public static DataTable getParams(string recipeID) { string query = "SELECT c.GroupName,d.parametername,d.[min],d.[max],d.value FROM RecipeTable a left join limitsettable b on a.LimitSetID = b.limitsetID left join GroupDetailTable c on b.limitsetid = c.limitsetid left join parameterTable d on c.groupid = d.groupid where a.RecipeID='" + recipeID + "' and c.groupname is not null and d.parametername is not null and d.[min] is not null and d.[max] is not null and d.[value] is not null order by c.GroupName,d.parametername "; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); try { dt = DBModel.CustomSelectQuery(query); return(dt); } catch { return(null); } }