private void toolStripButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (grData.CurrentRow == null) { return; } bool rdism, rrem; if (DBNull.Equals(grData.CurrentRow.Cells["objDism"].Value, DBNull.Value)) { rdism = false; } else { rdism = (bool)grData.CurrentRow.Cells["objDism"].Value; } if (DBNull.Equals(grData.CurrentRow.Cells["onRemont"].Value, DBNull.Value)) { rrem = false; } else { rrem = (bool)grData.CurrentRow.Cells["onRemont"].Value; } if (rdism) { MessageBox.Show("Данное устройство снято с учета!", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (rrem) { MessageBox.Show("Данное устройство уже в ремонте!", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (MessageBox.Show("Отметить выбранное устройство как нуждающееся в ремонте?", Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand { Connection = new SqlConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.itInventorConnectionString), CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure, CommandText = "chkToRemont" }; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@obNo", (int)grData.CurrentRow.Cells["objNo"].Value); cmd.Connection.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Connection.Close(); int kod = (int)trPodr.SelectedNode.Tag; selOborudTableAdapter.Fill(selOborudDataSet.selOborud, kod); } }
private void btnPost_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Msg = "هل تريد بالتاكيد إعتماد جميع البطاقات المحددة؟"; if (new Dialogs.Dg_ComfirmMessage("إعتماد", Msg).MessageResult() == DialogResult.Yes) { string EntryDocNo = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < dgv_Reception.Rows.Count; ++i) { if (!DBNull.Equals(dgv_Reception["select", i].Value, null) && Boolean.Parse(dgv_Reception["select", i].Value.ToString()) == true) { EntryDocNo = dgv_Reception["Entry_doc_no", i].Value.ToString(); if (QuerySource == "pending") { Db.PostDlgReception(EntryDocNo, SharedParam.CurrentUser.UserID); } else { Db.PostReception(EntryDocNo, SharedParam.CurrentUser.UserID); } } } btn_Query_Click(sender, e); } }
private void btn_inverseSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < dgv_Reception.Rows.Count; ++i) { if (DBNull.Equals(dgv_Reception["select", i].Value, null) || Boolean.Parse(dgv_Reception["select", i].Value.ToString()) == true) { dgv_Reception["select", i].Value = false; } else { dgv_Reception["select", i].Value = true; } } }
private void AddCertsToList() { int shares = 0; string CertNo = string.Empty; string HolderName = string.Empty; string ClassName = string.Empty; string ClassId = string.Empty; string RowId = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < dgvCerts.Rows.Count; ++i) { if (!DBNull.Equals(dgvCerts["select", i].Value, null) && Boolean.Parse(dgvCerts["select", i].Value.ToString()) == true) { shares = (int)dgvCerts["share_qty", i].Value; CertNo = dgvCerts["cert_no", i].Value.ToString(); HolderName = dgvCerts["holder_name", i].Value.ToString(); ClassName = dgvCerts["class_name", i].Value.ToString(); ClassId = dgvCerts["holder_class", i].Value.ToString(); RowId = dgvCerts["rowid", i].Value.ToString(); if (shares > 0 && dgvCerts["status", i].Value.ToString() == "0") { PresentHolderCertsWithDelegate tmp = new PresentHolderCertsWithDelegate(shares, CertNo, HolderName, ClassName, ClassId, RowId, 0 , _Delagate_Data.IsDelagated, _Delagate_Data.DlgNo, _Delagate_Data.DlgName, _Delagate_Data.DlgDate, _Delagate_Data.ApprovedNo , _Delagate_Data.ApprovedDate, _Delagate_Data.ApprovedOrg, _Delagate_Data.Note, _Delagate_Data.Delegate_Type , _Delagate_Data.Delegate_Type_Name, _Delagate_Data.Reception_Type, SharedParam.CurrentUser.UserID); if (!object.ReferenceEquals(_CertList, null)) { PresentHolderCertsWithDelegate tmp2 = _CertList.Find(t => t.CertNo == CertNo); if (tmp2 == null) { _CertList.Add(tmp); } } else { _CertList = new List <PresentHolderCertsWithDelegate>(); _CertList.Add(tmp); } } } } }
private void dataGridView1_RowPrePaint(object sender, DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs e) { if (grData.Rows[e.RowIndex] == null) { return; } bool rdism, rrem; if (DBNull.Equals(grData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["objDism"].Value, DBNull.Value)) { rdism = false; } else { rdism = (bool)grData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["objDism"].Value; } if (DBNull.Equals(grData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["onRemont"].Value, DBNull.Value)) { rrem = false; } else { rrem = (bool)grData.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["onRemont"].Value; } if (rdism) { grData.Rows[e.RowIndex].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Coral; } if (rrem) { grData.Rows[e.RowIndex].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightYellow; } }
private void GetValores(int id, DateTime?datainicial, DateTime?datafinal) { if (datainicial == null) { datainicial = DateTime.Now; } if (datafinal == null) { datafinal = DateTime.Now; } var x = " select (AVG(XX.PRODUTIVIDADE)) PRODUTIVIDADE, SUM(XX.DISCADAS) DISCADAS, " + " SUM(XX.CONTATOS) CONTATOS, AVG(XX.CONTATOS * 100 / XX.DISCADAS) APROVEITAMENTO, SUM(XX.PEDIDOS) PEDIDOS FROM " + " (SELECT ((( (if ((select sum(time_to_sec(cr.LIGACAO_FINALIZADA) - time_to_sec(cr.LIGACAO_RECEBIDA)) " + " from chamadas_receptivo cr where cr.operador = o.codigo and DATE(cr.LIGACAO_RECEBIDA) between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ) + ( " + " select(sum(time_to_sec(data_hora_fim) - time_to_sec(data_hora_lig))) as tempo_falando " + " from campanhas_clientes " + " where " + " OPERADOR_LIGACAO = o.codigo " + " and DATE(data_hora_lig)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ) " + " is null,if ( " + " (select sum(time_to_sec(cr.LIGACAO_FINALIZADA) - time_to_sec(cr.LIGACAO_RECEBIDA)) " + " from chamadas_receptivo cr " + " where cr.operador = o.codigo " + " and DATE(cr.LIGACAO_RECEBIDA)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ) is null,(select(sum(time_to_sec(data_hora_fim) - time_to_sec(data_hora_lig))) as tempo_falando " + " from campanhas_clientes where OPERADOR_LIGACAO = o.codigo " + " and DATE(data_hora_lig)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ),( " + " select sum(time_to_sec(cr.LIGACAO_FINALIZADA) - time_to_sec(cr.LIGACAO_RECEBIDA)) " + " from chamadas_receptivo cr " + " where cr.operador = o.codigo " + " and DATE(cr.LIGACAO_RECEBIDA)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " )),( " + " select sum(time_to_sec(cr.LIGACAO_FINALIZADA) - time_to_sec(cr.LIGACAO_RECEBIDA)) " + " from chamadas_receptivo cr " + " where cr.operador = o.codigo " + " and DATE(cr.LIGACAO_RECEBIDA)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ) + ( " + " select(sum(time_to_sec(data_hora_fim) - time_to_sec(data_hora_lig))) as tempo_falando " + " from campanhas_clientes where " + " OPERADOR_LIGACAO = o.codigo " + " and DATE(data_hora_lig)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "')))))*100)/ " + " (if (((select sum(time_to_sec(l.tempo_logado)) as tempo_logado from login_ativo_receptivo l " + " where " + " o.codigo = l.operador " + " and modulo = 'Ativo' " + " and DATE(entrada)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ) -(( " + " select sum(ligacoes_ok) " + " from login_ativo_receptivo l " + " where modulo ='Ativo' " + " and l.OPERADOR = o.codigo " + " and DATE(entrada)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ) *1)) is null,0,(( " + " select " + " sum(time_to_sec(l.tempo_logado)) as tempo_logado from login_ativo_receptivo l " + " where " + " o.codigo = l.operador " + " and modulo = 'Ativo' " + " and DATE(entrada)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ) -(( " + " select sum(ligacoes_ok) " + " from login_ativo_receptivo l " + " where modulo = 'Ativo' " + " and l.OPERADOR = o.codigo " + " and DATE(entrada)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " ) *1))) + if ((select " + " sum(time_to_sec(l.tempo_logado)) as tempo_logado from login_ativo_receptivo l " + " where o.codigo = l.operador " + " and modulo = 'Receptivo' " + " and DATE(entrada)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "')is null,0,(select " + " sum(time_to_sec(l.tempo_logado)) as tempo_logado from login_ativo_receptivo l " + " where o.codigo = l.operador " + " and modulo = 'Receptivo' " + " and DATE(entrada)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "')) " + " - (SELECT IFNULL(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(p.DATA_HORA_FIM) - TIME_TO_SEC(p.DATA_HORA)), 0) AS TEMPO_PAUSA FROM pausas_realizadas p inner join motivos_pausa mp on mp.CODIGO = p.COD_PAUSA and mp.PRODUTIVIDADE = 'SIM' WHERE DATE(p.DATA_HORA)between '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' and p.OPERADOR = o.codigo) " + " ) AS PRODUTIVIDADE, " + " CAST(COUNT(distinct cc.CODIGO) AS CHAR) AS DISCADAS, " + " CAST(SUM(IF(r.ECONTATO = 'SIM', 1, 0)) AS CHAR) AS CONTATOS, " + " CAST(SUM(IF(r.EPEDIDO = 'SIM', 1, 0)) AS CHAR) AS PEDIDOS FROM operadores o " + " LEFT JOIN campanhas_clientes cc ON (cc.OPERADOR_LIGACAO = o.CODIGO AND cc.OPERADOR_LIGACAO > 0 " + " AND DATE(cc.DT_RESULTADO) BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "') " + " LEFT JOIN resultados r ON(r.CODIGO = cc.RESULTADO) " + " LEFT JOIN campanhas c ON(c.CODIGO = cc.CAMPANHA) " + " WHERE o.CODIGO = " + id.ToString() + ") as XX "; FuncoesBanco f = new FuncoesBanco(dblocal); List <dynamic> MyList = f.CollectionFromSql(x, new Dictionary <string, object> { }).ToList(); foreach (dynamic item in MyList) { if (!DBNull.Equals(item.PRODUTIVIDADE, DBNull.Value)) { PRODUTIVIDADE = Convert.ToDouble(item.PRODUTIVIDADE); } else { PRODUTIVIDADE = 0; } if (!DBNull.Equals(item.DISCADAS, DBNull.Value)) { DISCADAS = Convert.ToInt32(item.DISCADAS); } else { DISCADAS = 0; } if (!DBNull.Equals(item.CONTATOS, DBNull.Value)) { CONTATOS = Convert.ToInt32(item.CONTATOS); } else { CONTATOS = 0; } if (!DBNull.Equals(item.APROVEITAMENTO, DBNull.Value)) { APROVEITAMENTO = Convert.ToDouble(item.APROVEITAMENTO); } else { APROVEITAMENTO = 0; } if (!DBNull.Equals(item.PEDIDOS, DBNull.Value)) { PEDIDOS = Convert.ToInt32(item.PEDIDOS); } else { PEDIDOS = 0; } } x = "SELECT cli.ESTADO, SUM(cc.VALOR) as VALOR FROM compras cc " + " JOIN clientes cli on cli.CODIGO = cc.CLIENTE AND cli.ESTADO <> '' " + " WHERE cc.OPERADOR > 0 AND cc.DATA BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " group by cli.ESTADO having SUM(cc.VALOR) > 0 ORDER BY COUNT(cc.CODIGO) DESC "; if (VendasPorEstado == null) { MyList = f.CollectionFromSql(x, new Dictionary <string, object> { }).ToList(); VendasPorEstado = MyList; } x = "SELECT meta.OPERADOR,o.LOGIN, sum(meta.VALOR_META) as META " + " FROM operadores_meta meta JOIN operadores o on o.CODIGO = meta.OPERADOR WHERE CAST(CONCAT(meta.ANO, '-', meta.MES, '-01') AS DATE) BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " group by meta.OPERADOR,o.LOGIN "; if (MetasXVendas == null) { MyList = f.CollectionFromSql(x, new Dictionary <string, object> { }).ToList(); MetasXVendas = MyList; foreach (var m in MetasXVendas) { x = "SELECT SUM(cc.VALOR) as VALOR FROM compras cc " + " WHERE cc.OPERADOR = " + m.OPERADOR + " AND cc.DATA BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' "; var valor = f.ExecSql(x); if (valor != null && valor.Count > 0) { m.VALOR_VENDA = Convert.ToDouble(valor[0]); } else { m.VALOR_VENDA = 0; } x = " select p.VALOR from campanhas_clientes a inner join propostas p on p.LIGACAO = a.CODIGO " + " WHERE a.OPERADOR = " + m.OPERADOR + " AND a.DT_RESULTADO BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' "; valor = f.ExecSql(x); if (valor != null && valor.Count > 0) { m.VALOR_PROPOSTA = Convert.ToDouble(valor[0]); } else { m.VALOR_PROPOSTA = 0; } } } }
private void GetValores(int id, DateTime?datainicial, DateTime?datafinal) { if (datainicial == null) { datainicial = DateTime.Now; } if (datafinal == null) { datafinal = DateTime.Now; } FuncoesBanco f = new FuncoesBanco(dblocal); var x = GetSQLProcutividade(id, datainicial, datafinal); List <dynamic> MyList = f.CollectionFromSql(x, new Dictionary <string, object> { }).ToList(); foreach (dynamic item in MyList) { if (!DBNull.Equals(item.PRODUTIVIDADE, DBNull.Value)) { PRODUTIVIDADE = Convert.ToDouble(item.PRODUTIVIDADE); } else { PRODUTIVIDADE = 0; } if (!DBNull.Equals(item.DISCADAS, DBNull.Value)) { DISCADAS = Convert.ToInt32(item.DISCADAS); } else { DISCADAS = 0; } if (!DBNull.Equals(item.CONTATOS, DBNull.Value)) { CONTATOS = Convert.ToInt32(item.CONTATOS); } else { CONTATOS = 0; } if (!DBNull.Equals(item.APROVEITAMENTO, DBNull.Value)) { APROVEITAMENTO = Convert.ToDouble(item.APROVEITAMENTO); } else { APROVEITAMENTO = 0; } if (!DBNull.Equals(item.PEDIDOS, DBNull.Value)) { PEDIDOS = Convert.ToInt32(item.PEDIDOS); } else { PEDIDOS = 0; } } x = "SELECT cli.ESTADO, SUM(cc.VALOR) as VALOR FROM compras cc " + " JOIN clientes cli on cli.CODIGO = cc.CLIENTE AND cli.ESTADO <> '' " + " WHERE cc.OPERADOR > 0 AND cc.DATA BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " group by cli.ESTADO having SUM(cc.VALOR) > 0 ORDER BY COUNT(cc.CODIGO) DESC "; if (VendasPorEstado == null) { MyList = f.CollectionFromSql(x, new Dictionary <string, object> { }).ToList(); VendasPorEstado = MyList; } x = "SELECT meta.OPERADOR,o.LOGIN, sum(meta.VALOR_META) as META " + " FROM operadores_meta meta JOIN operadores o on o.CODIGO = meta.OPERADOR WHERE CAST(CONCAT(meta.ANO, '-', meta.MES, '-01') AS DATE) BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' " + " group by meta.OPERADOR,o.LOGIN "; if (MetasXVendas == null) { MyList = f.CollectionFromSql(x, new Dictionary <string, object> { }).ToList(); MetasXVendas = MyList; foreach (var m in MetasXVendas) { x = "SELECT SUM(cc.VALOR) as VALOR FROM compras cc " + " WHERE cc.OPERADOR = " + m.OPERADOR + " AND cc.DATA BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' "; var valor = f.ExecSql(x); if (valor != null && valor.Count > 0) { m.VALOR_VENDA = Convert.ToDouble(valor[0]); } else { m.VALOR_VENDA = 0; } x = " select p.VALOR from campanhas_clientes a inner join propostas p on p.LIGACAO = a.CODIGO " + " WHERE a.OPERADOR = " + m.OPERADOR + " AND a.DT_RESULTADO BETWEEN '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datainicial) + "' AND '" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", datafinal) + "' "; valor = f.ExecSql(x); if (valor != null && valor.Count > 0) { m.VALOR_PROPOSTA = Convert.ToDouble(valor[0]); } else { m.VALOR_PROPOSTA = 0; } } } }
public void Equals_Other_ReturnsExpected(DBNull dbNull, object other, bool expected) { Assert.Equal(expected, dbNull.Equals(other)); }