Example #1
        // adds a new contract to the DS
        public void AddContract(Contract contract)
            if (contract.Nanny.NumberOfChildren >= contract.Nanny.MaxChildren)
                IncompatibleParametersException E = new IncompatibleParametersException
                    Message = "This nanny cannot take anymore children"
                throw E;
            if (DateTime.Now.Year == contract.Child.BirthDay.Year)
                if (DateTime.Now.Month - contract.Child.BirthDay.Month < 3)
                    AgeException E = new AgeException
                        Message = "Cannot sign a contract with a child under 3 months."
                    throw E;
            if (!GetCompatibleNannysByDistance(contract.Mother)
                .ToList().Exists(x => x.Id == contract.Nanny.Id) ||
                .ToList().Exists(x => x.Id == contract.Nanny.Id))
                throw new IncompatibleParametersException
                          Message = "The nanny is not compatible to the mother."

            int brothersWithNanny = GetNumberOfBrothersWithSameNanny
                                        (contract.Mother.Id, contract.Nanny.Id);

            if (contract.Nanny.AllowsSalaryPerHour)
                contract.SalaryPerHour = contract.Nanny.SalareyPerHour * (1 - 0.02 * brothersWithNanny);
                contract.SalaryPerMonth = contract.Nanny.SalareyPerMonth * (1 - 0.02 * brothersWithNanny);

            contract.PerMonthOrHour = contract.Nanny.AllowsSalaryPerHour && contract.Mother.WantsSalaryPerHour;
