Example #1
    public string A_2_GreenPart(Global global, DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentPeriod, List <backoffice.dim_dim_value_value> yearMonthList)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        DASHBOARD_MONTH dashBoardMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod); // Denne skal dersom parameter er shippet ta periodetype inn

        long dInPeriod     = 0;
        long dInPrevPeriod = 0;

        foreach (backoffice.dim_dim_value_value yearMonth in yearMonthList)
            if (yearMonth.sDim_1 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonthYear.ToString() && yearMonth.sDim_2 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonth.ToString())
                dInPeriod = (long)(yearMonth.dValue_2);
            else if (yearMonth.sDim_1 == dashBoardMonth.iPrevMonthYear.ToString() && yearMonth.sDim_2 == dashBoardMonth.iPrevMonth.ToString())
                dInPrevPeriod = (long)(yearMonth.dValue_2);

        string sPercentChange = get_percent_increase_from_to(dInPrevPeriod, dInPeriod, true);

        sb.Append(A_1_GreenPart("frame_1", 0, 10, 300, 220, 170, "OMSETNING " + new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod).sThisMonth, "FORRIGE MND.", "ENDRING I %", dInPeriod.ToString("# ##0") + " kr", dInPrevPeriod.ToString("# ##0") + " kr", global.getSvgUpDownArrow("&nbsp;" + sPercentChange + " %", false)));
Example #2
    public string A_1_GetGreenPart(Global global, DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentPeriod, List <backoffice.dim_dim_value> yearMonthList, List <backoffice.dim_value_value> shopList)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        DASHBOARD_MONTH dashBoardMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod); // Denne skal dersom parameter er shippet ta periodetype inn

        int iInPeriod = 0;
        int iFromAncientTimeToLastDateBeforePeriod = 0;

        foreach (backoffice.dim_dim_value yearMonth in yearMonthList)
            if (yearMonth.sDim_1 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonthYear.ToString() && yearMonth.sDim_2 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonth.ToString())
                iInPeriod = Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sValue); // 14 okt = 68
            else if (yearMonth.sDim_1 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonthYear.ToString())
                if (Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sDim_2) <= dashBoardMonth.iThisMonth)
                    iFromAncientTimeToLastDateBeforePeriod += Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sValue);
            else if (Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sDim_1) <= dashBoardMonth.iThisMonthYear)
                iFromAncientTimeToLastDateBeforePeriod += Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sValue);

        int iTotalMembers = 0;

        foreach (backoffice.dim_value_value shop in shopList)
            iTotalMembers += Convert.ToInt32(shop.sValue_1);

        // iInPrevPeriod = antall medlemmer inntil den den flrste i iInPeriod.
        string sIncreasePercent = "+&nbsp;" + get_percent_of(iFromAncientTimeToLastDateBeforePeriod, iInPeriod, false);

        // 14 okt = 68
        sb.Append(XXX_getCenteredGreenFrame(0, 10, 300, 220, 170, "MEDLEMSBASE", "TOTALT ANTALL MEDLEMMER", "I PERIODEN", "ENDRING I %", iTotalMembers.ToString(),
                                            global.getSvgUpDownArrow("&nbsp;" + iInPeriod.ToString(), true),
                                            global.getSvgUpDownArrow("&nbsp;" + sIncreasePercent + "&nbsp;%", true)));

    public string GET_TOP_MENU(DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentDashboardPeriod)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


        sb.Append("<td valign=top align=center>");


        // ******START:  TOP GREEN HORISONTAL ***************************************************************
        sb.Append(" <table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center>");

        sb.Append("     <tr>");
        sb.Append("         <td valign=top style='padding:20px;background-color:rgb(247,247,247);' colspan=1>");

        sb.Append("             <div style='float:left;margin-top:12px;'>");
        sb.Append("                 <div class=bember_burger_line></div>");
        sb.Append("                 <div class=bember_burger_line></div>");
        sb.Append("                 <div class=bember_burger_line></div>");
        sb.Append("             </div>");

        sb.Append("             <div class=bember_your_memberclub style='float:left;'>Din Kundeklubb</div>");

        sb.Append("             <div id=bember_working style='float:left;'>Ready ...</div>");

        sb.Append("             <div onclick=level_2_report_4('" + ((int)DASHBOARD_PERIOD.THIS_MONTH).ToString() + "') " + getButtonClass(DASHBOARD_PERIOD.THIS_MONTH, currentDashboardPeriod) + " style='float:right;'>Inneværende periode</div>");
        sb.Append("             <div onclick=level_2_report_4('" + ((int)DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_MONTH).ToString() + "') " + getButtonClass(DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_MONTH, currentDashboardPeriod) + " style='float:right;'>" + dbMonth.sPrevMonth + "&nbsp;" + dbMonth.iPrevMonthYear.ToString() + "</div>");
        sb.Append("             <div onclick=level_2_report_4('" + ((int)DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_PREV_MONTH).ToString() + "') " + getButtonClass(DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_PREV_MONTH, currentDashboardPeriod) + " style='float:right;'>" + dbMonth.sPrevPrevMonth + "&nbsp;" + dbMonth.iPrevPrevMonthYear.ToString() + "</div>");

        sb.Append("         </td>");
        sb.Append("     </tr>");
        sb.Append(" </table>");

        return sb.ToString();
Example #4
    public string GET_TOP_MENU(DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentDashboardPeriod)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


        sb.Append("<td valign=top align=center>");


        // ******START:  TOP GREEN HORISONTAL ***************************************************************
        sb.Append(" <table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center>");

        sb.Append("     <tr>");
        sb.Append("         <td valign=top style='padding:20px;background-color:rgb(247,247,247);' colspan=5>");

        sb.Append("             <div style='float:left;margin-top:12px;'>");
        sb.Append("                 <div class=bember_burger_line></div>");
        sb.Append("                 <div class=bember_burger_line></div>");
        sb.Append("                 <div class=bember_burger_line></div>");
        sb.Append("             </div>");

        sb.Append("             <div class=bember_your_memberclub style='float:left;'>Din Kundeklubb</div>");

        sb.Append("             <div onclick=level_2_report_4('" + ((int)DASHBOARD_PERIOD.THIS_MONTH).ToString() + "') " + getButtonClass(DASHBOARD_PERIOD.THIS_MONTH, currentDashboardPeriod) + " style='float:right;'>Inneværende periode</div>");
        sb.Append("             <div onclick=level_2_report_4('" + ((int)DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_MONTH).ToString() + "') " + getButtonClass(DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_MONTH, currentDashboardPeriod) + " style='float:right;'>" + dbMonth.sPrevMonth + "&nbsp;" + dbMonth.iPrevMonthYear.ToString() + "</div>");
        sb.Append("             <div onclick=level_2_report_4('" + ((int)DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_PREV_MONTH).ToString() + "') " + getButtonClass(DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_PREV_MONTH, currentDashboardPeriod) + " style='float:right;'>" + dbMonth.sPrevPrevMonth + "&nbsp;" + dbMonth.iPrevPrevMonthYear.ToString() + "</div>");

        sb.Append("         </td>");
        sb.Append("     </tr>");
        sb.Append(" </table>");

    public List<shop_top_bottom> get_conversion_data_in_shoplist(DASHBOARD_PERIOD yearMonthPeriod, string sChainId)
        List<shop_top_bottom> shopList = new List<shop_top_bottom>();

        DASHBOARD_MONTH yearMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(yearMonthPeriod);

        string sFromMonthDate = "";
        string sBeforeMonthDate = "";

        sFromMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearMonthDay1String(0);
        sBeforeMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearNextMonthDay1String();

        // Mountain Conversion rate Dashboard 02 
        string sSql =
        "select s.name," +
        "case when sub_action like 'ecr_new%' then 'yes' when sub_action like 'ecr_ref%' then 'no' when sub_action like 'ecr_already%' then 'already_member' end got_mobile," +
        "case when c.pincode_verified = 'yes' then 'yes' when c.pincode_verified = 'no' then 'no_not_yet' else  'no_phone' end approved_sms," +
        "count(*) nof_events " +
        "from user_action ua left JOIN shop s ON (s.shop_external_id = substring(ua.parameters for position(';' in ua.parameters)-position('baxid=' in ua.parameters)-6  from  position('baxid=' in parameters)+6) and s.parent_shop=" + sChainId + ")" +
        "left JOIN consumer c ON (c.phone = split_part(ua.parameters, ';', 2)) " +
        "where " +
        "(sub_action like 'ecr_refused_enrollment' or sub_action like 'ecr_new_enrollment') and " +
        "ua.id > 4785 and ua.timestamp >= '" + sFromMonthDate + "' and ua.timestamp < '" + sBeforeMonthDate + "' " +
        "and s.shop_external_id = substring(ua.parameters for position(';' in ua.parameters)-position('baxid=' in ua.parameters)-6  from  position('baxid=' in parameters)+6) " +
        "group by s.name,  ua.sub_action, c.pincode_verified " +
        "order by s.name,  ua.sub_action, c.pincode_verified";

        GLOBAL_SQL_CONN conn = new GLOBAL_SQL_CONN(this);

            GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND command = new GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND(sSql, conn);
            GLOBAL_SQL_READER reader = new GLOBAL_SQL_READER(command);

            shop_top_bottom shop = null; // Shop, got_mobile, approved_sms, number_of_events

            string sPrevShopName = "";
            int iii = 0;
            while (reader.Read())
                    if (iii == 18)
                        iii = iii;
                    string sShopName = reader.c("name").ToString();

                    if (sShopName != sPrevShopName)
                        if (shop != null)
                            decimal decimal_1 = DASHBOARD_GREEN.get_percent_of_to_decimal(shop.iNoPhone + shop.iYesPhoneApproved + shop.iYesPhoneNotApproved, shop.iYesPhoneApproved + shop.iYesPhoneNotApproved, false);
                            shop.dLeftMobilePercent = decimal_1;
                            decimal decimal_2 = DASHBOARD_GREEN.get_percent_of_to_decimal(shop.iNoPhone + shop.iYesPhoneApproved + shop.iYesPhoneNotApproved, shop.iYesPhoneApproved, false);
                            shop.dConvertedFromTotalPercent = Convert.ToDecimal(decimal_2);
                        shop = new shop_top_bottom();

                    shop.sName = sShopName;

                    string sGotMobile = reader.c("got_mobile").ToString();
                    string sApprovedSms = reader.c("approved_sms").ToString();

                    /* 1 */
                    if (sGotMobile == "yes" && sApprovedSms == "yes") shop.iYesPhoneApproved = Convert.ToInt64(reader.c("nof_events").ToString());
                    /* 2 */
                    else if (sGotMobile == "yes" && sApprovedSms == "no_not_yet") shop.iYesPhoneNotApproved = Convert.ToInt64(reader.c("nof_events").ToString());
                    /* 3 */
                    else if (sGotMobile == "no") shop.iNoPhone = Convert.ToInt64(reader.c("nof_events").ToString());

                    sPrevShopName = sShopName;
                } catch (Exception)
                    int t = 0;

            if (shop != null)
                shop.dLeftMobilePercent = DASHBOARD_GREEN.get_percent_of_to_decimal(shop.iNoPhone + shop.iYesPhoneApproved + shop.iYesPhoneNotApproved, shop.iYesPhoneApproved + shop.iYesPhoneNotApproved, false);
                shop.dConvertedFromTotalPercent = DASHBOARD_GREEN.get_percent_of_to_decimal(shop.iNoPhone + shop.iYesPhoneApproved + shop.iYesPhoneNotApproved, shop.iYesPhoneApproved, false);
        } catch (Exception e)
            shopList = null;
        } finally
        return shopList;
    public List<name_value_value_value_value> get_conversion_data(DASHBOARD_PERIOD yearMonthPeriod, string sChainId, bool bHalfYear)
        List<name_value_value_value_value> monthList = new List<name_value_value_value_value>();

        DASHBOARD_MONTH yearMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(yearMonthPeriod);

        string sFromMonthDate = "";
        string sBeforeMonthDate = "";

        if (yearMonthPeriod == DASHBOARD_PERIOD.THIS_MONTH || yearMonthPeriod == DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_MONTH || yearMonthPeriod == DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_PREV_MONTH)
            if (bHalfYear)
                sFromMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearMonthDay1String(-5);
                sFromMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearMonthDay1String(0);
            sBeforeMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearNextMonthDay1String();
                else if (yearMonthPeriod == DASHBOARD_PERIOD.HALF_YEAR)
                    sFromMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearMonthDay1String(-5);
                    sBeforeMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearNextMonthDay1String();
        //Mountain Dashboard 001
        // Conversion data 
        string sSql =
            "select " +

            "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ua.timestamp) x_year, " +
            "EXTRACT(MONTH FROM ua.timestamp) x_month, " +

            "case " +
            "when sub_action like 'ecr_new%' then 'yes' " +
            "when sub_action like 'ecr_ref%' then 'no' " +
            "when sub_action like 'ecr_already%' then 'already_member' " +
            "end got_mobile, " +

            "case " +
            "when c.pincode_verified = 'yes' then 'yes' " +
            "when c.pincode_verified = 'no' then 'no_not_yet' " +
            "else  'no_phone' " +
            "end approved_sms, " +
            "count(*) nof_events " +
            "from user_action ua " +
            "left JOIN shop s ON (s.shop_external_id = substring(ua.parameters for position(';' in ua.parameters)-position('baxid=' in ua.parameters)-6  from  position('baxid=' in parameters)+6) and " +

            // "(s.id <> 20 and s.id <> 25) and " +
            "s.parent_shop=" + sChainId + ") " +

            // "s.parent_shop=" + sChainId + ") " + 
            "left JOIN consumer c ON (c.phone = split_part(ua.parameters, ';', 2)) " +
            "where (sub_action like 'ecr_refused_enrollment' or sub_action like 'ecr_new_enrollment' or sub_action like 'ecr_already%') " +
            "and ua.id > 4785 " +
            "and ua.timestamp >= '" + sFromMonthDate + "' " +
            "and " +
            "ua.timestamp < '" + sBeforeMonthDate + "' " +
            "and s.shop_external_id = substring(ua.parameters for position(';' in ua.parameters)-position('baxid=' in ua.parameters)-6  from  position('baxid=' in parameters)+6) " +
            "group by x_month,x_year, ua.sub_action, c.pincode_verified " +
            "order by x_year,x_month, ua.sub_action, c.pincode_verified";
        //            "order by x_month,x_year, ua.sub_action, c.pincode_verified";

        GLOBAL_SQL_CONN conn = new GLOBAL_SQL_CONN(this);

            GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND command = new GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND(sSql, conn);
            GLOBAL_SQL_READER reader = new GLOBAL_SQL_READER(command);

            string sLastYearMonth = "";
            string sValue_1 = ""; // value_1 : Searching for yes - yes
            string sValue_2 = ""; // value_2 : Searching for yes - no_not_yet
            string sValue_3 = ""; // value_3 : Searching for no - whatever
            string sValue_4 = ""; // value_3 : Searching for no - already_member

            name_value_value_value_value month = null;

            while (reader.Read())

                string sMonth = reader.c("x_month").ToString();
                string sThisYearMonth = reader.c("x_year").ToString() + "_" + sMonth;

                if (sThisYearMonth != sLastYearMonth)
                    month = new name_value_value_value_value();
                    sValue_1 = ""; sValue_2 = ""; sValue_3 = ""; sValue_4 = "";

                string sGotMobile = reader.c("got_mobile").ToString();
                string sApprovedSms = reader.c("approved_sms").ToString();

                if (sGotMobile == "yes" && sApprovedSms == "yes") sValue_1 = reader.c("nof_events").ToString();
                else if (sGotMobile == "yes" && sApprovedSms == "no_not_yet") sValue_2 = reader.c("nof_events").ToString();
                else if (sGotMobile == "no") sValue_3 = reader.c("nof_events").ToString();
                else if (sGotMobile == "already_member") sValue_4 = reader.c("nof_events").ToString();

                if (sValue_1 != "" && sValue_2 != "" && sValue_3 != "" && sValue_4 != "")
                    // Test if value_4 already member has values. These must be subtracted ...
                    month.sName = DASHBOARD_MONTH.month_text(Convert.ToInt32(sMonth));
                    // month.sName = sThisYearMonth;

                    month.sValue1 = sValue_1; month.sValue2 = sValue_2; month.sValue3 = sValue_3; month.sValue4 = sValue_4;


                sLastYearMonth = sThisYearMonth;
        } catch (Exception e)
            monthList = null;
        } finally
        return monthList;
    public List<dim_value_value> dash_get_members_by_chain_shop(string sParentShopId, DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentPeriod)
        DASHBOARD_MONTH yearMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod);

        string sPeriodFilter = "";

        if (currentPeriod != DASHBOARD_PERIOD.DONT_CARE)
            string sFromMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearMonthDay1String(0);
            string sBeforeMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearNextMonthDay1String();

            sPeriodFilter =
            " and " +  // lunch
            "c.created_at >= '" + sFromMonthDate + "' " +
            "and " +
            "c.created_at < '" + sBeforeMonthDate + "' ";

        if (yearMonthPeriod == DASHBOARD_PERIOD.THIS_MONTH || yearMonthPeriod == DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_MONTH || yearMonthPeriod == DASHBOARD_PERIOD.PREV_PREV_MONTH)
            sFromMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearMonthDay1String(0);
            sBeforeMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearNextMonthDay1String();
        // Mountain Dashboard 003 Antall medlemmer med godkjent/ikke godkjent avtale
        string sSql =
        "select s.id shop_id, s.name,c.pincode_verified membership_status,count(*) consumer_count " +
        "from consumer c, shop s " +
        "where " +
        "s.id = c.enrolled_by_shop_id " +
        sPeriodFilter +
        "and " +
        "s.parent_shop=" + sParentShopId + " " +
        // "and " +
        // "and (s.id <> 20 and s.id <> 25) " + 
        "group by " +
        "enrolled_by_shop_id, s.name,s.id, c.pincode_verified " +
        "order by s.name, c.pincode_verified";

        List<dim_value_value> shopList = new List<dim_value_value>();

        GLOBAL_SQL_CONN conn = new GLOBAL_SQL_CONN(this);

            GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND command = new GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND(sSql, conn);
            GLOBAL_SQL_READER reader = new GLOBAL_SQL_READER(command);
            string sOldShopId = "";
            dim_value_value currentShop = null;
            while (reader.Read())

                string sShopId = reader.c("shop_id").ToString();
                if (sShopId != sOldShopId)
                    currentShop = new dim_value_value();
                    currentShop.sDim = reader.c("name").ToString();

                string sMembershipStatus = reader.c("membership_status").ToString();
                string sConsumerCount = reader.c("consumer_count").ToString();

                if (sMembershipStatus == "yes") currentShop.sValue_1 = sConsumerCount; // Has approved SMS // 14 okt = 65
                else if (sMembershipStatus == "no") currentShop.sValue_2 = sConsumerCount; // Not approved SMS

                sOldShopId = sShopId;
        } catch (Exception e)
            shopList = null;
        } finally
        return shopList;
    public List<dim_value> get_consumer_sex_list(string sChainId, DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentPeriod)
        List<dim_value> sexList = new List<dim_value>();

        DASHBOARD_MONTH yearMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod);

        string sPeriodFilter = " ";
        if (currentPeriod != DASHBOARD_PERIOD.DONT_CARE)
            string sFromMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearMonthDay1String(0);
            string sBeforeMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearNextMonthDay1String();

            sPeriodFilter =
            " and " +  // lunch
            "c.accepted_membership_at >= '" + sFromMonthDate + "' " +
            "and " +
            "c.accepted_membership_at < '" + sBeforeMonthDate + "' ";

        // Mountain dashboard 006 Antall medlemmer etter kjønn

        string sSql =
        "select c.sex, count(*) nof_sex " +
        "from consumer c, shop s " +
        "where c.enrolled_by_shop_id=s.id and s.parent_shop=" + sChainId + " " +

        sPeriodFilter +

        "and c.pincode_verified='yes' " +
        "and " +
        "(sex = 'female' or sex = 'male') " +
        "group by c.sex ";

        GLOBAL_SQL_CONN conn = new GLOBAL_SQL_CONN(this);

            GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND command = new GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND(sSql, conn);
            GLOBAL_SQL_READER reader = new GLOBAL_SQL_READER(command);

            while (reader.Read())
                dim_value sex = new dim_value();

                sex.sDim = reader.c("sex").ToString();
                sex.sValue = reader.c("nof_sex").ToString();
        } catch (Exception e)
            sexList = null;
        } finally
        return sexList;
    public string get_average_member_age(string sChainId, DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentPeriod)
        string sRetVal = "0.0";

        string s10_Years_ago = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10).Year.ToString();
        string s110_Years_ago = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-110).Year.ToString();

        // Only accepting age beetween 11 and 109

        DASHBOARD_MONTH yearMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod);

        string sPeriodFilter = " ";
        if (currentPeriod != DASHBOARD_PERIOD.DONT_CARE)
            string sFromMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearMonthDay1String(0);
            string sBeforeMonthDate = yearMonth.getThisDbYearNextMonthDay1String();

            sPeriodFilter =
            " and " +  // lunch
            "c.accepted_membership_at >= '" + sFromMonthDate + "' " +
            "and " +
            "c.accepted_membership_at < '" + sBeforeMonthDate + "' ";

        // Mountain dashboard 007 gjennomsnittsalder 
        string sSql =
        "select avg(age(c.date_of_birth)) average_day_string " +
        "from consumer c, shop s " +
        "where " +
        "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM c.date_of_birth) > " + s110_Years_ago + " " +
        "and " +
        "EXTRACT(YEAR FROM c.date_of_birth) < " + s10_Years_ago + " " +
        sPeriodFilter +
        "and " +
        "c.pincode_verified = 'yes' and s.id = c.enrolled_by_shop_id and s.parent_shop=" + sChainId;

        // 30 sept

        GLOBAL_SQL_CONN conn = new GLOBAL_SQL_CONN(this);

            GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND command = new GLOBAL_SQL_COMMAND(sSql, conn);
            GLOBAL_SQL_READER reader = new GLOBAL_SQL_READER(command);

            if (reader.Read())
                sRetVal = reader.c("average_day_string").ToString();

                if (sRetVal != null && sRetVal.Length > 0)
                    string[] sTab = sRetVal.Split(".".ToCharArray());
                    if (sTab.Length > 0)
                        sRetVal = sTab[0];

                    decimal dDays = Convert.ToDecimal(sRetVal);
                    decimal dYears = decimal.Divide(dDays, (decimal)365.25);
                    sRetVal = dYears.ToString("#.#");
                    if (sRetVal.StartsWith(",") || sRetVal.StartsWith(".")) sRetVal = "0" + sRetVal;
        } catch (Exception e)
            sRetVal = "0.0";
        } finally
        if (sRetVal == "") sRetVal = "0.0";
        return sRetVal;
    public string A_3_GreenPart(Global global, DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentPeriod, List<backoffice.dim_dim_value_value> yearMonthList)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        DASHBOARD_MONTH dashBoardMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod); // Denne skal dersom parameter er shippet ta periodetype inn 

        long dInPeriod = 0;
        long dInPrevPeriod = 0;

        foreach (backoffice.dim_dim_value_value yearMonth in yearMonthList)
            if (yearMonth.sDim_1 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonthYear.ToString() && yearMonth.sDim_2 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonth.ToString())
                if (yearMonth.dValue_1 > 0)
                    dInPeriod = (long)(yearMonth.dValue_2 / yearMonth.dValue_1);
                    dInPeriod = 0;
            else if (yearMonth.sDim_1 == dashBoardMonth.iPrevMonthYear.ToString() && yearMonth.sDim_2 == dashBoardMonth.iPrevMonth.ToString())
                if (yearMonth.dValue_1 > 0)
                    dInPrevPeriod = (long)(yearMonth.dValue_2 / yearMonth.dValue_1);
                    dInPrevPeriod = 0;

        string sPercentChange = get_percent_increase_from_to(dInPrevPeriod, dInPeriod, true);
        sb.Append(A_1_GreenPart("frame_2", 0, 10, 300, 220, 170, "GJENNOMSNITTSKJØP " + new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod).sThisMonth, "FORRIGE MND.", "ENDRING I %", dInPeriod.ToString() + " kr", dInPrevPeriod.ToString() + " kr", global.getSvgUpDownArrow("&nbsp;" + sPercentChange + "&nbsp;%",false)));
        return sb.ToString();
    public string A_1_GetGreenPart(Global global,DASHBOARD_PERIOD currentPeriod, List<backoffice.dim_dim_value> yearMonthList, List<backoffice.dim_value_value> shopList)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        DASHBOARD_MONTH dashBoardMonth = new DASHBOARD_MONTH(currentPeriod); // Denne skal dersom parameter er shippet ta periodetype inn 

        int iInPeriod = 0;
        int iFromAncientTimeToLastDateBeforePeriod = 0;

        foreach (backoffice.dim_dim_value yearMonth in yearMonthList)
            if (yearMonth.sDim_1 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonthYear.ToString() && yearMonth.sDim_2 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonth.ToString())
                iInPeriod = Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sValue); // 14 okt = 68
            else if (yearMonth.sDim_1 == dashBoardMonth.iThisMonthYear.ToString())
                if (Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sDim_2) <= dashBoardMonth.iThisMonth)
                    iFromAncientTimeToLastDateBeforePeriod += Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sValue);
            else if (Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sDim_1) <= dashBoardMonth.iThisMonthYear)
                iFromAncientTimeToLastDateBeforePeriod += Convert.ToInt32(yearMonth.sValue);
        int iTotalMembers = 0;
        foreach (backoffice.dim_value_value shop in shopList)
            iTotalMembers += Convert.ToInt32(shop.sValue_1);
        // iInPrevPeriod = antall medlemmer inntil den den flrste i iInPeriod.
        string sIncreasePercent = "+&nbsp;" + get_percent_of(iFromAncientTimeToLastDateBeforePeriod, iInPeriod, false);

        // 14 okt = 68
        sb.Append(XXX_getCenteredGreenFrame(0, 10, 300, 220, 170, "MEDLEMSBASE", "TOTALT ANTALL MEDLEMMER", "I PERIODEN", "ENDRING I %", iTotalMembers.ToString(),
            global.getSvgUpDownArrow("&nbsp;" + iInPeriod.ToString(), true),
            global.getSvgUpDownArrow("&nbsp;" + sIncreasePercent + "&nbsp;%",true)));
        return sb.ToString();