public IHttpActionResult GetAll(int page) { ICustomerManager mcust = new ICustomerManager(); DALCustomer dalCustomer = new DALCustomer(); var responseCustomer = new ResponseCustomer(); responseCustomer.totalPaginas = mcust.Pagination(); responseCustomer.customers = dalCustomer.GetProducts(page); return(Ok(responseCustomer)); }
/// <summary> /// 分页查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="currentPage"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult PageList(Customer model, int currentPage = 1, int pageSize = 20) { int recordCount = 0; List <Customer> Customer = new DALCustomer().QueryPagination(currentPage, pageSize, out recordCount, model).ToList(); ViewBag.RecordCount = recordCount; ViewBag.CurrentPage = currentPage; ViewBag.PageSize = pageSize; ViewBag.PageCount = Math.Ceiling((double)recordCount / (double)pageSize); ViewBag.Model = model; return(View(Customer)); }
//Floating Lable Code End public OfferMySpace() { InitializeComponent(); ShowLoading(true); txtPhoneNumber.Text = Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["PhoneNumber"]); dal_Offer = new DALOfferMySpace(); ShowLoading(false); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); GetCompanyInfo(); //Floating Lable Code Start lblName.TranslationX = lblPhoneNumber.TranslationX = lblEmail.TranslationX = lblOther.TranslationX = 10; lblName.FontSize = lblPhoneNumber.FontSize = lblEmail.FontSize = lblOther.FontSize = _placeholderFontSize; lblName.TextColor = lblPhoneNumber.TextColor = lblEmail.TextColor = lblOther.TextColor = Color.White; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder(true); } else { TransitionToTitle(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPhoneNumber.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_PhoneNo(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_PhoneNo(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmail.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_Email(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_Email(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOtherDetails.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_OtherDetails(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_OtherDetails(true); } txtName.Focus(); //Floating Lable Code End }
public static Customer ReadCustomer(int id, ref List <string> errors) { if (id <= 0) { errors.Add("Invalid customer_id"); } if (errors.Count > 0) { return(null); } return(DALCustomer.ReadCustomer(id, ref errors)); }
public ExtendSession(CustomerParkingSlotDetails customerParkingSlotDetails) { InitializeComponent(); ShowLoading(true); objCustomerParkingSlotDetails = customerParkingSlotDetails; VehicleTypeID = customerParkingSlotDetails.VehicleTypeID; CustomerID = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerID; CustomerVehicleID = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerVehicleID; CustomerParkingSlotID = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerParkingSlotID; LocationParkingLotID = customerParkingSlotDetails.LocationParkingLotID; LocationParkingLotName = customerParkingSlotDetails.LocationParkingLotName; dal_LocationParkingLot = new DALLocationParkingLots(); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); dal_Vehicle = new DALVehicle(); dal_Pass = new DALPass(); objCustomerParkingSlotDetails.LotOpenCloseTime = ("(" + objCustomerParkingSlotDetails.LotOpeningTime + " - " + objCustomerParkingSlotDetails.LotClosingTime + ")").ToLower(); if (VehicleTypeID == Convert.ToInt32(VehicleTypeCodes.TwoWheelerTypeID)) { imgVehicle.Source = "resource://InstaConsumer.Resources." + VehicleTypeCodes.TwoWheelerGreenSpots; } else if (VehicleTypeID == Convert.ToInt32(VehicleTypeCodes.FourWheelerTypeID)) { imgVehicle.Source = "resource://InstaConsumer.Resources." + VehicleTypeCodes.FourWheelerGreenSpots; } this.BindingContext = objCustomerParkingSlotDetails; VehicleTypeID = customerParkingSlotDetails.VehicleTypeID; CustomerID = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerID; CustomerVehicleID = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerVehicleID; RegistrationNumber = customerParkingSlotDetails.RegistrationNumber; CustomerParkingSlotID = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerParkingSlotID; LocationID = customerParkingSlotDetails.LocationID; LocationParkingLotID = customerParkingSlotDetails.LocationParkingLotID; LocationParkingLotName = customerParkingSlotDetails.LocationParkingLotName; dal_LocationParkingLot = new DALLocationParkingLots(); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); dal_Vehicle = new DALVehicle(); dal_Pass = new DALPass(); ParkingBayRange = customerParkingSlotDetails.ParkingBayRange; ParkingBayID = customerParkingSlotDetails.ParkingBayID; Duration = 1; IsFullDay = false; ShowLoading(false); }
public BuyAPass(OCustomerVehicle obj_OCustomerVehicle) { InitializeComponent(); ShowLoading(true); dal_Pass = new DALPass(); dal_Vehicle = new DALVehicle(); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); dal_LocationParkingLots = new DALLocationParkingLots(); objOCustomerVehicle = obj_OCustomerVehicle; VehicleTypeID = obj_OCustomerVehicle.VehicleTypeID; LocationID = obj_OCustomerVehicle.LocationID; CustomerID = obj_OCustomerVehicle.CustomerID; ShowLoading(false); }
private void CustomerForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowLoading("Loading", "Fetching customer information from db"); DALCustomer.GetCustomerById(CustomerId, (customer) => { Invoke(new Action(() => { originalFirstName = customer.FirstName; originalLastName = customer.LastName; tbFirstName.Text = customer.FirstName; tbLastName.Text = customer.LastName; HideLoading(); this.Enabled = true; })); }, (ex) => ShowErrorFromAnOtherThread(ex, () => { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; })); }
/// <summary> /// 添加/修改保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Save(Customer model) { ResultMsg msg = new ResultMsg(); //修改 if (model.Rid > 0) { msg = new DALCustomer().Update(model); } //添加 else if (model.Rid == 0) { msg = new DALCustomer().Insert(model); } return(Json(new { Success = msg.Success, Result = msg.ReturnInt, ErrMsg = msg.ErrMsg })); }
public void InsertOTP() { IsOnline = VerifyInternet(); if (IsOnline) { OTPVerification objOTP = new OTPVerification(); objOTP.PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber; objOTP.OTP = random_number; objOTP.StartTime = DateTime.Now; objOTP.ExpiryTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5); objOTP.Status = Convert.ToInt32(1); objOTP.CreatedBy = CustomerID; if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("RefreshedToken")) { objOTP.DeviceID = Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["RefreshedToken"]).Trim(); } else { objOTP.DeviceID = ""; } if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("apitoken")) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objOTP); var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); OTPVerification resultObj = dal_Customer.InsertOTP(Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["apitoken"]), objOTP); if (resultObj.OTPVerificationID != 0) { OTPVerificationID = resultObj.OTPVerificationID; } else { DisplayAlert("", "Failed to generate OTP", "Ok"); } } } else { DisplayAlert("", "Please check your network connectivity", "Ok"); return; } }
public int insertCustomer(Customer c) { DALCustomer customer = new DALCustomer(); return(customer.insert(c)); }
//新增用户 public static bool BLLAddCustomer(MODCustomer customer) { return(DALCustomer.DALInsertCustomer(customer)); }
//编辑更新 public static bool Uptade(MODCustomer modcustomer) { return(DALCustomer.Uptade(modcustomer)); }
//查询所有用户信息 public static List <MODCustomer> BLLSelectCustomerAll() { //查询用户信息 return(DALCustomer.DALSelectCustomerAll()); }
//查询用户 public static bool BLLSelectCustomer(string Login, string Pwd) { //查询用户信息 return(DALCustomer.DALSelectCustomer(Login, Pwd)); }
public RazorPayment(CustomerParkingSlot customerParkingSlot, CustomerVehiclePass customerVehiclePass) { InitializeComponent(); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); dal_Pass = new DALPass(); obj_CustomerParkingSlot = customerParkingSlot; obj_CustomerVehiclePass = customerVehiclePass; if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("UserName")) { UserName = Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["UserName"]); } if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("Email")) { Email = Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["Email"]); } if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("PhoneNumber")) { PhoneNumber = Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["PhoneNumber"]); } if (obj_CustomerParkingSlot != null && obj_CustomerVehiclePass == null) { string Source = "" + "name=" + UserName + "" + "&email=" + Email + "&contact=" + PhoneNumber + "" + "&description=" + Convert.ToString(obj_CustomerParkingSlot.LocationParkingLotName) + "&amount=" + Convert.ToString(obj_CustomerParkingSlot.PaidAmount) + "&receiptID=" + 0 + ""; CookieContainer cookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); Uri uri = new Uri(Source, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Cookie cookie = new Cookie { Name = "CustomerID", Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), Value = Convert.ToString(obj_CustomerParkingSlot.CustomerID), Domain = uri.Host, Path = "/" }; cookieContainer.Add(uri, cookie); webView.Cookies = cookieContainer; webView.Source = new UrlWebViewSource { Url = uri.ToString() }; } else if (obj_CustomerParkingSlot == null && obj_CustomerVehiclePass != null) { string Source = "" + "name=" + UserName + "" + "&email=" + Email + "&contact=" + PhoneNumber + "" + "&description=" + Convert.ToString(obj_CustomerVehiclePass.StationAccess) + "&amount=" + Convert.ToString(obj_CustomerVehiclePass.TotalAmount + obj_CustomerVehiclePass.PaidDueAmount) + "&receiptID=" + 0 + ""; CookieContainer cookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); Uri uri = new Uri(Source, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); Cookie cookie = new Cookie { Name = "CustomerID", Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), Value = Convert.ToString(obj_CustomerVehiclePass.CustomerID), Domain = uri.Host, Path = "/" }; cookieContainer.Add(uri, cookie); webView.Cookies = cookieContainer; webView.Source = new UrlWebViewSource { Url = uri.ToString() }; } }
private async void btn_SendOTPClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = false; ShowLoading(true); if (txtName.Text == "" || txtName.Text == null) { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter your Name", "Ok"); return; } var regexName = new Regex("^[a-z A-Z]*$"); if (!regexName.IsMatch(txtName.Text.Trim())) { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter only alphabets for Name", "Ok"); return; } if (txtPhoneNumber.Text == "" || txtPhoneNumber.Text == null) { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter your Phone Number", "Ok"); return; } if (txtEmail.Text == "" || txtEmail.Text == null) { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter your Email", "Ok"); return; } if (txtName.Text.Length >= 3 && txtName.Text.Length <= 20) { if (txtEmail.Text != "" && txtEmail.Text != null) { if (!RegexUtilities.IsEmailValid(txtEmail.Text.Trim())) { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter valid Email", "Ok"); return; } } Customer objCustomer = new Customer(); objCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerID; objCustomer.Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); objCustomer.Email = txtEmail.Text == null || txtEmail.Text == "" ? "" : txtEmail.Text.Trim(); objCustomer.PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text.Trim(); objCustomer.Gender = Gender_static; if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("RefreshedToken")) { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; objCustomer.DeviceID = Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["RefreshedToken"]); } else { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; objCustomer.DeviceID = ""; } if (txtYearOfBirth.Text != "" && txtYearOfBirth.Text != null) { if (Convert.ToInt32(txtYearOfBirth.Text.Trim()) > 1900) { DateTime dateOfBirth = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(txtYearOfBirth.Text.Trim()), DateTime.Now.Month, 1); objCustomer.DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth; objCustomer.Age = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Year) - Convert.ToInt32(txtYearOfBirth.Text.Trim()); } else { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Only people born after 1900 please! Enter your Year of Birth", "Ok"); return; } } else { objCustomer.DateOfBirth = null; objCustomer.Age = 0; } if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("apitoken")) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objCustomer); var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); OCustomer resultObj = dal_Customer.InsertCustomer(Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["apitoken"]), objCustomer); if (resultObj.CustomerID != 0) { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); await Application.Current.SavePropertiesAsync(); await Navigation.PushAsync(new VerifyOTP(txtPhoneNumber.Text, resultObj.CustomerID, "NEW", txtName.Text)); } else { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("Failed - InsertCustomer", "Insert customer failed", "Ok"); } } else { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); } } else { btnSendOTP.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Name must be atleast 3 characters and maximum 20 characters", "Ok"); } }
private async void btn_ProceedClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnProceed.IsVisible = false; ShowLoading(true); IsOnline = VerifyInternet(); if (IsOnline) { if (txtPhoneNumber.Text != "" && txtPhoneNumber.Text != null) { if (txtPhoneNumber.Text.Length != 10) { btnProceed.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter valid Phone Number", "Ok"); return; } Customer objCustomer = new Customer(); objCustomer.PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text; // Remove Code using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["BaseURL"])); // We want the response to be JSON. client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > postData = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); postData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("grant_type", "password")); postData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("username", "Kiran")); postData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("password", "1234")); FormUrlEncodedContent content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(postData); // Post to the Server and parse the response. var response = client.PostAsync("Token", content).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var jsonString = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); OAuthToken responseData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OAuthToken>(jsonString.Result); string Access_Token = responseData.access_token; App.Current.Properties["apitoken"] = Access_Token; } } // Remove Code if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("apitoken")) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objCustomer); var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); OCustomer resultObj = dal_Customer.ValidateCustomer(Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["apitoken"]), objCustomer); if (resultObj.CustomerID != 0) { btnProceed.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); await Navigation.PushAsync(new VerifyOTP(txtPhoneNumber.Text, resultObj.CustomerID, "EXISTING", resultObj.Name)); } else { btnProceed.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); await Navigation.PushAsync(new SignUp(resultObj.CustomerID, txtPhoneNumber.Text)); } } else { btnProceed.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); } } else { btnProceed.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter your Phone Number", "Ok"); } } else { await DisplayAlert("", "Please check your network connectivity", "Ok"); return; } }
public Notification(int CustomerID) { InitializeComponent(); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); GetNotificationsByCustomerID(CustomerID); }
private async void btn_UpdateClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { IsOnline = VerifyInternet(); if (IsOnline) { btnUpdate.IsVisible = false; ShowLoading(true); try { if (txtName.Text == "" || txtName.Text == null) { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter your Name", "Ok"); return; } var regexName = new Regex("^[a-z A-Z]*$"); if (!regexName.IsMatch(txtName.Text.Trim())) { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter only alphabets for Name", "Ok"); return; } if (txtPhoneNumber.Text == "" || txtPhoneNumber.Text == null) { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter your Phone Number", "Ok"); return; } if (txtEmail.Text == "" || txtEmail.Text == null) { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter your Email", "Ok"); return; } if (txtName.Text.Length >= 3 && txtName.Text.Length <= 20) { if (txtEmail.Text != "" && txtEmail.Text != null) { if (!RegexUtilities.IsEmailValid(txtEmail.Text.Trim())) { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter valid Email", "Ok"); return; } } Customer objCustomer = new Customer(); objCustomer.CustomerID = CustomerID; objCustomer.Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); objCustomer.Email = txtEmail.Text == null || txtEmail.Text == "" ? "" : txtEmail.Text.Trim(); objCustomer.PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text.Trim(); objCustomer.Gender = Gender_static; if (imgCameraByteData != null) { objCustomer.ProfileImage = ByteArrayCompressionUtility.Compress(imgCameraByteData); } if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("RefreshedToken")) { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; objCustomer.DeviceID = Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["RefreshedToken"]); } else { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; objCustomer.DeviceID = ""; } if (txtYearOfBirth.Text != "" && txtYearOfBirth.Text != null) { if (Convert.ToInt32(txtYearOfBirth.Text.Trim()) > 1900) { DateTime dateOfBirth = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(txtYearOfBirth.Text.Trim()), DateTime.Now.Month, 1); objCustomer.DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth; objCustomer.Age = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Year) - Convert.ToInt32(txtYearOfBirth.Text.Trim()); } else { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Only people born after 1900 please! Enter your Year of Birth", "Ok"); return; } } else { objCustomer.DateOfBirth = null; objCustomer.Age = 0; } if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("apitoken")) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objCustomer); var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); OCustomer resultObj = new OCustomer(); await Task.Run(() => { resultObj = dal_Customer.UpdateCustomer(Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["apitoken"]), objCustomer); }); if (resultObj.CustomerID != 0) { App.Current.Properties["UserName"] = txtName.Text.Trim(); App.Current.Properties["PhoneNumber"] = txtPhoneNumber.Text.Trim(); App.Current.Properties["Email"] = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); App.Current.Properties["CustomerID"] = resultObj.CustomerID; App.Current.Properties["ProfileImage"] = resultObj.ProfileImage; await Application.Current.SavePropertiesAsync(); int CustomerID = resultObj.CustomerID; App.Current.Properties["CustomerID"] = CustomerID; btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); await Navigation.PushAsync(new Home(null, CustomerID)); } else { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("Failed - UpdateCustomer", "Update Customer Failed", "Ok"); } } else { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); } } else { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Name must be atleast 3 characters and maximum 20 characters", "Ok"); } } catch (Exception ex) { btnUpdate.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("Failed - ", "Failed To Update Details", "Ok"); } } else { await DisplayAlert("", "Please check your network connectivity", "Ok"); return; } }
public SessionHomeReceipt(CustomerParkingSlotDetails customerParkingSlotDetails) { this.IsBusy = true; InitializeComponent(); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); dal_LocationParkingLot = new DALLocationParkingLots(); if (customerParkingSlotDetails != null) { objCustomerParkingSlotDetails = customerParkingSlotDetails; lblLotName.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.ApplicationTypeID == Convert.ToInt32(App.Current.Properties["PassApplicationTypeID"]) ? customerParkingSlotDetails.LocationParkingLotName + " - PASS CHECK IN" : customerParkingSlotDetails.LocationParkingLotName; lblAddress.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.Address; lblFrom.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.From.ToString("d MMM yyyy, hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")); lblTo.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.To.ToString("d MMM yyyy, hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")); string fromdatesplit = lblFrom.Text.Split(',')[0]; string fromtimesplit = lblFrom.Text.Split(',')[1]; lblFrom.Text = fromdatesplit; lblFromTime.Text = fromtimesplit; string toDatesplit = lblTo.Text.Split(',')[0]; string toTimesplit = lblTo.Text.Split(',')[1]; lblTo.Text = toDatesplit; lblToTime.Text = toTimesplit; lblRegistrationNumber.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.RegistrationNumber; lblModel.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.Model; App.Current.Properties["CustomerParkingSlotID"] = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerParkingSlotID; App.Current.Properties["UserName"] = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerName; App.Current.Properties["PhoneNumber"] = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerPhoneNumber; App.Current.Properties["Email"] = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerEmail; App.Current.Properties["CustomerID"] = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerID; App.Current.Properties["ProfileImage"] = customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerProfileImage; if (customerParkingSlotDetails.ApplicationTypeID == Convert.ToInt32(App.Current.Properties["PassApplicationTypeID"])) { stkParkingFee.IsVisible = false; lblLotName.HeightRequest = 45; } else { stkParkingFee.IsVisible = true; // lblLotName.HeightRequest = 10; lblParkingFee.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.PaidAmount; TimeSpan t_duration = (customerParkingSlotDetails.To - customerParkingSlotDetails.From); int d_duration = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(t_duration.TotalHours)); lblPaymentType.Text = " Paid for " + d_duration + " hour (Via " + customerParkingSlotDetails.PaymentTypeName + ")"; } OrderID.Text = "ID : #" + customerParkingSlotDetails.CustomerParkingSlotID; imgVehicle.Source = customerParkingSlotDetails.VehicleImage; currentTime = DateTime.Now; ActualEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(customerParkingSlotDetails.To); DisabledParking.Source = customerParkingSlotDetails.DisabledParking; EvCharging.Source = customerParkingSlotDetails.EvCharging; CoveredParking.Source = customerParkingSlotDetails.CoveredParking; BikeWash.Source = customerParkingSlotDetails.BikeWash; CarWash.Source = customerParkingSlotDetails.CarWash; Mechanic.Source = customerParkingSlotDetails.Mechanic; lblWarning.Text = "'" + Convert.ToString(customerParkingSlotDetails.ViolationWarningCount) + "' Warning(s) Completed"; lblOverStayFee.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.Price == 0 ? "0" : Convert.ToString(decimal.Truncate(customerParkingSlotDetails.Price)); lblClampFee.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.ClampFee == 0 ? "0" : Convert.ToString(decimal.Truncate(customerParkingSlotDetails.ClampFee)); lblTotal.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(customerParkingSlotDetails.Price) + Convert.ToDecimal(customerParkingSlotDetails.ClampFee) == 0 ? "0" : Convert.ToString(decimal.Truncate((Convert.ToDecimal(customerParkingSlotDetails.Price) + Convert.ToDecimal(customerParkingSlotDetails.ClampFee)))); lblClampReason.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.ClampReason; if (customerParkingSlotDetails.IsClamp) { stkSupervisor.IsVisible = true; stkClampWarning.IsVisible = true; IsClamp = customerParkingSlotDetails.IsClamp; SupervisorPhoneNumber = customerParkingSlotDetails.PhoneNumber; lblSupervisor.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.SupervisorName; lblPhoneNumber.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.PhoneNumber; } if (ActualEndTime < currentTime) { lblSpotExpiry.Text = "Spot Expired At"; lblExpiryTime.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.To.ToString("d MMM yyyy, hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")); lblExpiryTime.FontSize = 20; } else { TimeSpan duration = ActualEndTime - currentTime; long durationTicks = Math.Abs(duration.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond); long hours = durationTicks / (1000 * 60 * 60); long minutes = (durationTicks - (hours * 60 * 60 * 1000)) / (1000 * 60); lblExpiryTime.Text = hours.ToString("00 h") + " : " + minutes.ToString("00 m"); } Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), (Func <bool>)(() => { currentTime = DateTime.Now; if (ActualEndTime < currentTime) { lblSpotExpiry.Text = "Spot Expired At"; lblExpiryTime.Text = customerParkingSlotDetails.To.ToString("d MMM yyyy, hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")); lblExpiryTime.FontSize = 20; return(false); } else { TimeSpan duration = ActualEndTime - currentTime; long durationTicks = Math.Abs(duration.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond); long hours = durationTicks / (1000 * 60 * 60); long minutes = (durationTicks - (hours * 60 * 60 * 1000)) / (1000 * 60); lblExpiryTime.Text = hours.ToString("00 h") + " : " + minutes.ToString("00 m"); } return(true); // True = Repeat again, False = Stop the timer })); GenerateAPIToken(); this.IsBusy = false; } }
private async void btn_VerifyOTPClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { IsOnline = VerifyInternet(); if (IsOnline) { btnVerify.IsVisible = false; ShowLoading(true); if ((OTP1.Text != "" && OTP1.Text != null) && (OTP2.Text != "" && OTP2.Text != null) && (OTP3.Text != "" && OTP3.Text != null) && (OTP4.Text != "" && OTP4.Text != null)) { OTPVerification objOTP = new OTPVerification(); objOTP.OTPVerificationID = OTPVerificationID; objOTP.PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber; objOTP.OTP = OTP1.Text + OTP2.Text + OTP3.Text + OTP4.Text; objOTP.ExpiryTime = DateTime.Now; objOTP.CreatedBy = CustomerID; if (App.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("apitoken")) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objOTP); var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); OTPVerification resultObj = dal_Customer.VerifyOTP(Convert.ToString(App.Current.Properties["apitoken"]), objOTP); if (resultObj.OTPVerificationID != 0) { CustomerID = resultObj.CustomerID; App.Current.Properties["CustomerID"] = Convert.ToString(resultObj.CustomerID); App.Current.Properties["UserName"] = Convert.ToString(resultObj.Name); App.Current.Properties["PhoneNumber"] = Convert.ToString(PhoneNumber); App.Current.Properties["Email"] = Convert.ToString(resultObj.Email); App.Current.Properties["ProfileImage"] = resultObj.ProfileImage; ShowLoading(false); //GetListOfCustomerVehicles(); if (NewORExisting == "EXISTING") { DisplayAlert("", "Welcome back " + Name + "! Thank you for using Instaparking", "Ok"); } //await Navigation.PushAsync(new MasterPage(objLocationParkingLotFilter)); await Navigation.PushAsync(new Home(null, CustomerID)); } else { btnVerify.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter valid OTP", "Ok"); } } else { btnVerify.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); } } else { btnVerify.IsVisible = true; ShowLoading(false); DisplayAlert("", "Please enter OTP sent to " + PhoneNumber + "", "Ok"); } } else { await DisplayAlert("", "Please check your network connectivity", "Ok"); return; } }
//Floating Lable Code End public UpdateVehicle(OCustomerVehicle customerVehicle) { InitializeComponent(); ShowLoading(true); dal_Vehicle = new DALVehicle(); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); txtMake.Text = customerVehicle.Make; txtModel.Text = customerVehicle.Model; txtColor.Text = customerVehicle.Color; txtRegNumber.Text = customerVehicle.RegistrationNumber; swtPrimary.IsToggled = customerVehicle.IsPrimaryVehicle; swtActive.IsToggled = customerVehicle.IsActive; CustomerVehicleMapperID = customerVehicle.CustomerVehicleMapperID; CustomerVehicleID = customerVehicle.CustomerVehicleID; VehicleTypeID = customerVehicle.VehicleTypeID; CustomerID = customerVehicle.CustomerID; VehicleTypeCode = customerVehicle.VehicleTypeCode; if (customerVehicle.VehicleTypeCode == "2W") { svgTwo.Source = "resource://InstaConsumer.Resources.blue_circle_bike.svg"; svgFour.Source = "resource://InstaConsumer.Resources.grey_circle_car.svg"; VehicleTypeCode = VehicleTypeCodes.TwoWheeler; } else if (customerVehicle.VehicleTypeCode == "4W") { svgTwo.Source = "resource://InstaConsumer.Resources.grey_circle_bike.svg"; svgFour.Source = "resource://InstaConsumer.Resources.blue_circle_car.svg"; VehicleTypeCode = VehicleTypeCodes.FourWheeler; } ShowLoading(false); //Floating Lable Code Start lblMake.TranslationX = lblModel.TranslationX = lblColor.TranslationX = lblRegNumber.TranslationX = 10; lblMake.FontSize = lblModel.FontSize = lblColor.FontSize = lblRegNumber.FontSize = _placeholderFontSize; lblMake.TextColor = lblModel.TextColor = lblColor.TextColor = lblRegNumber.TextColor = Color.Gray; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMake.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder(true); } else { TransitionToTitle(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtModel.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_Model(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_Model(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtColor.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_Color(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_Color(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtRegNumber.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_RegNumber(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_RegNumber(true); } txtMake.Focus(); //Floating Lable Code End }
public static List <Customer> ReadCustomers(ref List <string> errors) { return(DALCustomer.ReadCustomers(ref errors)); }
//Floating Lable Code End public MyProfile(OCustomer customer) { InitializeComponent(); ShowLoading(true); dal_Customer = new DALCustomer(); CustomerID = customer.CustomerID; Gender_static = customer.Gender; txtName.Text = customer.Name; txtPhoneNumber.Text = customer.PhoneNumber; txtEmail.Text = customer.Email; imgProfile.Source = customer.ProfileImage == null ? "profilepic.png" : ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(ByteArrayCompressionUtility.Decompress(customer.ProfileImage))); imgCameraByteData = customer.ProfileImage == null ? null : new MemoryStream(ByteArrayCompressionUtility.Decompress(customer.ProfileImage)).ToArray(); if (customer.YearOfBirth != 0) { txtYearOfBirth.Text = Convert.ToString(customer.YearOfBirth); } else { txtYearOfBirth.Text = ""; } ShowLoading(false); //Floating Lable Code Start lblName.TranslationX = lblPhoneNumber.TranslationX = lblEmail.TranslationX = lblYear.TranslationX = 10; lblName.FontSize = lblPhoneNumber.FontSize = lblEmail.FontSize = lblYear.FontSize = _placeholderFontSize; lblName.TextColor = lblPhoneNumber.TextColor = lblEmail.TextColor = lblYear.TextColor = Color.Gray; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder(true); } else { TransitionToTitle(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPhoneNumber.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_PhoneNo(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_PhoneNo(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmail.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_Email(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_Email(true); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtYearOfBirth.Text)) { TransitionToPlaceholder_YearofBirth(true); } else { TransitionToTitle_YearofBirth(true); } txtName.Focus(); //Floating Lable Code End }
protected void btnSaveProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int intUserId = int.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString()); try { DALmstOrder objDALmstOrder = new DALmstOrder(); DALmstRefundAmount objDALmstRefundAmount = new DALmstRefundAmount(); DataSet dsobjDALmstRefundAmount = new DataSet(); if (txtRefundAmount.Text != "0") { int nOrderId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["OrderId"].ToString()); int nCustomerId = int.Parse(lblId.Text); int nLanguageId = 1; DateTime dtPaymentReceived = DateTime.Parse(txtPaymentDueDate.Text); float fRefundAmount = float.Parse(txtRefundAmount.Text); int nCutomerAccountTypeId = int.Parse(ddlCutomerAccounttype.SelectedValue); string cReferenceNumber = txtReferencenumber.Text; string cNotes = txtNotes.Text; float TotalAmount = float.Parse(lblTotal.Text); if (fRefundAmount == TotalAmount) { objDALmstOrder.UpdateStatusAfterTakePayment(nOrderId, intUserId, "Return", dtPaymentReceived); objDALmstRefundAmount.InsertRow(nOrderId, nCustomerId, dtPaymentReceived, fRefundAmount, nCutomerAccountTypeId, cReferenceNumber, cNotes, intUserId, true, nLanguageId, false, "", "", "", ""); #region //START: Enter Log string strchatUserNAme = Session["ChatUsername"].ToString(); string strCustomerName = ""; DALCustomer objCustomer = new DALCustomer(); DataSet dsCustomer = new DataSet(); dsCustomer = objCustomer.SelectRow(nCustomerId, intUserId); if (dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strCustomerName = dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cCustomerFirstName"].ToString() + " " + dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cCustomerLastName"].ToString(); } string strDescription = "Refund payment for 'CN'" + nOrderId + "(" + strCustomerName + ")"; DALmstLog objLog = new DALmstLog(); objLog.InsertRow(cReferenceNumber, strDescription, "insert", strchatUserNAme, DateTime.Now, intUserId, 0, true, false, "", "", ""); strDescription = "Full Refund payment for 'CN'" + nOrderId + "(" + strCustomerName + ")"; objLog.InsertRow(cReferenceNumber, strDescription, "insert", strchatUserNAme, DateTime.Now, intUserId, 0, true, false, "", "", ""); #endregion Response.Redirect("ViewInvoice.aspx?PageId=0"); } else if (fRefundAmount > TotalAmount) { string strTitleN = "Take Payment"; string strdescriptions = "The amount cannot be more than the credit available to the customer."; NotificationMessage1.NotificationDetails(strTitleN, strdescriptions); } else { objDALmstRefundAmount.InsertRow(nOrderId, nCustomerId, dtPaymentReceived, fRefundAmount, nCutomerAccountTypeId, cReferenceNumber, cNotes, intUserId, true, nLanguageId, false, "", "", "", ""); #region //START: Enter Log string strchatUserNAme = Session["ChatUsername"].ToString(); string strCustomerName = ""; DALCustomer objCustomer = new DALCustomer(); DataSet dsCustomer = new DataSet(); dsCustomer = objCustomer.SelectRow(nCustomerId, intUserId); if (dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { strCustomerName = dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cCustomerFirstName"].ToString() + " " + dsCustomer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cCustomerLastName"].ToString(); } string strDescription = "Refund amount for 'CN'" + nOrderId + "(" + strCustomerName + ")"; DALmstLog objLog = new DALmstLog(); objLog.InsertRow(cReferenceNumber, strDescription, "insert", strchatUserNAme, DateTime.Now, intUserId, 0, true, false, "", "", ""); #endregion Response.Redirect("ViewInvoice.aspx?PageId=0"); } } else { string strTitleN = ""; string strdescriptions = "The Amount field cannot be $0.00. Please enter an amount other than zero."; NotificationMessage1.NotificationDetails(strTitleN, strdescriptions); } } catch (Exception ex) { DALExceptionDetail objDALExceptionDetail = new DALExceptionDetail(); objDALExceptionDetail.InsertRow(ex.Message, "RefundToCustomer.aspx", intUserId, DateTime.Now, true); } }