Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the scrubber manipulator and calculates the bounding rectangle on the handle</summary>
        /// <param name="g">The graphics object to draw with</param>
        /// <param name="handleRect">The handle's bounding rectangle for pick tests, in view
        /// coordinates</param>
        protected virtual void DrawManipulator(D2dGraphics g, out RectangleF handleRect)
            Matrix worldToView = Owner.Transform;

            float     viewX         = Sce.Atf.GdiUtil.Transform(worldToView, Position);
            Rectangle clipRectangle = Owner.VisibleClientRectangle;

            // allow only the arrow portion to be selected
            handleRect = new RectangleF(
                viewX - 5,

            g.DrawLine(viewX, clipRectangle.Top, viewX, clipRectangle.Bottom, s_color, 1.0f, null);

            Color handle_color = m_isMoving ? Color.Tomato : s_color;
            float pos_x        = viewX;
            float pos_y        = clipRectangle.Top + 5;

            s_arrow[0] = new PointF(pos_x - 4, pos_y - 5);
            s_arrow[1] = new PointF(pos_x - 4, pos_y);
            s_arrow[2] = new PointF(pos_x - 5, pos_y + 1);
            s_arrow[3] = new PointF(pos_x - 5, pos_y + 2);
            s_arrow[4] = new PointF(pos_x, pos_y + 7);
            s_arrow[5] = new PointF(pos_x + 5, pos_y + 2);
            s_arrow[6] = new PointF(pos_x + 5, pos_y + 1);
            s_arrow[7] = new PointF(pos_x + 4, pos_y);
            s_arrow[8] = new PointF(pos_x + 4, pos_y - 5);
            //g.FillPolygon(s_arrow, handle_color);   // Fill arrow
            // Draw arrow border with same gray Photoshop uses
            //g.DrawLines(s_arrow, Color.FromArgb(116, 114, 106), 3.0f);

            g.DrawLines(s_arrow, handle_color, 2.0f);

            string label = Position.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            g.DrawText(label, Owner.Renderer.TextFormat, new PointF(pos_x + 6, clipRectangle.Top), SystemColors.WindowText);