Example #1
    // Add a text object
    // Optional parameter: CutsceneTextData - used to preload values in to the text object
    public void AddText(CutsceneTextData ctd)
        // instantiate a new text object from our prefab
        GameObject textGO = Instantiate(cutsceneTextObjectPrefab);

        textGO.name = "CutsceneText" + textCount;
        textGO.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

        // grab the rect transform and the text components for editing
        RectTransform rt   = textGO.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        Text          text = textGO.GetComponent <Text>();

        // make an object for our struct
        TextAndRectTransform tart = new TextAndRectTransform();

        // set up a new text with default information
        if (ctd == null)
            tart = ParseDataToText(textDefaults, text, rt);
        // if given text, set up the text from that data
            tart = ParseDataToText(ctd, text, rt);

        // set the text and the rect transform we're using
        text = tart.text;
        rt   = tart.rt;

        textCount++;              // add to our count of active texts

        allActiveTexts.Add(text); // add the text to our list
    // load any existing preset defaults
    void LoadFromJson()
        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            // Read the json from the file into a string
            string dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
            // Pass the json to JsonUtility, and tell it to create a GameData object from it
            CutsceneTextData loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson <CutsceneTextData>(dataAsJson);

            // Set parameters based on data from loadedData
            // check for default font
            if (!loadedData.font.Equals("Arial"))
                // attempt to find the font in Assets/Resources/Fonts
                    font = Resources.Load <Font>("Fonts/" + loadedData.font);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.LogError("Could not find font. Escaping CutsceneTextObject Init.\n" + e.Message);
                font = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font;

            // attempt to parse the enum for the TextAnchor
                anchor = (TextAnchor)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextAnchor), loadedData.textAnchor);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("TextAnchor string to enum parse failed. Escaping CutsceneTextObject Init.\n" + e.Message);

            // set up font size, hold time, and font color
            fontSize = loadedData.fontSize;
            holdTime = loadedData.holdTime;
            color    = new Color(loadedData.fontColor[0], loadedData.fontColor[1], loadedData.fontColor[2], loadedData.fontColor[3]);

            // set up the rect transform's default position and sizeDelta
            pos       = new Vector3(loadedData.position[0], loadedData.position[1], loadedData.position[2]);
            sizeDelta = new Vector2(loadedData.sizeDelta[0], loadedData.sizeDelta[1]);
        // These are the defaults set by Unity with the exception of holdTime, which we'll default to the default value of a float
            fontSize  = 14;
            color     = Color.black;
            anchor    = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            font      = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font;
            sizeDelta = new Vector2(160, 30);
            holdTime  = 0;
Example #3
 // grab the text defaults if they exist when CutsceneCreator is awoken
 void Awake()
     if (File.Exists(textDefaultFilePath))
         // Read the json from the file into a string
         string dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(textDefaultFilePath);
         // Pass the json to JsonUtility, and tell it to create a GameData object from it
         textDefaults = JsonUtility.FromJson <CutsceneTextData>(dataAsJson);
Example #4
    // Initialize this object given specific CutsceneTextData and the amount of time to delay typing each letter (the higher this value, the slower it types
    public void Init(CutsceneTextData ctd, float typeDelaySpeed)
        // check for default font
        if (!ctd.font.Equals("Arial"))
            // attempt to find the font in Assets/Resources/Fonts
                text.font = Resources.Load <Font>("Fonts/" + ctd.font);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Could not find font. Escaping CutsceneTextObject Init.\n" + e.Message);
            text.font = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font;

        text.text     = "";           // set the text to empty for now
        text.fontSize = ctd.fontSize; // set the font size

        // attemp to parse the enum for the TextAnchor
            text.alignment = (TextAnchor)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextAnchor), ctd.textAnchor);
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.LogError("TextAnchor string to enum parse failed. Escaping CutsceneTextObject Init.\n" + e.Message);

        text.color = new Color(ctd.fontColor[0], ctd.fontColor[1], ctd.fontColor[2], 0); // set the text color - set alpha to 0 so we can fade the text in
        maxAlpha   = ctd.fontColor[3];

        textToShow = ctd.textToShow;                                                                  // save the full text we're going to display in the end
        holdTime   = ctd.holdTime;                                                                    // save the hold time we'll wait before displaying the next text

        RectTransform rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>();                                 // grab the rect transform

        rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(ctd.position[0], ctd.position[1], ctd.position[2]); // set the position of the text in the scene
        rectTransform.sizeDelta     = new Vector2(ctd.sizeDelta[0], ctd.sizeDelta[1]);                // set the size of the text field in the scene

        if (cutsceneManager.typeText)
            TypeSentence(typeDelaySpeed);   // begin typing the sentence with the set typeDelaySpeed
            DisplayAndFade();       // display the entire sentence, but fade in the text
Example #5
    // Parses CutsceneTextData into the components for a Text object and a RectTransform, then returns them as a TextAndRectTransform struct object
    public TextAndRectTransform ParseDataToText(CutsceneTextData ctd, Text text, RectTransform rt)
        TextAndRectTransform tart = new TextAndRectTransform();

        text.text = ctd.textToShow; // fill in the text field

        // try to find and set the font
        // check for default font
        if (!ctd.font.Equals("Arial"))
                // search from Assets/Resouces/Fonts/
                text.font = Resources.Load <Font>("Fonts/" + ctd.font);
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Could not find font named " + ctd.font + ". Escaping CutsceneTextObject Init.\n" + e.Message);
            text.font = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font;

        text.fontSize = ctd.fontSize;   // set font size

        // attempt to set the text alignment
            text.alignment = (TextAnchor)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(TextAnchor), ctd.textAnchor);
        catch (System.Exception e)
            Debug.LogError("TextAnchor string to enum parse failed. Cannot parse " + ctd.textAnchor + ". Escaping CutsceneTextObject Init.\n" + e.Message);

        // set the color of the text
        text.color = new Color(ctd.fontColor[0], ctd.fontColor[1], ctd.fontColor[2], ctd.fontColor[3]);

        // set the position of the text and the size of the rectangle
        rt.localPosition = new Vector3(ctd.position[0], ctd.position[1], ctd.position[2]);
        rt.sizeDelta     = new Vector2(ctd.sizeDelta[0], ctd.sizeDelta[1]);

        // set the components of the TextAndRectTransform
        tart.text = text;
        tart.rt   = rt;

Example #6
 // Called by CutsceneCreatorTextEditorWindow
 // updates text data in our list or adds the data if it did not previously exist
 public void UpdateTextData(int index, CutsceneTextData ctd)
     // check if there is already data at the target index in the list
     if (currentTextDataList.Count > index && currentTextDataList[index] != null)
         currentTextDataList[index] = ctd;
         Debug.Log("Text " + index + "overridden");
         Debug.Log("Text " + index + " saved");
Example #7
    CutsceneCreator cutsceneCreator;    // the CutsceneCreator we are using

    // Initialize the window
    // requires a text we will edit and a CutsceneCreator we will manipulate the values of
    public void Init(Text textToEdit, CutsceneCreator cc)
        // set up and show the window
        CutsceneCreatorTextEditorWindow window = (CutsceneCreatorTextEditorWindow)GetWindow(typeof(CutsceneCreatorTextEditorWindow), true);


        text            = textToEdit;
        rt              = text.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        cutsceneCreator = cc;
        targetIndex     = text.transform.GetSiblingIndex(); // the index we target will be whatever the text's transform's index is in the hierarchy
        // check if there is text data in the CutsceneCreator already and if we're editing something existing rather than something new
        if (cutsceneCreator.currentTextDataList.Count > targetIndex && cutsceneCreator.currentTextDataList[targetIndex] != null)
                ctd      = cutsceneCreator.currentTextDataList[targetIndex];
                holdTime = ctd.holdTime;    // set the hold time
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Could not find textData of index " + targetIndex + ". Further details: " + e.Message);
        // otherwise, set up the defaults for a new text object and make a new data and add the window to the list
            // Call upon the CutsceneCreator's struct and method to set up the default parameters
            CutsceneCreator.TextAndRectTransform tart = new CutsceneCreator.TextAndRectTransform();

            tart = cc.ParseDataToText(cc.textDefaults, text, rt);

            // set the parameters for the objects this class is using via the struct in CutsceneCreator
            text = tart.text;
            rt   = tart.rt;

            // set up holdTime separately as this is not included in the CutsceneCreator's method
            holdTime = cc.textDefaults.holdTime;

            // add the new cutscene text data to the window
            ctd = new CutsceneTextData();
            cutsceneCreator.activeWindows.Add(targetIndex, this);
    void OnGUI()
        // set up fields to manipulate based on the defaults we want to set for new texts
        GUILayout.Label("Default Text Options", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        font     = (Font)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Font: ", font, typeof(Font), false);
        fontSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Size: ", fontSize);
        color    = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color: ", color);
        anchor   = (TextAnchor)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Alignment: ", anchor);

        pos       = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Position: ", pos);
        sizeDelta = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Width and Height: ", sizeDelta);

        holdTime = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("HoldTime: ", holdTime);

        // save the data
        if (GUILayout.Button("Save"))
            defaultTextOptions = new CutsceneTextData();

            defaultTextOptions.textToShow = "Enter your text here.";
            defaultTextOptions.fontSize   = fontSize;
            defaultTextOptions.holdTime   = holdTime;
            defaultTextOptions.font       = font.name;
            defaultTextOptions.textAnchor = anchor.ToString();
            defaultTextOptions.fontColor  = new float[] { color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a };
            defaultTextOptions.position   = new float[] { pos.x, pos.y, pos.z };
            defaultTextOptions.sizeDelta  = new float[] { sizeDelta.x, sizeDelta.y };


            cutsceneCreator.textDefaults = defaultTextOptions; // set the text defaults in the cutsceneCreator

            Close();                                           // close the window when we save