private void BindDropdownList()
            string    sql = "select  DEP_CODE,DEP_NAME from TBDS_DEPINFO where  DEP_FATHERID=0";
            DataTable dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);

            ddlBM.Items.Add(new ListItem("-全部-", "0"));
            for (int i = 0, length = dt.Rows.Count; i < length; i++)
                ddlBM.Items.Add(new ListItem(dt.Rows[i]["DEP_NAME"].ToString(), dt.Rows[i]["DEP_CODE"].ToString()));
            sql = "select distinct(substring(PZ_RQ,1,4)) as NIAN from OM_RYPZ_JL ";
            DBCallCommon.BindDDLData(ddlYear, sql, "NIAN", "NIAN");
            sql = "select distinct(substring(PZ_RQ,6,7)) as YUE from OM_RYPZ_JL";
            DBCallCommon.BindDDLData(ddlMonth, sql, "YUE", "YUE");
Example #2
        private void BindRbl()
            string    sql;
            DataTable dt;

            if (Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "0701")
                sql = "select count(CLD_ID) from CM_SHCLD where (CLD_CLFA_TXR='' or CLD_CLFA_TXR is null) and CLD_SPZT='1y' and (CLD_CLYJ !='' and CLD_CLYJ is not null) ";
                dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);
                rblRW.Items[2].Text = string.Format("处理方案待分工(<font color='red'>{0}</font>)", dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            else if (Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "0301" || Session["UserID"].ToString() == "67" || Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "1207" || Session["UserID"].ToString() == "69")
                sql = "select count(CLD_ID) from CM_SHCLD where (CLD_CLYJ_TXR='' or CLD_CLYJ_TXR is null) and CLD_SPZT='1y' and (CLD_YYFX !='' and CLD_YYFX is not null)";
                dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);
                rblRW.Items[1].Text = string.Format("处理意见待分工(<font color='red'>{0}</font>)", dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());

                sql = "select count(CLD_ID) from CM_SHCLD where (CLD_CLJG_TXR='' or CLD_CLJG_TXR is null)  and CLD_SPZT='y' and (CLD_FZBM like '%技术部%' ) ";
                dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);
                rblRW.Items[3].Text = string.Format("处理结果待分工(<font color='red'>{0}</font>)", dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            else if (Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "0301" || Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "1205" || Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "1207")
                sql = "select count(CLD_ID) from CM_SHCLD where (CLD_YYFX_TXR='' or CLD_YYFX_TXR is null) and CLD_SPZT='1y'";
                dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);
                rblRW.Items[0].Text = string.Format("原因分析待分工(<font color='red'>{0}</font>)", dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());

                sql = "select count(CLD_ID) from CM_SHCLD where (CLD_CLJG_TXR='' or CLD_CLJG_TXR is null)  and CLD_SPZT='y' and ( CLD_FZBM like '%质量部%') ";
                dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);
                rblRW.Items[3].Text = string.Format("处理结果待分工(<font color='red'>{0}</font>)", dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            else if (Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "0401")
                sql = "select count(CLD_ID) from CM_SHCLD where (CLD_CLJG_TXR='' or CLD_CLJG_TXR is null)  and CLD_SPZT='y' and (CLD_FZBM like '%生产部%') ";
                dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);
                rblRW.Items[3].Text = string.Format("处理结果待分工(<font color='red'>{0}</font>)", dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            else if (Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "0501")
                sql = "select count(CLD_ID) from CM_SHCLD where (CLD_CLJG_TXR='' or CLD_CLJG_TXR is null)  and CLD_SPZT='y' and (CLD_FZBM like '%采购部%') ";
                dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);
                rblRW.Items[3].Text = string.Format("处理结果待分工(<font color='red'>{0}</font>)", dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());

            else if (Session["POSITION"].ToString() == "0601")
                sql = "select count(CLD_ID) from CM_SHCLD where (CLD_FWFY_TJR='' or CLD_FWFY_TJR is null) and (CLD_SPZT='cljg_y')";
                dt  = DBCallCommon.GetDTUsingSqlText(sql);
                rblRW.Items[4].Text = string.Format("服务费用待分工(<font color='red'>{0}</font>)", dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());

            if (username == "曹卫亮" || username == "李小婷")
                sql = string.Format("select ST_NAME,ST_ID from TBDS_STAFFINFO where ST_DEPID in ('03') and ST_PD='0'");
            if (username == "曹卫亮" || username == "陈永秀")
                sql = string.Format("select ST_NAME,ST_ID from TBDS_STAFFINFO where (ST_DEPID in ('12') and ST_PD='0') or ( r_name like '%质量通用角色%' and ST_PD='0')");
                sql = string.Format("select ST_NAME,ST_ID from TBDS_STAFFINFO where  ST_PD='0' and ST_DEPID='{0}'", depid);

            DBCallCommon.BindDDLData(ddlName, sql, "ST_NAME", "ST_NAME");