add(" "); this.UCSys3.Add(btnM); btnM.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Move_Click); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_MoveTo1"; if (attr.IsEnum) { ddl.BindSysEnum(attr.Key); ddl.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("选择" + "=>" + attr.Desc, "all")); } else { EntitiesNoName ens1 = attr.HisFKEns as EntitiesNoName; ens1.RetrieveAll(); ddl.BindEntities(ens1); ddl.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("选择" + "=>" + attr.Desc, "all")); } this.UCSys3.Add(ddl); } if (showWay == MoveToShowWay.Panel) { if (attr.IsEnum) { SysEnums ses = new SysEnums(attr.Key); foreach (SysEnum se in ses) { Button btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Move_" + se.IntKey; btn.Text = "设置" + ":" + se.Lab; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('您确实要执行设置[" + se.Lab + "]吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Move_Click); this.UCSys3.Add(btn); this.UCSys3.Add(" "); } } else { EntitiesNoName ens1 = attr.HisFKEns as EntitiesNoName; ens1.RetrieveAll(); foreach (EntityNoName en1 in ens1) { Button btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Move_" + en1.No; btn.Text = "设置:" + en1.Name; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('您确实要设置[" + en1.Name + "]吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Move_Click); this.UCSys3.Add(btn); this.UCSys3.Add(" "); } } } } int ToPageIdx = this.PageIdx + 1; int PPageIdx = this.PageIdx - 1; this.UCSys3.Add("<SCRIPT language=javascript>"); this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n document.onkeydown = chang_page;"); this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n function chang_page() {"); // this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n alert(event.keyCode); "); if (this.PageIdx == 1) { this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 33) alert('已经是第一页');"); } else { this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 33) "); this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n location='Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + PPageIdx + "';"); } if (this.PageIdx == maxPageNum) { this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) alert('已经是最后一页');"); } else { this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n if (event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 34) "); this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n location='Batch.aspx?EnsName=" + this.EnsName + "&PageIdx=" + ToPageIdx + "';"); } this.UCSys3.Add("\t\n } "); this.UCSys3.Add("</SCRIPT>"); return(ens); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Title = "流程报表定义"; switch (this.DoType) { case "Reset": BP.WF.Flow fl = new BP.WF.Flow(this.FK_Flow); fl.CheckRptOfReset(); this.Response.Redirect("WFRpt.aspx?FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData, true); return; default: break; } Cash.Map_Cash.Remove(this.FK_MapData); MapData md = new MapData(this.FK_MapData); MapAttrs mattrs = new MapAttrs(md.No); int count = mattrs.Count; if (mattrs.Count == 0) { BP.WF.Flow f = new BP.WF.Flow(this.FK_Flow); f.CheckRpt(); this.Response.Redirect(this.Request.RawUrl, true); return; } if (gfs.Count == 1) { GroupField mygf = (GroupField)gfs[0]; if (mygf.Lab != md.Name) { mygf.Lab = md.Name; mygf.Update(); } } this.Pub1.AddB(this.Title + " <a href=\"javascript:GroupFieldNew('" + md.No + "')\">字段分组</a>"); // this.Pub1.AddB("-<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Comm/Search.aspx?EnsName=" + this.MyPK + "')\">查询预览</a>"); // this.Pub1.AddB("-<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Comm/Group.aspx?EnsName=" + this.MyPK + "')\">分析预览</a>"); if (this.FK_MapData.Contains("RptDtl") == false) { this.Pub1.AddB("-<a href=\"javascript:DoReset('" + this.FK_Flow + "','" + this.FK_MapData + "')\">重设字段</a>"); /* 说明是主表:判断它是否有从表。*/ string sql = "SELECT COUNT(No) FROM Sys_MapDtl WHERE No LIKE 'ND" + int.Parse(this.FK_Flow) + "%'"; if (BP.DA.DBAccess.RunSQLReturnValInt(sql) >= 1) { // this.Pub1.AddB("-<a href=\"javascript:AddDtl('" + md.No + "')\">插入从表</a>"); //sql = "SELECT No FROM Sys_MapData WHERE No LIKE '" + this.MyPK + "Dtl%'"; //DataTable dt = BP.DA.DBAccess.RunSQLReturnTable(sql); //switch (dt.Rows.Count) //{ // case 0: // break; // case 1: // this.Pub1.AddB("-<a href='WFRpt.aspx?MyPK=" + dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() + "'>明细报表设计</a>"); // break; // default: // this.Pub1.AddB("-<a href='WFRpt.aspx?DoType=DeDtl&MyPK=" + this.MyPK + "'>明细报表设计</a>"); // break; //} } } else { this.Pub1.AddB("-<a href=\"WFRpt.aspx?MyPK=ND" + int.Parse(this.FK_Flow) + "Rpt\">" + "返回" + "</a>"); } this.Pub1.AddHR(); this.Pub1.AddTable("width='100%'"); /* * 根据 GroupField 循环出现菜单。 */ foreach (GroupField gf in gfs) { string gfAttr = " onmouseover=GFOnMouseOver('" + gf.OID + "','" + rowIdx + "') onmouseout=GFOnMouseOut()"; currGF = gf; this.Pub1.AddTR(gfAttr); if (gfs.Count == 1) { this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=4 class=GroupField valign='top' align:left style='height: 24px;align:left' ", "<div style='text-align:left; float:left'> <a href=\"javascript:GroupField('" + this.FK_MapData + "','" + gf.OID + "')\" >" + gf.Lab + "</a></div><div style='text-align:right; float:right'></div>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=4 class=GroupField valign='top' align:left style='height: 24px;align:left' onclick=\"GroupBarClick('" + gf.Idx + "')\" ", "<div style='text-align:left; float:left'><img src='../Style/Min.gif' alert='Min' id='Img" + gf.Idx + "' border=0 /> <a href=\"javascript:GroupField('" + this.FK_MapData + "','" + gf.OID + "')\" >" + gf.Lab + "</a></div><div style='text-align:right; float:right'> <a href=\"javascript:GFDoUp('" + gf.OID + "')\" ><img src='./WF/Img/Btn/Up.gif' class='Arrow' border=0/></a> <a href=\"javascript:GFDoDown('" + gf.OID + "')\" ><img src='./WF/Img/Btn/Down.gif' class='Arrow' border=0/></a></div>"); } this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); int i = -1; int idx = -1; isLeftNext = true; rowIdx = 0; foreach (MapAttr attr in mattrs) { gfAttr = " onmouseover=GFOnMouseOver('" + gf.OID + "','" + rowIdx + "') onmouseout=GFOnMouseOut()"; if (attr.GroupID == 0) { attr.GroupID = gf.OID; attr.Update(); } if (attr.GroupID != gf.OID) { if (gf.Idx == 0 && attr.GroupID == 0) { } else { continue; } } if (attr.HisAttr.IsRefAttr || attr.UIVisible == false) { continue; } if (isLeftNext) { if (gfs.Count == 0) { this.InsertObjects(false); } else { this.InsertObjects(true); } } // 显示的顺序号. idx++; if (attr.IsBigDoc && attr.UIIsLine) { if (isLeftNext == false) { this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } rowIdx++; this.Pub1.AddTR(" ID='" + currGF.Idx + "_" + rowIdx + "' " + gfAttr); this.Pub1.Add("<TD class=FDesc colspan=4 width='100%' >"); this.Pub1.Add(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, 0, count)); TextBox mytbLine = new TextBox(); mytbLine.ID = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn; mytbLine.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; mytbLine.Rows = 8; mytbLine.Attributes["style"] = "width:100%;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;"; mytbLine.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; if (mytbLine.Enabled == false) { mytbLine.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.Add(mytbLine); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); isLeftNext = true; continue; } if (attr.IsBigDoc) { if (isLeftNext) { rowIdx++; this.Pub1.AddTR(" ID='" + currGF.Idx + "_" + rowIdx + "' " + gfAttr); } this.Pub1.Add("<TD class=FDesc colspan=2 width='50%' >"); this.Pub1.Add(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, 0, count)); TextBox mytbLine = new TextBox(); mytbLine.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; mytbLine.Rows = 8; mytbLine.Attributes["style"] = "width:100%;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;"; mytbLine.ID = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn; mytbLine.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; if (mytbLine.Enabled == false) { mytbLine.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } this.Pub1.Add(mytbLine); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); if (isLeftNext == false) { this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } isLeftNext = !isLeftNext; continue; } //计算 colspanOfCtl . int colspanOfCtl = 1; if (attr.UIIsLine) { colspanOfCtl = 3; } if (attr.UIIsLine) { if (isLeftNext == false) { this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } isLeftNext = true; } if (isLeftNext) { rowIdx++; this.Pub1.AddTR(" ID='" + currGF.Idx + "_" + rowIdx + "' " + gfAttr); } TB tb = new TB(); tb.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; tb.Columns = 60; tb.ID = "TB_" + attr.KeyOfEn; #region add contrals. switch (attr.LGType) { case FieldTypeS.Normal: tb.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case BP.DA.DataType.AppString: this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); tb.ShowType = TBType.TB; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; if (colspanOfCtl == 3) { this.Pub1.AddTD(" width=80% colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, tb); } else { if (attr.IsSigan) { this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, "<img src='/DataUser/Siganture/" + WebUser.No + ".jpg' border=0 onerror=\"this.src='/DataUser/Siganture/UnName.jpg'\"/>"); } else { this.Pub1.AddTD("width='40%' colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, tb); } } break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDate: this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); tb.ShowType = TBType.Date; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker();"; } this.Pub1.AddTD("width='40%' colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime: this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); tb.ShowType = TBType.DateTime; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; if (attr.UIIsEnable) { tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'});"; } this.Pub1.AddTD("width='40%' colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppBoolean: if (attr.UIIsLine) { this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); } else { this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); } CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.Text = attr.Name; cb.Checked = attr.DefValOfBool; cb.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD("width='40%' colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, cb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppDouble: case BP.DA.DataType.AppFloat: case BP.DA.DataType.AppInt: this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); tb.ShowType = TBType.Num; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; this.Pub1.AddTD("width='40%' colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, tb); break; case BP.DA.DataType.AppMoney: case BP.DA.DataType.AppRate: this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); tb.ShowType = TBType.Moneny; tb.Text = attr.DefVal; this.Pub1.AddTD("width='40%' colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, tb); break; default: break; } tb.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; switch (attr.MyDataType) { case BP.DA.DataType.AppString: case BP.DA.DataType.AppDateTime: case BP.DA.DataType.AppDate: if (tb.Enabled) { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TB"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBReadonly"; } break; default: if (tb.Enabled) { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNum"; } else { tb.Attributes["class"] = "TBNumReadonly"; } break; } break; case FieldTypeS.Enum: this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); DDL ddle = new DDL(); ddle.ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn; ddle.BindSysEnum(attr.KeyOfEn); ddle.SetSelectItem(attr.DefVal); ddle.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, ddle); break; case FieldTypeS.FK: this.Pub1.AddTDDesc(this.GenerLab(attr, idx, i, count)); DDL ddl1 = new DDL(); ddl1.ID = "DDL_" + attr.KeyOfEn; try { EntitiesNoName ens = attr.HisEntitiesNoName; ens.RetrieveAll(); ddl1.BindEntities(ens); ddl1.SetSelectItem(attr.DefVal); } catch { } ddl1.Enabled = attr.UIIsEnable; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=" + colspanOfCtl, ddl1); break; default: break; } #endregion add contrals. if (colspanOfCtl == 3) { isLeftNext = true; this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); continue; } if (isLeftNext == false) { isLeftNext = true; this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); continue; } isLeftNext = false; } // 最后处理补充上它。 if (isLeftNext == false) { this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); } this.InsertObjects(false); } this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); #region 处理异常情况。 foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { if (dtl.IsUse == false) { dtl.RowIdx = 0; dtl.GroupID = 0; dtl.Update(); // this.Response.Redirect(this.Request.RawUrl, true); } } #endregion 处理异常情况。 #region 处理iFrom 的自适应的问题。 string js = "\t\n<script type='text/javascript' >"; foreach (MapDtl dtl in dtls) { js += "\t\n window.setInterval(\"ReinitIframe('F" + dtl.No + "','TD" + dtl.No + "')\", 200);"; } js += "\t\n</script>"; this.Pub1.Add(js); #endregion 处理iFrom 的自适应的问题。 #region 处理隐藏字段。 string msg = ""; // +++++++ 编辑隐藏字段 +++++++++ <br>"; foreach (MapAttr attr in mattrs) { if (attr.UIVisible) { continue; } switch (attr.KeyOfEn) { case "OID": case "FID": case "FK_NY": case "Emps": case "FK_Dept": case "WFState": case "RDT": case "MyNum": case "Rec": case "CDT": continue; default: break; } msg += "<a href=\"javascript:Edit('" + this.FK_MapData + "','" + attr.MyPK + "','" + attr.MyDataType + "');\">" + attr.Name + "</a> "; } if (msg.Length > 10) { this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("编辑隐藏字段"); this.Pub1.Add(msg); this.Pub1.Add("<br>说明:隐藏字段是不显示在表单里面,多用于属性的计算、方向条件的设置,报表的体现。"); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); } #endregion 处理隐藏字段。 #region 查询条件定义 this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("查询条件定义" + " - <a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('../Rpt/Search.aspx?FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "')\">查询预览</a>-<a href=\"javascript:WinOpen('/WF/Comm/Group.aspx?EnsName=" + this.MyPK + "')\">分析预览</a>"); foreach (MapAttr mattr in mattrs) { if (mattr.UIContralType != UIContralType.DDL) { continue; } CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.ID = "CB_F_" + mattr.KeyOfEn; if (md.RptSearchKeys.Contains("@" + mattr.KeyOfEn)) { cb.Checked = true; } cb.Text = mattr.Name; this.Pub1.Add(cb); } this.Pub1.AddHR(); Button btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "保存"; btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MapData md = new MapData(this.FK_MapData); this.Title = md.Name + " - 设计一对多"; MapM2M m2m = new MapM2M(this.FK_MapData, this.NoOfObj); if (m2m.HisM2MType == M2MType.M2MM) { this.Response.Redirect("MapM2MM.aspx?FK_MapData=" + this.FK_MapData + "&NoOfObj=" + this.NoOfObj, true); return; } this.Pub1.AddTable(); this.Pub1.AddCaptionLeft("一对多属性"); int idx = 1; this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("编号"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapM2MAttr.NoOfObj; tb.Text = m2m.NoOfObj; if (m2m.IsExits) { tb.Enabled = false; } this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("描述"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapM2MAttr.Name; tb.Text = m2m.Name; tb.Columns = 50; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("主体数据源<font color=red>*</font>"); tb = new TB(); tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 3; tb.ID = "TB_" + MapM2MAttr.DBOfObjs; tb.Text = m2m.DBOfObjs; tb.Columns = 50; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("分组数据源"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapM2MAttr.DBOfGroups; tb.Text = m2m.DBOfGroups; tb.Columns = 50; tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 3; this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("框架宽度"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapM2MAttr.W; tb.ShowType = TBType.Num; tb.Text = m2m.W.ToString(); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("框架高度"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapM2MAttr.H; tb.ShowType = TBType.Num; tb.Text = m2m.H.ToString(); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("记录呈现列数"); tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_" + MapM2MAttr.Cols; tb.ShowType = TBType.Num; tb.Text = m2m.Cols.ToString(); this.Pub1.AddTD(tb); this.Pub1.AddTD(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("显示方式"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_" + MapM2MAttr.ShowWay; ddl.BindSysEnum("FrmUrlShowWay", (int)m2m.ShowWay); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTD("请参考手册"); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("权限"); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=2"); CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.Checked = m2m.IsDelete; cb.Text = "是否可以删除?"; cb.ID = "CB_IsDelete"; this.Pub1.Add(cb); cb = new CheckBox(); cb.Checked = m2m.IsDelete; cb.Text = "是否可以增加?"; cb.ID = "CB_IsInsert"; this.Pub1.Add(cb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); GroupFields gfs = new GroupFields(md.No); this.Pub1.AddTR1(); this.Pub1.AddTDIdx(idx++); this.Pub1.AddTD("显示在分组"); ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_GroupField"; ddl.BindEntities(gfs, GroupFieldAttr.OID, GroupFieldAttr.Lab, false, AddAllLocation.None); ddl.SetSelectItem(m2m.GroupID); this.Pub1.AddTD("colspan=2", ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTRSum(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=4 align=center"); Button btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = " 保存 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_SaveAndClose"; btn.Text = " 保存并关闭 "; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Save_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); if (m2m.IsExits) { btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.Text = "删除"; btn.Attributes["onclick"] = " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Del_Click); this.Pub1.Add(btn); } this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); this.Pub1.AddFieldSet("SQL事例"); this.Pub1.Add("主体数据源:"); this.Pub1.AddBR("SELECT No,Name,FK_Dept FROM Port_Emp"); this.Pub1.AddBR(); this.Pub1.Add("分组数据源:"); this.Pub1.AddBR("SELECT No,Name FROM Port_Dept "); this.Pub1.AddFieldSetEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// 授权明细 /// </summary> public void BindAutoDtl() { if (WebUser.IsWap) { this.AddFieldSet("<a href=Home.aspx ><img src='/WF/Img/Home.gif' border=0 >Home</a>-<a href='" + this.PageID + ".aspx'>设置</a>-授权详细信息"); } else { this.AddFieldSet("授权详细信息"); } BP.WF.Port.WFEmp emp = new BP.WF.Port.WFEmp(WebUser.No); BP.WF.Port.WFEmp empAu = new BP.WF.Port.WFEmp(this.Request["FK_Emp"]); this.AddBR(); this.AddTable(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTDTitle("项目"); this.AddTDTitle("内容"); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("授权给:"); this.AddTD(empAu.No + " " + empAu.Name); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("收回授权日期:"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_DT"; System.DateTime dtNow = System.DateTime.Now; dtNow = dtNow.AddDays(14); tb.Text = dtNow.ToString(DataType.SysDataTimeFormat); tb.ShowType = TBType.DateTime; tb.Attributes["onfocus"] = "WdatePicker({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'});"; this.AddTD(tb); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("授权方式:"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_AuthorWay"; ddl.BindSysEnum(BP.WF.Port.WFEmpAttr.AuthorWay); ddl.SetSelectItem(emp.AuthorWay); this.AddTD(ddl); this.AddTREnd(); Button btnSaveIt = new Button(); btnSaveIt.ID = "Btn_Save"; btnSaveIt.CssClass = "Btn"; btnSaveIt.Text = "Save"; btnSaveIt.Click += new EventHandler(btnSaveIt_Click); this.AddTR(); this.AddTD("colspan=1", "<b><a href=\"javascript:WinShowModalDialog('ToolsSet.aspx?RefNo=AthFlows&d=" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')\" >设置要授权的流程范围</a></b>"); this.AddTD("colspan=1", btnSaveIt); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTR(); this.AddTDBigDoc("colspan=2", "说明:在您确定了收回授权日期后,被授权人不能再以您的身份登陆,<br>如果未到指定的日期您可以取回授权。"); this.AddTREnd(); this.AddTableEndWithBR(); this.AddFieldSetEnd(); }
public void DoNew(BillTemplate bill) { this.Ucsys1.Clear(); BP.WF.Node nd = new BP.WF.Node(this.NodeID); this.Ucsys1.AddTable(); this.Ucsys1.AddCaptionLeft("<a href='Bill.aspx?FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&NodeID=" + this.NodeID + "' >" + "返回" + "</a> - <a href=Bill.aspx?FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&NodeID=" + this.NodeID + "&DoType=New ><img border=0 src='../Img/Btn/New.gif' />新建</a>"); this.Ucsys1.AddTR(); this.Ucsys1.AddTDTitle("项目"); this.Ucsys1.AddTDTitle("输入"); this.Ucsys1.AddTDTitle("备注"); this.Ucsys1.AddTREnd(); this.Ucsys1.AddTR(); this.Ucsys1.AddTD("单据类型"); // 单据/单据名称 DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_BillType"; BP.WF.Data.BillTypes ens = new BillTypes(); ens.RetrieveAllFromDBSource(); if (ens.Count == 0) { BP.WF.Data.BillType enB = new BillType(); enB.Name = "新建类型" + "1"; enB.FK_Flow = this.FK_Flow; enB.No = "01"; enB.Insert(); ens.AddEntity(enB); } ddl.BindEntities(ens); ddl.SetSelectItem(bill.FK_BillType); this.Ucsys1.AddTD(ddl); this.Ucsys1.AddTD("<a href='Bill.aspx?FK_Flow=" + this.FK_Flow + "&NodeID=" + this.NodeID + "&DoType=EditType'><img src='../Img/Btn/Edit.gif' border=0/>类别维护</a>"); this.Ucsys1.AddTREnd(); this.Ucsys1.AddTR(); this.Ucsys1.AddTD("编号"); TB tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_No"; tb.Text = bill.No; tb.Enabled = false; if (tb.Text == "") { tb.Text = "系统自动生成"; } this.Ucsys1.AddTD(tb); this.Ucsys1.AddTD(""); this.Ucsys1.AddTREnd(); this.Ucsys1.AddTR(); this.Ucsys1.AddTD("名称"); // 单据/单据名称 tb = new TB(); tb.ID = "TB_Name"; tb.Text = bill.Name; tb.Columns = 40; this.Ucsys1.AddTD("colspan=2", tb); this.Ucsys1.AddTREnd(); this.Ucsys1.AddTR(); this.Ucsys1.AddTD("生成的文件类型"); // 单据/单据名称 ddl = new DDL(); ddl.ID = "DDL_BillFileType"; ddl.BindSysEnum("BillFileType"); ddl.SetSelectItem((int)bill.HisBillFileType); this.Ucsys1.AddTD(ddl); this.Ucsys1.AddTD("目前不支持excel,html格式."); this.Ucsys1.AddTREnd(); this.Ucsys1.AddTR(); this.Ucsys1.AddTD("单据模板"); HtmlInputFile file = new HtmlInputFile(); file.ID = "f"; file.Attributes["width"] = "100%"; this.Ucsys1.AddTD("colspan=2", file); this.Ucsys1.AddTREnd(); this.Ucsys1.AddTRSum(); this.Ucsys1.Add("<TD class=TD colspan=3 align=center>"); Button btn = new Button(); btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.ID = "Btn_Save"; btn.Text = "保存"; this.Ucsys1.Add(btn); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); this.Ucsys1.Add(btn); if (bill.No.Length > 1) { btn = new Button(); btn.ID = "Btn_Del"; btn.CssClass = "Btn"; btn.Text = "删除"; // "删除单据"; this.Ucsys1.Add(btn); btn.Attributes["onclick"] += " return confirm('您确认吗?');"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Del_Click); } string url = ""; string fileType = ""; if (bill.HisBillFileType == BillFileType.RuiLang) { fileType = "grf"; } else { fileType = "rtf"; } if (this.RefNo != null) { url = "<a href='../../DataUser/CyclostyleFile/" + bill.Url + "." + fileType + "'><img src='../Img/Btn/save.gif' border=0/> 模板下载</a>"; } this.Ucsys1.Add(url + "</TD>"); this.Ucsys1.AddTREnd(); this.Ucsys1.AddTable(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FrmEvents ndevs = new FrmEvents(); ndevs.Retrieve(FrmEventAttr.FK_MapData, this.FK_MapData); FrmEvent mynde = ndevs.GetEntityByKey(FrmEventAttr.FK_Event, this.Event) as FrmEvent; if (mynde == null) { mynde = new FrmEvent(); mynde.FK_Event = this.Event; } this.Pub1.AddTable("class='Table' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' border='1' style='width:100%'"); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTD("内容类型:"); DDL ddl = new DDL(); ddl.BindSysEnum("EventDoType"); ddl.ID = "DDL_EventDoType"; ddl.SetSelectItem((int)mynde.HisDoType); this.Pub1.AddTD(ddl); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=2"); this.Pub1.Add(" 要执行的内容<br>"); TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_Doc"; tb.Columns = 50; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; tb.Rows = 20; tb.Text = mynde.DoDoc; this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=2"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MsgOK"; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.Text = mynde.MsgOKString; this.Pub1.Add("执行成功信息提示(可为空)<br>"); this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTR(); this.Pub1.AddTDBegin("colspan=2"); this.Pub1.Add("执行失败信息提示(可为空)<br>"); tb = new TextBox(); tb.ID = "TB_MsgErr"; tb.Style.Add("width", "99%"); tb.Text = mynde.MsgErrorString; this.Pub1.Add(tb); this.Pub1.AddTDEnd(); this.Pub1.AddTREnd(); this.Pub1.AddTableEnd(); Pub1.AddBR(); Pub1.AddSpace(1); var btn = new LinkBtn(false, NamesOfBtn.Save, "保存"); btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); Pub1.Add(btn); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.MyPK)) { Pub1.AddSpace(1); Pub1.Add( string.Format( "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"DoDel('{0}','{1}')\" class='easyui-linkbutton' data-options=\"iconCls:'icon-delete'\">删除</a>", NodeID, Event)); } }