public void Ensure_That_NotNull_Should_Not_Throw_ArgumentNullException_For_NotNull_Object() { var customerSample = new CustomerSample { Id = 1, FullName = "Bünyamin Aslan", AccountNumbers = new List <long> { 4073, 13, 4, 9, 36, 41, 44 }, Balance = 1000.01M }; var customerSampleList = new List <CustomerSample> { new CustomerSample { Id = 1, FullName = "Bünyamin Aslan", AccountNumbers = new List <long> { 4073, 13, 4, 9, 36, 41, 44 }, Balance = 1000.01M } }; Ensure.That("customerSampleList", customerSampleList).Is.NotNull().Value.Should().Equal(customerSampleList); }
public void Ensure_That_NotNull_Should_Throw_ArgumentNullException_For_Null_Object() { CustomerSample customerSample = null; Action act = () => Ensure.That("customerSample", customerSample).Is.NotNull(); act.Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>(); }
public void AddCustomerPhoneNumberShouldThrowArgumentException(string phonenumber) { // Arrange (Arranging artifacts I might need during testing) CustomerSample customer = new CustomerSample(); // Here, the act and assert are the same thing. Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => customer.AddPhoneNumber(phonenumber)); }