Example #1
        protected override void CompilerImplementation(TEntity Entity)
            DBTableField PrimaryField = Manager.Cache.GetFields <TEntity>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsPrimaryKey);

            SingleCondition = (PrimaryField.Name, new MySqlParameter
                ParameterName = "@0",
                Value = PrimaryField.Property.GetValue(Entity)
Example #2
        public async Task Insert <TEntity>(TEntity Item) where TEntity : TableEntity
            InsertCompiler <TEntity> Compiler = new InsertCompiler <TEntity>();


            int ScalarResult = await InsertAsync(QueryBuilder.Insert(Compiler), Compiler.GetParameters());

            DBTableField AutoIncrementField = Manager.Cache.GetFields <TEntity>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsAutoIncrement);

            if (AutoIncrementField != null)
                AutoIncrementField.Property.SetValue(Item, ScalarResult);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the table- and field meta data for the tables which names are in the passed in elementNames and which are in the schema specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schemaToFill">The schema to fill.</param>
        /// <param name="elementNames">The element names.</param>
        /// <remarks>Implementers should add DBTable instances with the DBTableField instances to the DBSchema instance specified.
        /// Default implementation is a no-op</remarks>
        protected override void RetrieveTableAndFieldMetaData(DBSchema schemaToFill, IEnumerable <DBElementName> elementNames)
            #region Description of queries used
            //field query:
            //select tc.*, d.domain_name, d.[precision], r.remarks from systabcol tc
            //inner join sysdomain d on tc.domain_id = d.domain_id left join sysremark r on tc.object_id = r.object_id
            //where table_id =
            //    select table_id from systab where table_name =?
            //    and creator =
            //    (
            //        select user_id from sysuser where user_name='<schemaname>'
            //    )
            // uc query
            //select i.index_name, tc.column_name
            //from sysidx i inner join sysidxcol ic
            //on i.table_id=ic.table_id
            //and i.index_id=ic.index_id
            //inner join systabcol tc
            //on ic.table_id = tc.table_id
            //and ic.column_id = tc.column_id
            //where i.table_id in
            //    select table_id from systab
            //    where creator =
            //    (
            //        select user_id from sysuser where user_name='<schemaname>'
            //    )
            //    and table_name=?
            // AND i.[unique] in (1, 2)
            // AND i.index_category=3

            DbConnection  connection         = this.DriverToUse.CreateConnection();
            DbCommand     fieldCommand       = this.DriverToUse.CreateCommand(connection, string.Format("select tc.*, d.domain_name, d.[precision], r.remarks from systabcol tc inner join sysdomain d on tc.domain_id = d.domain_id left join sysremark r on tc.object_id = r.object_id where table_id = (select table_id from systab where table_name = ? and creator = (select user_id from sysuser where user_name='{0}')) order by tc.column_id asc", schemaToFill.SchemaOwner));
            DbParameter   tableNameParameter = this.DriverToUse.CreateParameter(fieldCommand, "@table_name", string.Empty);
            DbDataAdapter fieldAdapter       = this.DriverToUse.CreateDataAdapter(fieldCommand);

            DbCommand   pkCommand = this.DriverToUse.CreateStoredProcCallCommand(connection, "sp_pkeys");
            DbParameter pkRetrievalTableNameParameter = this.DriverToUse.CreateParameter(pkCommand, "@table_name", string.Empty);
            this.DriverToUse.CreateParameter(pkCommand, "@table_owner", schemaToFill.SchemaOwner);
            DbDataAdapter pkRetrievalAdapter = this.DriverToUse.CreateDataAdapter(pkCommand);

            DbCommand     ucCommand = this.DriverToUse.CreateCommand(connection, string.Format("select i.index_name, tc.column_name from sysidx i inner join sysidxcol ic on i.table_id=ic.table_id and i.index_id=ic.index_id inner join systabcol tc on ic.table_id = tc.table_id and ic.column_id = tc.column_id where i.table_id in ( select table_id from systab where creator = (select user_id from sysuser where user_name='{0}' ) and table_name=? ) AND i.[unique] in (1, 2) AND i.index_category=3", schemaToFill.SchemaOwner));
            DbParameter   ucRetrievalTableNameParameter = this.DriverToUse.CreateParameter(ucCommand, "@table_name", string.Empty);
            DbDataAdapter ucRetrievalAdapter            = this.DriverToUse.CreateDataAdapter(ucCommand);

            DataTable ucFieldsInTable = new DataTable();
            DataTable fieldsInTable   = new DataTable();
            DataTable pkFieldsInTable = new DataTable();

            List <DBTable> tablesToRemove = new List <DBTable>();

                foreach (DBElementName tableName in elementNames)
                    DBTable currentTable = new DBTable(schemaToFill, tableName);
                    tableNameParameter.Value = currentTable.Name;

                    // get the fields.

                        int ordinalPosition = 1;
                        var fields          = from row in fieldsInTable.AsEnumerable()
                                              let typeDefinition = CreateTypeDefinition(row, "domain_name", "width")
                                                                   let defaultValue = row.Value <string>("default") ?? string.Empty
                                                                                      let isIdentity = ((defaultValue == "autoincrement") || (row.Value <int>("max_identity") > 0))
                                                                                                       select new DBTableField(row.Value <string>("column_name"), typeDefinition, row.Value <string>("remarks") ?? string.Empty)
                            OrdinalPosition = ordinalPosition++,
                            DefaultValue    = defaultValue,
                            IsIdentity      = isIdentity,
                            IsComputed      = (row.Value <string>("column_type") == "C"),
                            IsNullable      = (row.Value <string>("nulls") == "Y"),
                            IsTimeStamp     = (typeDefinition.DBType == (int)AsaDbTypes.TimeStamp),
                            ParentTable     = currentTable

                        // get Primary Key fields for this table
                        pkRetrievalTableNameParameter.Value = currentTable.Name;
                        foreach (DataRow row in pkFieldsInTable.AsEnumerable())
                            string       columnName      = row.Value <string>("column_name");
                            DBTableField primaryKeyField = currentTable.FindFieldByName(columnName);
                            if (primaryKeyField != null)
                                primaryKeyField.IsPrimaryKey = true;
                                // PrimaryKeyConstraintName is not set, as ASA allows dropping and creating PKs without names. It's therefore not obtained (and not available either)

                        // get UC fields for this table
                        ucRetrievalTableNameParameter.Value = currentTable.Name;
                        var ucFieldsPerUc = from row in ucFieldsInTable.AsEnumerable()
                                            group row by row.Value <string>("index_name") into g
                                            select g;

                        foreach (IGrouping <string, DataRow> ucFields in ucFieldsPerUc)
                            DBUniqueConstraint currentUC = new DBUniqueConstraint(ucFields.Key)
                                AppliesToTable = currentTable
                            bool addUc = true;
                            foreach (DataRow row in ucFields)
                                DBTableField currentField = currentTable.FindFieldByName(row.Value <string>("column_name"));
                                if (currentField == null)
                            addUc &= (currentUC.Fields.Count > 0);
                            if (addUc)
                                currentUC.AppliesToTable = currentTable;
                    catch (ApplicationException ex)
                        // non fatal error, remove the table, proceed
                        schemaToFill.LogError(ex, "Table '" + currentTable.Name + "' removed from list due to an internal exception in Field population: " + ex.Message, "SybaseAsaSchemaRetriever::RetrieveTableAndFieldMetaData");
                    catch (InvalidCastException ex)
                        // non fatal error, remove the table, proceed
                        schemaToFill.LogError(ex, "Table '" + currentTable.Name + "' removed from list due to cast exception in Field population.", "SybaseAsaSchemaRetriever::RetrieveTableAndFieldMetaData");
            foreach (DBTable toRemove in tablesToRemove)
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves all Foreign keys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="catalogMetaData">The catalog meta data.</param>
        private void RetrieveForeignKeys(DBCatalog catalogMetaData)
            #region Description of query used
            //select  fks.user_name AS FK_SCHEMA, fkt.table_name as FK_TABLE_NAME, fcol.column_name AS FK_COLUMN_NAME,
            //        pks.user_name AS PK_SCHEMA, pkt.table_name as PK_TABLE_NAME, pcol.column_name AS PK_COLUMN_NAME, sc.constraint_name as FK_NAME
            //from    sysfkey fk inner join systab fkt on fk.foreign_table_id = fkt.table_id
            //        inner join systab pkt on fk.primary_table_id = pkt.table_id
            //        inner join sysuser fks on fkt.creator = fks.user_id
            //        inner join sysuser pks on pkt.creator = pks.user_id
            //        inner join sysidxcol fic on fic.table_id = fk.foreign_table_id and fic.index_id = fk.foreign_index_id
            //        inner join sysidxcol pic on pic.table_id = fk.primary_table_id and pic.index_id = fk.primary_index_id
            //                and fic.primary_column_id = pic.column_id
            //        inner join syscolumn fcol on fic.table_id=fcol.table_id and fic.column_id = fcol.column_id
            //        inner join syscolumn pcol on pic.table_id=pcol.table_id and pic.column_id = pcol.column_id
            //		  inner join sysidx si on si.table_id = fk.foreign_table_id and si.index_id = fk.foreign_index_id and si.index_category=2
            //		  inner join sysconstraint sc on sc.ref_object_id=si.object_id
            //where fks.user_name in (<schema list>) and pks.user_name in (<schema list>)
            //order BY fks.user_name ASC, fkt.table_name ASC, fic.column_id ASC

            string        inClause    = String.Join(", ", catalogMetaData.Schemas.Select(s => string.Format("'{0}'", s.SchemaOwner)).ToArray());
            string        query       = string.Format("select  fks.user_name AS FK_SCHEMA, fkt.table_name as FK_TABLE_NAME, fcol.column_name AS FK_COLUMN_NAME, pks.user_name AS PK_SCHEMA, pkt.table_name as PK_TABLE_NAME, pcol.column_name AS PK_COLUMN_NAME, sc.constraint_name as FK_NAME from sysfkey fk inner join systab fkt on fk.foreign_table_id = fkt.table_id inner join systab pkt on fk.primary_table_id = pkt.table_id inner join sysuser fks on fkt.creator = fks.user_id inner join sysuser pks on pkt.creator = pks.user_id inner join sysidxcol fic on fic.table_id = fk.foreign_table_id and fic.index_id = fk.foreign_index_id inner join sysidxcol pic on pic.table_id = fk.primary_table_id and pic.index_id = fk.primary_index_id and fic.primary_column_id = pic.column_id inner join syscolumn fcol on fic.table_id=fcol.table_id and fic.column_id = fcol.column_id inner join syscolumn pcol on pic.table_id=pcol.table_id and pic.column_id = pcol.column_id inner join sysidx si on si.table_id = fk.foreign_table_id and si.index_id = fk.foreign_index_id and si.index_category=2 inner join sysconstraint sc on sc.ref_object_id=si.object_id where fks.user_name in ({0}) and pks.user_name in ({0}) order BY fks.user_name ASC, fkt.table_name ASC, fic.column_id ASC", inClause);
            DbDataAdapter adapter     = this.DriverToUse.CreateDataAdapter(query);
            DataTable     foreignKeys = new DataTable();

            string currentPKTableName = string.Empty;
            string currentFKTableName = string.Empty;
            string currentFKName      = string.Empty;

            // traverse per FK table name the fields which are stored in an FK constraint per different PK table name.
            DBForeignKeyConstraint newForeignKeyConstraint = new DBForeignKeyConstraint();
            DBTable tableForeignKey = null;
            DBTable tablePrimaryKey = null;
            bool    fkValid         = false;
            foreach (DataRow row in foreignKeys.AsEnumerable())
                string previousPKTableName = currentPKTableName;
                currentPKTableName = row.Value <string>("PK_SCHEMA") + row.Value <string>("PK_TABLE_NAME");
                string previousFKTableName = currentFKTableName;
                currentFKTableName = row.Value <string>("FK_SCHEMA") + row.Value <string>("FK_TABLE_NAME");
                string previousFKName = currentFKName;
                currentFKName = row.Value <string>("FK_NAME");

                // if this is a new FK table, we've to start from scratch with a new FK constraint. If this isn't a new FK table, we've to check if this is a new
                // PK table. if so, we've also to start from scratch with a new FK constraint. If this isn't a new PK table, we've to check whether the FK name
                // changed. If so, we're dealing with a new FK constraint. Otherwise it's the same FK.
                if ((previousFKTableName != currentFKTableName) || (previousPKTableName != currentPKTableName) || (previousFKName != currentFKName))
                    // create a new FK
                    fkValid = true;
                    newForeignKeyConstraint = new DBForeignKeyConstraint();
                    newForeignKeyConstraint.ConstraintName = "FK_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

                    DBSchema schemaForeignKey = catalogMetaData.FindSchemaByName(row.Value <string>("FK_SCHEMA"));
                    if (schemaForeignKey == null)
                        fkValid = false;
                    tableForeignKey = schemaForeignKey.FindTableByName(row.Value <string>("FK_TABLE_NAME"));

                    // Get Primary Key Table, first get the schema, has to be there
                    DBSchema schemaPrimaryKey = catalogMetaData.FindSchemaByName(row.Value <string>("PK_SCHEMA"));
                    if (schemaPrimaryKey == null)
                        fkValid = false;
                    tablePrimaryKey = schemaPrimaryKey.FindTableByName(row.Value <string>("PK_TABLE_NAME"));

                    if ((tableForeignKey == null) || (tablePrimaryKey == null))
                        // not found. next
                        fkValid = false;

                    // Add to Foreign Key table.

                // test again, if the FK is based on 2 or more fields, this test is required.
                if (!fkValid)
                    // not valid, skip
                    if (tableForeignKey != null)

                newForeignKeyConstraint.AppliesToTable = tableForeignKey;
                DBTableField foreignKeyField = tableForeignKey.FindFieldByName(row.Value <string>("FK_COLUMN_NAME"));
                DBTableField primaryKeyField = tablePrimaryKey.FindFieldByName(row.Value <string>("PK_COLUMN_NAME"));
                if ((foreignKeyField == null) || (primaryKeyField == null))
                    fkValid = false;