Example #1
 // Split the called node.  "this" object points to one node, return the new node created
 internal virtual Split_info splitnode(int fillfactor, Cut_info input_cut)
     return redistribute_node(fillfactor, input_cut);
Example #2
    // Partition.  	return partition_info, a new node R and a list of
    //         	MBRs in S
    internal virtual Partition_info partition(node N, int fillfactor)
        Partition_info result;
        Cut_info xsweep, ysweep;
        Cut_info select;
        CELL tmp, cur, cur_cell;

        result = new Partition_info();
        result.R.parent = N.parent;
        if (N.getlength() <= fillfactor)
            result.R.head = N.head;
            return result;
        xsweep = N.sweep('x', fillfactor);
        ysweep = N.sweep('y', fillfactor);

        cur = new CELL();
        select = new Cut_info();
        if (xsweep.cost == - 1 && ysweep.cost == - 1)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("ERROR : Cannot Split node!!");
        else if (xsweep.cost == - 1 || (xsweep.cost > ysweep.cost && ysweep.cost != - 1))
            select = ysweep;
            result.xy = 'y';
            select = xsweep;
            result.xy = 'x';

        //	create the new node R
        cur = select.S1.head;

        while (cur != null)
            cur_cell = new CELL(cur.current);

            //	find the child node
            tmp = N.head;
            if (tmp != null)
                while (tmp.current.mbr.low[0] != cur_cell.current.mbr.low[0] || tmp.current.mbr.low[1] != cur_cell.current.mbr.low[1] || tmp.current.mbr.high[0] != cur_cell.current.mbr.high[0] || tmp.current.mbr.high[1] != cur_cell.current.mbr.high[1])
                    tmp = tmp.next;

                cur_cell.child = tmp.child;
                cur_cell.current = tmp.current;

                //      insert into the node
                if (result.R.head != null)
                    result.R.head.prev = cur_cell;
                    cur_cell.next = result.R.head;
                result.R.head = cur_cell;
            cur = cur.next;

        //      create the list S
        cur = select.S2.head;
        while (cur != null)
            cur_cell = new CELL(cur.current);
            cur_cell.child = cur.child;
            cur = cur.next;
        if (result.xy == 'x')
            result.xcut = select.cut;
        else if (result.xy == 'y')
            result.ycut = select.cut;
        return result;
Example #3
    // Function called by to redistribute nodes in the list
    // by Nelson
    internal virtual Split_info redistribute_node(int ff, Cut_info cut)
        node tmp, tmp2;
        Split_info info, info2;
        MBR tmpmbr;
        CELL ptr;
        RECT R1, R2, ns1, ns2;
        RECT parent, par2;
        int check1, check2;

        info = new Split_info();
        parent = new RECT();
        if (this.parent != null)
            parent.low[0] = this.parent.current.mbr.low[0];
            parent.low[1] = this.parent.current.mbr.low[1];
            parent.high[0] = this.parent.current.mbr.high[0];
            parent.high[1] = this.parent.current.mbr.high[1];
            parent = this.getnodesize();
        par2 = this.getnodesize();
        tmp = new node();
        tmp2 = new node();
        tmp.parent = this.parent;
        tmp2.parent = this.parent;
        if (cut.dir == 'x')
            R1 = new RECT(parent.low[0], parent.low[1], cut.cut, parent.high[1]);
            R2 = new RECT(cut.cut, parent.low[1], parent.high[0], parent.high[1]);
            info.xcut = cut.cut;
            R1 = new RECT(parent.low[0], parent.low[1], parent.high[0], cut.cut);
            R2 = new RECT(parent.low[0], cut.cut, parent.high[0], parent.high[1]);
            info.ycut = cut.cut;

        ptr = this.head;
        while (ptr != null)
            check1 = ptr.current.check_overlap(R1);
            check2 = ptr.current.check_overlap(R2);

            if (check1 == 1 && check2 != 1)
                tmp.head.child = ptr.child;
                if (tmp.head.child != null)
                    tmp.head.child.parent = tmp.head;
            else if (check1 != 1 && check2 == 1)
                tmp2.head.child = ptr.child;
                if (tmp2.head.child != null)
                    tmp2.head.child.parent = tmp2.head;
                if (ptr.child != null)
                    info2 = ptr.child.splitnode(ff, cut);
                    tmp.head.child = ptr.child;
                    tmp.head.child.parent = tmp.head;

                    tmpmbr = new MBR(info2.mbr);
                    tmp2.head.child = info2.newnode;
                    tmp2.head.child.parent = tmp2.head;
                    tmp.head.child = ptr.child;
                    tmp.parent = this.parent;

                    tmp2.head.child = ptr.child;
                    tmp2.parent = this.parent;
            ptr = ptr.next;
        this.head = tmp.head;
        if (this.parent != null)
            this.parent.current.mbr = R1;
            info.cutxl = this.parent.current.cutxl;
            info.cutyl = this.parent.current.cutyl;
            info.cutxh = this.parent.current.cutxh;
            info.cutyh = this.parent.current.cutyh;
        info.mbr2 = R1;
        info.mbr = R2;
        info.newnode = tmp2;
        return info;
Example #4
    // Sweep the called node.  axis specifies
    // the axis for sweeping while ff specifies
    // the fill factor.
    internal virtual Cut_info sweep(char axis, int ff)
        float curr_cost, min_cost;
        float curr_cut, min_cut; ;
        node new_node1 = new node();
        node new_node2 = new node();
        int len1, len2;
        Cut_info i;
        RECT pmbr;

        pmbr = new RECT();
        if (this.parent != null)
            pmbr = this.parent.current.mbr;
            pmbr = this.getnodesize();
        min_cost = - 1f;
        min_cut = - 1f;

        // Split the cells, which are sorted in ascending order.
        curr_cut = split_cells(axis, 'a', ff, new_node1, new_node2);

        // Get the length of the two cell lists.
        len1 = new_node1.getlength();
        len2 = new_node2.getlength();

        if (len1 != 0)

            // Evaluate the cost.
            curr_cost = evaluate(axis, new_node1, new_node2, curr_cut, pmbr);

            if (min_cost < 0)
                min_cost = curr_cost;
                min_cut = curr_cut;
            else if (curr_cost < min_cost)
                min_cost = curr_cost;
                min_cut = curr_cut;

        i = new Cut_info(min_cost, min_cut, new_node1.head, new_node2.head);
        return (i);