static void ConfigureLocalPlayer() { if (BaseAdress == 0) { BaseAdress = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwLocalPlayer); } }
public static Teams Team(int entB) { if (entB != 0) { if (CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_iTeamNum) == (int)Teams.ANTI_TERRORIST) { return(Teams.ANTI_TERRORIST); } else if (CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_iTeamNum) == (int)Teams.NONE) { return(Teams.NONE); } else if (CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_iTeamNum) == (int)Teams.SPECTATOR) { return(Teams.SPECTATOR); } else if (CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_iTeamNum) == (int)Teams.TERRORIST) { return(Teams.TERRORIST); } else { return(Teams.NONE); } } else { return(Teams.NONE); } }
public static void UpdateSkin() { if (CylMem.ReadInt(WeaponBase + m_iItemIDHigh) != -1) { CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_iItemIDHigh, -1); } }
public static void RunGlowESPPanorama(int EntBase) { int GlowIndex = CylMem.ReadInt(EntBase + m_iGlowIndex); if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.TERRORIST && CheatStatus.WallActive && CEntityPlayer.isAlive(EntBase) && ((CLocalPlayer.Team != CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) && VisualConfig.glowEnemyTeam) || (CLocalPlayer.Team == CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) && VisualConfig.glowLocalTeam))) //T { if (VisualConfig.selectedGlowColor == VisualColor.ENGINE) { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, VisualConfig.GlowEngineTerrorist, VisualConfig.selectedGlowStyle, VisualConfig.selectedGlowType); } else if (VisualConfig.selectedGlowColor == VisualColor.REDBLUE) { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, VisualConfig.GlowRed, VisualConfig.selectedGlowStyle, VisualConfig.selectedGlowType); } else if (VisualConfig.selectedGlowColor == VisualColor.HEALTH) { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, Parsers.ParseEnemyGlowHealth(CEntityPlayer.Health(EntBase)), VisualConfig.selectedGlowStyle, VisualConfig.selectedGlowType); } } if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.ANTI_TERRORIST && CheatStatus.WallActive && CEntityPlayer.isAlive(EntBase) && ((CLocalPlayer.Team != CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) && VisualConfig.glowEnemyTeam) || (CLocalPlayer.Team == CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) && VisualConfig.glowLocalTeam))) //AT { if (VisualConfig.selectedGlowColor == VisualColor.ENGINE) { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, VisualConfig.GlowEngineATerrorist, VisualConfig.selectedGlowStyle, VisualConfig.selectedGlowType); } else if (VisualConfig.selectedGlowColor == VisualColor.REDBLUE) { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, VisualConfig.GlowBlue, VisualConfig.selectedGlowStyle, VisualConfig.selectedGlowType); } else if (VisualConfig.selectedGlowColor == VisualColor.HEALTH) { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, Parsers.ParseEnemyGlowHealth(CEntityPlayer.Health(EntBase)), VisualConfig.selectedGlowStyle, VisualConfig.selectedGlowType); } } }
public static void MainThread() { if (Modules.IsModuleRunning(Modules.ClientDLLName)) { } while (true) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsPlaying) { for (int i = 0; i <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer; i++) { int EntBase = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + CoreCheat_Reborn.CheatClasses.Offsets.signatures.dwEntityList + i * 0x10); if (EntBase == 0) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDormant(EntBase)) { continue; } GlowESP.RunGlowESPLegit(EntBase, deadESP, GlowEngineTerrorist, GlowEngineATerrorist); Chams.RunChamsLegit(EntBase, chams, deadESP); EngineRadar.RunRadarLegit(EntBase, radar); } Thread.Sleep(1); } } }
public static void ConfigureClientState() { if (ClientStateBase == 0) { ClientStateBase = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.EngineDLLAdress + dwClientState); } }
public static bool IsScoped(int entB) { if (entB != 0) { if (CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_bIsScoped) == 1) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { if (CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_bIsScoped) == 1) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } }
public static Vector3 GetBonePos(int target, Enums.Bones bone) { int bMatrix = CylMem.ReadInt(target + Offsets.netvars.m_dwBoneMatrix); Vector3 vec = new Vector3(); vec.X = CylMem.ReadFloat(bMatrix + (0x30 * (int)bone) + 0xC); vec.Y = CylMem.ReadFloat(bMatrix + (0x30 * (int)bone) + 0x1C); vec.Z = CylMem.ReadFloat(bMatrix + (0x30 * (int)bone) + 0x2C); return(vec); }
public static int Health(int entB) { if (entB > 0) { return(CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_iHealth)); } else { return(-1); } }
public static int ArmorValue(int entB) { if (entB != 0) { return(CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_ArmorValue)); } else { return(CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_ArmorValue)); } }
public static string WeaponName(int entB) { if (entB != 0) { int ActiveWeapon = CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_hActiveWeapon) & 0xFFF; ActiveWeapon = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwEntityList + (ActiveWeapon - 1) * 0x10); short ActiveWeaponID = CylMem.ReadShort(ActiveWeapon + m_iItemDefinitionIndex); return(Managers.Parsers.ParseItemName(ActiveWeaponID)); } else { return(Managers.Parsers.ParseItemName(0)); } }
public static void RunNoSmokePanorama() { if (CheatStatus.NoSmokeActive) { for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) { int EntBase = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwEntityList + i * 0x10); if (EntBase == 0) { continue; } if (EngineClient.GetClassId(EntBase) == ClassID.CSmokeGrenadeProjectile) { CylMem.CWrite <Vector3>(EntBase + m_vecOrigin, new Vector3(999, 999, 999)); } } } }
public static void ChangeSkin(string CustomName, int PaintKit, EntityQuality EntityQuality, int StatTrack) { SkinStruct WeaponSkin = new SkinStruct { CustomName = CustomName, PaintKit = PaintKit, StatTrack = StatTrack, EntityQualityIndex = EntityQuality, Wear = 0.0001f, Seed = 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { WeaponBase = CylMem.ReadInt(CLocalPlayer.LocalPlayerBase + m_hMyWeapons + i * 0x4) & 0xFFF; WeaponBase = CylMem.ReadInt((int)Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwEntityList + (WeaponBase - 1) * 0x10); if (WeaponSkin.PaintKit != 0) { if (CylMem.ReadInt(WeaponBase + m_iItemIDHigh) != -1) { CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_iItemIDHigh, -1); } CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow, 0); CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh, 0); CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_nFallbackPaintKit, WeaponSkin.PaintKit); CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_nFallbackSeed, WeaponSkin.Seed); CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_nFallbackStatTrak, WeaponSkin.StatTrack); CylMem.WriteFloat(WeaponBase + m_flFallbackWear, WeaponSkin.Wear); CylMem.CWrite <char[]>(WeaponBase + m_szCustomName, WeaponSkin.CustomName.ToCharArray()); if (StatTrack >= 0) { CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_iEntityQuality, (int)WeaponSkin.EntityQualityIndex); } else { CylMem.WriteInt(WeaponBase + m_iEntityQuality, 0); } } } }
public static void ChangeViewAngles(Vector3 Angles, bool CanShoot) { //read pointers to commands buffer and clientstate CInput Input = CylMem.CRead2 <CInput>(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwInput); int ClientState = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.EngineDLLAdress + dwClientState); //stop sending packets EngineClient.SendPackets = false; int DesiredCmd = CylMem.ReadInt(ClientState + clientstate_last_outgoing_command); //read the last outgoing command DesiredCmd += 2; //+1 current one +2 incomming one //calculate addresses of Icomming cmd and current cmd + verified, 150 is the size of the commands buffer int IncommingUserCmd = Input.Commands + (DesiredCmd % 150) * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CUserCmd)); int CurrentUserCmd = Input.Commands + ((DesiredCmd - 1) % 150) * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CUserCmd)); int VerifiedCurrentUserCmd = Input.VerifiedCommands + ((DesiredCmd - 1) % 150) * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CVerifiedUserCmd)); int CmdNumber = 0; while (CmdNumber < DesiredCmd) //now we wait until is the right time to hit, dont sleep! the wait time is really short, in fact it doesnt consume cpu, +0x04 skips vft and reads the cmd number { CmdNumber = CylMem.ReadInt(IncommingUserCmd + 0x04); } CUserCmd CMD = CylMem.CRead2 <CUserCmd>(CurrentUserCmd); //we hack this one, read it CMD.ViewAngles.X = Angles.X; //set new view angles CMD.ViewAngles.Y = Angles.Y; if (CanShoot) //trigger shoot button if we set CanShoot to true { CMD.Buttons |= 1 << 0; } //when you are done write em back CylMem.CWrite <CUserCmd>(CurrentUserCmd, CMD); CylMem.CWrite <CUserCmd>(VerifiedCurrentUserCmd, CMD); //dont bother calculating crc (accualy you can do it to make vac happy and not get banned easilly lol) EngineClient.SendPackets = true; //restore sending packets }
public static void RunGlowESPLegit(int EntBase, bool Active, GlowStruct TColor, GlowStruct ATColor) { int GlowIndex = CylMem.ReadInt(EntBase + m_iGlowIndex); if (Active) { if (CLocalPlayer.isDead) { if (CLocalPlayer.Team != CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase)) { if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.TERRORIST && CEntityPlayer.isAlive(EntBase)) //T { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, TColor, GlowStyle.NORMAL, GlowType.NORMAL); } if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.ANTI_TERRORIST && CEntityPlayer.isAlive(EntBase)) //AT { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, ATColor, GlowStyle.NORMAL, GlowType.NORMAL); } } } } }
public static void RunChamsLegit(int EntBase, bool Active, bool dEspActive) { int GlowIndex = CylMem.ReadInt(EntBase + m_iGlowIndex); if (Active) { if (CLocalPlayer.Team != CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase)) { if (CLocalPlayer.isAlive || !dEspActive) { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, Parsers.ParseEnemyGlowHealth(CEntityPlayer.Health(EntBase)), GlowStyle.NORMAL, GlowType.FROZEN); } CEntityPlayer.ApplyChams(Parsers.ParseEnemyChamsHealth(CEntityPlayer.Health(EntBase)), 90, EntBase); } } else if (!Active) { if (CLocalPlayer.Team != CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase)) { CEntityPlayer.ClearChams(EntBase); } } }
public static void RunGlowESPOWALL(GlowStruct red, GlowStruct blue, bool Active) { for (int i = 0; i <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer; i++) { int EntBase = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwEntityList + i * 0x10); if (EntBase == 0) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDormant(EntBase)) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDead(EntBase)) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.NONE || CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.SPECTATOR) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.WeaponName(EntBase) == "NONE") { continue; } int GlowIndex = CylMem.ReadInt(EntBase + m_iGlowIndex); if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.TERRORIST && Active && CEntityPlayer.isAlive(EntBase)) //T { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, red, GlowStyle.NORMAL, GlowType.NORMAL); } if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.ANTI_TERRORIST && Active && CEntityPlayer.isAlive(EntBase)) //AT { CEntityPlayer.Glow(GlowIndex, blue, GlowStyle.NORMAL, GlowType.NORMAL); } } }
private static void MainThread() { Main m = Main.getInstance(); m.log("Main Thread Started"); m.log("A:" + aimbot.ToString()); AimBotController aimbotController = new AimBotController(); if (Modules.IsModuleRunning(Modules.ClientDLLName)) { while (true) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsPlaying) { #region Aimbot-Start if (aimbot) { aimbotController.setFrom(CLocalPlayer.Position); } #endregion #region PlayerLoop for (int i = 0; i <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer; i++) { #region Entity Cheats int EntBase = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwEntityList + i * 0x10); if (EntBase == 0) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDormant(EntBase)) { continue; } #region Aimbot-GetClosestPlayer int health = CEntityPlayer.Health(EntBase); Teams team = CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase); if (CheatStatus.AimbotActive && team != CLocalPlayer.Team && team != Teams.SPECTATOR && team != Teams.NONE && CEntityPlayer.isAlive(EntBase) && health > 0 && health <= 100 ) { aimbotController.closestEngine(EntBase, CEntityPlayer.Position(EntBase)); } #endregion #endregion } #region Aimbot-Target if (aimbot) { int target_aim_entbase = aimbotController.closestPlayerEntityBase; Vector3 target_aim_vector = aimbotController.closestPlayerVector; if (CEntityPlayer.isPlayerSpotted(target_aim_entbase) && Methods.HoldingKey(Keys.LButton)) { Vector3 raw = aimbotController.CalcAngle(target_aim_vector); Vector3 raw_unp = aimbotController.RemovePunch(raw); Vector3 target_angle = Parsers.ClampAngle(raw_unp); CLocalPlayer.ViewAngles = target_angle; //m.log( // String.Format("Closest Player x:{0} y:{1} z:{2} Distance : {3}", target_aim_vector.X, target_aim_vector.Y, target_aim_vector.Z,aimbotController.target_distance), // "Aimbot Closest" // ); //m.log( // String.Format("Angle x:{0} y:{1} z:{2} Distance : {3}", raw_unp.X, raw_unp.Y, raw_unp.Z, aimbotController.target_distance), // "Aimbot Closest" // ); } } #endregion #endregion } } } }
public static void RunTriggerBotPanorama() { if (CheatStatus.TriggerActive) { if (AssistsConfig.TriggerKey == KeysList.NOKEYS || (AssistsConfig.TriggerKey != KeysList.NOKEYS && Methods.HoldingKey(Parsers.KeyListToRealKey(AssistsConfig.TriggerKey)))) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsCloseRangeWeapon) { return; } if (CLocalPlayer.IsThrowableWeapon) { return; } else { int CrossEntity; if (CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwEntityList + (CLocalPlayer.CrossID - 1) * 0x10) == -1) { CrossEntity = 0; } else { CrossEntity = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwEntityList + (CLocalPlayer.CrossID - 1) * 0x10); } if (CrossEntity == 0) { return; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDormant(CrossEntity)) { return; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDead(CrossEntity)) { return; } if (CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) == Teams.NONE || CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) == Teams.SPECTATOR) { return; } if (CEntityPlayer.WeaponName(CrossEntity) == "NONE") { return; } if (AssistsConfig.isNoScope) { if (CLocalPlayer.CrossID > 0 && CLocalPlayer.CrossID <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer && ((CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) == CLocalPlayer.Team && AssistsConfig.isFriendlyFire) || (CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) != CLocalPlayer.Team))) { if (CEntityPlayer.isAlive(CrossEntity) && CLocalPlayer.CrossID >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsPistolWeapon) { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(new Random().Next(7, 20)); continue; } else if (AssistsConfig.isSprayRandom) { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(new Random().Next(7, 20)); } else { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(WeaponSettings.TriggerSprayTime); } } } } } else if (!CLocalPlayer.Scoped) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsScopedWeapon) { return; } else { if (CLocalPlayer.CrossID > 0 && CLocalPlayer.CrossID <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer && ((CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) == CLocalPlayer.Team && AssistsConfig.isFriendlyFire) || (CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) != CLocalPlayer.Team))) { if ((CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) != CLocalPlayer.Team) && CEntityPlayer.isAlive(CrossEntity) && CLocalPlayer.CrossID >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsPistolWeapon) { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(new Random().Next(7, 20)); continue; } else if (AssistsConfig.isSprayRandom) { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(new Random().Next(7, 20)); } else { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(WeaponSettings.TriggerSprayTime); } } } } } } else { if (CLocalPlayer.CrossID > 0 && CLocalPlayer.CrossID <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer) { if (CLocalPlayer.CrossID > 0 && CLocalPlayer.CrossID <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer && ((CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) == CLocalPlayer.Team && AssistsConfig.isFriendlyFire) || (CEntityPlayer.Team(CrossEntity) != CLocalPlayer.Team))) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsPistolWeapon) { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(new Random().Next(7, 20)); continue; } else if (AssistsConfig.isSprayRandom) { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(new Random().Next(7, 20)); } else { CLocalPlayer.ShootWithPointer(WeaponSettings.TriggerSprayTime); } } } } } } } } }
public static ClassID GetClassId(int EntBase) { return((ClassID)CylMem.ReadInt(CylMem.ReadInt(CylMem.ReadInt(CylMem.ReadInt(EntBase + 8) + 2 * 4) + 1) + 20)); }
private static void MainThread() { if (Modules.IsModuleRunning(Modules.ClientDLLName)) { AimBotController Aim = new AimBotController(); while (true) { if (CLocalPlayer.IsPlaying) { for (int i = 0; i <= EngineClient.MaxPlayer; i++) { int EntBase = CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + Offsets.signatures.dwEntityList + i * 0x10); if (EntBase == 0) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDormant(EntBase)) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.isDead(EntBase)) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.NONE || CEntityPlayer.Team(EntBase) == Teams.SPECTATOR) { continue; } if (CEntityPlayer.WeaponName(EntBase) == "NONE") { continue; } Aimbot.ConfigureAimbot(EntBase, Aim); GlowESP.RunGlowESPPanorama(EntBase); Chams.RunChamsPanorama(EntBase); EngineRadar.RunRadarPanorama(EntBase); } BunnyHop.RunBunnyHopPanorama(); AutoPistol.RunAutoPistolPanorama(); Triggerbot.RunTriggerBotPanorama(); NoFlash.RunNoFlashPanorama(); NoHands.RunNoHandsPanorama(); DamageIndicator.RunDamageIndicatorPanorama(); RemoveScope.RunRemoveScopePanorama(); ViewModelFOV.RunViewModelFOV(); RecoilControlSystem.RunRCSPanorama(); GrenadeTrajectory.RunGPRJPanorama(); NoSmoke.RunNoSmokePanorama(); Aimbot.RunAimbotPanorama(Aim); #region Performance Settings if (CheatPerf == PerformanceTimes.VHIGH) { } else { Thread.Sleep((int)CheatPerf); } #endregion } } } }
public static int GetEntity(int i) { return(CylMem.ReadInt(Modules.ClientDLLAdress + dwEntityList + i * 0x10)); }
private static int GetModelIndex(int entB) { return(CylMem.ReadInt(entB + m_nModelIndex)); }