static void Main(string[] args) { var op = new CustomerOperations(); CustomerDTO c = new CustomerDTO() { ID = 4, Name = "XYZ", AddressLine1 = "0000", AddressLine2 = "0000" , State = "000000", City = "00000", SSNID = 444989944, DOB = DateTime.Now, Active = true }; long id = op.AddCustomer(c); //var a = op.DeleteCustomer(7); // AccountDTO acc = new AccountDTO() { Active = true, CustomerId = 8, Type = "Savimngs" }; // var Aop = new AccountOperations(); // var a = Aop.GetActiveAccounts(); //op.UpdateCustomer(c); //var Top = new TransactionOperations(); //Top.Deposit(3, 500,"Dep"); //Top.Withdraw(2, 500, "W"); //Top.Transfer(2,3,1000); // var x = Aop.GetAccountStatement(2,1); }
// GET: Customer public ActionResult Index() { CustomerOperations customerOperations = new CustomerOperations(); var customer = customerOperations.GetCustomerData(); return(View(customer)); }
public SbankenClient(string clientId, string clientSecret) { _connection = new Connection(clientId, clientSecret); Customers = new CustomerOperations(_connection); Bank = new BankOperations(_connection); }
public async Task FindWithIncludesTask() { // specify which navigation properties to include var customer = await CustomerOperations.Get(3, new[] { "CountryIdentifierNavigation", "ContactTypeIdentifierNavigation" }); Assert.IsTrue( customer.CountryIdentifierNavigation != null && customer.ContactTypeIdentifierNavigation != null); // get customer w/o any navigation properties customer = await CustomerOperations.Get(3); Assert.AreEqual(customer.CompanyName, "Antonio Moreno Taquería"); // get customer with all navigation properties customer = await CustomerOperations.GetWithAllNavigationProperties(3); Assert.IsTrue( customer.CountryIdentifierNavigation != null && customer.ContactTypeIdentifierNavigation != null & customer.Orders != null && customer.Contact != null); }
static void Delete(ApplicationDbContext context) { Customer customer = null; string email = string.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new(); bool goodInput = false; bool userFound = false; while (!userFound) { while (!goodInput) { Console.Write("Enter customer's to delete email address: "); sb.Append(Console.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower()); Regex regex = new(@"\w+\@\w+\.[A-z]+"); if (regex.IsMatch(sb.ToString())) { goodInput = true; email = sb.ToString(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Try again."); } sb.Clear(); } customer = CustomerOperations.FindCustomerByEmail(context, email); if (!(customer is null)) { userFound = true; }
public async Task SortCustomerByCompanyNameAscendingTask() { var customerItems = await CustomerOperations.CustomerSort("CompanyName"); Assert.AreEqual(customerItems.FirstOrDefault()?.CompanyName, "Alfreds Futterkiste", $"{TestContextInstance.TestName} failed"); }
public async Task SortCustomerByCompanyNameDescendingTask() { var customerItems = await CustomerOperations.CustomerSort("CompanyName", SortDirection.Descending); Assert.AreEqual(customerItems.FirstOrDefault()?.CompanyName, "Wolski Zajazd", $"{TestContextInstance.TestName} failed"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.CustomerId = 1; customer.CustomerFırstName = "ALI"; customer.CustomerLastName = "VELI"; customer.CustomerNıckName = "ALI-1"; customer.CustomerCıty = "ARTVIN"; customer.CustomerAge = 20; Customer customer1 = new Customer(); customer1.CustomerId = 2; customer1.CustomerFırstName = "AHMET"; customer1.CustomerLastName = "MEHMET"; customer1.CustomerNıckName = "AHMET-1"; customer1.CustomerCıty = "KARS"; customer1.CustomerAge = 38; Customer customer2 = new Customer(); customer.CustomerId = 3; customer.CustomerFırstName = "HASAN"; customer.CustomerLastName = "HUSEYIN"; customer.CustomerNıckName = "HASAN-1"; customer.CustomerCıty = "ANTALYA"; customer.CustomerAge = 16; Game game = new Game(); game.GameId = 111; game.GameName = "GAME-1"; game.GamePrice = 0; Game game1 = new Game(); game1.GameId = 222; game1.GameName = "GAME-2"; game1.GamePrice = 1; Game game2 = new Game(); game2.GameId = 333; game2.GameName = "GAME-3"; game2.GamePrice = 2; CustomerOperations customerOperations = new CustomerOperations(); customerOperations.CustomerAdd(customer); customerOperations.CustomerDelete(customer1); customerOperations.CustomerUpdate(customer2); GameOperations gameOperatıons = new GameOperations(); gameOperatıons.GameAdd(game); gameOperatıons.GameDelete(game1); gameOperatıons.GameUpdate(game2); }
private async void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { _customerView = new BindingListView <CustomerItem>(await CustomerOperations.DemonstrationCustomOrdering()); dataGridView1.DataSource = _customerView; // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException dataGridView1.Columns["CustomerIdentifier"].Visible = false; dataGridView1.ExpandColumns("Name"); }
public CustomerViewModelSecond() { customerOperationsObj = new CustomerOperations(); LoadData(); addCustomerCommand = new CustomerCommands(Add); searchCustomerCommand = new CustomerCommands(Search); updateCustomerCommand = new CustomerCommands(Update); CurrentCustomer = new Customer(); }
public async Task GenericCustomerFindWithIncludesTask() { var customer = await CustomerOperations.GenericRepositoryFindWithIncludesAsync(3); Assert.IsFalse(customer.CountryIdentifierNavigation == null); Assert.IsFalse(customer.ContactTypeIdentifierNavigation == null); Assert.IsFalse(customer.Contact == null); Assert.IsFalse(customer.Orders == null); }
/* Render */ public ActionResult Index() { Account account = base.GetLoginAccount(false); if (account == null || !CustomerOperations.CanRender(account)) { return(base.ToLoginPage()); } return(View()); }
//Method to update customer public bool UpdateCustomer(Customer cobj) { bool result = false; if (Validate(cobj)) { CustomerOperations co = new CustomerOperations(); result = co.UpdateCustomer(cobj); } return(result); }
public async Task Fetch_RanToCompletion() { var ops = new CustomerOperations(); var resultTask = ops.FetchTopCustomers(); var customers = await resultTask; Assert.AreEqual(resultTask.Status, TaskStatus.RanToCompletion); Assert.IsNull(resultTask.Exception); Assert.IsTrue(customers.All(c => c.Region != CustomerOperations.ProtectedRegion)); }
public Customer SearchCustomer_BLL(int customerID) { try { CustomerOperations pd = new CustomerOperations(); return(pd.SearchCustomer_DAL(customerID)); } catch (TaxiExceptions) { throw; } }
public DataTable DisplayCustomer_BLL() { try { CustomerOperations pd = new CustomerOperations(); return(pd.DisplayCustomer_DAL()); } catch (TaxiExceptions) { throw; } }
public bool DeleteCustomer_BLL(int customerID) { try { CustomerOperations pd = new CustomerOperations(); return(pd.DeleteCustomer_DAL(customerID)); } catch (TaxiExceptions) { throw; } }
public bool UpdateCustomer_BLL(Customer pobj) { try { CustomerOperations co = new CustomerOperations(); return(co.UpdateCustomer_DAL(pobj)); } catch (TaxiExceptions) { throw; } }
public int AddCustomer_BLL(Customer pobj, Users users) { try { CustomerOperations pd = new CustomerOperations(); return(pd.AddCustomer_DAL(pobj, users)); } catch (TaxiExceptions) { throw; } }
private void ReloadAllCustomers() { var customerOperations = new CustomerOperations(); try { AllCustomers = new ObservableCollection <CustomerProxy>(customerOperations.GetAllCustomers().Result); } catch (Exception ex) { // log } }
public static async Task Main() { var ops = new CustomerOperations(); var resultTask = ops.FetchTopCustomers(); var customers = await resultTask; foreach (var customer in customers) { Logger.Log($"{customer.Name} ({customer.Region}): {customer.TotalOrders:N0}"); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void InsertShouldInsertNewRecord() { var northwindEntities = new NorthwindEntities(); var customerId = "AAAAA"; CustomerOperations.Insert(northwindEntities, customerId, "Test company"); var customer = CustomerOperations.FindById(northwindEntities, customerId); CustomerOperations.Delete(northwindEntities, customerId); Assert.AreEqual(customer.CustomerID, customerId); }
public async Task AttachRangeTask() { var topFiveCustomers = await CustomerOperations.SelectTopFiveCustomersAsync(); for (int index = 0; index < topFiveCustomers.Count; index++) { topFiveCustomers[index].CompanyName += "1"; } var success = CustomerOperations.AttachCustomersRange(topFiveCustomers); Assert.IsTrue(success); }
public ActionResult CheckInConfirmed(int id) { CurrentDateTime curr = new CurrentDateTime(); curr.time = System.DateTime.Now; Reservation reservation = db.Reservations.Find(id); int customerId = (int)Session["customer"]; Customer customer = db.Customers.Find(customerId); var checkedIn = CustomerOperations.CheckIn(ref customer, ref reservation, curr.time); if(checkedIn) db.SaveChanges(); //TODO: else return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
public ActionResult SavedFreelancers(int?idfromview) //Hämtar sparade frilansare för en customer och skickar tillbaka en lista med dessa { if (idfromview == null) { idfromview = 5; } int?id = idfromview; //Hårdkodad customer - inte länge Johan //Sara CustomerOperations co = new CustomerOperations(); ViewBag.customer = co.GetCustomerById(id); return(View(co.GetSavedFreelancersList(id))); }
public ActionResult ListCustomers(int draw, int start, int length, int managementid, int technicianid, int active) { using (var context = new DataContext()) { try { Account account = base.GetLoginAccount(); IQueryable <Customer> query = CustomerOperations.TryList(account, context).Where(c => == active); // Handle filtering if (managementid != Account.ACCOUNT_ANY) { query = query.Where(c => c.managementid == managementid); } if (technicianid != Account.ACCOUNT_ANY) { query = query.Where(c => c.technicianid == technicianid); } // Possibly apply filter var searchstring = Request["search[value]"]; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchstring)) { query = query.Where(c => || c.orgnumber.Contains(searchstring) || c.address.Contains(searchstring)); } int recordsFiltered = query.Count(); // Execute query IList <Customer> dbms = query.OrderBy(c =>; int recordsTotal = context.Customers.Count(); // Compose view models IList <UICustomer_List> uims = new List <UICustomer_List>(dbms.Count); foreach (Customer dbm in dbms) { uims.Add(new UICustomer_List(dbm)); } return(Json(new { draw = draw, recordsTotal = recordsTotal, recordsFiltered = recordsFiltered, data = uims })); } catch (Exception e) { base.HandleException("ListCustomers", e); return(null); } } }
public void UpdateShouldChangeTheData() { var northwindEntities = new NorthwindEntities(); var customerId = "AAAAA"; CustomerOperations.Insert(northwindEntities, customerId, "Test company"); CustomerOperations.Update(northwindEntities, customerId, "Updated name"); var customer = CustomerOperations.FindById(northwindEntities, customerId); CustomerOperations.Delete(northwindEntities, customerId); Assert.AreEqual(customer.CustomerID, customerId); }
private void ExportByCountryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var country = ((Countries)CountryComboBox.SelectedItem); if (country.CountryIdentifier == -1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a country"); return; } else { var excluded = CustomerOperations.ToFile(_customerItems, country.Name); MessageBox.Show(excluded.ToString()); } }
private async void CustomersTestForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CountryComboBox.DataSource = await CountryOperations.CountriesWithSelectAsync(); _customerItems = await CustomerOperations.GetCustomersAsync(); ExportByCountryButton.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Failed to load data\n{ex.Message}"); } }
public static async Task Main() { try { var operations = new CustomerOperations(); var discount = await operations.AverageDiscount(); Logger.Log($"Discount: {discount}"); } catch (DivideByZeroException) { Console.WriteLine("Caught a divide by zero"); } Console.ReadLine(); }