public void AddChildShape(float4x4 localTransform, ICylinderShapeImp shape)
     var btHalfExtents = Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(shape.HalfExtents);
     var btChildShape = new CylinderShape(btHalfExtents);
     var btLocalTransform = Translater.Float4X4ToBtMatrix(localTransform);
     BtCompoundShape.AddChildShape(btLocalTransform, btChildShape);
        public override CollisionShape CopyCollisionShape()
            CylinderShape cs = new CylinderShape(halfExtent.ToBullet());

            cs.LocalScaling = m_localScaling.ToBullet();

Example #3
    public void TestCylinderCylinder(float x, float y, float z, float height, float radius, bool expected)
        var cylinder1 = new CylinderShape(Vector3.Zero, 1, 1);

        var cylinder2 = new CylinderShape(new Vector3(x, y, z), height, radius);

        Assert.Equal(expected, CollisionDetection.IntersectCylinderCylinder(cylinder1, cylinder2));
Example #4
 public override CollisionShape GetCollisionShape()
     if (collisionShapePtr == null)
         collisionShapePtr = new CylinderShape(halfExtent.ToBullet());
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new cylinder cast based wheel shape.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="radius">Radius of the wheel.</param>
 /// <param name="width">Width of the wheel.</param>
 /// <param name="localWheelOrientation">Unsteered orientation of the wheel in the vehicle's local space.</param>
 /// <param name="localGraphicTransform">Local graphic transform of the wheel shape.
 /// This transform is applied first when creating the shape's worldTransform.</param>
 /// <param name="includeSteeringTransformInCast">Whether or not to include the steering transform in the wheel shape cast. If false, the casted wheel shape will always point straight forward.
 /// If true, it will rotate with steering. Sometimes, setting this to false is helpful when the cast shape would otherwise become exposed when steering.</param>
 public CylinderCastWheelShape(float radius, float width, Quaternion localWheelOrientation,
                               Matrix localGraphicTransform, bool includeSteeringTransformInCast)
     shape = new CylinderShape(width, radius);
     LocalWheelOrientation          = localWheelOrientation;
     LocalGraphicTransform          = localGraphicTransform;
     IncludeSteeringTransformInCast = includeSteeringTransformInCast;
Example #6
        public void GetMesh()
            var s = new CylinderShape(3, 10);
              var mesh = s.GetMesh(0.05f, 3);
              Assert.Greater(mesh.NumberOfTriangles, 1);

              // No more tests necessary because we see the result in the samples.
Example #7
        public void AddChildShape(float4x4 localTransform, ICylinderShapeImp shape)
            var btHalfExtents    = Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(shape.HalfExtents);
            var btChildShape     = new CylinderShape(btHalfExtents);
            var btLocalTransform = Translater.Float4X4ToBtMatrix(localTransform);

            BtCompoundShape.AddChildShape(btLocalTransform, btChildShape);
Example #8
 public override CollisionShape GetCollisionShape()
     if (collisionShapePtr == null)
         collisionShapePtr = new CylinderShape(halfExtent.ToBullet());
         ((CylinderShape)collisionShapePtr).LocalScaling = m_localScaling.ToBullet();
        public void GetMesh()
            var s    = new CylinderShape(3, 10);
            var mesh = s.GetMesh(0.05f, 3);

            Assert.Greater(mesh.NumberOfTriangles, 1);

            // No more tests necessary because we see the result in the samples.
Example #10
 public GrenadeEntity(Region tregion, bool shadows)
     : base(tregion, true, shadows)
     model      = TheClient.Models.Sphere;
     GColor     = new Color4(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
     Shape      = new CylinderShape(0.2f, 0.05f);
     Bounciness = 0.95f;
Example #11
    protected override void OnPositionChanged(Quat rotation, float angle,
                                              Vector3 membraneCoords)
        organelle.OrganelleGraphics.Transform = new Transform(rotation, membraneCoords);

        Vector3 middle = Hex.AxialToCartesian(new Hex(0, 0));
        Vector3 membranePointDirection = (membraneCoords - middle).Normalized();

        membraneCoords += membranePointDirection * Constants.DEFAULT_HEX_SIZE * 2;

        if (organelle.ParentMicrobe.Species.IsBacteria)
            membraneCoords *= 0.5f;

        float pilusSize = 4.6f;

        // Scale the size down for bacteria
        if (organelle.ParentMicrobe.Species.IsBacteria)
            pilusSize *= 0.5f;

        var physicsRotation = MathUtils.CreateRotationForPhysicsOrganelle(angle);

        // Need to remove the old copy first

        // TODO: Godot doesn't have Cone shape.
        // So this uses a cylinder for now

        // @pilusShape = / 10.f,
        //     pilusSize);

        var shape = new CylinderShape();

        shape.Radius = pilusSize / 10.0f;
        shape.Height = pilusSize;

        var parentMicrobe = organelle.ParentMicrobe;

        var ownerId = parentMicrobe.CreateShapeOwner(shape);

        parentMicrobe.ShapeOwnerAddShape(ownerId, shape);

        // TODO: find a way to pass the information to the shape /
        // parentMicrobe what is a pilus part of the collision
        // pilusShape.SetCustomTag(PHYSICS_PILUS_TAG);

        var transform = new Transform(physicsRotation, membraneCoords);

        parentMicrobe.ShapeOwnerSetTransform(ownerId, transform);

            public TreeTemplate(
                int sliceCount,
                int stackDivision,
                int coneCount,
                float height,
                float radius,
                float radAdd
                var          attributePosition = new Attribute(VertexUsage.Position, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, 0, 3);
                var          attributeNormal   = new Attribute(VertexUsage.Normal, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, 0, 3); /*  content normals     */
                VertexFormat vertexFormat      = new VertexFormat();


                this.sliceCount    = sliceCount;
                this.stackDivision = stackDivision;
                this.coneCount     = coneCount;
                this.height        = height;
                this.radius        = radius;
                this.radAdd        = radAdd;
                float   coneHeight = height / (float)coneCount;
                Matrix4 rotZ       = Matrix4.CreateRotation(
                float    cylHeight        = coneHeight;
                float    cylRadius        = height / 20.0f;
                Geometry cylinderGeometry = new RenderStack.Geometry.Shapes.Cylinder(-cylHeight, cylHeight, cylRadius, sliceCount);

                GeometryMesh cylinderMesh  = new GeometryMesh(cylinderGeometry, NormalStyle.CornerNormals, vertexFormat);
                Shape        cylinderShape = new CylinderShape(cylHeight, cylRadius);

                cylinderMesh.GetMesh.Name = "cylinder";
                for (int c = 0; c < coneCount; c++)
                    float    topRadius      = (coneCount - 1 - c) * radius / (float)coneCount;
                    float    bottomRadius   = topRadius + radAdd;
                    float    R              = bottomRadius;
                    float    r              = topRadius;
                    float    fullConeHeight = (R * coneHeight) / (R - r);
                    float    minX           = -fullConeHeight / 3.0f;
                    float    maxX           = 2.0f * fullConeHeight / 3.0f;
                    float    offset         = -minX;
                    Geometry coneGeometry   = new RenderStack.Geometry.Shapes.Cone(minX, maxX, bottomRadius, 0.0f, true, true, sliceCount, stackDivision);
                    GeometryMesh coneMesh  = new GeometryMesh(coneGeometry, NormalStyle.CornerNormals, vertexFormat);
                    Shape        coneShape = new ConeShape(fullConeHeight, R);
                    coneMesh.GetMesh.Name = "cone" + c.ToString();
Example #13
            protected new void Start()

                mShape = new CylinderShape(radius, halfHeight);

                var args = new CollisionEvents.DynamicColliderCreationEventArgs(this);

                CollisionEvents.FireEvent(CollisionEvents.EventType.DynamicColliderCreation, gameObject, args);
Example #14
        public void ScaledConvexShape()
            var s  = new CylinderShape(1, 2);
            var v0 = s.GetVolume(0.001f, 10);

            var s1 = new ScaledConvexShape(new CylinderShape(10, 10), new Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.1f));
            var v1 = s1.GetVolume(0.0001f, 10);

            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(v0, v1, 0.01f * (1 + v0))); // 1% error is allowed.
Example #15
 public void Clone()
     CylinderShape cylinder = new CylinderShape(1.23f, 45.6f);
       CylinderShape clone = cylinder.Clone() as CylinderShape;
       Assert.AreEqual(cylinder.Radius, clone.Radius);
       Assert.AreEqual(cylinder.Height, clone.Height);
       Assert.AreEqual(cylinder.GetAabb(Pose.Identity).Minimum, clone.GetAabb(Pose.Identity).Minimum);
       Assert.AreEqual(cylinder.GetAabb(Pose.Identity).Maximum, clone.GetAabb(Pose.Identity).Maximum);
Example #16
        public void CylinderTest()
            var s  = new CylinderShape(1, 2);
            var v0 = s.GetVolume(0.001f, 10);

            var m  = s.GetMesh(0.001f, 10);
            var v1 = m.GetVolume();

            Assert.IsTrue(Numeric.AreEqual(v0, v1, 0.01f * (1 + v0))); // 1% error is allowed.
 public override CollisionShape GetCollisionShape()
     if (collisionShapePtr == null)
         collisionShapePtr = new CylinderShape(new Vector3(HalfExtent.x, HalfExtent.y, HalfExtent.x).ToBullet());
         ((CylinderShape)collisionShapePtr).LocalScaling = m_localScaling.ToBullet();
         collisionShapePtr.Margin = m_Margin;
Example #18
    public void TestCylinderBox(
        float cylinderX, float cylinderY, float cylinderZ, float cylinderRadius, float cylinderHeight,
        float boxX, float boxY, float boxZ, float boxAngle, float boxHalfSizeX, float boxHalfSizeY, float boxHeight,
        bool expected)
        var cylinder = new CylinderShape(new Vector3(cylinderX, cylinderY, cylinderZ), cylinderHeight, cylinderRadius);

        var box = new BoxShape(new Vector3(boxX, boxY, boxZ), boxAngle, boxHalfSizeX, boxHalfSizeY, boxHeight);

        Assert.Equal(expected, CollisionDetection.IntersectCylinderBox(cylinder, box));
        public void Clone()
            CylinderShape cylinder = new CylinderShape(1.23f, 45.6f);
            CylinderShape clone    = cylinder.Clone() as CylinderShape;

            Assert.AreEqual(cylinder.Radius, clone.Radius);
            Assert.AreEqual(cylinder.Height, clone.Height);
            Assert.AreEqual(cylinder.GetAabb(Pose.Identity).Minimum, clone.GetAabb(Pose.Identity).Minimum);
            Assert.AreEqual(cylinder.GetAabb(Pose.Identity).Maximum, clone.GetAabb(Pose.Identity).Maximum);
Example #20
    public void TestSphereCylinder(
        float sphereX, float sphereY, float sphereZ, float sphereRadius,
        float cylinderX, float cylinderY, float cylinderZ, float cylinderRadius, float cylinderHeight,
        bool expected)
        var sphere = new SphereShape(new Vector3(sphereX, sphereY, sphereZ), sphereRadius);

        var cylinder = new CylinderShape(new Vector3(cylinderX, cylinderY, cylinderZ), cylinderHeight, cylinderRadius);

        Assert.Equal(expected, CollisionDetection.IntersectSphereCylinder(sphere, cylinder));
Example #21
    // Handle player crouch
    private void crouch(float delta)
        if (!headRay.IsColliding())
            CollisionShape shape   = (CollisionShape)GetNode("body");
            CylinderShape  capsule = ((CylinderShape)shape.Shape);

            // Height of collision shape
            float newCollisionHeight = Mathf.Lerp(capsule.Height, 2 - (input["crouch"] * 1.5f), crouchSpeed * delta);
            capsule.Height = newCollisionHeight;
Example #22
        public ICylinderShapeImp AddCylinderShape(float3 halfExtents)
            var btCylinderShape = new CylinderShape(Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(halfExtents));


            var retval = new CylinderShapeImp();

            retval.BtCylinderShape     = btCylinderShape;
            btCylinderShape.UserObject = retval;
 //Get Collision shape
 public override CollisionShape GetCollisionShape()
     if (Shape != null)
     Shape = new CylinderShape(_halfExtents.ToBullet())
         LocalScaling = transform.localScale.ToBullet()
Example #24
        public ICylinderShapeImp AddCylinderShape(float halfExtentsX, float halfExtentsY, float halfExtentsZ)
            var btCylinderShape = new CylinderShape(halfExtentsX, halfExtentsY, halfExtentsZ);


            var retval = new CylinderShapeImp();

            retval.BtCylinderShape     = btCylinderShape;
            btCylinderShape.UserObject = retval;
Example #25
 public CharacterControllerConvexCast()
     Body = new Capsule(Vector3.Zero, 1.7f, .3f, 10);
     //Making the character a continuous object prevents it from flying through walls which would be pretty jarring from a player's perspective.
     Body.PositionUpdateMode        = PositionUpdateMode.Continuous;
     Body.LocalInertiaTensorInverse = new Matrix3X3();
     Body.CollisionInformation.Events.CreatingPair += RemoveFriction;
     GlueSpeed  = 20;
     StepHeight = 1;
     //construct the casting shape.  It should be a little smaller than the character's radius.
     castShape = new CylinderShape(0, Body.Radius * .8f);
     castShape.CollisionMargin = 0;
        public void Wall()
            Shape shape = new CylinderShape(0.5f, 0.5f);

            for (int i = 0; i < WallSize; i++)
                for (int e = 0; e < WallSize; e++)
                    RigidBody body = new RigidBody(shape);
                    body.Position = new JVector((i % 2 == 0) ? e : e + 0.5f, i + 0.5f, 0);
        private static void GetMass(CylinderShape cylinder, Vector3 scale, float densityOrMass, bool isDensity, out float mass, out Matrix inertia)
            scale = Vector3.Absolute(scale);
            float radiusX = cylinder.Radius * scale.X;
            float heightY = cylinder.Height * scale.Y;
            float radiusZ = cylinder.Radius * scale.Z;

            mass = (isDensity) ? ConstantsF.Pi * radiusX * radiusZ * heightY * densityOrMass : densityOrMass;

            inertia     = Matrix.Zero;
            inertia.M00 = 1.0f / 4.0f * mass * radiusZ * radiusZ + 1.0f / 12.0f * mass * heightY * heightY;
            inertia.M11 = 1.0f / 4.0f * mass * radiusX * radiusX + 1.0f / 4.0f * mass * radiusZ * radiusZ;
            inertia.M22 = 1.0f / 4.0f * mass * radiusX * radiusX + 1.0f / 12.0f * mass * heightY * heightY;
        private void DrawShape(Shape shape, JMatrix ori, JVector pos)
            Model  model       = null;
            Matrix scaleMatrix = Matrix.Identity;

            if (shape is TriangleMeshShape)
                model = models[(int)Models.triangle];
            else if (shape is BoxShape)
                model       = models[(int)];
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(Conversion.ToXNAVector((shape as BoxShape).Size));
            else if (shape is SphereShape)
                model       = models[(int)Models.sphere];
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale((shape as SphereShape).Radius);
            else if (shape is CylinderShape)
                model = models[(int)Models.cylinder];
                CylinderShape cs = shape as CylinderShape;
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(cs.Radius, cs.Height, cs.Radius);
            else if (shape is CapsuleShape)
                model = models[(int)Models.capsule];
            else if (shape is ConeShape)
                ConeShape cs = shape as ConeShape;
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(cs.Radius * 2.0f, cs.Height, cs.Radius * 2.0f);
                model       = models[(int)Models.cone];

            Matrix[] transforms = new Matrix[model.Bones.Count];

            foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes)
                foreach (BasicEffect effect in mesh.Effects)
                    effect.World = transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * scaleMatrix *Conversion.ToXNAMatrix(ori) *
        private void AddShapeToDrawList(Shape shape, JMatrix ori, JVector pos)
            Primitives3D.GeometricPrimitive primitive = null;
            Matrix scaleMatrix = Matrix.Identity;

            if (shape is BoxShape)
                primitive   = primitives[(int)];
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(Conversion.ToXNAVector((shape as BoxShape).Size));
            else if (shape is SphereShape)
                primitive   = primitives[(int)Primitives.sphere];
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale((shape as SphereShape).Radius);
            else if (shape is CylinderShape)
                primitive = primitives[(int)Primitives.cylinder];
                CylinderShape cs = shape as CylinderShape;
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(cs.Radius, cs.Height, cs.Radius);
            else if (shape is CapsuleShape)
                primitive = primitives[(int)Primitives.capsule];
                CapsuleShape cs = shape as CapsuleShape;
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(cs.Radius * 2, cs.Length, cs.Radius * 2);
            else if (shape is ConeShape)
                ConeShape cs = shape as ConeShape;
                scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(cs.Radius, cs.Height, cs.Radius);
                primitive   = primitives[(int)Primitives.cone];

            /*else if (shape is ConvexHullShape)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("convex");
             *  ConvexHullShape cs = shape as ConvexHullShape;
             *  //scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(cs.Radius, cs.Height, cs.Radius);
             *  //scaleMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(Conversion.ToXNAVector((shape as BoxShape).Size));
             *  primitive = primitives[(int)Primitives.convexHull];
             * }*/

            if (primitive != null)
                primitive.AddWorldMatrix(scaleMatrix * Conversion.ToXNAMatrix(ori) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(Conversion.ToXNAVector(pos)));
        public void TestProperties()
            CylinderShape b = new CylinderShape();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, b.Radius);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, b.Height);

            b.Height = 10;
            Assert.AreEqual(10, b.Height);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, b.Radius);

            b.Radius = 4;
            Assert.AreEqual(10, b.Height);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, b.Radius);
        protected override void OnInitializePhysics()
            // collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            CollisionConf = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            Dispatcher    = new CollisionDispatcher(CollisionConf);

            Broadphase = new AxisSweep3(new Vector3(-1000, -1000, -1000), new Vector3(1000, 1000, 1000));

            World         = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(Dispatcher, Broadphase, null, CollisionConf);
            World.Gravity = new Vector3(0, -10, 0);

            var groundShape = new BoxShape(30, 1, 30);
            var ground      = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(0, -5, 0), groundShape);

            ground.UserObject = "metal.wav";
            ground            = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(0, 0, 0) * Matrix.RotationZ((float)-Math.PI / 4), groundShape);
            ground.UserObject = "metal.wav";
            var groundShape2 = new BoxShape(5, 1, 30);

            ground            = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, Matrix.Translation(25, -3, 0), groundShape2);
            ground.UserObject = "metal.wav";

            var boxShape = new BoxShape(1, 0.5f, 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var box = LocalCreateRigidBody(1, Matrix.Translation(i * 1.5f, i * 3 + 10, i * 3), boxShape);
                box.UserObject = "metal.wav";

            var sphereShape = new SphereShape(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var sphere = LocalCreateRigidBody(1, Matrix.Translation(i, i * 3 + 20, 0), sphereShape);
                sphere.UserObject = "rubber.wav";

            var cylinderShape = new CylinderShape(0.5f, 1, 0.5f);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                var cylinder = LocalCreateRigidBody(1, Matrix.Translation(i, i * 3 + 20, 3), cylinderShape);
                cylinder.UserObject = "can.wav";

            ManifoldPoint.ContactAdded += ContactAdded;
Example #32
        public CharacterBase(int x, int y, Level level)
            : this()
            if (level != null)
                Level = level;

                Location = new Point2(x, y);

                Type = (CharacterType)level.Map.Planes[(int)Level.Planes.Objects][y, x];

                SetAxisLock(PhysicsServer.BodyAxis.AngularX, true);
                SetAxisLock(PhysicsServer.BodyAxis.AngularY, true);
                SetAxisLock(PhysicsServer.BodyAxis.AngularZ, true);

                MoveLockY = true;

                CollisionShape colShape = new CollisionShape();
                CylinderShape  cylShape = new CylinderShape();

                cylShape.Height = Level.CellSize;
                cylShape.Radius = Level.CellSize * 0.25f;

                colShape.Shape = cylShape;


                CollisionLayer = (uint)Level.CollisionLayers.Characters;
                CollisionMask  = (uint)(
                    Level.CollisionLayers.Characters |
                    Level.CollisionLayers.Static |
                    Level.CollisionLayers.Doors |
                    Level.CollisionLayers.Walls |
                    Level.CollisionLayers.Floor |
                    Level.CollisionLayers.Pickups |


                Transform tform = this.Transform;

                tform.origin = level.MapToWorld(x, y);

                this.Transform = tform;

Example #33
        private RigidBody CreateGear(float radius, Matrix transform)
            const float mass = 6.28f;

            var shape = new CompoundShape();
            var axle  = new CylinderShape(0.2f, 0.25f, 0.2f);
            var wheel = new CylinderShape(radius, 0.025f, radius);

            shape.AddChildShape(Matrix.Identity, axle);
            shape.AddChildShape(Matrix.Identity, wheel);

            RigidBody body = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, transform, shape);

            body.LinearFactor = Vector3.Zero;
Example #34
 public void HeightException()
     CylinderShape b = new CylinderShape(3, 7);
       b.Height = -4;
Example #35
        public void SerializationXml()
            var a = new CylinderShape(11, 22);

              // Serialize object.
              var stream = new MemoryStream();
              var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Shape));
              serializer.Serialize(stream, a);

              // Output generated xml. Can be manually checked in output window.
              stream.Position = 0;
              var xml = new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();
              Trace.WriteLine("Serialized Object:\n" + xml);

              // Deserialize object.
              stream.Position = 0;
              var deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Shape));
              var b = (CylinderShape)deserializer.Deserialize(stream);

              Assert.AreEqual(a.Radius, b.Radius);
              Assert.AreEqual(a.Height, b.Height);
        public ICylinderShapeImp AddCylinderShape(float3 halfExtents)
            var btCylinderShape = new CylinderShape(Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(halfExtents));

            var retval = new CylinderShapeImp();
            retval.BtCylinderShape = btCylinderShape;
            btCylinderShape.UserObject = retval;
            return retval;
Example #37
 public void RadiusException()
     CylinderShape b = new CylinderShape();
       b.Radius = -1;
        public ICylinderShapeImp AddCylinderShape(float halfExtentsX, float halfExtentsY, float halfExtentsZ)
            var btCylinderShape = new CylinderShape(halfExtentsX, halfExtentsY, halfExtentsZ);

            var retval = new CylinderShapeImp();
            retval.BtCylinderShape = btCylinderShape;
            btCylinderShape.UserObject = retval;
            return retval;
        /*private void MyTickCallBack(ManifoldPoint cp, CollisionObjectWrapper colobj0wrap, int partid0, int index0, CollisionObjectWrapper colobj1wrap, int partid1, int index1)
            int numManifolds = BtWorld.Dispatcher.NumManifolds;
            RigidBodyImp myRb;
            //Debug.WriteLine("numManifolds: " + numManifolds);
            for (int i = 0; i < numManifolds; i++)
                PersistentManifold contactManifold = BtWorld.Dispatcher.GetManifoldByIndexInternal(i);
                int numContacts = contactManifold.NumContacts;
                if (numContacts > 0)
                    CollisionObject obA = (CollisionObject) contactManifold.Body0;
                    CollisionObject obB = (CollisionObject) contactManifold.Body1;

                   // Debug.WriteLine(numContacts);
                    var pnA = obA.UserObject;

                    for (int j = 0; j < numContacts; j++)
                        ManifoldPoint pt = contactManifold.GetContactPoint(j);

        public IRigidBodyImp AddRigidBody(float mass, float3 worldTransform, float3 orientation, ICollisionShapeImp colShape/*, float3 intertia*/)
            // Use bullet to do what needs to be done:

             var btMatrix = Matrix.RotationX(orientation.x)
                                    * Matrix.RotationY(orientation.y)
                                    * Matrix.RotationZ(orientation.z)
                                    * Matrix.Translation(worldTransform.x, worldTransform.y, worldTransform.z);

             var btMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(btMatrix);

            var shapeType = colShape.GetType().ToString();

            CollisionShape btColShape;

            var isStatic = false;
            switch (shapeType)
                case "Fusee.Engine.BoxShapeImp":
                    var box = (BoxShapeImp) colShape;
                    var btBoxHalfExtents = Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(box.HalfExtents);
                    btColShape = new BoxShape(btBoxHalfExtents);
                case "Fusee.Engine.CapsuleShapeImp":
                    var capsule = (CapsuleShapeImp) colShape;
                    btColShape = new CapsuleShape(capsule.Radius, capsule.HalfHeight);
                case "Fusee.Engine.ConeShapeImp":
                    var cone = (ConeShapeImp) colShape;
                    btColShape = new ConeShape(cone.Radius, cone.Height);
                case "Fusee.Engine.CylinderShapeImp":
                    var cylinider = (CylinderShapeImp) colShape;
                    var btCylinderHalfExtents = Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(cylinider.HalfExtents);
                    btColShape = new CylinderShape(btCylinderHalfExtents);
                case "Fusee.Engine.MultiSphereShapeImp":
                    var multiSphere = (MultiSphereShapeImp) colShape;
                    var btPositions = new Vector3[multiSphere.SphereCount];
                    var btRadi = new float[multiSphere.SphereCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < multiSphere.SphereCount; i++)
                        var pos = Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(multiSphere.GetSpherePosition(i));
                        btPositions[i] = pos;
                        btRadi[i] = multiSphere.GetSphereRadius(i);
                    btColShape = new MultiSphereShape(btPositions, btRadi);
                case "Fusee.Engine.SphereShapeImp":
                    var sphere = (SphereShapeImp) colShape;
                    var btRadius = sphere.Radius;
                    btColShape = new SphereShape(btRadius);

                case "Fusee.Engine.CompoundShapeImp":
                    var compShape = (CompoundShapeImp) colShape;
                    btColShape = new CompoundShape(true);
                    btColShape = compShape.BtCompoundShape;
                case "Fusee.Engine.EmptyShapeImp":
                    btColShape = new EmptyShape();

                case "Fusee.Engine.ConvexHullShapeImp":
                    var convHull = (ConvexHullShapeImp) colShape;
                    var btPoints= new Vector3[convHull.GetNumPoints()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < convHull.GetNumPoints(); i++)
                        var point = convHull.GetScaledPoint(i);
                        btPoints[i] = Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(point);
                    btColShape = new ConvexHullShape(btPoints);
                    //btColShape.LocalScaling = new Vector3(3,3,3);
                case "Fusee.Engine.StaticPlaneShapeImp":
                    var staticPlane = (StaticPlaneShapeImp) colShape;
                    Debug.WriteLine("staticplane: " + staticPlane.Margin);
                    var btNormal = Translater.Float3ToBtVector3(staticPlane.PlaneNormal);
                    btColShape = new StaticPlaneShape(btNormal, staticPlane.PlaneConstant);
                    isStatic = true;
                    //btColShape.Margin = 0.04f;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("btColshape" + btColShape.Margin);
                case "Fusee.Engine.GImpactMeshShapeImp":
                    var gImpMesh = (GImpactMeshShapeImp)colShape;
                    var btGimp = new GImpactMeshShape(gImpMesh.BtGImpactMeshShape.MeshInterface);

                    btColShape = btGimp;

                    btColShape = new EmptyShape();

            var btLocalInertia = btColShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass);
               // btLocalInertia *= (10.0f*10);
            RigidBodyConstructionInfo btRbcInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, btMotionState, btColShape,

            var btRigidBody = new RigidBody(btRbcInfo);
            btRigidBody.Restitution = 0.2f;
            btRigidBody.Friction = 0.2f;
            btRigidBody.CollisionFlags = CollisionFlags.CustomMaterialCallback;

            var retval = new RigidBodyImp();
            retval._rbi = btRigidBody;
            btRigidBody.UserObject = retval;
            return retval;
Example #40
        public void TestProperties()
            CylinderShape b = new CylinderShape();
              Assert.AreEqual(0, b.Radius);
              Assert.AreEqual(0, b.Height);

              b.Height = 10;
              Assert.AreEqual(10, b.Height);
              Assert.AreEqual(0, b.Radius);

              b.Radius = 4;
              Assert.AreEqual(10, b.Height);
              Assert.AreEqual(4, b.Radius);
Example #41
        public void SerializationBinary()
            var a = new CylinderShape(11, 22);

              // Serialize object.
              var stream = new MemoryStream();
              var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
              formatter.Serialize(stream, a);

              // Deserialize object.
              stream.Position = 0;
              var deserializer = new BinaryFormatter();
              var b = (CylinderShape)deserializer.Deserialize(stream);

              Assert.AreEqual(a.Radius, b.Radius);
              Assert.AreEqual(a.Height, b.Height);