public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateStory([FromBody] RequestStoryDTO storyDTO) { string userId = HttpContext.User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.Sid).Value; DBStatus status = await storiesService.ReplaceStoryAsync(storyDTO, userId); ResponseStatusDTO responseStatusDTO = new ResponseStatusDTO((int)status, status.ToString()); if (status == DBStatus.NotFound) { return(NotFound()); } else if (status == DBStatus.Forbidden) { return(Forbid()); } else if (status == DBStatus.NotModified) { return(BadRequest(new BadResponseDTO { Status = (int)status, Errors = new Errors { Message = new List <string> { status.ToString() } } })); } else if (status == DBStatus.PreconditionFailed) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status412PreconditionFailed)); } else { return(Ok(responseStatusDTO)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register([FromBody] UserRegistrationDTO userRegistrationDTO) { DBStatus status = await authService.RegisterAsync(userRegistrationDTO); ResponseStatusDTO responseStatusDTO = new ResponseStatusDTO((int)status, status.ToString()); if (status == DBStatus.Failed) { return(BadRequest(new BadResponseDTO { Status = (int)status, Errors = new Errors { Message = new List <string> { status.ToString() } } })); } else if (status == DBStatus.Taken) { return(BadRequest(new BadResponseDTO { Status = (int)status, Errors = new Errors { Message = new List <string> { "User Id already taken" } } })); } return(Ok(responseStatusDTO)); }
public async Task TestUpdateStory_Ok() { //Arrange string expectedTitle = "LoremIpsum"; string userId = "akash"; DBStatus status = DBStatus.Modified; RequestStoryDTO storyDTO = new RequestStoryDTO { Title = expectedTitle }; storiesService.Setup(x => x.ReplaceStoryAsync(storyDTO, userId)).ReturnsAsync(status); storiesController.ControllerContext = httpContext; //Act var result = await storiesController.UpdateStory(storyDTO) as OkObjectResult; //Assert Assert.NotNull(result); var response = result.Value as ResponseStatusDTO; Assert.Equal(200, result.StatusCode); Assert.Equal("Modified", response.Message); }
public async Task TestCreateStory_Created() { // Arrange Guid expectedStoryId = Guid.NewGuid(); RequestStoryDTO requestStoryDTO = new RequestStoryDTO { StoryId = expectedStoryId, Title = "", Body = "", PublishedDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; DBStatus dbStatus = DBStatus.Added; storiesService.Setup(x => x.CreateStoryAsync(requestStoryDTO, "akash")).ReturnsAsync(dbStatus); storiesController.ControllerContext = httpContext; //Act var actionResult = await storiesController.CreateStory(requestStoryDTO) as CreatedAtActionResult; //Assert Assert.NotNull(actionResult); Assert.Equal(201, actionResult.StatusCode); Assert.Equal(expectedStoryId.ToString(), actionResult.RouteValues.GetValueOrDefault("storyId").ToString()); }
private void createSchema_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DatabaseFunctions.CreateFdpsSchema(); DBStatus.Text = @"Schema successfully created"; DBStatus.Update(); InitializedatatableComboBox(); }
private void dropSchema_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DatabaseFunctions.DropFdpsSchema(); DBStatus.Text = @"Schema successfully dropped"; DBStatus.Update(); ClearComboBoxes(); }
public ConfigForm() { InitializeComponent(); Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; DBStatus.init(); presenter = new ConfigFormPresenter(this); }
public DBConnect() { try { //Relative to application path //Use it only for release //Debug will have db overwrite //string dbPath = Application.StartupPath.ToString() + "\\database\\autocrb.accdb"; //Dont ask ._. string dbPath = Application.StartupPath.ToString() + "..\\..\\..\\..\\database\\autocrb.accdb"; con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + dbPath + ";Persist Security Info=True"); con.Open(); currentStatus = DBStatus.Database_Ready; } catch (OleDbException) { String message = "Could not connect to the database!" + Environment.NewLine + "Please ensure that the database file 'autocrb.accdb' is present in database folder!"; MessageBox.Show(message, "Database Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); this.currentStatus = DBStatus.Database_NotFound; } finally { //Close it once initialized, open con when required con.Close(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> RemoveStory([Required] Guid storyId) { string userId = HttpContext.User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.Sid).Value; DBStatus status = await storiesService.RemoveStoryAsync(storyId, userId); ResponseStatusDTO responseStatusDTO = new ResponseStatusDTO((int)status, status.ToString()); if (status == DBStatus.NotFound) { return(NotFound()); } else if (status == DBStatus.Forbidden) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden)); } else if (status == DBStatus.NotDeleted) { return(BadRequest(new BadResponseDTO { Status = (int)status, Errors = new Errors { Message = new List <string> { status.ToString() } } })); } else { return(Ok(responseStatusDTO)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateUserPassword([FromBody] UpdateUserPasswordDTO updateUserPasswordDTO) { string userId = HttpContext.User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes.Sid).Value; updateUserPasswordDTO.UserId = userId; DBStatus status = await userService.UpdateUserPasswordAsync(updateUserPasswordDTO); ResponseStatusDTO responseStatusDTO = new ResponseStatusDTO((int)status, status.ToString()); if (status == DBStatus.NotFound) { return(NotFound()); } else if (status == DBStatus.Forbidden) { return(Forbid()); } else if (status == DBStatus.NotModified) { return(BadRequest(new BadResponseDTO { Status = (int)status, Errors = new Errors { Message = new List <string> { status.ToString() } } })); } else { return(Ok(responseStatusDTO)); } }
public void Close() { if (server != null && server.State == MongoServerState.Connected) { server.Disconnect(); _status = DBStatus.Close; } }
public void Close() { if (client != null) { client = null; _status = DBStatus.Close; } }
private void truncateDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DatabaseFunctions.TruncateFdpsTables(); DBStatus.Text = @"Database tables successfully truncated"; DBStatus.Update(); ClearComboBoxes(); InitializedatatableComboBox(); }
public void Open(string mongoconn, string dbname) { Release(); client = new MongoClient(mongoconn); database = client.GetDatabase(dbname); _status = DBStatus.Open; }
public void Commit() { if (this._s == DBStatus.Begin_Trans) { this.trans.Commit(); this._s = DBStatus.Commit_Trans; } }
/// <summary> /// Close SqlServer /// </summary> public void Close() { if (this.sqlconn != null && this.sqlconn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { this.sqlconn.Close(); } this.sqlconn = null; this._s = DBStatus.Close; }
public async Task <DBStatus> CreateStoryAsync(RequestStoryDTO storyDTO, string userId) { Story story = mapper.Map <Story>(storyDTO); story.AuthorId = userId; DBStatus status = await storiesRepository.AddStoryAsync(story); return(status); }
internal string ValueString() { string str = (string)this._value; if (str != null) { return(str); } DBStatus status = this.StatusValue(); if (status != DBStatus.S_OK) { if (status != DBStatus.S_TRUNCATED) { throw this.CheckTypeValueStatusValue(typeof(string)); } } else { switch (this.DbType) { case 130: str = this.Value_WSTR(); goto Label_00C0; case 0x4082: str = this.Value_ByRefWSTR(); goto Label_00C0; case 8: str = this.Value_BSTR(); goto Label_00C0; case 12: str = (string)this.ValueVariant(); goto Label_00C0; } throw ODB.ConversionRequired(); } switch (this.DbType) { case 130: str = this.Value_WSTR(); break; case 0x4082: str = this.Value_ByRefWSTR(); break; default: throw ODB.ConversionRequired(); } Label_00C0: this._value = str; return(str); }
public void getTableTest() { DBStatus.init(); DataTable dt = accountService.getTable("s"); int i = dt.Rows.Count; int j = 0; Assert.AreEqual(i, j); // Assert.Fail(); }
public void UpdateDBStatusWithoutMonitoring(string connectionString, DBStatus dbStatus) { DBStatus value; m_connectionStrings.TryGetValue(connectionString, out value); if (value != dbStatus) { m_connectionStrings[connectionString] = dbStatus; } }
public async Task <DBStatus> RegisterAsync(UserRegistrationDTO userRegistrationDTO) { string passwordHash = ConverterSuit.ByteArrayToHex(HashSuit.ComputeSha256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userRegistrationDTO.Password))); User user = mapper.Map <User>(userRegistrationDTO); user.PasswordHash = passwordHash; DBStatus status = await authRepository.RegisterAsync(user); return(status); }
public async Task TestAddStory_Added(Story story) { //Arrange DBStatus expectedStatus = DBStatus.Added; //Act DBStatus actualStatus = await storiesRepository.AddStoryAsync(story); //Assert Assert.Equal(expectedStatus, actualStatus); }
public void Cancel() { if (Status != OrderStatus.ORDERING_STATUS_QUEUE) { return; } Status = OrderStatus.ORDERING_STATUS_CANCELED; _dbStatus = DBStatus.ORDER_CHANGED; // SaveToDb(true); }
public void FetchRemote(OnStringCompletedDelegate clbk) { if (!webClient.IsBusy) { Status = DBStatus.Fetching; Callback = clbk; Uri link = new Uri(GetFileLink("root.txt")); webClient.DownloadStringAsync(link); StatusMessage = ""; } }
/// <summary> /// Open SqlServer /// </summary> /// <param name="connString"></param> public void Open(string connString) { if (sqlconn == null) { this.sqlconn = new SqlConnection(connString); } if (this.sqlconn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { this.sqlconn.Open(); } this._s = DBStatus.Open; }
/*async static Task Run() * { * using (var dbx = new DropboxClient(AccessToken)) * { * var full = await dbx.Users.GetCurrentAccountAsync(); * Log("{0} - {1}", full.Name.DisplayName, full.Email); * } * }*/ public void FetchRemoteFile(string file, OnStringCompletedDelegate clbk) { if (!webClient.IsBusy) { Status = DBStatus.Fetching; Callback = clbk; Uri link = new Uri(GetFileLink(file)); LastTempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); LastTargetFile = Path.Combine(LastDirectory, file); webClient.DownloadFileAsync(link, LastTempFile); StatusMessage = ""; } }
public void UpdateDBStatus(string connectionString, DBStatus dbStatus) { lock (m_lockObj) { UpdateDBStatusWithoutMonitoring(connectionString, dbStatus); //add to dbstatusmonitor thread. if (dbStatus == DBStatus.DB_OFFLINE) { m_monitorthread.AddItem(connectionString); } } }
public Order(User owner, TaxiType taxiType, Address sAddress, Address eAddress) { Id = 0; Owner = owner; Driver = null; SAddress = sAddress; EAddress = eAddress; Type = taxiType; Date = new DateTime(); Status = OrderStatus.ORDERING_STATUS_QUEUE; _dbStatus = DBStatus.ORDER_NEW; }
internal byte[] ValueByteArray() { byte[] buffer = (byte[])this._value; if (buffer != null) { return(buffer); } DBStatus status = this.StatusValue(); if (status != DBStatus.S_OK) { if (status != DBStatus.S_TRUNCATED) { throw this.CheckTypeValueStatusValue(typeof(byte[])); } } else { switch (this.DbType) { case 12: buffer = (byte[])this.ValueVariant(); goto Label_00AC; case 0x80: buffer = this.Value_BYTES(); goto Label_00AC; case 0x4080: buffer = this.Value_ByRefBYTES(); goto Label_00AC; } throw ODB.ConversionRequired(); } switch (this.DbType) { case 0x80: buffer = this.Value_BYTES(); break; case 0x4080: buffer = this.Value_ByRefBYTES(); break; default: throw ODB.ConversionRequired(); } Label_00AC: this._value = buffer; return(buffer); }
private async void deleteProject_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Deleting Project with name: {VM.SelectedProject.Name}"); DBStatus status = await SQLDbHelper.DeleteProject(VM.SelectedProject); if (status == DBStatus.Success) { VM.Projects.Remove(VM.SelectedProject); VM.SelectedProject = null; VM.IsDeleteProject = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Class used for easier describe error or success /// </summary> /// <param name="status">Operation status fail or success</param> public DBRespons(DBStatus status) { this.status = status; switch (status) { case DBStatus.InsertSuccessful: msg = "Insert successful"; break; case DBStatus.UpdateSuccessful: msg = "Update successful"; break; case DBStatus.SelectSuccessful: msg = "select successful"; break; case DBStatus.InitDBSuccessful: msg = "Init DB successful"; break; case DBStatus.OpenSuccessful: msg = "Open DB successful"; break; case DBStatus.InsertError: msg = "Insert error"; break; case DBStatus.UpdateError: msg = "Update error"; break; case DBStatus.SelectError: msg = "Select error"; break; case DBStatus.InitDBError: msg = "Init DB error"; break; case DBStatus.OpenError: msg = "Open DB error"; break; default: break; } }
internal void StatusValue(DBStatus value) { this.RowBinding.WriteInt32(this._offsetStatus, (int) value); }
private static void gogo() { Dictionary<int, Location> nowpath = new Dictionary<int, Location>(); Ticker isJump = new Ticker(500000); int level = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Level; int nowlevel = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Level; int exp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage; int nowexp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage; int last_run_exp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage; DateTime intime = DateTime.Now; DateTime last_run_time = DateTime.Now; while (true) { switch (FBStatus) { case DBStatus.In_EntryChecking: if (isJump.IsReady) { isJump.Reset(); KeyLowHelper.PressKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); KeyLowHelper.ReleaseKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); Thread.Sleep(4000); } while (!SetLeader()) ; if (CanStart()) { LastLeaderStep = 0; FBStatus = DBStatus.In_LeaderInScopeCheck; Logging.Write("检查大号是不是在范围内"); last_run_exp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage; exp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage; level = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Level; } break; case DBStatus.In_LeaderInScopeCheck: if (isJump.IsReady) { isJump.Reset(); KeyLowHelper.PressKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); KeyLowHelper.ReleaseKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); Thread.Sleep(4000); } if (IsLeaderInScope()) { nowpath = GetMemPath(); FBStatus = DBStatus.In_Running; int this_turn_exp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage - last_run_exp; this_turn_exp = this_turn_exp >= 0 ? this_turn_exp : 100 + this_turn_exp; Logging.Write(string.Format("第{0}次跑路。这次共获得经验[{1}],耗时[{2}]。", LastLeaderStep + 1, this_turn_exp, DateTime.Now - last_run_time)); last_run_exp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage; last_run_time = DateTime.Now; } break; case DBStatus.In_Running: if (isJump.IsReady) { isJump.Reset(); KeyLowHelper.PressKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); KeyLowHelper.ReleaseKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); Thread.Sleep(4000); } if (MeGoGo(nowpath)) { if (LastLeaderStep == LeaderInFB.Keys.Max()) { FBStatus = DBStatus.In_CheckIsOut; Logging.Write(string.Format("等待大号暗语,准备出本")); } else { FBStatus = DBStatus.In_LeaderInScopeCheck; } LastLeaderStep++; } break; case DBStatus.In_CheckIsOut: if (isJump.IsReady) { isJump.Reset(); KeyLowHelper.PressKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); KeyLowHelper.ReleaseKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); Thread.Sleep(4000); } if (_Action == ActionStatus.OutFB || _Action == ActionStatus.DirectOut) { Logging.Write(string.Format("收到暗语,出本!!!")); nowlevel = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Level; nowexp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage; if (_Action == ActionStatus.OutFB) MeGoGo(GetMemOutPath()); //出副本 Thread.Sleep(200); FBExit.Face(); KeyHelper.PressKey("Up"); while (ObjectManager.InGame) Thread.Sleep(100); KeyHelper.ReleaseKey("Up"); Thread.Sleep(2000); while (!ObjectManager.InGame) Thread.Sleep(100); _Action = ActionStatus.Nothing; Logging.Write(string.Format("出来了,等待暗语,准备进本。上次刷本经验获得了{0}%,耗时{1},升了{2}级", nowexp - exp >= 0 ? nowexp - exp : 100 + nowexp - exp, DateTime.Now - intime, nowlevel - level)); FBStatus = DBStatus.Out_ExitDone; } break; case DBStatus.Out_ExitDone: if (_Action == ActionStatus.InFB) { FBStatus = DBStatus.Out_following; _Action = ActionStatus.Nothing; } break; case DBStatus.Out_following: if (isJump.IsReady) { isJump.Reset(); KeyLowHelper.PressKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); KeyLowHelper.ReleaseKey(MicrosoftVirtualKeys.Space); Thread.Sleep(4000); } Logging.Write(string.Format("进本!!!")); FBEntry.Face(); KeyHelper.PressKey("Up"); while (ObjectManager.InGame) Thread.Sleep(100); KeyHelper.ReleaseKey("Up"); Thread.Sleep(2000); while (!ObjectManager.InGame) Thread.Sleep(100); Logging.Write(string.Format("进副本了,现在是{0}级,经验{1}%", ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Level, ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage)); level = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.Level; exp = ObjectManager.MyPlayer.ExperiencePercentage; last_run_exp = exp; intime = DateTime.Now; last_run_time = intime; FBStatus = DBStatus.In_EntryChecking; break; } Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public static bool Init(string _leadername, Location _fbin, Location _fbout, Dictionary<int, Location> _lloc, Dictionary<int, Location> _path, Dictionary<int, int> _map) { LastLeaderStep = 0; FBStatus = DBStatus.In_EntryChecking; _Action = ActionStatus.Nothing; LeaderName = _leadername.ToUpper(); if (!SetLeader()) return false; FBEntry = _fbin; FBExit = _fbout; LeaderInFB = _lloc; memInFB = _path; MapOverLeaderAndMem = _map; return true; }
internal static void CommandParameterStatus(StringBuilder builder, int index, DBStatus status) { switch (status) { case DBStatus.S_OK: case DBStatus.S_ISNULL: case DBStatus.S_IGNORE: return; case DBStatus.E_BADACCESSOR: builder.Append(Res.GetString("OleDb_CommandParameterBadAccessor", new object[] { index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "" })); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); return; case DBStatus.E_CANTCONVERTVALUE: builder.Append(Res.GetString("OleDb_CommandParameterCantConvertValue", new object[] { index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "" })); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); return; case DBStatus.E_SIGNMISMATCH: builder.Append(Res.GetString("OleDb_CommandParameterSignMismatch", new object[] { index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "" })); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); return; case DBStatus.E_DATAOVERFLOW: builder.Append(Res.GetString("OleDb_CommandParameterDataOverflow", new object[] { index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "" })); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); return; case DBStatus.E_UNAVAILABLE: builder.Append(Res.GetString("OleDb_CommandParameterUnavailable", new object[] { index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "" })); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); return; case DBStatus.S_DEFAULT: builder.Append(Res.GetString("OleDb_CommandParameterDefault", new object[] { index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "" })); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); return; } builder.Append(Res.GetString("OleDb_CommandParameterError", new object[] { index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), status.ToString() })); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); }
// OleDbCommand static internal void CommandParameterStatus(StringBuilder builder, int index, DBStatus status) { switch (status) { case DBStatus.S_OK: case DBStatus.S_ISNULL: case DBStatus.S_IGNORE: break; case DBStatus.E_BADACCESSOR: builder.Append(Res.GetString(Res.OleDb_CommandParameterBadAccessor,index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "")); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); break; case DBStatus.E_CANTCONVERTVALUE: builder.Append(Res.GetString(Res.OleDb_CommandParameterCantConvertValue,index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "")); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); break; case DBStatus.E_SIGNMISMATCH: builder.Append(Res.GetString(Res.OleDb_CommandParameterSignMismatch,index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "")); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); break; case DBStatus.E_DATAOVERFLOW: builder.Append(Res.GetString(Res.OleDb_CommandParameterDataOverflow,index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "")); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); break; case DBStatus.E_CANTCREATE: Debug.Assert(false, "CommandParameterStatus: unexpected E_CANTCREATE"); goto default; case DBStatus.E_UNAVAILABLE: builder.Append(Res.GetString(Res.OleDb_CommandParameterUnavailable,index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "")); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); break; case DBStatus.E_PERMISSIONDENIED: Debug.Assert(false, "CommandParameterStatus: unexpected E_PERMISSIONDENIED"); goto default; case DBStatus.E_INTEGRITYVIOLATION: Debug.Assert(false, "CommandParameterStatus: unexpected E_INTEGRITYVIOLATION"); goto default; case DBStatus.E_SCHEMAVIOLATION: Debug.Assert(false, "CommandParameterStatus: unexpected E_SCHEMAVIOLATION"); goto default; case DBStatus.E_BADSTATUS: Debug.Assert(false, "CommandParameterStatus: unexpected E_BADSTATUS"); goto default; case DBStatus.S_DEFAULT: // MDAC 66626 builder.Append(Res.GetString(Res.OleDb_CommandParameterDefault,index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "")); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); break; default: builder.Append(Res.GetString(Res.OleDb_CommandParameterError, index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), status.ToString())); builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor used to report error operation in DB /// it containt exception message for easier debugin /// </summary> /// <param name="status">Operation status</param> /// <param name="message">Exception message</param> public DBRespons(DBStatus status, string message) { this.status = status; this.msg = message; }
internal void StatusValue(DBStatus value) { #if DEBUG switch(value) { case DBStatus.S_OK: case DBStatus.S_ISNULL: case DBStatus.S_DEFAULT: break; default: Debug.Assert(false, "unexpected StatusValue"); break; } #endif RowBinding.WriteInt32(_offsetStatus, (int)value); }
static internal InvalidOperationException UnexpectedStatusValue(DBStatus status) { return ADP.DataAdapter(Res.GetString(Res.OleDb_UnexpectedStatusValue, status.ToString())); }
internal static InvalidOperationException UnexpectedStatusValue(DBStatus status) { return ADP.DataAdapter(Res.GetString("OleDb_UnexpectedStatusValue", new object[] { status.ToString() })); }