        public async Task <IActionResult> PostCustomer(CustomerPostDTO customerPostDTO)
            var customer = _mapper.Map <Customer>(customerPostDTO);
            await _customerService.InsertCustomer(customer);

        public async Task <ActionResult <CustomerResponseDTO> > CustomerInsert(CustomerPostDTO customerPostDTO)
            // Map customerPostDTO to repositories Customer entity
            var newCustomer = _mapper.Map <Customer>(customerPostDTO);

            // Apply audit changes to Customer entity
            newCustomer = Audit <Customer> .PerformAudit(newCustomer);

            // Insert new Customer into the respository
            newCustomer = await _customerRespository.Insert(newCustomer);

            // Map the Customer entity to DTO response object and return in body of response
            var customerResponseDTO = _mapper.Map <CustomerResponseDTO>(newCustomer);

            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(CustomerGetById), new { customerResponseDTO.CustomerId }, customerResponseDTO));