Example #1
        public ActionResult delete_file(Int32 customerId = 0, Int32 productId = 0, string returnUrl = "")
            // Get the current domain
            Domain currentDomain = Tools.GetCurrentDomain();
            ViewBag.CurrentDomain = currentDomain;

            // Get query parameters
            ViewBag.QueryParams = new QueryParams(returnUrl);

            // Check if the administrator is authorized
            if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(new string[] { "Administrator" }) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
            else if (Administrator.IsAuthorized(Administrator.GetAllAdminRoles()) == true)
                ViewBag.AdminSession = true;
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = 1;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");
                // Redirect the user to the start page
                return RedirectToAction("index", "admin_login");

            // Create an error code variable
            Int32 errorCode = 0;

            // Delete the customer file and all the connected posts (CASCADE)
            errorCode = CustomerFile.DeleteOnId(customerId, productId);

            // Check if there is an error
            if (errorCode != 0)
                ViewBag.AdminErrorCode = errorCode;
                ViewBag.TranslatedTexts = StaticText.GetAll(currentDomain.back_end_language, "id", "ASC");
                return View("index");

            // Redirect the user to the list
            return Redirect("/admin_customers" + returnUrl);

        } // End of the delete_file method