protected void PRFileListBind(string df_id) { string fieldNames, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "df_id,dfOrder,dfName,dfDescription,dfOriginName"; whereClause = "df_id=" + df_id; orderBy = "dfOrder ASC"; dbUtil = new DBLib(); dsPR = dbUtil.Select_DS(fieldNames, "t_DocFileAssets", whereClause, orderBy); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); }
protected void PR_Bind() { string fieldNames, whereClause, orderBy; fieldNames = "da_id,daName,daDescription"; whereClause = "daStatus = 255 And daType='기업투자(IR)'"; // if (tbSearchString.Text.Trim() != "") { Paging.Self.SetCurrentPage(1); string search = HTML.ReplaceToDB(tbSearchString.Text); whereClause += " AND (daName LIKE '%" + search + "%'"; whereClause += " OR daDescription LIKE '%" + search + "%')"; //Response.Write("tbSearchString.Text=>> " + tbSearchString.Text); } orderBy = "da_id DESC"; string subQryOrderBy = "da_id ASC"; //orderBy와 반대 //페이지사이즈초기화 int topCnt; topCnt = Paging.Self.PageSize(10); dbUtil = new DBLib(); //총레코드수 저장 Paging.Self.TotRecordCount = dbUtil.GetRecordCount("t_DocumentAssets", whereClause); //상관쿼리 설정, AbsolutePage와 같은 역활을 한다. 실 쿼리실행 이전에 설정해야 한다//Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(); //실제쿼리실행 dsPR = dbUtil.Select_DS(topCnt, fieldNames, "t_DocumentAssets", whereClause, orderBy, Paging.Self.SetPagePortion(), subQryOrderBy); dbUtil.SqlConnection.Close(); if (dsPR.Tables["t_DocumentAssets"].Rows.Count > 0) { this.rptPR.DataSource = dsPR.Tables["t_DocumentAssets"]; this.rptPR.DataBind(); rptPR.Visible = true; InfoMessages.Visible = false; } else { rptPR.Visible = false; //에러유져컨트롤 바인딩 //InfoMessages.LoadControl("../InfoMessages/InfoMessages.ascx"); Literal lit = (Literal)InfoMessages.FindControl("litMsg"); Literal litDetails = (Literal)InfoMessages.FindControl("litDetails"); lit.Text = "자료가 없습니다."; litDetails.Text = SearchResultDisplay(this.tbSearchString.Text); InfoMessages.Visible = true; //Response.Write(InfoMessages.); } }