Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 生产SHP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix"></param>
        /// <param name="fullname"></param>
        private void ToSHP(ByteMatrix matrix, string fullname)
            double    size = 6;
            SHPHandle hSHP = null;
            DBFHandle hDBF = null;

            try {
                SHPT shptype = SHPT.POLYGON;
                // 创建SHP文件
                hSHP = SHPHandle.Create(fullname, shptype);
                if (hSHP == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create SHP:" + fullname);
                // 创建DBF文件
                hDBF = DBFHandle.Create(fullname);
                if (hDBF == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create DBF:" + fullname);
                if (hDBF.AddField("_row", FT.Integer, 10, 0) < 0)
                    throw new Exception("DBFHandle.AddField(_row,Integer,10,0) failed.");
                if (hDBF.AddField("_col", FT.Integer, 10, 0) < 0)
                    throw new Exception("DBFHandle.AddField(_col,Integer,10,0) failed.");

                // 绘制二维码
                int record_index = 0;
                for (int row = 0; row < matrix.Width; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < matrix.Height; col++)
                        if (matrix[row, col] == 0)

                        // 构造SHPRecord
                        SHPRecord record = new SHPRecord()
                            ShapeType = shptype
                        // 分段开始
                        // 添加4个角点
                        double ox = row * size + 300;
                        double oy = matrix.Height * size - col * size;
                        record.Points.Add(new double[] { ox, oy, 0, 0 });
                        record.Points.Add(new double[] { ox + size, oy, 0, 0 });
                        record.Points.Add(new double[] { ox + size, oy + size, 0, 0 });
                        record.Points.Add(new double[] { ox, oy + size, 0, 0 });
                        // 写图形
                        int      num_parts  = record.NumberOfParts;   // 总共分为几段
                        int[]    parts      = record.Parts.ToArray(); // 每一个分段的起始节点索引
                        int      num_points = record.NumberOfPoints;  // 所有节点总数
                        double[] xs         = new double[num_points]; // 所有节点X坐标
                        double[] ys         = new double[num_points]; // 所有节点Y坐标
                        double[] zs         = new double[num_points]; // 所有节点Z坐标
                        double[] ms         = new double[num_points]; // 所有节点M坐标
                        for (int n = 0; n < num_points; n++)
                            xs[n] = record.Points[n][0];            // X坐标
                            ys[n] = record.Points[n][1];            // Y坐标
                            zs[n] = record.Points[n][2];            // Z值
                            ms[n] = record.Points[n][3];            // M值
                        // PS: 节点 "逆时针"是加 "顺时针"是减
                        SHPObject shpobj = SHPObject.Create(shptype,    // 图形类别
                                                            -1,         // 图形ID -1表示新增
                                                            num_parts,  // 总共分为几段
                                                            parts,      // 每一个分段的起始节点索引
                                                            null,       // 每段的类别
                                                            num_points, // 所有节点总数
                                                            xs,         // 所有节点的X坐标
                                                            ys,         // 所有节点的Y坐标
                                                            zs,         // 所有节点的Z值
                                                            ms);        // 所有节点的M值
                        hSHP.WriteObject(-1, shpobj);
                        // 写属性
                        //hDBF.WriteNULLAttribute(record_index, 0);
                        hDBF.WriteDoubleAttribute(record_index, 0, row);
                        hDBF.WriteDoubleAttribute(record_index, 1, col);
            catch (Exception) {
            finally {
                if (hSHP != null)
                if (hDBF != null)
Example #2
        /*                             openfiles()                              */
        static void openfiles()
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Open the DBF file.                                              */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            setext(ref infile, "dbf");
            hDBF = DBFHandle.Open( infile, "rb" );
            if( hDBF == null )
                c.printf( "ERROR: Unable to open the input DBF:{0}\n", infile );
                c.exit( 1 );
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Open the append DBF file.                                       */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if (c.strcmp(outfile,"") != 0) {
                setext(ref outfile, "dbf");
                hDBFappend = DBFHandle.Open( outfile, "rb+" );
                if( hDBFappend == null )
                    hDBFappend = DBFHandle.Create( outfile );
                    if( hDBFappend == null )
                        c.printf( "ERROR: Unable to open the append DBF:%s\n", outfile );
                        c.exit( 1 );
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Open the passed shapefile.                                      */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            setext(ref infile, "shp");
            hSHP = SHPHandle.Open( infile, "rb" );

            if( hSHP == null )
                c.printf( "ERROR: Unable to open the input shape file:{0}\n", infile );
                c.exit( 1 );

            hSHP.GetInfo( out nEntities, out nShapeType, null, null );

            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            /*      Open the passed append shapefile.                               */
            /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            if (c.strcmp(outfile,"") != 0) {
                setext(ref outfile, "shp");
                hSHPappend = SHPHandle.Open( outfile, "rb+" );

                if( hSHPappend == null )
                    hSHPappend = SHPHandle.Create( outfile, nShapeType );
                    if( hSHPappend == null )
                        c.printf( "ERROR: Unable to open the append shape file:{0}\n",
                                outfile );
                        c.exit( 1 );
                hSHPappend.GetInfo( out nEntitiesAppend, out nShapeTypeAppend,
                            null, null );

                if (nShapeType != nShapeTypeAppend)
                    c.puts( "ERROR: Input and Append shape files are of different types.");
                    c.exit( 1 );
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 导入SHP文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sfile"></param>
        private void ImportSHP(string sfile)
            int indexext = sfile.LastIndexOf(".shp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (indexext < 0)
            string    dfile = sfile.Substring(0, indexext) + ".dbf";
            SHPHandle hSHP  = SHPHandle.Open(sfile, "rb");
            DBFHandle hDBF  = DBFHandle.Open(dfile, "rb");

            // 读取DBF信息
            Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> > fieldInfos = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> >();
            int fieldCount = hDBF.GetFieldCount();      // 字段总数

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                string szTitle;
                int    nWidth;
                int    nDecimals;
                FT     eType = hDBF.GetFieldInfo(i, out szTitle, out nWidth, out nDecimals);
                fieldInfos[i] = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "name", szTitle },
                    { "width", nWidth },
                    { "decimals", nDecimals },
                    { "type", eType }

            // 读取SHP信息
            int  nEntities;
            SHPT nShapeType;

            double[] adfMinBound = new double[4];
            double[] adfMaxBound = new double[4];
            hSHP.GetInfo(out nEntities, out nShapeType, adfMinBound, adfMaxBound);

            Dictionary <string, object> featureCollection = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            List <object> features = new List <object>();

            featureCollection["type"]     = "FeatureCollection";
            featureCollection["features"] = features;

            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("山体保护线.txt", false, Encoding.UTF8);

            writer.Write("{'type': 'FeatureCollection','features': [".Replace('\'', '"'));

            for (int irecord = 0; irecord < nEntities; irecord++)
                Dictionary <string, object> feature    = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                Dictionary <string, object> properties = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                Dictionary <string, object> geometry   = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                feature["type"]       = "Feature";
                feature["id"]         = irecord;
                feature["properties"] = properties;     // 属性
                feature["geometry"]   = geometry;       // 图形
                features.Add(feature);                  // 添加到要素列表

                // 填写属性
                for (int ifield = 0; ifield < hDBF.GetFieldCount(); ifield++)
                    FT eType = (FT)fieldInfos[ifield]["type"];
                    switch (eType)
                    case FT.String: {
                        string value = hDBF.ReadStringAttribute(irecord, ifield);
                        properties[fieldInfos[ifield]["name"].ToString()] = value.Trim();

                    case FT.Integer: {
                        int value = hDBF.ReadIntegerAttribute(irecord, ifield);
                        properties[fieldInfos[ifield]["name"].ToString()] = value;

                    case FT.Double: {
                        double value = hDBF.ReadDoubleAttribute(irecord, ifield);
                        properties[fieldInfos[ifield]["name"].ToString()] = value;

                    case FT.Logical:
                    case FT.Invalid:


                // 填写图形
                List <object> coordinates = new List <object>();

                geometry["type"]        = "";           //
                geometry["coordinates"] = coordinates;  // 坐标集合

                SHPObject psShape = hSHP.ReadObject(irecord);
                switch (psShape.nSHPType)
                case SHPT.POINT:
                case SHPT.POINTZ:
                case SHPT.POINTM:
                    // 点数据
                    geometry["type"] = "Point";

                case SHPT.ARC:
                case SHPT.ARCZ:
                case SHPT.ARCM:
                    // 线数据
                    geometry["type"] = "LineString";

                case SHPT.POLYGON:
                case SHPT.POLYGONZ:
                case SHPT.POLYGONM:
                    // 面数据
                    geometry["type"] = "Polygon";

                    throw new Exception();
                if (psShape.nSHPType == SHPT.POINT ||
                    psShape.nSHPType == SHPT.POINTM ||
                    psShape.nSHPType == SHPT.POINTZ)
                    geometry["coordinates"] = new double[] { psShape.padfX[0], psShape.padfY[0] };
                    // 读取所有节点
                    for (int index = 0; index < psShape.panPartStart.Length; index++)
                        if (index < psShape.panPartStart.Length - 1)
                            // 普通的有开始有结束的
                            int start = psShape.panPartStart[index];
                            int end   = psShape.panPartStart[index + 1];

                            List <object> parts = new List <object>();    // 坐标段
                            for (int n = start; n < end; n++)
                                double x = Math.Round(psShape.padfX[n], 6);
                                double y = Math.Round(psShape.padfY[n], 6);
                                parts.Add(new List <object>()
                                    x, y
                            // 只有开始无结束的
                            int start = psShape.panPartStart[index];
                            int end   = psShape.nVertices;

                            List <object> parts = new List <object>();    // 坐标段
                            for (int n = start; n < end; n++)
                                double x = Math.Round(psShape.padfX[n], 6);
                                double y = Math.Round(psShape.padfY[n], 6);
                                parts.Add(new List <object>()
                                    x, y


                string feature_str = Json.JsonSerialize(feature);
                writer.Write(feature_str + ",");

            //string jsonstr = Json.JsonSerialize(featureCollection);
            //richTextBox.Text = jsonstr;

            richTextBox.Text = "完成.";
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 导入SHP文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sfile"></param>
        private void ImportSHP(string sfile)
            int indexext = sfile.LastIndexOf(".shp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (indexext < 0)
            string    dfile = sfile.Substring(0, indexext) + ".dbf";
            SHPHandle hSHP  = SHPHandle.Open(sfile, "rb");
            DBFHandle hDBF  = DBFHandle.Open(dfile, "rb");

            // 读取DBF信息
            Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> > fieldInfos = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, object> >();
            int fieldCount = hDBF.GetFieldCount();      // 字段总数

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                string szTitle;
                int    nWidth;
                int    nDecimals;
                FT     eType = hDBF.GetFieldInfo(i, out szTitle, out nWidth, out nDecimals);
                fieldInfos[i] = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "name", szTitle },
                    { "width", nWidth },
                    { "decimals", nDecimals },
                    { "type", eType }

            // 读取SHP信息
            int  nEntities;
            SHPT nShapeType;

            double[] adfMinBound = new double[4];
            double[] adfMaxBound = new double[4];
            hSHP.GetInfo(out nEntities, out nShapeType, adfMinBound, adfMaxBound);

            Dictionary <string, object> featureCollection = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            List <object> features = new List <object>();

            featureCollection["type"]     = "FeatureCollection";
            featureCollection["features"] = features;

            for (int irecord = 0; irecord < nEntities; irecord++)
                Dictionary <string, object> feature    = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                Dictionary <string, object> properties = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                Dictionary <string, object> geometry   = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                feature["type"]       = "Feature";
                feature["id"]         = irecord;
                feature["properties"] = properties;     // 属性
                feature["geometry"]   = geometry;       // 图形
                features.Add(feature);                  // 添加到要素列表

                // 填写属性
                for (int ifield = 0; ifield < hDBF.GetFieldCount(); ifield++)
                    FT eType = (FT)fieldInfos[ifield]["type"];
                    switch (eType)
                    case FT.String: {
                        string value = hDBF.ReadStringAttribute(irecord, ifield);
                        properties[fieldInfos[ifield]["name"].ToString()] = value.Trim();

                    case FT.Integer: {
                        int value = hDBF.ReadIntegerAttribute(irecord, ifield);
                        properties[fieldInfos[ifield]["name"].ToString()] = value;

                    case FT.Double: {
                        double value = hDBF.ReadDoubleAttribute(irecord, ifield);
                        properties[fieldInfos[ifield]["name"].ToString()] = value;

                    case FT.Logical:
                    case FT.Invalid:


                // 填写图形
                List <object> coordinates = new List <object>();
                geometry["type"]        = "Polygon";    // < 这里要修改
                geometry["coordinates"] = coordinates;  // 坐标集合

                SHPObject psShape = hSHP.ReadObject(irecord);

                // 读取所有节点
                for (int index = 0; index < psShape.panPartStart.Length; index++)
                    if (index < psShape.panPartStart.Length - 1)
                        // 普通的有开始有结束的
                        int start = psShape.panPartStart[index];
                        int end   = psShape.panPartStart[index + 1];

                        List <object> parts = new List <object>();    // 坐标段
                        for (int n = start; n < end; n++)
                            double x = Math.Round(psShape.padfX[n], 6);
                            double y = Math.Round(psShape.padfY[n], 6);
                            parts.Add(new List <object>()
                                x, y
                        // 只有开始无结束的
                        int start = psShape.panPartStart[index];
                        int end   = psShape.nVertices;

                        List <object> parts = new List <object>();    // 坐标段
                        for (int n = start; n < end; n++)
                            double x = Math.Round(psShape.padfX[n], 6);
                            double y = Math.Round(psShape.padfY[n], 6);
                            parts.Add(new List <object>()
                                x, y


            string jsonstr = Json.JsonSerialize(featureCollection);

            richTextBox.Text = jsonstr;