public List <MyCutRebar> LinearOneSheetSize(string name, double fixedlength)//求线性规划方程组 { List <MyCutRebar> mycutRebar = new List <MyCutRebar>(); // First we create a new instance of the cut engine CutEngine Calculator = new CutEngine(); Calculator.AddLinearStock(fixedlength, 1000000); List <MyRebar> tempRebarList = SelectDiffKindRebar(name, fixedlength); foreach (MyRebar item in tempRebarList) { Calculator.AddLinearPart(item.Length, item.Quantity, item.CardNum); } string result = Calculator.ExecuteLinear(); if (result == "") { mycutRebar = OutputLinearResults_by_Layout(Calculator, name, tempRebarList.Min(a => a.Length)); } else { //Console.Write("%S\n", result); } return(mycutRebar); }
/// <summary> /// Cria a engine para realizar os calculos de corte /// </summary> /// <param name="tipoOtimizacao"></param> /// <returns></returns> private CutEngine ObterCortador(Glass.Data.Model.TipoOtimizacao tipoOtimizacao) { var cEngine = new CutEngine(); cEngine.Clear(); cEngine.SetUserID("02E859FF25700400-2921571184"); //Configs if (tipoOtimizacao == Glass.Data.Model.TipoOtimizacao.Aluminio) { //Define que o calculo podera usar mais tipos de layouts cEngine.UseLayoutMinimization = false; // cEngine.SetAutoCutDirection(); } return(cEngine); }
public List <MyCutRebar> OutputLinearResults_by_Layout(CutEngine aCalculator, string name, double shortestLength) { List <MyCutRebar> tempCutRebar = new List <MyCutRebar>(); string[] strTemp = new string[4]; int totalAmount = 0;//每组需要的数量 int StockIndex, StockCount, iPart, iLayout, partCount, partIndex, tmp, iStock; double partLength, X, StockLength, angleStart, angleEnd; bool rotated, StockActive; bool isAngle = aCalculator.CrossSection > 0; string ID = ""; //aCalculator.GetStockInfo(); // Iterate by each layout and output information about each layout, // such as number and length of used stocks and part indices cut from the stocks for (iLayout = 0; iLayout < aCalculator.LayoutCount; iLayout++)//6 { aCalculator.GetLayoutInfo(iLayout, out StockIndex, out StockCount); // StockIndex is global index of the first stock used in the layout iLayout // StockCount is quantity of stocks of the same length as StockIndex used for this layout if (StockCount > 0) { // sw.WriteLine("Layout={0}: Start Stock={1}; Count of Stock={2}", iLayout, StockIndex, StockCount); bool istrue = true; MyCutRebar cm = new MyCutRebar(); cm.totalNumber = aCalculator.UsedLinearStockCount; //获取总数 // Output information about each stock, such as stock Length for (iStock = StockIndex; iStock < StockIndex + StockCount; iStock++) //86 { if (aCalculator.GetLinearStockInfo(iStock, out StockLength, out StockActive, out ID)) { //sw.WriteLine("Stock={0}: Length={1}", iStock, StockLength); // Output the information about parts cut from this stock // First we get quantity of parts cut from the stock partCount = aCalculator.GetPartCountOnStock(iStock); // Iterate by parts and get indices of cut parts for (iPart = 0; iPart < partCount; iPart++)//3 { // Get global part index of iPart cut from the current stock partIndex = aCalculator.GetPartIndexOnStock(iStock, iPart); // Get length and location of the part // X - coordinate on the stock where the part beggins. if (isAngle) { aCalculator.GetResultLinearPart(partIndex, out tmp, out partLength, out angleStart, out angleEnd, out X, out rotated); // Output the part information Console.Write("Part= {0}: X={1}; Length={2}; AngleStart={3}; AngleEnd={4}{5}\n", partIndex, X, partLength, angleStart, angleEnd, LinearTurn(rotated)); } else { aCalculator.GetResultLinearPart(partIndex, out tmp, out partLength, out X, out ID); // Output the part information if (istrue) { //List<RebarsCharacter> rebarsCharacter = new List<RebarsCharacter>(); //Console.Write("Part= {0}: 截取的位置X={1}; 截取的长度Length={2}\n", partIndex, X, partLength); cm.NeedNumber = StockCount; cm.lenghtList.Add(partLength); cm.locationLength.Add(X); cm.cardNumList.Add(ID); = name; cm.FixedLength = StockLength; cm.ShortestLength = shortestLength; if (iPart == partCount - 1) { /**************添加钢筋断料组合中的特征(长度*数量*料牌号)*******************/ foreach (var v in cm.lenghtList.GroupBy(x => x).Select(x => new { length = x.Key, count = x.Count() })) { RebarCharacter rebarcharacter = new RebarCharacter(); rebarcharacter.Length = v.length; rebarcharacter.Count = v.count; rebarcharacter.CardNum = null; cm.rebarCharacter.Add(rebarcharacter); } /*********************************/ tempCutRebar.Add(cm); istrue = false; } } if (iLayout == aCalculator.LayoutCount - 1 && iStock == StockIndex + StockCount - 1) { totalAmount = iStock; } } } } } } } return(tempCutRebar); }
/// <summary> /// Gera os resultados da otimização /// </summary> /// <param name="cEngine"></param> /// <param name="dados"></param> /// <param name="otimizacao"></param> /// <param name="dicPecas"></param> private void ObterResultadoOtimizacaoLinear(CutEngine cEngine, int idProd, List <PecaOtimizada> pecas, Entidades.Otimizacao otimizacao) { var result = cEngine.GuillotineSheet(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result)) { throw new Exception(TrataErroOtimizacao(result)); } int stockNo, stockCount, iPart, partIndex, tmp; double stockLen, partCount, length, x; bool active; //Percorre os layout gerados for (int iLayout = 0; iLayout < cEngine.LayoutCount; iLayout++) { // Obtem as informações do layout cEngine.GetLayoutInfo(iLayout, out stockNo, out stockCount); cEngine.GetLinearStockInfo(stockNo, out stockLen, out active); var layout = SourceContext.Instance.Create <LayoutPecaOtimizada>(); layout.IdProd = idProd; layout.Qtde = stockCount; otimizacao.LayoutsOtimizacao.Add(layout); // Obtem a quantidade de peças desse layout partCount = cEngine.GetPartCountOnStock(stockNo); // Percorre as peças dentro do layout for (iPart = 0; iPart < partCount; iPart++) { partIndex = cEngine.GetPartIndexOnStock(stockNo, iPart); cEngine.GetResultLinearPart(partIndex, out tmp, out length, out x); var peca = pecas[partIndex]; peca.PosicaoX = (decimal)x; peca.Sobra = false; layout.PecasOtimizadas.Add(peca); } // Percorre as sobras partCount = cEngine.GetWastePartCountOnStock(stockNo); for (iPart = 0; iPart < partCount; iPart++) { partIndex = cEngine.GetWastePartIndexOnStock(stockNo, iPart); cEngine.GetRemainingLinearPart(partIndex, out tmp, out length, out x); var pecaSobra = SourceContext.Instance.Create <PecaOtimizada>(); pecaSobra.Sobra = true; pecaSobra.PosicaoX = (decimal)x; pecaSobra.Comprimento = (decimal)length; layout.PecasOtimizadas.Add(pecaSobra); } } }