private void setting(int itype, DropDownList ddlname) { DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT [ID],[Name] FROM [dbo].[Setting] where SettingID=" + itype + " and state=1"); ddlname.DataSource = dt; ddlname.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlname.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlname.DataBind(); ddlname.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==全部==", "0")); ddlname.SelectedValue = ""; }
public static string _getSettingName(string sid) { string value = string.Empty; DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT TOP 1 [Name] FROM [dbo].[Setting] where id='" + sid + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { value = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } return(value); }
public static string _getParaValue(string para) { string value = string.Empty; DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("select value from syspara where para='" + para + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { value = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } return(value); }
private void Recommend() { DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT [ID] ,[Name] FROM [dbo].[Recommend]"); tunjiang.DataSource = dt; tunjiang.DataTextField = "Name"; tunjiang.DataValueField = "ID"; tunjiang.DataBind(); tunjiang.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==请选择==", "")); tunjiang.SelectedValue = ""; }
private String settingname(string itype) { string str = ""; DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT [ID],[Name] FROM [dbo].[Setting] where id=" + itype + ""); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { str = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); } return(str); }
private void company(DropDownList ddlname) { int classid = 18; DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT ID,[Name] FROM [dbo].[company] where charindex(',18,', ','+typeid+',')>0 "); ddlname.DataSource = dt; ddlname.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlname.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlname.DataBind(); ddlname.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==选择企业==", "0")); ddlname.SelectedValue = ""; }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("select top 1000 * from Results where biaoqian is not null and biaoqianstate is null "); try { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string ID = ""; string biaoqian = ""; string sql = ""; //string biaoarray = ""; //DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { ID = row["ID"].ToString(); biaoqian = row["biaoqian"].ToString(); string[] biaoarray = biaoqian.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < biaoarray.Length; i++) { if (biaoarray[i].Length > 0) { sql = " declare @counts int "; sql += "select @counts=count(*) from [Setting] where name='" + biaoarray[i] + "' and [SettingID]=40 and state=1"; sql += " if (@counts=0) INSERT INTO [dbo].[Setting]([SettingID],[Name],[state])VALUES(40,'" + biaoarray[i] + "',1) "; DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); } } sql = "update results set biaoqianstate=1 where id=" + ID + ""; DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); Label5.Text = biaoqian + "入库成功,id号:" + ID; Label5.Text = "入库成功条数:" + dt.Rows.Count; } //DBqiye.getRowsCount("update ResultZheng set MinZFName='/min'+zhengshufile where CNO=" + sid); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { Label5.Text = " 没有标签,需要入库"; } } catch { Label5.Text = " 标签查询错误"; //myGrid. = 0; //GridView1.DataSource = dt; //GridView1.DataBind(); } finally { } }
private void BindGrid() { DataTable dt; string sql = @"SELECT p.*,c.Name as CName,(select top 1 s.Name from Setting s where = p.TechLevel ) as TechLevelname, (select top 1 s.Name from Setting s where = p.HangYe ) as HangYeName, (select top 1 s.Name from Setting s where = p.ResultsType ) as ResultsTypeName FROM [dbo].[Technology] p left join Company c on c.ID=p.CompanyID where ( p.state=1 ) "; if (ddlCompany.SelectedValue != "0") { sql += " and p.CompanyID=" + ddlCompany.SelectedValue; } //[Tech_LaiYuan] if (ddlLaiYuan.SelectedValue != "0") { sql += " and p.ResultsType=" + ddlLaiYuan.SelectedValue; } if (ddlDiWei.SelectedValue != "0") { sql += " and p.TechLevel=" + ddlDiWei.SelectedValue; } if (ddlhangye.SelectedValue != "0") { sql += " and p.HangYe=" + ddlhangye.SelectedValue; } if (Session["title"].ToString() != "3") { sql += " and c.UserID='" + Session["userid"] + "' "; } sql += " order by desc"; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); try { myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); PgCount = myGrid.PageCount; PgIndex = myGrid.PageIndex; RCount = dt.Rows.Count; } catch { //myGrid. = 0; myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); } finally { } }
protected void Button17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (biaoqianadd.Text.Length == 0) { Label1.Text = ("标签不允许为空!"); biaoqianadd.Focus(); return; } cid = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); typeid = 1; //string pingjiajielun1 = pingjiajielun.Text; //pingjiajielun1 = pingjiajielun.Text.Replace(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(32), " ").Replace(Char.ConvertFromUtf32(13), "<br />"), "<br />"); string sql = ""; string value = ""; sql = "select count(*) from Setting where SettingID=40 and name= '" + biaoqianadd.Text.Trim() + "'"; DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { value = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (value != "0") { Label14.Text = "标签名已经添加,请用新名添加"; return; } } { sql = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[Setting] ([SettingID] ,[Name] ,[state]) VALUES (40,'" + biaoqianadd.Text.Trim() + "',1)"; } int count = DBqiye.getRowsCount(sql); sql = ""; setting(40, ddlbiaoqian); //成果标签 biaoqian.Text += biaoqianadd.Text.Trim() + ","; if (count > 0) { Label14.Text = "标签保存成功" + sql; } else { Label14.Text = "保存失败" + sql; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { msg.Text = ""; if (user.Text.Length == 0) { msg.Text = "请输入用户名,谢谢"; return; } //DataTable dt = DBC.getDataTable("select * from zqhl_users where loginuser='******'"); DataTable dt1 = DBqiye.getDataTable("select * from [dbo].[Company] where [state]=1 and MemberName='" + Common.strFilter(user.Text) + "'"); if (dt1.Rows.Count == 0) { msg.Text = "用户名或密码错误"; return; } //if(dt.Rows.Count>0) //{ // if (!dt.Rows[0]["pass"].ToString().Equals(MD5.CreateMD5Hash(pass.Text))) // { // msg.Text = "用户名或密码错误"; // return; // } // Session["adminloginuser"] = dt.Rows[0]["loginuser"].ToString(); //} if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!dt1.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString().Equals(MD5.CreateMD5Hash(pass.Text))) { msg.Text = "用户名或密码错误"; return; } Session["MemberName"] = dt1.Rows[0]["MemberName"].ToString(); Session["sid"] = dt1.Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); Session["usertypes"] = dt1.Rows[0]["usertypes"].ToString(); //usertypes.SelectedValue; //Session["title"] = dt1.Rows[0]["title"].ToString(); if (Session["usertypes"].ToString() == "211") { Response.Redirect("comperson.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("comindex.aspx"); } } // Response.Redirect("main.aspx"); }
private void company() { string sql = "SELECT [ID] ,[Name] FROM [dbo].[Company] where 1=1 and name<>'' and state=1 order by name "; //if (Session["title"].ToString() != "3") //{ // sql += " and UserID='" + Session["userid"] + "' "; //} DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); ddlCompany.DataSource = dt; ddlCompany.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlCompany.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlCompany.DataBind(); ddlCompany.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==全部==", "0")); ddlCompany.SelectedValue = ""; }
protected void Button61_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[ResultPic] where state=1 "); try { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string zhengshufile = ""; string minfile = ""; string yuanfile = ""; //DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { zhengshufile = row["FileName"].ToString(); minfile = Server.MapPath("../") + "/min" + zhengshufile; yuanfile = Server.MapPath("../") + "/yuan" + zhengshufile; zhengshufile = Server.MapPath("../" + zhengshufile); try { imgtext.BuildWatermark(yuanfile, Server.MapPath("/") + "/images/shuiyinshen.png", "", zhengshufile); } catch { Label5.Text += zhengshufile + ";错"; } //imgtext.AddWaterText(yuanfile, "", zhengshufile, 255, 50); // MakeThumbnail(zhengshufile, minfile, 225, 300, "HW"); Label5.Text = "上传缩微图证书成功+水印"; } //DBqiye.getRowsCount("update ResultZheng set MinZFName='/min'+zhengshufile where CNO=" + sid); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { Label5.Text = " 没有查询到证书信息"; } } catch { Label5.Text = " 证书信息查询错误"; //myGrid. = 0; //GridView1.DataSource = dt; //GridView1.DataBind(); } finally { } }
private String settingnamearray(string stra) { string[] strarray = stra.Split(','); string str = ""; DataTable dt; for (int i = 0; i < strarray.Length; i++) { dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT [ID],[Name] FROM [dbo].[Setting] where id=" + strarray[i] + ""); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { str += dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + ","; } } return(str); }
private void yewubd() { string sql = "SELECT [UserID],[RealName] FROM[dbo].[User] where Enabled=1 "; if (Session["userid"].ToString() != "3" && Session["userid"].ToString() != "4" && Session["userid"].ToString() != "13" && Session["title"].ToString() != "4") { sql += " and UserID='" + Session["userid"] + "' "; } DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); yewu.DataSource = dt; yewu.DataTextField = "RealName"; yewu.DataValueField = "UserID"; yewu.DataBind(); yewu.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==请选择==", "")); yewu.SelectedValue = ""; }
private void BindZhengpicshuiyin(string sid) { DataTable dt; string sql = @"SELECT *,(select[name] FROM Setting where id = r.zhengshutype) typename FROM[dbo].[ResultZheng] r where CNO = " + sid + " and state = 1 "; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); try { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string zhengshufile = ""; string minfile = ""; string yuanfile = ""; //DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { zhengshufile = row["zhengshufile"].ToString(); minfile = Server.MapPath("../") + "/min" + zhengshufile; yuanfile = Server.MapPath("../") + "/yuan" + zhengshufile; zhengshufile = Server.MapPath("../" + zhengshufile); imgtext.BuildWatermark(yuanfile, Server.MapPath("/") + "/images/shunyin.png", "", zhengshufile); MakeThumbnail(zhengshufile, minfile, 225, 300, "HW"); Label3.Text = "上传缩微图证书成功+水印"; } DBqiye.getRowsCount("update ResultZheng set MinZFName='/min'+zhengshufile where CNO=" + sid); } if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { Label3.Text = " 没有查询到证书信息" + sql; } } catch { Label3.Text = " 证书信息查询错误" + sql; //myGrid. = 0; //GridView1.DataSource = dt; //GridView1.DataBind(); } finally { } }
private void BindGrid() { DataTable dt; string sql = @"SELECT * FROM [mingpian] where (state=1 ) "; if (Session["userid"].ToString() != "3" && Session["userid"].ToString() != "4" && Session["userid"].ToString() != "13" && Session["title"].ToString() != "4") { sql += " and UserID='" + Session["userid"] + "' "; } if (yewu.SelectedValue.ToString() != "") { sql += " and UserID='" + yewu.SelectedValue + "' "; } if (name.Text.ToString() != "") { sql += " and name like '%" + name.Text + "%' "; } if (company.Text.ToString() != "") { sql += " and company like '%" + company.Text + "%' "; } //Response.Write(sql); sql += " order by name"; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); try { myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); PgCount = myGrid.PageCount; PgIndex = myGrid.PageIndex; RCount = dt.Rows.Count; } catch { //myGrid. = 0; myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); } finally { } }
//private void yewubd() //{ // string sql = "SELECT [UserID],[RealName] FROM[dbo].[User] where Enabled=1 "; // if (Session["title"].ToString() != "3") // { // sql += " and UserID='" + Session["userid"] + "' "; // } // DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); // yewu.DataSource = dt; // yewu.DataTextField = "RealName"; // yewu.DataValueField = "UserID"; // yewu.DataBind(); // if (Session["title"].ToString() == "3") // { // yewu.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==请选择==", "")); // yewu.SelectedValue = ""; // } //} private void setting(int itype, DropDownList ddlname) { string sql = "SELECT [ID],[Name] FROM [dbo].[Setting] where SettingID=" + itype + " and state=1 "; { sql += " order by id desc"; } DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); //DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT [ID],[Name] FROM [dbo].[Setting] where SettingID=" + itype + " and state=1 order by [id] "); ddlname.DataSource = dt; ddlname.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlname.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlname.DataBind(); if (itype != 40) { ddlname.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==请选择==", "0")); ddlname.SelectedValue = "0"; } }
//private void yewubd() //{ // string sql = "SELECT [UserID],[RealName] FROM[dbo].[User] where Enabled=1 "; // if (Session["title"].ToString() != "3") // { // sql += " and UserID='" + Session["userid"] + "' "; // } // DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); // yewu.DataSource = dt; // yewu.DataTextField = "RealName"; // yewu.DataValueField = "UserID"; // yewu.DataBind(); // if (Session["title"].ToString() == "3") // { // yewu.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==请选择==", "")); // yewu.SelectedValue = ""; // } //} private void setting(int itype, DropDownList ddlname) { DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT [ID],[Name] FROM [dbo].[Setting] where SettingID=" + itype + " and state=1 order by [Name] "); ddlname.DataSource = dt; ddlname.DataTextField = "Name"; ddlname.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlname.DataBind(); ddlname.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==请选择==", "0")); ddlname.SelectedValue = "0"; if (itype == 40) { int i = 1; string str = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { str += "{ k: " + i.ToString() + ",v: '" + dr["Name"].ToString() + "'}|"; } hfddlList.Value = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1); } }
private void BindGrid() { DataTable dt; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable("SELECT * FROM[dbo].[CompanyInfo] order by id desc"); try { myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); PgCount = myGrid.PageCount; PgIndex = myGrid.PageIndex; RCount = dt.Rows.Count; } catch { //myGrid. = 0; myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); } finally { } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { msg.Text = ""; if (user.Text.Length == 0) { msg.Text = "请输入用户名,谢谢"; return; } //DataTable dt = DBC.getDataTable("select * from zqhl_users where loginuser='******'"); DataTable dt1 = DBqiye.getDataTable("select * from [dbo].[User] where [Enabled]=1 and LoginName='" + Common.strFilter(user.Text) + "'"); if (dt1.Rows.Count == 0) { msg.Text = "用户名或密码错误"; return; } //if(dt.Rows.Count>0) //{ // if (!dt.Rows[0]["pass"].ToString().Equals(MD5.CreateMD5Hash(pass.Text))) // { // msg.Text = "用户名或密码错误"; // return; // } // Session["adminloginuser"] = dt.Rows[0]["loginuser"].ToString(); //} if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!dt1.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString().Equals(MD5.CreateMD5Hash(pass.Text))) { msg.Text = "用户名或密码错误"; return; } Session["adminloginuser"] = dt1.Rows[0]["LoginName"].ToString(); Session["userid"] = dt1.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString(); Session["title"] = dt1.Rows[0]["title"].ToString(); } Response.Redirect("main.aspx"); }
private void hangye2fl(string sid, int itype) { string sql = string.Empty; sql = "SELECT [ID] ,[Name] FROM [dbo].[HangYe2] where HangYeID=" + sid + ""; DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); hangye2.DataSource = dt; hangye2.DataTextField = "Name"; hangye2.DataValueField = "ID"; hangye2.DataBind(); hangye2.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==请选择==", "")); if (itype == 0) { hangye2.SelectedValue = ""; } else { hangye2.SelectedValue = itype.ToString(); } }
private void BindGrid() { string sid = scompanyid; DataTable dt; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(@"select *,(select Name from [dbo].[Setting] where [ID]=b.Region) as City ,(select Name from [dbo].[Setting] where [ID]=b.EnterpriseType) as EnterType ,(select Name from [dbo].[Setting] where [ID]=b.KeyAreas) as KeyArea from [Company] b where" + sid + " order by desc "); try { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string sShangShi = "否"; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; //scompanyid = dr["id"].ToString(); // if (dr["Incentive_HasStock"].ToString() == "True") { cbguquan.Checked = true; } else { cbguquan.Checked = false; } tbjili.Text = dr["Incentive_StockInfo"].ToString(); } } catch { //myGrid. = 0; } finally { } }
private void BindGrid() { DataTable dt; string sql = @"SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Department]"; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); try { myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); PgCount = myGrid.PageCount; PgIndex = myGrid.PageIndex; RCount = dt.Rows.Count; } catch { //myGrid. = 0; myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); } finally { } }
private void BindGrid() { DataTable dt; string sql = @"SELECT [ID] ,[HangYeID] ,[Name] ,[Description] FROM [dbo].[HangYe2] where (state=1 or state is null) and [HangYeID]=" + stype; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); try { myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); PgCount = myGrid.PageCount; PgIndex = myGrid.PageIndex; RCount = dt.Rows.Count; } catch { //myGrid. = 0; myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); } finally { } }
private void company(string sname) { string sql = "SELECT [ID] ,[Name] FROM [dbo].[Company] where state=1 "; if (Session["title"].ToString() != "3" && Session["title"].ToString() != "5") { sql += " and UserID='" + Session["userid"] + "' "; } if (sname.Length > 0) { sql += " and [Name] like '%" + sname + "%' "; } DataTable dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); ChiYouRenID.Items.Clear(); ChiYouRenID.DataSource = dt; ChiYouRenID.DataTextField = "Name"; ChiYouRenID.DataValueField = "ID"; ChiYouRenID.DataBind(); ChiYouRenID.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("==请选择==", "")); ChiYouRenID.SelectedValue = ""; }
private void BindGrid() { DataTable dt; string sql = @"SELECT [ID] ,[Name] ,[Mobile] ,[CreateDate] FROM [dbo].[Recommend] where state=1 or state is null "; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); try { myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); PgCount = myGrid.PageCount; PgIndex = myGrid.PageIndex; RCount = dt.Rows.Count; } catch { //myGrid. = 0; myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); } finally { } }
private void BindZheng(string sid) { DataTable dt; string sql = @"SELECT *,(select[name] FROM Setting where id = r.zhengshutype) typename FROM[dbo].[ResultZheng] r where CNO = " + sid + " and state = 1 "; if (title.Text.Length > 0) { sql += " zhengshuname like '%" + title.Text + "%' "; } sql += " ORDER BY ID DESC"; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); try { myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); PgCount = myGrid.PageCount; PgIndex = myGrid.PageIndex; RCount = dt.Rows.Count; ///PgCount = GridView1.PageCount; //PgIndex = GridView1.PageIndex; GridView1 = dt.Rows.Count; if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { Label3.Text = " 没有查询到证书信息"; } } catch { Label3.Text = " 证书信息查询错误"; //myGrid. = 0; //GridView1.DataSource = dt; //GridView1.DataBind(); } finally { } }
protected void hangye2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(@"SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [dbo].HangYe2 where id =" + hangye2.SelectedValue + " "); try { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string sShangShi = "否"; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; Label7.Text = dr["Description"].ToString();; } } catch { //myGrid. = 0; Label7.Text = ""; } finally { } }
private void BindGrid() { DataTable dt; string sql = @" SELECT r.*,c.ContactTel cname,re.RName FROM [dbo].[ResultsLiuYan] r left join company c on r.CompanyID=c.ID left join Results re on "; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(sql); try { myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); PgCount = myGrid.PageCount; PgIndex = myGrid.PageIndex; RCount = dt.Rows.Count; } catch { //myGrid. = 0; myGrid.DataSource = dt; myGrid.DataBind(); } finally { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Common.isAdminLogin()) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); Response.End(); } if (Request.QueryString["pid"] != null && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pid"])) && Request.QueryString["pid"].Length > 0) { pid = Request.QueryString["pid"].ToString(); } else { Label1.Text = "请选择项目,否则无法显示"; return; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string op = Request.QueryString["op"].ToString(); if (op == "edit" || op == "kan") { if (op == "edit") { Button4.Visible = false; Button5.Visible = true; } else { Button4.Visible = false; Button5.Visible = false; } try { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); DataTable dt; dt = DBqiye.getDataTable(@"SELECT * ,(select Name from Setting where id =c.Type) as TName ,(select Name from Setting where id = c.MainDirection) as MName ,(select Name from Setting where id = c.EnterpriseType) as EName FROM [dbo].[Cooperation] c where ProjectID = " + pid); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; ddlLeiBie.SelectedValue = dr["Type"].ToString(); ddlXingZhi.SelectedValue = dr["EnterpriseType"].ToString(); ddlHangYe.SelectedValue = dr["MainDirection"].ToString(); tbGuiMe.Text = dr["Scale"].ToString(); tbMiaoShu.Text = dr["Description"].ToString(); //icompanyid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CompanyID"].ToString()); } } catch { //myGrid. = 0; } finally { } } else { //icompanyid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["cid"]); Button4.Visible = true; Button5.Visible = false; } //company(); //绑定公司名称 setting(4, ddlXingZhi); // 性质 setting(3, ddlHangYe); // 行业 setting(17, ddlLeiBie); //类别 } }